
Chapter 77 Wilton

"Mr. Cheng, I think you need to give me an explanation."

Whether it is fear or fear, it is just a program for robots. Since it is a program, there is naturally a means of removal.

When Dongjiacun's mecha was taken back, and fear and fear no longer derived, this emotion was naturally suppressed by the leader's robot.

The robot is reassembling in the woods, while Cheng Xi and his son and Li Xin are in the middle of the robot group. A robot of about two meters stands in front of them. Although it is a humanoid, Cheng Xi is sure that there has never been a model of this robot in the data he has seen.

What's more surprising is that it was the robot in front of him who asked Cheng Xi.

There was no surprised expression on Xi's face, not only Cheng Xi, but also Cheng Xudong and Li Xin beside him.

After being captured last time, Cheng Xudong proposed to see the robot leader. Originally, Cheng Xi and Li Xin thought that Cheng Xudong would definitely be attacked by the robot, or the robot ignored Cheng Xudong's request, but they didn't expect that the robot really had a leader, and these robots also brought them to the head. In front of the collar.

What Cheng Xi didn't expect was that the leader of the robot could speak human language, and the organization was quite clear. However, after so many days of getting along, they have been surprised for a long time.

"I don't know what Mr. Wilton wants me to explain?"

Every time he talks to the robot and calls the other party Mr., Cheng Xi feels very strange, but the robot's own choice, and Cheng Xi has to give in under the strong pressure of the robot.

"Hmm!" Wilton is a robot with no expression on his face, but this cold hum pops out of his electronic synthesis voice is even more frightening. "Mr. Cheng Xi, I don't think you will understand what I want to know with your wisdom!"

Listening to Wilton's cold electronic sound and feeling his anger, Cheng Xi has seen Wilton's emotions many times in so many days, but his face can't help but change a little.

At the request of Cheng Xudong, Cheng Xi promised to help robots attack Dongjia Village, but Cheng Xi still has a certain resistance. After all, he is still a human. He has also fantasized that one day, human beings can regain dominance of the mainstream society, and robots will become human tools again.

But looking at Wilton, who has almost everything like human beings except for no expression, suddenly flashed a trace of despair in Cheng Xi's heart.

Can human beings really turn over?

Robots have wisdom and emotions, but they still respect absolute obedience to high-ranking people. This can be understood only by watching robots launch suicide attacks without hesitation under his advice.

And what about human beings, are they obedient? Just look at yourself and Cheng Xudong and you already know the result.

"Mr. Cheng Xi..." Wilton didn't know what Cheng Xi was thinking, but he was impatient to wait.

"I think what Mr. Wilton wants to know is the mecha similar to SD56 and SD57 behind Dongjia Village!"

Wilton's metal head moved up and down twice, "Yes, the mecha of these two models do not exist in the information provided to us by Mr. Cheng. I think Mr. Cheng should give us an explanation."

"Explanation!" Cheng Xi said with a wry smile, "I also want to explain it to you, but I don't know at all. I also want to know what's going on!"

Cheng Xi was quite unhappy. If it weren't for his son, he would never cooperate with robots. Even if he really wanted to be the leader of Dongjia Village, he would never want to get it in this way. Thinking of this, Cheng Xi couldn't help looking at Cheng Xudong beside him.

Cheng Xudong didn't know what he was thinking. Since he said that he wanted to see the leader of the robot when he was captured by the robot, and later persuaded Cheng Xi to help him realize his ideas, he has never spoken again.

After listening to Cheng Xi's explanation, Wilton stared at Cheng Xi's eyes tightly, and the pupils in his electronic eyes kept shrinking. After a long time, Wilton opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Cheng Xi, do you think you can believe what you said in my position?"

After a short pause and waiting for Cheng Xi to explain, Wilton continued, "Mr. Ju Chengxi, the information you gave, it has only been a month since you left the village. Is it possible that these two new mecha were produced in this month?"

"Damn, is this really a robot?" Cheng Xi cursed fiercely in his heart.

The expression on Xi's face has not changed, and he still has a wry smile: "Although I feel as incredible as your Excellency, we can only draw such a conclusion at present."

Humans will judge the truth in a word through subjective emotions, but robots will not. Although they have emotions, they will still judge by procedures.

Obviously, he couldn't get anything if he asked any more. Wilton was silent, and a light flashed from time to time in his electronic eyes.

Although he didn't know the name of the village in front of him, Wilton knew that the village had the most powerful force in the forest. Before Wilton's wisdom evolved and did not get the supreme command of the forest, the robot had attacked the village in front of him many times, but every time it was defeated. However, even one of the other party's mecha could not be killed many times.

And this time, they haven't started to attack yet. They have won six mechas with good luck.

Although the current attack has suffered greater losses from low-level robots, it has also achieved good results in destroying nine mecha, which was simply unimaginable in the past.

All the conditions have been added to the program. The program is running crazily. Wilton's function is very powerful. While the program is running, he also has time to look at the changes in Chengxi's face.

Cheng Xi just waited quietly. The bitter smile on his face had long disappeared, and now his face is very calm.

It took a long time for Wilton's program to finally be calculated.

"Mr. Cheng, I think I should be able to trust you and hope you can do your best in the next battle."

"I will."

Hearing Wilton's words, Cheng Xi couldn't help but feel relieved. He was not worried about his safety, but worried about his son Cheng Xudong.

Wilton left with the robot, and Cheng Xi and the other three sat down in place.

Li Xin looked at Cheng Xi. The muscles on his face kept beating, and his mouth opened several times and closed again.

"If you want to say something, just say it!" Looking at the expression on Li Xin's face, Cheng Xi sighed and said.

"Brother Cheng, do you really want to help the robot attack the village?"

Li Xin just finished speaking and couldn't help exhaling. This question has been held in his heart for too long.

Although he has no feelings for Dongjiacun, after all, it is the place where he has lived for more than ten years. He knows almost everyone in it. Thinking that a large part of these people will die in the war he instigation, Li Xin is still very uncomfortable.

"I don't want to, but I can't help it!" Cheng Xi's voice was a little lonely. While speaking, he took a look at Cheng Xudong, who was silent next to him.

"But..." Li Xin wanted to speak and stopped. He was not a person who was good at words. At this time, he didn't know how to express what he meant in his heart.

Cheng Xi's face showed a wry smile again.

After a long time, Cheng Xi sighed and said, "In theory, as long as we surrender, the robot will not hurt us anymore, but Xudong has told them to help them attack the village, and it has also aroused the interest of the robots. I don't know if anything happens if I don't agree, but I dare not gamble, and I can't afford it either."

Hearing this, Li Xin took a look at Cheng Xudong. Although Cheng Xudong was Cheng Xi's son, Li Xin did not hide his resentment at all.

After all, he is still a human. Cheng Xi helped the robots attack the village, so Cheng Xi became the public enemy of mankind. Although Li Xin doesn't care much, as a subordinate loyal to Cheng Xi, he doesn't want to see Cheng Xi face such a result.

"Brother Cheng, no matter what happens in the end, I will always be by your side!" Staring at Cheng Xudong for a while, Li Xin turned around and said to Cheng Xi.

It's useless to say more. Li Xin knew that there was no way to persuade Cheng Xi to change his decision at all, and he could only express his determination to Cheng Xi.

"Thank you!" Although Li Xin's words were not much, Cheng Xi was very moved.

"This is what I should do."

Li Xin just took a short sentence and fell silent again, but the confusion in Li Xin's eyes also disappeared cleanly, and his eyes became firm again.


"What do you think of the morning battle?"

In Dongjia Village, at the East Gate, a small room was cleaned up and turned into a temporary command post. Dong Ming, Huang Chi, Zhong Xi and the heads of the North Gate are all in the small room at this moment.

Zhong Xi did not speak. He had hardly experienced the siege of robots before he came to Dongjia Village. He had no say in such a war and did not know how to answer it.

The person in charge of the North Gate also did not say anything. Among the four, his status is the lowest. Although the relationship between everyone in Dongjia Village is relatively harmonious and does not value their status too much, Dong Ming and Huang Chi are absolutely the exceptions. Even if he thinks of something, he dares not speak easily.

"General!" After a long silence, Huang Chi finally broke the silence. "I can't say more. I just feel that we are not well prepared, and the morning battle was also very aggrieved. If we hadn't produced a new mecha, we might have lost it now."

Dong Ming nodded gently, but he did not answer, but looked at Zhong Xi and said, "Captain Zhong, before you came to the village, you also had dealt with robots more than once. Do you think there is anything wrong with it?"


Arrive on time, brothers and sisters, get the tickets!!