
Chapter 78 Mutant Polypod

"Although my former village was broken by robots, I was not in the village at that time, so I didn't know much about the way the robots attack the city..." Zhong Xi's voice was as calm and powerful as ever.

Dong Ming nodded and looked at the person in charge of the North Gate.

The name of the person in charge of the North Gate is Kong Rong. It turned out that he was the captain guarding the East Gate. Two days ago, the robot besieged the city. He sent Wang Di to inform Dong Ming. At such a nervous time, he still remembered that Wang Di had to find a small place to report the situation to Dong Ming. Although the final news was still not covered up, Dong Ming saw it. He was extraordinary, so when the war broke out, he was the head of the North Gate.

"I... I think the way the robot attacked this time... is very strange." Kong Rong's words were very slow, and he swallowed two mouthfuls from time to time in the process of speaking.

In the past, when Cheng Xi was still alive, Dong Ming almost didn't deal directly with the people in the village, so Kong Rong couldn't help but be a little nervous in front of Dong Ming.

"Well, that's good, so what do you think is strange?" Dong Ming encouraged with a smile.

Dong Ming's smile was very gentle, and he was also very satisfied with Kong Rong's performance. Unexpectedly, he found another talent in this battle. The key is that Kong Rong is also very young, only 34 years old, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

"First of all, a long-range attack. In the past, when robots siege the city, they would use a large number of long-range weapons, and then move forward quickly under the cover of long-range weapons, but this time they are the opposite. All robots are lined up in a square array, using the way of slowly advancing to cause us psychological pressure, causing our soldiers to waste a lot of energy. Measure.

Encouraged by Dong Ming, Kong Rong's voice is much calmer and clearer.

"Well, go on." Although he frowned, Dong Ming did not forget to continue to encourage Kong Rong.

I took a deep breath and sorted out the language in my stomach. With Dong Ming's encouragement, Kong Rong continued to say, "Then there is their prediction, which was not before. In the past, the robot siege seemed to be just two moves, charging remotely, and this time..."

Kong Rong seemed to think of something bad. He frowned gently and paused for a while before saying, "This time, they seem to be calculating our actions, and our movements seem to have really fallen into their calculations. Almost every mecha attack, they seem to have expected it for a long time. The energy gun is already waiting there.

With Kong Rong's analysis, everyone's expressions were very solemn.

"There are also suicide attacks by robots, which were impossible in the past, unless..."

"Unless a senior robot is involved this time, and he is also a leader with absolute power." Dong Ming involuntarily picked up.

Huang Chi showed an unbelievable look. It is a high-level robot with absolute power, which is one of the top ten numbers and has no energy production. After fighting with robots for so many years, he has only heard of it, but he has never seen it. Is a small village worth sending such a high-level robot? Question mark

Zhong Xi showed a suddenly enlightened expression, "That's why I have seen an SD24 issuing suicide attack orders against robots."

SD24? Impossible." Dong Ming shook his head gently, but he didn't have time to dwell on this issue. The purpose of holding the meeting now is not to discuss what type of robot will make the robot obey the suicidal order. They now need to find out the reason and how to deal with it.

"Kong Rong, according to your analysis, what do you think is the reason why robots have changed their combat methods? Is it because of the existence of a leader?"

"I have only heard that advanced robots have extremely high intelligence, but we have never seen advanced robots, so there is no way to judge them." Failing to help Dong Ming, Kong Rong's tone was also a little bleak.

However, Kong Rong quickly raised his head and looked at Dong Ming and said hesitantly, "Compared with advanced robots, I always feel that this robot seems to be very familiar with our way of fighting."


For a long time, Dong Ming always felt that there was something wrong. After Kong Rong's reminder, he finally understood what Kong Rong said was familiar.

Robots are good at calculation, but calculation also requires conditions, such as the habits of each commander, and the robot does not know his information at all, so how does the robot judge?

Especially the time of the two mecha attacks, which are not the time when the mecha must go monks. The reason for making such a decision is Dong Ming's personal command habit, but both of them hit the muzzle of the robot.

It can't be a coincidence!

Dong Ming shook his head slowly, and his mood became heavier and heavier.

If no changes can be made, the subsequent defense will become more and more difficult.


"Master, what do you think?" Duan Peng asked nervously.

Although the war outside is going on, the work of the repair shop has not stopped, especially Dong Ming, who is not allowed these mecha masters to appear in dangerous positions at all, so they have nothing else to do but stay in the repair shop.

"Is this still a mecha?" Liu Bing didn't notice Duan Peng's question at all, but stared at the mecha in front of him and muttered to himself.

is another new mecha, which is snake-shaped.

In the past two days, after listening to Duan Peng's advice, the repair shop has been producing snake-shaped armor parts, and finally produced all the parts this morning.

So early in the morning, people couldn't wait to assemble the snake-shaped robot, but after the assembly, people did not see a snake-shaped shadow from the new mecha, and the whole mecha looked more like a huge mutant multi-legged worm.

The upper body of the mecha is more than six meters high, two meters higher than the old mecha used by Dongjiacun, but the strong place of the mecha is not his height, but the energy cannons on the mecha that look like mecha hands and feet, with as many as 16 guns.

These 16 energy cannons are not completely fixed. They can rotate in any direction in the hemisphere, which means that the mecha energy cannon has no attack dead angle.

Of course, it's said twice after getting close, but can you get close?

Liu Bing's eyes slid down the body of the mecha again.

The reason why the mecha looks like a mutant multi-legged worm is that the lower body of this new mecha is not as full of feet as the real multi-legged worm. A 20-meter-long adult with a thick tail is coiled under the upper body raised by the mecha.

The tail looks particularly gorgeous and is covered with fine scales. Of course, these scales are not for decoration.

Because mecha is a mechanical product after all, it can't move like a real snake, so there is a substitute for scales. In addition to moving, these scales also have other functions to stabilize the body. The shape of the mecha is really too big, and there are more than six meters of upper body that will be lifted without external force. Stability is something that can't be done.

At that time, Liu Bing argued with Duan Peng for a long time for this tail. There were too many materials needed. Even if the finished product had been made now, Liu Bing's heart was still throb.

It's too luxurious! It's really extravagant!

These materials for making tails can produce three King Kong. With the upper body, that is four King Kong, and this guy knows that he must be a big energy man just by looking at his appearance. Will Dong Ming make this guy move? Liu Bing can't help howling in his heart.

"Master!" Duan Peng shouted again.

Liu Bing still has no reaction.

Looking at Liu Bing, Duan Peng had a headache.

Although Liu Bing agreed to the production of mecha, Liu Bing has become like this since the production of mecha. He always muttered to himself when he looked at the production line. Now that the mecha has been assembled, Liu Bing has completely lost his mind. It seems that Liu Bing is sick and getting worse day by day.

"Master, if you can't stand it, go home and rest first!" Duan Peng got closer and whispered his opinions.

Maybe Duan Peng blocked Liu Bing's sight. Liu Bing finally came to his senses. He first bypassed Duan Peng and looked at the mecha, and then turned around and asked, "What's the matter, Xiaopeng, are you looking for me?"

"Master, are you all right!" Duan Peng was speechless.

"What can I do? Although I'm a little old, I'm in good spirits." With that, Liu Bing also stared at Duan Peng twice.

Uh, well, Duan Peng admitted that he was blind. Liu Bing really had nothing to do. The front may have been shocked by the mecha. Didn't the mecha masters who assembled the mecha next to him were stunned?

"It's okay, it's okay!" Duan Peng smiled and saw that Liu Bing's eyes had a tendency to condense on the mecha. Duan Peng quickly said his purpose, "Master, now that the mecha has been produced, do you think we will count the data of this mecha?"

"Yes, watching this big guy come out, I forgot the business." After Duan Peng's reminder, Liu Bing finally remembered and patted his forehead. Liu Bing immediately shouted at the people who were still in a daze, "What are you still doing? I don't know if there is still a lot of data waiting for you to count?

Liu Bing's roar was really powerful.

In an instant, there was a burst of chickens and dogs jumping in the whole repair shop, and all the mecha masters took action, and there were figures running quickly everywhere.

"Why are you still standing here? Don't you see that everyone is busy?"

Duan Peng was sighing about Liu Bing's great power. Suddenly, Liu Bing's voice suddenly sounded in his ear. Duan Peng had to flee and became one of the busy crowd.


The first update, the second update is still 8 p.m.