
Chapter 79 Robots also attack at night?

The whole day passed, and the robot seemed to be confused by King Kong's sudden attack and did not launch a second attack.

Dong Ming was in the study at this moment. Although the robot did not attack again, he did not feel relaxed at all. On the contrary, the ominous foreboding became more and more obvious, as if something had been missed by himself.

After the battle during the day, the four leaders held a short meeting together. Although after Kong Rong's analysis, everyone found the problems in the battle, but there was no clue to solve the problem.

Dong Ruo stood next to Dong Ming and looked at her father's old face. There was a burst of heartache in her heart. Too many things have happened during this period, but in just over a month, there were many more wrinkles on Dong Ming's face than before.

But Dong Ruo has no good way. At this time, she can only deeply regret it. She used to be too naughty. Although she had good talent, due to hard training, she couldn't help at all at this critical time.

Shaking her head, Dong Ruo drove all her emotions out of her head, then gently walked behind Dong Ming, stretched out her hand and rubbed it on Dong Ming's temple. That's all she could do.

"Xiao Ruo, I'm fine. You'd better go to bed early. It's not early now."

Feezing Dong Ruo's rubbing, Dong Ming recovered from his mixed thoughts and barely squeezed out a smile on his tired face.

"Dad, I want to spend more time with you."

There was a trace of crying in Dong Ruo's voice. She had to try her best to control it so that her tears would not fall from her eyes.

"It's okay, Dad, this old bone can still hold on!"

Fee that Dong Ruo has never been meek, Dong Ming's rare mood is a little better, and the smile on his face has become real.

"Well, Dad, you should also remember not to be busy too late and take a good rest early."

Today's daytime should be just a test. The war is coming. Dong Ruo knows that he can't help Dong Ming. At this time, it is a kind of help not to disturb Dong Ming's thinking, so Dong Ruo is not too entangled in this issue, but nodded obediently and walked out of the study.

But at the first time he walked out of the room, Dong Ruo couldn't help but care and told him, although he knew that his advice might not have any effect.

Looking at Dong Ruo's back until Dong Ruo's back disappeared, Dong Ming's eyes slowly withdrew.

With a long sigh, Dong Ming couldn't help stretching out his hand and gently rubbing it on his forehead.

is still old, and Dong Ming can't help sighing.

In the past, everything was fine when Cheng Xi was still alive, but after Cheng Xi was gone, everything needed to be handled by himself. Dong Ming found that his energy was no longer as abundant as before. Especially after the outbreak of this battle, he always felt that there was something he could not think of, but The feeling is always just a feeling. After a whole day, he still can't think of what he feels wrong.

Kong Rong's analysis of the words of the battle was recalled in Dong Ming's mind over and over again, but in the end, there was still no clue.

Thinking of Kong Rong, Dong Ming suddenly had a smile on the corners of his mouth. Although the battle was not wanted to be seen, the battle was not useless. Every battle, there would always be some amazing people in front of him. This time he found one, and it was extremely rare. Yes, Kong Rong still showed his talent in tactics.

If Kong Rong is cultivated, it is hard to guarantee that he is not an excellent adjutant like Cheng Xi, and he can also make a guest appearance as a combat staff officer.

However, when he thought of Cheng Xi, the smile on Dong Ming's face disappeared. Cheng Xi was not only his adjutant, but also his friend for more than ten years, but Cheng Xi abandoned him as a friend so easily.

Dong Ming was thinking, and suddenly a very weak sound fell into his ear. It was the backyard. Dong Ming's ears stood up in an instant, but the sound disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Dong Ming's residence is only slightly larger than other villagers. What's different is that there is a small backyard behind Dong Ming's house, but Dong Ming has never been active in the backyard.

However, as an absolutely strong figure in the whole Dongjia Village, not to mention building an unused backyard behind the house, even if he builds a few more backyards, all the villagers will have no objection.

For a long time, Dong Ming was still waiting, and there was still no sound coming out again, but Dong Ming's frown did not let go.

Dong Ming is a martial arts master. Although he is old and has declined to a certain extent, hallucinations can never appear on him, because the spirit of every martial arts master is extremely powerful.

Waited for a while, Dong Ming stood up and slowly walked in the direction of the sound.

"Xiao Ruo, are you behind?" Dong Ming asked softly.

Although he doesn't usually go to the backyard, the backyard is not a forbidden place, and it is normal for Dong Ruo to be in the backyard.

No one answered his question.

Dong Ming's footsteps are getting lighter and slower. It's not that he is suspicious, but that there are amazing things hidden in the backyard, and there is always some bad feeling in his heart, as if something important will happen.


Suddenly, a sharp siren cut through the tranquility of the night and resounded over the whole Dongjia Village.


Before Dong Ming figured out what had happened, Huang Chi had hurriedly trotted in under the leadership of his servants.

As soon as he saw Dong Ming and couldn't calm down, Huang Chi couldn't wait to say, "General, the robot's attack has begun again!"


The news brought by Huang Chi is too shocking. Although the robot has the function of night vision, it is not a good choice to attack the city at night.

Everyone knows that the night vision used by robots adopts the principle of focusing light. I have to say that this method is very energy-saving, but the spotlight also has a great weakness, that is, if there is suddenly strong light, it will lead to a blank line of sight, and even robots cannot beli wai.

So before, robots have never used this way of night action.

Originally, leaving people to keep a vigil was just a prepared means, but I didn't expect that it was really used at this time.

"Is that gate attacked? Are there many robots involved? Dong Ming asked as he walked out.

"The four gates were attacked almost at the same time. At present, there are quite a lot of robots participating in the siege, but most of them are low-level models such as SD102."

Huang Chi followed Dong Ming closely and carefully answered Dong Ming's questions. He tried to make his description more objective without affecting Dong Ming's judgment.

"Dad, Uncle Huang, what happened?" Dong Ruo was also awakened by the sound of the alarm and ran out. He looked at Dong Ming and Huang Chi, who were about to leave, and shouted from afar.

"It's okay. Go and take a rest. I'll be back as soon as I go!"

Although the situation was urgent, Dong Ming still looked back and comforted Dong Ruo.


Soon, Dong Ming came to the edge of the East Gate, and Huang Chi also returned to his west gate. As soon as he reached the edge of the city wall, someone handed the short-frequency telephone to Dong Ming.

"I'm Dong Ming. What's the situation of each door now?" Although there were many doubts in his heart, Dong Ming's voice was calm.

"Westgate fighters are in place!" Huang Chi's voice is still slightly panting. After all, Huang Chi is just a mecha, and his physical fitness is not his strength.

"South Gate combatants are in place!" Zhong Xi's voice has always been calm.

"The North Gate combatants are in place!" Kong Rong's voice is a little calmer than in the daytime. Sure enough, war is the best baptism.

Although no one can see it, Dong Ming still nodded with satisfaction. He has been in a dangerous environment for many years, and the combat quality of the whole Dongjia Village is still quite high.

Climbing up the wall, Dong Ming carefully poked his head out from behind the bunker.

Robots still use the same attack method as during the day. All robots are lined up in neat squares to approach the city wall step by step, but their speed seems to be a little slower than during the day. From the alarm to now, the robots have just reached the bottom of the wall.

Close your eyes! Turn on the light!" Dong Ming gave a steady order.

Dong Ming's voice just fell, and several energy searchlights arranged at each gate lit almost at the same time, and the direction of the whole gate almost turned white.

It's really effective. While the searchlight was on, almost all robots paused at the same time.


Wasting opportunities will be punished by God. Although all the fighters who were already in place still felt a light through their eyes, then opened their eyes. All the robots stood in front of them like this, completely standing still targets.


As soon as such an idea came to the hearts of the combatants, Dong Ming's voice had already sounded from the caller.

The energy bomb poured in the direction of the robot. The door, which was already as bright as day, seemed to be a little brighter, and the robot's night vision mode did not seem to have been adjusted. It still stood in front of the gate, allowing the steel body to have close contact with the energy bomb.

Three seconds!

It's just three seconds!

The robot that has appeared outside the woods almost fell down.

After the training after the war in the morning, the literacy of the combat personnel has increased a lot. Although the casualties of the robots are greater, only a small part of the energy of the energy gun in everyone's hands has been consumed.

However, the robots have also been adjusted, and they have begun to move again.

Close your eyes! Turn off the light!" Dong Ming's voice sounded!

With Dong Ming's voice, the four gates suddenly turned dark again.

In the silent darkness, there seemed to be the sound of robot collision.

The battle went surprisingly smoothly, but Dong Ming's bad foreboding in his heart was getting heavier and heavier, and he was at a great disadvantage. Why didn't the robot plan to retreat? What on earth do they want to do?


The second update!

Children's shoes, vote!

My code words can almost be described as turtle speed. The smoothest time is only 1500 an hour, and 6000 yuan a day takes me five hours. Seeing that Xiao Chu is so hard, please give me some support!!

Thank you! Xiao Chu bowed and thanked!!