
Chapter 88 The crisis is still

Obviously, the robot also found the situation here, but the door was just closed, and the robot's attack became much softer. Moreover, after Zhong Xi's victory, the morale of the soldiers was also encouraged, and soon the robot's front was pressed 20 meters away.


Dong Ming looked at Zhong Xi coming over and finally showed a smile on his face. Zhong Xi's breakthrough can be said to be the best news he has received since the battle.

"Thank you!"

Although Dong Ming did not say anything congratulations, Zhong Xi knew what Dong Ming was saying, but Zhong Xi just smiled and was not too immersed in the joy of his breakthrough.

Compared with Dong Ming's calmness, Kong Rong's expression was very exaggerated. Although he was promoted to the position of the head of the North Gate by Dong Ming, Kong Rong was no different from other people. If it hadn't been for Zhong Xi's shouting, he would have opened his mouth as much as others until now.

"It's amazing that someone can really defeat the mecha. I always thought it was just a legend, but I didn't expect that I really saw this scene, and it was so easy to lose!"

Kong Rong became a little incoherent. Seeing Zhong Xi approaching, he eagerly stepped forward and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to grab Zhong Xi's hand and check what magic there was in Zhong Xi's hand. He could only fly a thousand pounds of mecha with a small iron bar.

Although the people next to him also showed a fanatical expression, unlike others, Kong Rong was at the same height as him, and he had been meeting with him for the past two days. Seeing Kong Rong's fanaticism, even Zhong Xi showed an embarrassed expression.

"It's just a fluke. In fact, it's not as easy as you see." Zhong Xi dodged Kong Rong's outstretched hand and said with a smile.

Zhong Xi is not modest. Although he doesn't know what he performs when others break through the master, the reason why Zhong Xi can enter the door of the martial arts master is entirely because of his understanding of power. Although his every blow looks very easy, in fact, he has used all his strength.

And the mecha is not as easy to defeat as expected, especially King Kong. King Kong's body is stronger than ordinary mecha, so it is destined that the protection of King Kong's fuselage and cockpit is thicker than that of previous mecha. Even if it is as strong as Zhong Xi, I dare not say that I can definitely break through King Kong's defense with one blow. Yu.

But fortunately, what Zhong Xi wants to do is not to destroy, but to defeat, and there are four mechas around him, so Zhong Xi only needs to give full play to his skills.

Even so, Zhong Xi's palm was full of sweat, which was suddenly spewing out at the moment he picked the plane armor.

"You are too modest."

Kong Rong obviously didn't think so. He still didn't give up chasing Zhong Xi's hand, and his eyes kept following Zhong Xi's hand moving.

With the passage of time, the smile on Zhong Xi's face gradually turned into a bitter smile. He never thought that his performance would attract such a fanatical admirer for himself.

Looking at Zhong Xi, who had smiled bitterly on his face, Dong shook his head gently. He did not expect that as a person who showed talent in tactics, Kong Rong would also have such a feverish time, but unfortunately, he could do nothing about Zhong Xi's current situation.


Fortunately, Kong Rong's fanaticism did not last long, and Huang Chi came from a distance with people.

"Okay, Kong Rong, don't make any more noise!" Dong Ming first scolded Kong Rong's behavior before turning his head and asking Huang Chi, "How's it going?" Is it going well?"

"It's very smooth. All the participants have been controlled. They can understand and cooperate very well. Now Ximen has not dealt with it."

Although things went well, Huang Chi's face showed unprecedented fatigue.

There are too many people involved in the list, especially now that the village's combat effectiveness is seriously insufficient. Huang Chi feels physically and mentally exhausted. In order to arrange the positions left by these personnel, Huang Chi even replaced those low-level mechamen who usually don't touch the mecha.

But even so, Huang Chi almost couldn't arrange it.

And Huang Chi is still worried about whether these low-level mechas will have problems on the battlefield.

"Well, okay, you can continue to deal with it!"

Speaking of the traitor, Dong Ming, who had already smiled because of Zhong Xi's breakthrough, became not interested again. After saying that, he walked towards the East Gate without even saying a greeting.


Although the opened West Gate is not in Wilton's direction, what happened to West Gate did not escape Wilton's control. As soon as West Gate was closed, Wilton, who shared the data, already knew it, and there was no difference from him coming to the scene in person.

Slowly turning his head, Wilton looked at Cheng Xudong quietly, and the light on his electronic eyes began to flash again. Even during the day, he could see it clearly.

Cheng Xi's face was as calm as ever. Last night, Sun's mother's death did not seem to leave any traces in Cheng Xi's heart. Similarly, Wilton's electronic eyes did not bring him any pressure and discomfort.

For a long time, Wilton finally couldn't help saying, "Mr. Cheng, there are two news to inform you."

"Mr. Wilton, please speak." Cheng Xi replied calmly.

"First of all, good news, Mr. Cheng Xi, the internal response plan you told me last night has taken effect, and the west door has been opened by your internal response."


Unlike Wilton, Cheng Xi could only see what happened in the direction he was facing, while Cheng Xi did not know anything about the movement in other directions, but when he heard Wilton's retelling, Cheng Xi did not respond and even raised her eyebrows.

"What? Isn't Mr. Cheng surprised at all to get such news?

"It's unexpected." Cheng Xi replied coldly.

"All right." Wilton gently touched his metal head, and then said calmly, "Next is bad news."

With that, Wilton stopped. He quietly stared at Cheng Xi and observed the expression on Cheng Xi's face.

You should know that the evolution of robots depends on their understanding of human emotions. The deeper they understand, the higher the evolution of robots, and the higher the level within the robot. Similarly, the greater the rights they obtain.

As long as he gets along with human beings, Wilton will not let go of the opportunity to observe.

However, it's a pity that after observing for a while, Wilton still couldn't get any expression from Cheng Xi's face.

Finally, Wilton was defeated by Cheng Xi, but he still needed Cheng Xi's help and could not do anything harmful to Cheng Xi. He could only continue to say: "The bad news is that although Ximen was opened by Mr. Cheng's internal response, the village was also very fast. The gate only opened for a moment, and we haven't Before the attack, the gate had been closed again, and at the moment the gate was closed, Mr. Cheng's inner response seemed to have been arrested.


Wilton was doomed to be disappointed. According to the information in his database, such a dialogue is most likely to cause violent changes in human emotions, but Cheng Xi still has no reaction, just coldly pops out a word from his mouth.

"Mr. Cheng? Did you hear what I said?

Wilton even felt that Cheng Xi was even more like a robot than him, and he was the kind of low-level robot that had not evolved.

"This is also expected."

"All right!" Wilton was defeated again and again. He slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of the city wall again. He no longer tried to mobilize Cheng Xi's emotions and returned to the usual way of speaking.

"I remember that Mr. Cheng said last night that you have implemented the internal response plan for the village, and now the plan seems to be biased. Only one of your so-called internal response has responded to your call, and he has been arrested now. Since it is expected by Mr. Cheng, should Mr. Cheng do something to me? What about an explanation?


For a long time, Wilton has been superior and brought him great pressure. Especially last night, Wilton's shooting of the prisoners was beyond his expectation, but he did not expect that Wilton also had aggrieved times. Although it was just a struggle, Cheng Xi still showed a smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Yes, explain that we have made great sacrifices for Mr. Cheng's plan, and we are still sacrificing it now." Wilton looked at the direction of the wall, but slowly raised his arm and moved his fingertips in the direction of Li Xin beside Cheng Xi. "If Mr. Cheng can't give me a satisfactory explanation, I think I will find the answer by myself."

Although he has seen Wilton's energy gun, the expression on Li Xin's face has not changed, just as he said to Cheng Xi. No matter what choice Cheng Xi makes, he will stand behind Cheng Xi, even in the face of the threat of death.

Although Li Xin is willing to give up everything for Cheng Xi, this does not mean that Cheng Xi can give him up indifferently, and Wilton only wants his explanation.

"Mr. Wilton should be able to see it with a little more patience." Cheng Xi suppressed the anger in her chest and took Wilton's question.

"Patience? Of course I do, but I hope Mr. Cheng can speak more clearly, otherwise my patient Mr. Cheng's companion will not be seen. Wilton's fingers finally stopped in front of Li Xin, and even the unique white light of the energy bomb appeared on his fingertips.

"Well, although only one person responded to my plan, the people in the village will not regard this as an isolated event. If my calculation is not wrong, many people in the village must have been controlled, and all Mr. Wilton has to do is continue If the attack continues, I believe it won't be long before Mr. Wilton feels that the village is weak.

"Okay! It seems that I really need more patience."

The white light of Wilton's fingers finally faded and his arm was put down again.


The second oldest rule, about eight o'clock!