
Chapter 89 Duan Peng's Persistence

Obviously, all the results of the traitor incident were expected by Cheng Xi, and the village had to react according to his ideas. It was really too aggrieved, but Dong Ming could not extract any energy to deal with it.

Today, the robot's siege lasted for a whole day, with almost no interruption. Dong Ming even doubted whether the whole forest robot had been transferred by the advanced robot.

But fortunately, the night finally came, and the robot finally retreated.

Looking at the forest calming down again, Dong Ming couldn't help exhaling, which he held for a whole day.

Of course, exhaling this breath does not mean that Dong Ming can relax. On the contrary, Dong Ming's mood is unprecedentedly solemn.

Cheng Xi's calculation was successful, because of the lack of manpower, the lack of combat power of the village has been completely exposed.

Although it resisted the robot's attack all day, the soldiers were highly tired when they pulled the trigger. When many of the soldiers were replaced, their fingers could no longer be straightened. This is still in the case of an energy bomb. If it is a solid bomb, the consequences will be more serious than now.

And the mecha team, because of the lack of mecha, Huang Chi did not appear on the city wall today. He also drove the mecha again, which is still an old mecha. The operation of King Kong mecha is simpler than the old mecha. In order to exert the greater combat power of the mecha team, Huang Chi gave his beloved King Kong to a low-level mecha.

In order to adapt these relatively low-level mecha soldiers to the rhythm of the war, Dong Ming did not arrange too many tasks for the mecha team in today's battle, but only let them go out to run around when the bodies of the robots outside the city wall needed to be cleaned up.

But even so, two King Kongs were lost in the battle during the day.

"General! We need to seize the time to screen. Huang Chi put forward his opinion with a gloomy face: "These mechamen are really too young. Although they are just cleaning up the bodies, they are still too strong for these young mechamen."

Huang Chi said that Dong Ming didn't know that when those mechamen came out of King Kong at the end of the war, their footsteps became a little floating. How could Dong Ming not see it?

"Alas!" Dong Mingchang sighed, "If it's screening, do you have any good suggestions?"

Huang Chi was silent. He was just a general. How did he know how to identify traitors? It was just that his lack of combat effectiveness made him unable to think of any other ways.

"General, why don't we try to start from their personal experience and pick out the people who hate robots." Kong Rong said hesitantly, but there was a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

"It doesn't work! As you know, we are all soldiers. Most of the soldiers' relatives are in the barracks, and the worst place where the robot war broke out is the barracks. How many people will have no hatred for robots? Without even thinking too much, Dong Ming rejected Kong Rong's proposal.

The light in Kong Rong's eyes slowly dissipated, and his head also drooped.

He was relatively young. When the robot war broke out, he had a wife and children, and his parents did not live in the barracks. However, even so, it cannot be said that there was no hatred between Kong Rong and the robot, because the war broke out so suddenly that Kong Rong had no time to contact his parents. Up to now I don't know whether they are alive or dead.

"Let's break up. Everyone should take time to rest tonight. I don't think the robot will leave me too much rest space tomorrow."

Dong Ming glanced around the faces of the people in the room, and then slowly stood up and went out. At the moment he went out, everyone found that Dong Ming was no longer young.


Duan Peng opened his eyes from the coma again. As soon as he woke up, Duan Peng couldn't help raising his hand and touching the back of his head. Very good, there was no imaginary pain in the back of his head.

In the morning, when he heard Zhong Li say that something had happened to Dong Ruo, Duan Peng's first reaction was to pick up his weapon to rescue him. Unfortunately, as soon as he took two steps, there was a pain in the back of his head, and then he felt that his eyes were dark.

worthy of being a master martial artist, Zhong Xi's action was quite accurate and did not leave any sequelae. Even after a day's rest, Duan Peng felt that his spirit was much better, and the injury on his body seemed to be no longer so painful.

He lay quietly for a while and sensed the state of his whole body. Duan Peng got up from **. His movements were very light. He walked to the edge of the door, gently lifted his iron bar, slowly tied the iron bar to his back, and then put his head on the door for a long time before pulling. Open the door and go out.

Duan Peng didn't expect that Zhong Xi was sitting in the hall, facing his door.

"I've been awake for a while!" Duan Peng just stepped out of the door, and Zhong Xi said without raising his head.

"Brother Xi."

Xingzang has been exposed, but Duan Peng has a sense of risk. He calmly walked to the opposite side of Zhong Xi and sat down.

"Eat something when you wake up. Brother Li is still warming you up."

Zhong Xi glanced up at Duan Peng, as if he didn't notice the iron bar behind Duan Peng. He just said softly, and then lowered his head and stroked his iron bar.

"I don't want to eat. I'm going to save Xiaoruo." Duan Peng looked at Zhong Xi quietly and said.

Hearing this, Zhong Xi raised his head, frowned slowly, and his eyes fell tightly on Duan Peng.

This time, Duan Peng did not give in any concession. Although his knuckles had been pinched white by him, he still looked at Zhong Xi.

"Xiaopeng, do you know what you are talking about?"

Looking at Duan Peng's attitude, Zhong Xi slowly stood up and a strong momentum pressed Duan Peng.

Duan Peng also stood up and took a defensive posture.

"I know what I'm talking about, and I know what I'm going to do."

Duan Peng said very slowly. The pressure brought to him was too great. The sweat on his forehead had come out, but he still insisted on saying his words.

Time passed little by little. Although he was ready, Duan Peng still felt his insimity in front of Zhong Xi's strong momentum. His sweat finally condensed into sweat beads and slipped down his forehead, and even some of them had entered his eyes, but Duan Peng did not dare to blink.

Finally, Zhong Xi's momentum slowly dissipated.

Duan Peng also withdrew his defense and held his legs and gasped heavily. It was not that he didn't want to defend, but that he clearly knew that his defense in front of Zhong Xi was just a joke.

"Xiao Peng, give up." Zhong Xi sighed for a long time.

He once thought of using coercive means to Duan Peng again, but being stunned is also harmful to the body. Even if his control of power has reached the extreme, he can't avoid causing damage to Duan Peng's body.

More importantly, he has imposed a coercive measure on Duan Peng, and not far away, if it is implemented again now, it will cause greater damage to Duan Peng's body, even difficult to recover.

"I'm going to save Xiaoruo."

Without Zhong Xi's pressure and gasping for a while, Duan Peng felt much better. He looked up at Zhong Xi's eyes and said word by word.

"It's not that I want to stop you, but that you can't do anything with your strength alone." A trace of sadness appeared on Zhong Xi's face, "You have been in the repair shop, and you may not know the strength of the robot's attack. In the past two days, the robot has left thousands of bodies under the wall of the village, and the robot's attack is not weak at all. What do you think you can do when you go out?

Hearing Zhong Xi's words, a trace of despair flashed in Duan Peng's eyes. Indeed, as Zhong Xi said, he did not know the attack strength of this robot and the remnants of thousands of robots. Just thinking about it, Duan Peng felt horrible, but Duan Peng soon broke away from despair.

"I know that I may not be able to do anything, but I have my own persistence. I will never leave my relatives and friends again. I must save Xiao Ruo."

Zhong Xi stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his forehead. If he could, he couldn't wait to knock Duan Peng unconscious now.

Unfortunate, this is just a good wish.

"Okay, you go and save it! But do you think the general will let you out of the village even if I agree? Zhong Xi finally compromised. Without stuning Duan Peng, he had no more way.


Duan Peng was suddenly stunned. As Zhong Xi said, even if Zhong Xi didn't stop him, could he get out of the village? The village is now in war, and it must be full of eyeliners everywhere. If he wants to go out, he will definitely shock Dong Ming, but will Dong Ming agree?

The answer is obvious. In order for these mecha divisions not to be hurt, Dong Ming even did not allow them to be close to the city wall during the battle. How could he allow him to leave the village? Even if Duan Peng's reason was for Dong Ruo, it was impossible.

"Forget it, Xiaopeng, you'd better have a good rest and try to return to the repair shop tomorrow to help the defense of the village!" Duan Peng's problem was finally solved, but Zhong Xi did not feel relaxed at all. The form was too severe, and I don't know how long the village can last.

Duan Peng lowered his head and sat down slowly. He didn't hear Zhong Xi's words at all, and despair reappeared on his face. Do he have to experience the feeling of losing his loved one again, but he was very unwilling.

"I thought of it!" Duan Peng suddenly jumped up. He quickly rushed to Zhong Xi's side, hugged Zhong Xi and shouted, "Brother Xi, I have come up with a solution!"

It's not necessarily a good thing to be too smart. Zhong Xi had a headache, but he had to ask, "Well, what do you think of?"

"Secret Path! The robot came in through the secret passage to catch Xiaoruo, and we can also go out through the secret passage to rescue Xiao Ruo. Duan Peng said excitedly.

"The secret channel has been blown down." Zhong Xi said unslowly.

"I know, but we only heard an explosion, that is to say, the secret channel just collapsed, as long as this end is dug through!"

"Dig..." Zhong Xi repeated Duan Peng's words and thought about the feasibility. Suddenly, a bold idea appeared in his mind. Zhong Xi grabbed Duan Peng and said, "Let's go to see the general with me."