
Chapter 67 Sanding

"What do you want to know?" After all, it was a little tender. Under Liu Le's hey, Kong Rong didn't hold on for a long time and quickly retreated.

Of course, Kong Rong did not admit that he had lost. He felt that this was the result he wanted.

"I want to know, I want to know more, but can you tell us, Brother Kong?" Liu Le asked disdainfully.

Although Liu Le doesn't think he is a good person, Liu Le still looks down on Kong Rong, a person who betrays his own people and wants to set up a archway for himself. In Liu Le's words, even if it is bad, it must be bad tasteful and bad to make others feel good, such as Xie De's senses towards Liu Le.

The disdain in Liu Le's eyes did not avoid Kong Rong at all. Of course, Kong Rong looked at it clearly. Suddenly, an anger rose in Kong Rong's heart. He pulled out his legs and was ready to leave. Although he wanted to get rid of Duan Peng with the help of Liu Le's hand, it was not a must.

But since it has been stained, it is not something that Kong Rong can leave if he wants to.

Kong Rong's leg had just moved, and Liu Le's voice sounded again, "Does Kong want to leave? But if I say the two words you told me, what do you think will happen?

"You..." Kong Rong was furious, and a fierce light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Although it just flashed, the fierce light was still caught by Liu Le, and Liu Le's heart was inevitably a little flustered. After all, he was just a full intellectual figure, and Gu Wu did not understand at all.

Liu Le couldn't help but gently ** his eyebrows, and his vest was also sweating, and there was a movement to escape under his feet.

But only for a moment, Liu Le calmed down. He knew that he could not run. If he didn't run, it was fine. Running would definitely attract Kong Rong's thunderous attack.

He took a quiet breath and made his mood calmer. Liu Le said again, "Don't worry, Brother Kong, don't worry, or listen to me first. How about that?" As he spoke, Liu Le also slowly turned his head and looked around, and then continued, "You see, we have been here for so long. Maybe it's not just the two of us who know about our meeting."

Kong Rong's hatred, his eyes kept flashing in his eyes. If he had known such a result, Kong Rong would not have come over. Unexpectedly, he was now binding himself, but Kong Rong also couldn't decide whether to take action against Liu Le to resolve future troubles.

After waiting for a while, I still couldn't hear Kong Rong's reply, and Kong Rong's eyes were still rotating in his eyes, occasionally reflecting a little light under the light of the energy lamp in the distance. Liu Le did not dare to drag it any longer, but just moved his brain slightly. Liu Le continued, "Brother Kong, don't worry, I won't force too much. Many, and it's not just me, Brother Xie is also waiting for your answer.

Kong Rong's face turned pale and was forced to the corner by Liu Le, which made his mind very confused. If it hadn't been for Liu Le's reminder, he would have forgotten that Xie De also stood aside when he talked to Liu Le last time.

There was no choice, but Kong Rong had made a judgment in his heart for a moment. Although he was unwilling, Kong Rong could only stare at Liu Le's eyes with hatred and asked, "What do you want to know?"

"Don't do this?" After receiving the positive reply, Liu Le suddenly felt relaxed. He patted Kong Rong on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Brother Kong, please rest assured that our interests are the same. I just want to help you fulfill your wishes."

"Complete my wish?" Kong Rong's voice was a little disdainful. He didn't believe that Liu Le would be so kind. At the same time, Kong Rong moved his shoulder without knowing it and avoided Liu Le's hand patting his shoulder.

The action of patting the shoulder is generally superiors to subordinates, elders to juniors, and in Kong Rong's opinion, Liu Le has nothing to respect except that he is older than him.

Of course, Liu Le felt Kong Rong's movements, but Liu Le didn't care at all. As long as he could get what he wanted, it didn't matter what Kong Rong thought of him.

"Of course, it seems that Brother Kong still can't trust me, but I believe that as long as we deal with him a few more times, Brother Kong will have a different understanding of me."

Liu Le said with a smile, and before Kong Rong put forward his objection, he continued with a smile.

"I just want to ask Brother Kong what kind of person Duan Peng you mentioned that day."

Kong Rong thought that Liu Bing would ask him some of Dong Ming's confidential arrangements, and even Kong Rong had figured out how to deal with Liu Le, but Kong Rong did not expect that Liu Le's problem was Duan Peng. Kong Rong was stunned.

After a long time, Kong Rong came to his senses from the chaos. He asked hesitantly, "You really want to help me."

"Of course, I have made great efforts for the matter of Brother Kong, but Duan Peng is so mysterious that the people I sent can't find any information about him."

Liu Le said while observing the change of Kong Rong's expression.

Liu Le was very satisfied. Although the night was very dark, Liu Le still saw it clearly under the faint light of the energy lamp, and the hostility on Kong Rong's face slowly disappeared.

Without letting Liu Le wait for too long, Kong Rong opened his mouth. He didn't know whether he should trust Liu Le, but if Liu Le could really help him get rid of Duan Peng, he was willing to choose to believe it.

"Duan Peng, 17 years old, came to our village more than half a year ago. He has a little talent in mecha division and was chosen by our chief engineer Liu to be an apprentice. At the same time, he also made friends with Dong Ruo, the daughter of our village head of Dong."

Liu Le listened quietly with a smile on his face. During the whole process, there was no change in his face. As for whether he believed it or not, only he knew it.

After listening to all Kong Rong's words, Liu Bing thought quietly before asking, "I'm sorry, Brother Kong, it's not that I don't believe your description, but in your description, this person is really mediocre. I don't understand why you have such a great hostility to him."

"Old fox!" Kong Rong cursed fiercely in his heart.

Kong Rong's description is of course selective. If he said that Duan Peng is already a fourth-level mecha division, and he is also a mecha division that is about to be promoted to the fifth level. In addition, Duan Peng is still the brother of another martial arts master, does Liu Bing dare to do it?

was stunned for a long time. Maybe he found that his expression was a little wrong. Kong Rong reluctantly squeezed out apologetic smile, and then said, "I'm sorry, maybe I didn't explain it clearly. This Duan Peng still has some advantages. For example, his mouth is very sweet and his mouth It's quite good. Our young lady likes him. Mr. Liu likes him, and even General Dong likes him and identifies him as his son-in-law.

Kong Rong is also a smart person. With the deepening of his words, there is a deep helplessness in his voice, and even Liu Le, who was listening, couldn't help but be a little moved.

Of course, it was impossible to believe Kong Rong so easily. It was just a slight pause. Liu Le continued to ask, "Brother Kong, you still haven't answered my question. I still can't see what is worth hating him."

Kong Rong has been completely involved, and even he is infected by his own emotions. Of course, he still remembers to lower his voice.

"There used to be an adjutant in our village. Almost everything in the village was coordinated by the adjutant, and I was also the adjutant's student. Everything I learned from him. However, just after Duan Peng came to our village, because our adjutant's son and young lady were childhood sweethearts, he He persecuted the adjutant's son. Although he failed, he successfully pushed everything on the adjutant's son, and the adjutant had to abscondge with his son overnight.

said almost the same as the truth. Kong Rong almost believed his own statement, and he even shed a few tears.

To be honest, Liu Le couldn't believe Kong Rong's words, but Kong Rong's tears made him a little confused and hesitated for a while before he asked, "Isn't your adjutant's reputation in the village as good as an outside child?"

"Don't mention this, I'm angry. This Duan Peng's mecha division has a good talent. He has reached the level of a fourth-level mecha division at the age of 16. Coupled with his sweet mouth, he has a good relationship with most of the high-level officials in the village, so..."

Seeing that he could not miss any real goods, he could not deceive Liu Le, and Kong Rong had to throw out something about Duan Peng's talent. Of course, when he said all this, he did not forget to put some sand into it.

Liu Le did not speak any more, and his eyes did not continue to observe the change of Kong Rong's expression, because there was too much information in Kong Rong's words that needed him to slowly digest.

What should be said has been said, and Kong Rong didn't want to say anything else and didn't dare to say it again, because Kong Rong was afraid that it would be counterproductive if he continued to say it, and maybe he would repel Liu Le's courage.

So Kong Rong could only wait quietly while observing the expression on Liu Le's face.

However, this wait did not last long, because there were patrols constantly interspersing. If the patrols saw Kong Rong and Liu Le together, he would usher in Dong Ming's anger tomorrow, even more than anger.

After thinking for a while, Kong Rong's eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of an important thing and quickly lowered his voice and said, "Bright, Village Head Liu, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

Maybe because he was thinking, Liu Le had not recovered, so although Liu Le asked, it was obvious that Liu Le's interest was not too high.

But Kong Rong didn't care. He knew that this matter would definitely help Liu Le make a decision. He took two deep breaths and calmed down the excitement in his heart. Kong Rong then said, "The meeting four days ago was carried out according to Duan Peng's suggestion."

"What?" Liu Le was shocked. He even forgot that the meeting between him and Kong Rong was unseeable and shouted in amazed voice.