
Chapter 68 When Modification is in progress

Liu Le's exclamation finally attracted a distant patrol, so that he no longer had the opportunity to communicate with Kong Rong again, because opportunities not only need to be created, but also needed to cooperate. Of course, it doesn't mean that Kong Rong did not cooperate with the opportunities he created, but things are always coincidental. Every time Liu Lechuang When creating opportunities, Kong Rong will always avoid this and that.

"Hmm, do you think you can escape like this?" Liu Le muttered, with a chill in his voice, but as he spoke, there was a smile on the corners of his mouth.


Dong Ming frowned.

They have been walking on the plain for ten days. If there is no wrong direction, they have walked nearly one-third of the way.

These ten years are lucky for the whole team, because except for meeting more than 100 robots on the first day, they only encountered about 20 robots every day in the next week, and even one robot did not meet in the last two days.

But Dong Ming was not relaxed because of this. On the contrary, his mood became heavier. He always had a bad feeling in his heart, as if the robot was planning something.

Maybe this is the tranquility before the storm.


Duan Peng was about to collapse. He thought he had handed in the modification plan and learned chip knowledge from Liu Bing systematically. All this was over, but Duan Peng didn't expect that Liu Bing gave him the task of modification, and he was alone, and no one else was allowed to help him.

Of course, this is not an additional task. While giving this task, Liu Bing also canceled Duan Peng's learning of the chip, that is to say, before the mecha was modified, Duan Peng's learning task became a modified mecha.

The multi-functional tools in his hand are changing rapidly, just like an elegant art. Anyone who has seen it can't help but indulge in it, and Duan Peng feels that his hand speed has broken through again.

But at this time, Duan Peng had no joy in his heart. He just frowned, as if the change of tools in his hand had nothing to do with him.

Duan Peng didn't know what Liu Bing's plan was to do. He only knew that Zhong Xi told him six nights ago that the robot seemed to give up blocking the team, and the whole team's progress was very smooth. It only encountered one or two groups of robots every day, and the number of robots was still about 20. Such machines The human team is completely a small dish for the team in Dongjiacun, and even the speed of the team has not been reduced by half, but it is easily destroyed by the mecha during the approach of the robot.

But Duan Peng does not feel relaxed at all, because he has the same hunch as Dong Ming. The behavior of the robot can only show one thing, that is, they are accumulating strength, and Dongjiacun will also face a difficult crisis.

So even if the task given by Liu Bing cannot be understood by Duan Peng, Duan Peng can only try his best to complete it, because Duan Peng must modify all the mecha before the crisis comes.


There was a crisp sound, and a piece of metal slowly appeared in Duan Peng's hand.

As the modification progressed, Duan Peng gradually discovered the magic of this set of multi-functional tools in his hand.

When he first used this set of multi-function tools, Duan Peng thought that the biggest use of this set of multi-function tools was deformation, which could be used by the mechasts in various situations. However, after the modification, Duan Peng found that his cognition was not enough. This set of multi-function tools could not only be used for maintenance. Xiu, he can even use him to change the shape of most metals. Of course, not all of them, but a few extremely hard metals. Even Duan Peng's multi-functional tools are helpless.

But this discovery is enough for Duan Peng to be excited. He feels that as long as he is willing to spend time, he can even use the tools in his hand to make a whole mecha by himself.

But this was just a thought. Duan Peng looked back at the mecha that was waiting for him to be modified, and his face was suddenly full of sadness.

It has been a week, and nearly a week has passed since the last proposal was put forward. Duan Peng has only completed the modification of ten mecha, with an average of one and a half days. This is only a small local change. If Duan Peng really wants to complete a whole mecha with this multi-functional tool, it is estimated that a year will not be enough, and this year Don't want to do anything else.

Of course, other mecha masters can also help, but at the speed of their operation of the tools, Duan Peng couldn't help shaking his head. Except for Liu Bing, if other mecha masters come to make mecha by hand, it is estimated that a mecha will not be completed in ten years, not to mention that there are many mecha in a mecha. They can't do the knowledge at all.

Although there are constant wild thoughts in his mind, Duan Peng's movements in his hand have not stopped at all, and the whole set of [harmonious] movements are still as pleasing as flowing clouds and flowing water.

"It's going well! Is there anything I can do for you?"

Liu Bing's voice sounded behind Duan Peng, with a leisurely and comfortable smell in his voice.

Hearing Liu Bing's voice, Duan Peng's face suddenly collapsed. Duan Peng knew that Liu Bing's statement was just saying, because Liu Bing would say this to Duan Peng every day when he came to inspect the progress of Duan Peng's modification.

At the beginning, Duan Peng thought that Liu Bing really wanted to help him. He even proposed several tasks for Liu Bing, but Liu Bing did not help and criticized Duan Peng fiercely.

Therefore, since then, Duan Peng has taken Liu Bing's words as nothing.

However, today, Duan Peng had to mention it even if he didn't want to mention it, because Duan Peng felt that the atmosphere in the village seemed to be a little different from usual, and Duan Peng found that the investigation scope of the village had expanded again in his chat with Huang Chi, and even the always careless Huang Chi's face was a little more nervous.

"I don't dare to ask for your help, but Master, it would be great if you could help me increase two people. My movements alone are really too slow."

Duan Peng said that the movement in his hand continued, and soon a claw was completed in Duan Peng's hand. Duan Peng checked the internal structure of the claw again. After confirming that it was correct, his hand touched the ground behind him.

There are a lot of chips behind Duan Peng, and according to Liu Bing's requirements, these chips are not only chips needed for Duan Peng's modification, but also a large number of other chips mixed in them.

Liu Bingmei's name is training, saying that this can exercise Duan Peng's familiarity with the chip.

Duan Peng doesn't know what kind of training is, but Duan Peng is powerless to resist, and he can only train like this.

When he bought a chip, Duan Peng didn't even touch the chip, so he threw the chip in his hand aside. This is not the chip that Duan Peng wanted.

Two pieces, not...

Three pieces......

Four pieces...

In the fifth piece, Duan Peng finally did not throw out the chip he bought, and after Duan Peng picked up the chip, he directly stuffed the chip into the reserved seat of the newly made claws without even looking at it. The size was just right, and it was obviously designed for this chip.

He has been busy. Duan Peng noticed that Liu Bing behind him had been staring at the movements in his hand. When Liu Bing saw that Duan Peng did not use his eyes, but just found the desired chip in a pile of chips with his hands, and put it directly into his claws without checking, Liu Bing's eyes suddenly widened, not only Only his eyes, even Liu Bing's mouth, opened slightly unconsciously.

Although it was being modified, Duan Peng has never forgotten his request to Liu Bing. After waiting for Liu Bing's answer for a long time, Duan Peng had to ask again: "Master, is it okay? Look, the people in the village are so nervous that the war may come. If I can't be big After modifying all the mecha before the war, we will become the sinners of the whole village.

"What?" Liu Bing was awakened by Duan Peng's question again. First, he couldn't help asking something, and then remembered Duan Peng's question just now. He quickly replied, "You want two people, right? No problem. Who do you want? I'll call for you immediately."

Liu Bing's voice just fell, and Duan Peng's hand immediately stopped. Not only did he stop, but he also immediately turned around, stared closely at Liu Bing's eyes and asked, "Really? Master, can you really increase my manpower?

"Don't you want it?"

"I want, I want, I want!" Duan Peng nodded hurriedly and answered. Are you kidding? If two people help him, his speed can at least double. How could he not?

"Well, you can order someone. I'll go back and call someone for you." Looking at Duan Peng's panicked look, Liu Bing couldn't help showing a bright smile on his face.

However, Liu Bing's words made Duan Peng stupid. A few days ago, Liu Bing resolutely refused to allow him to increase manpower, and even said that whoever dares to help Duan Peng will no longer be a member of the mecha factory in the future, but the contrast at this moment is really too big. He not only agreed to Duan Peng's request to increase manpower, but also let Duan Peng chooses people by himself.

Looking at Duan Peng's dull eyes, the smile in Liu Bing's eyes became stronger, but he did not remind Duan Peng, but quietly stared at Duan Peng and smiled.

Of course, it is impossible to wait so forever. As Duan Peng said, the current time is really too tight. After waiting for a long time, he still can't wait for Duan Peng's answer. Liu Bing can only say with a smile, "Why can't you pick people out? Then I'll help you choose, just your Uncle Wang and Uncle Yang!"

Hearing these two names, Duan Peng was even more stupid. Uncle Wang is Wang Qian's father, Wang Yu, a third-level peak mecha master. Although it is unlikely to break through the fourth level in his life, there is no problem for helping Duan Peng. As for Uncle Yang, whose name is Yang Qiyu, when However, it is a little worse than Wang Yu, but it is only a little bit, and it is also one of the more skilled mecha divisions under Liu Bing.