
Chapter 84 Gathering

"Answer me, did you send them a message?" Dong Ming was very angry. If he had a sword in his hand at this moment, he would definitely split Wilton in half without hesitation.

But Will didn't look back. In the face of Dong Ming's anger, he squatted quietly and stared straight at Duan Peng lying on the ground, as if the words he had just written had nothing to do with him.

"You..." It's not only Wilton's words, but more importantly, Wilton's attitude. When has Dong Ming been so ignored? Looking at Wilton, Dong Ming's anger was about to ignite the tent.

"General, maybe this matter has nothing to do with Wilton..."

Seeing that Dong Ming had reached the edge of the outbreak, Zhong Xi finally opened his mouth, but even if he opened his mouth, there was still a trace of hesitation in Zhong Xi's voice, and he did not dare to be 100% sure of his judgment.

Fortunately, Dong Ming is a person who is good at accepting other people's opinions. He was already on the verge of an outbreak. He has even begun to search to see if he can find something in the tent, but when he heard Zhong Xi's words, Dong Ming immediately calmed down.

He took a deep breath and spit out for a long time. Dong Ming's mood seemed to have calmed down a lot, but even so, Dong Ming still did not forget to dig a deep look at Wilton, and then turned around and asked Zhong Xi, "Did you think of something?"

"I... I just think this matter should have nothing to do with Wilton. Wilton cares about Xiaopeng, but Xiaopeng is in the camp. If he harms us, it is equivalent to harming Xiaopeng, so I think this matter should not be done by him. There should be another reason." Zhong Xi frowned. At the beginning, he spoke very slowly. As he answered, he was also thinking, but the further back, Zhong Xi's speed became smoother. Obviously, his answer also convinced himself.

Listening to Zhong Xi's words, the anger on Dong Ming's face slowly disappeared, because what Zhong Xi said was very reasonable, and he also agreed with Zhong Xi's words, but Dong Ming still had some doubts.

"Since it's not his message, why did he write 'I' on the ground?"

Zhong Xi was silent. In fact, this is the place that made Zhong Xi hesitate. He also didn't understand what the word 'I' written by Wilton meant.

The tent suddenly calmed down. Dong Ming and the three of them fell into meditation, and the messenger became extremely embarrassed. Dong Ming was interrupted as soon as he gave the order. He didn't know whether the order should continue, and what embarrassed him more was that he didn't know what was going on in front of him, and this happened. Is it something he should know?

Fortunately, the silence did not last long, because Liu Bing, who had never participated in Dong Ming's topic, suddenly opened his mouth, "I should understand what Wilton's word 'I' means."

Maybe the anger in his heart has not completely subsided. Although he helped Dong Ming solve the problem, Liu Bing's voice still seemed very cold.

Dong Ming did not care about Liu Bing's attitude. At this time, not to mention indifference, even if Liu Bing was full of anger, Dong Ming would treat it as if he had not seen it.

Hearing Liu Bing's words, Dong Ming immediately asked, "What's the reason?"

"It should be a signal problem. We want to use Wilton to locate the position of the robot outside, and the advanced intelligence outside can also locate Wilton. They should have sensed Wilton's existence, so they made adjustments."

Liu Bing's attitude is still cold, but his answer is still very detailed. Obviously, public and private. Liu Bing is very clear that Liu Bing did not affect his attitude towards public affairs because of his emotions.

While listening to Liu Bing's words, Dong Ming looked at Wilton. Liu Bing's words had been made clear. He obviously misunderstood Wilton's meaning. Wilton was actually helping them, at least saving them a lot of time.

But looking at Wilton's motionless appearance, Dong Ming could only sigh and walk out of the tent.


At the forefront of defense, Huang Chi is commanding the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, leaving many robot remnants on the scene. Although it is impossible for these robot remnants to turn into combat power for the time being because there is no production line, if they enter the human city, these things can be used, so Huang Chi is very in a very mood. Well, of course, the reason why Huang Chi is in a good mood is not only the remnants of the robot, but also the loss of people in the village in the whole war, especially the mecha team. In addition to several mechas that need to be repaired, there is no casualties.

"General, has Wilton been repaired? To be honest, this Wilton is really good, but as soon as he came out, all the robots retreated." Seeing Dong Ming's appearance, Huang Chi immediately greeted him with a smile.

Looking at Huang Chi's smiling face, Dong Ming suddenly became a little more unbearable, but such important information could not help Huang Chi know. After a short pause, Dong Ming still opened his mouth.

"Lao Huang, go down and get ready for the mecha team now!"

"Are you ready?" Huang Chi was confused. He didn't understand what Dong Ming meant at all, "General, the battle is over. What else do you need to prepare?"

"Alas!" Dong Ming sighed and said, "The battle is not over yet. The robot just retreated and reassemated."

"Reassemend, what the hell is going on, and how did you know about the general?" The news was so shocking that Huang Chi forgot his respect for Dong Ming and directly doubted the authenticity of Dong Ming's news.

However, Dong Ming didn't care about Huang Chi's attitude. It was estimated that he was also nowhere better than Huang Chi.

After a while of silence, Dong Ming said again, "Wilton has been repaired, and the news was also given by him."

"Oh." Huang Chi nodded gently, and the expression on his face slowly relaxed. Before long, there was even a smile on Huang Chi's face, "I know. Wilton must have told you the position of the other party's command. General, don't worry, our mecha team is guaranteed to complete the task!"

Facing Huang Chi's guarantee, Dong Ming did not know how to continue, and his face was full of bitter smiles, but he had to make this matter clear to Huang Chi. After hesitating for a long time, Dong Ming opened his mouth again when he saw Huang Chi was about to leave.

"Lao Huang, you misunderstood that Wilton was repaired, but he didn't pay much attention to us at all. He just gave information about a robot assembly."

"This...?" Huang Chi was completely dumbfounded. He didn't know how to continue.

"General, didn't Wilton even listen to Duan Peng's words?" When Huang Chi was not supposed to continue, Kong Rong on one side finally couldn't help walking forward.

Maybe because of his guilty heart, Kong Rong did not come forward directly every time Dong Ming came, but quietly paid attention to the dialogue between Huang Chi and Dong Ming, but now that he got such information, Kong Rong finally couldn't help it.

"It's not that he doesn't listen to Xiaopeng, but that Xiaopeng is now in a coma and can't ask Wilton at all." Speaking of Duan Peng, Dong Ming's face suddenly became more bitter.

Although Dong Ming has decided to let Duan Peng be his successor, Duan Peng is still just a child after all. All the burdens are on Duan Peng, and Dong Ming is still a little sorry.

However, Kong Rong would not apologize. Hearing Dong Ming's question, Kong Rong immediately said, "General, do you think we can wake up Xiaopeng?"

"Kong Rong!" Before Dong Ming could react, Huang Chi on one side had already roared.

Of course, Dong Ming was equally unhappy, but his reaction was not as fast as Huang Chi's. When Huang Chi's voice fell, Dong Ming also opened his mouth and said, "Kong Rong, what's your suggestion? Waking up a person in a coma will cause harm to the body. How can you make such a suggestion!"

In the face of the double pressure of Huang Chi and Dong Ming, Kong Rong couldn't help but feel a trace of panic on his face, but only for a moment, Kong Rong regained his composure. After all, although his proposal also contained a certain selfishness, it could not be said to be completely unreasonable.

After a pause, Kong Rong looked directly into Dong Ming and Huang Chi and said, "General, I say this for the sake of justice."

"Publicity? You have the nerve to say that you are for justice. Who doesn't know the conflict between you and Xiaopeng? Maybe Xiaopeng is still in a coma and still having fun!" As soon as Kong Rong's words fell, Huang Chi said sarcasm without hesitation, and Huang Chi had not lowered his voice. His loud voice immediately attracted the eyes of people nearby. "I can't figure out that Xiaopeng is just a child. Even if Xiaopeng has accidentally offended you in his words, you need to Do you keep a child's words in your heart for so long?

When he put forward his opinion, he was ready to be refuted, but Kong Rong still didn't expect Huang Chi's words to be so sharp, and his face suddenly turned blue.

However, before Kong Rong could refute, Dong Ming had already opened his mouth first.

"Huang Chi!" Dong Ming first scolded Huang Chi before turning his head and said to Kong Rong, "Xiao Kong, Lao Huang's words may be a little unpleasant, but I still have that attitude. Duan Peng is our meritorious minister. We can't treat our meritorious minister like this, even if it's not."

Maybe it is to take care of Kong Rong's face. Dong Ming also put the word "heart" at the end of his words.

"Well, General, if we don't wake up Duan Peng, what should we do?" But Kong Rong did not give up, which may have been stimulated by Huang Chi's attitude. Kong Rong did not give in as never before, but initiated a questioning.

And before Dong Ming could speak, Kong Rong continued: "We all know that if the robots are reinforced little by little, then our village can stay for three days until the energy is exhausted, but now that the robots are gathering, we absolutely can't prevent the robots. Wave flow, and how long will it take for the robots to gather?

Dong Ming was originally very resolute, but in the face of Kong Rong's question, Dong Ming still hesitated, because Kong Rong's words also mentioned what he was worried about.