
Chapter 87 Action

At night, the camp is a temporary tent specially built for Duan Peng.

"I'm sorry, Xiaopeng, my father didn't mean it, but his identity made him have to make such a decision."

Duan Peng woke up from a coma, and Dong Ruo, who got the news, rushed to Duan Peng's side as soon as possible. Dong Ruo had heard about what happened during the day, and Dong Ruo's face was full of apology.

"It's okay. I can understand what Uncle Dong did."

Looking at Dong Ruo's apologetic face, Duan Peng was distressed. Besides, Duan Peng can really understand Dong Ming's choice. After all, no matter how talented Duan Peng is and can add weights to the future of the village, it is just the future. If he can't get through the current crisis, how can the village talk about the future, and he is out of a coma? Awakening may not hurt the brain, so no matter from which perspective, Dong Ming's choice is not wrong.

Of course, no mistake does not necessarily mean that it is acceptable. For example, now, although Duan Peng has been trying his best to comfort him, Dong Ruo is still very uncomfortable, especially her father who made this decision.

"Xiaopeng, but I..."

"Don't be." It can be seen that Dong Ruo has quarreled with Dong Ming, and his eyes are still red and swollen. Perhaps thinking of Dong Ming's decision, the tears in Dong Ruo's eyes couldn't help flowing down again. Duan Peng stretched out his hand and gently wiped away the tears on Dong Ruo's face. His pale face also squeezed out a smile because of too much blood loss and said, "I'm not Is it okay? Don't quarrel with Uncle Dong anymore. At this moment, maybe his heart is more uncomfortable than us.

Listening to Duan Peng's words, Dong Ruo's face couldn't help but flash a trace of panic.

Dong Ruo has seen Duan Peng. Duan Peng is completely sober. In addition to his pale face and a little weak, at least nothing else can be seen on the appearance. With Duan Peng's reminder, Dong Ming's old face and silver hair can't help but appear in Dong Ruo's mind.

Staring at Duan Peng's pale face and hesitated for a while, Dong Ruo hesitated to say, "Then... Why don't I go back to see my father now?"

"Well, go ahead!" Dong Ming answered with a smile.

Watching Dong Ruo walk out of the tent step by step, Duan Peng slowly withdrew his eyes and fell to Wilton, who had been waiting beside him.

Although Dong Ming had agreed to Kong Rong's proposal and was even ready to take action, Kong Rong's wake-up plan was not implemented until the end, and Duan Peng finally woke up naturally.

Because something happened again in the end, Wilton compromised at the moment when Dong Ming and Gao Ming were ready to take action.

You should know that robots are the most computational, and the dialogue between Dong Ming and Zhong Xi did not avoid Wilton. All the conversations between Zhong Xi and Dong Ming have become Wilton's information and also become Wilton's computing conditions.

Once these conditions were added, Wilton quickly came to a conclusion that if Dong Ming and Gao Ming controlled him according to Kong Rong's words, and Kong Rong would definitely suffer a great risk.

So, just in an instant, Wilton made a decision and compromised! Although Wilton was reluctant to pay attention to this group of people, Wilton had to choose to compromise for Duan Peng.


In the plain, shrouded in night, a huge figure crawled in the grass.

is the mecha team of Dongjia Village. Almost all the mecha has been dispatched, and Huang Chi personally led the team.

Huang Chi quietly looked at the display in front of him and saw that the upper edge of the display was densely full of red dots, almost connected.

Because the robot is relatively thin and cannot carry too much energy, in order to save energy, the detection mode equipped on the robot is scattered and will be turned on one by one when needed.

The mecha is different. Because of the huge body, they can carry more energy, so their detection mode is almost a complex, so Huang Chi can see the situation in the distance through the display device.

Of course, Huang Chi does not dare to get too close. Although the mecha display has marked the position of the robot, in fact, the mecha team led by Huang Chi is at least 300 meters away from the robot team.

Huang Chi frowned tightly and had been in place for more than ten minutes, but Huang Chi did not come up with any way.

Although Wilton has given specific coordinates, there are too many robots in this coordinate position. Even sitting in the mecha, Huang Chi can't feel any safety.

"Captain!" For a long time, a young voice sounded in Huang Chi's caller, "Is it time for us to go?"

"What's your name!" Although the young people are a little impetuous, after all, this is a battlefield. There is no authority to challenge the leader on the battlefield. Even young people can't be so presumptuous, so the young voice has just fallen, and Huang Chi's angry shouts sounded in almost all the mecha callers, "Don't you know this is on the battlefield? The only thing you have to do on the battlefield is to obey orders!"

Suddenly, the whole call channel became quiet again.

One minute...

Two minutes...

Time is slipping away. Through the voice just now, Huang Chi also knows that it can't be dragged on. The patience of the soldiers has been dragged to the limit, but Huang Chi can only drag on, because Huang Chi is afraid that even if he sacrifices himself, he can't complete the task.

Five minutes... The voice suppressed by Huang Chi sounded again.

"I'm sorry, captain, it's not what I want to say, but if it goes on like this, there will be more and more robots, and our hope of success will become less and less..."

"Shut up!" Huang Chi shouted angrily again, but it didn't take long. Huang Chi's attitude suddenly softened. After all, it's really not a way to drag it off like this. "So what do you think we should do now?"

Silence, silence.

This silence did not last long, and the young voice sounded again.

"Captain, we fought with them!" The voice was still young and came from the speaker, but everyone felt a resolute momentum from the voice.

"Yes! Captain, we fought with them!"


may have been infected by momentum, and there was a brief silence in the caller, but soon everyone shouted, and almost everyone's blood was felt in the caller.

Listening to everyone's voices, Huang Chi couldn't help looking back. Unfortunately, Huang Chi was still in the mecha, and he couldn't see everyone's expressions at all. Just for a moment, Huang Chi also made a decision, "Okay! Let's fight!"

"Listen to my orders!"

Huang Chi's voice just fell, and all the mecha's hands were placed on the keyboard in front of them, and their faces were full of determination. They were ready to die.


just one word! A word popped out of Huang Chi's mouth, and all the mecha's hands began to dance.

But before the mecha body could get up from the ground with the movements of the mecha soldiers, Huang Chi's order suddenly changed again, "Wait..."

The mecha soldiers were stunned by Huang Chi's voice, and the rushing orders had been issued. Everyone had taken action, but less than a second after the order, Huang Chi actually changed the order again. They didn't know what had happened.

However, even if they are puzzled, everyone still stopped the mecha that was about to be launched in a hurry.

Of course, the puzzle did not last long. The afterglow of a mecha accidentally swept the monitor in front of him, and he immediately understood why Huang Chi temporarily changed the order.

With his discovery, more and more mecha people also saw the picture in the display. At the moment they saw the picture, they were stunned, and the blood on their faces faded in an instant.


Dong Ruo left, Zhong Xi also left, and Duan Peng is left in the tent, but even if there is only Duan Peng now, there is nothing to worry about, because Wilton is still by Duan Peng's side.

Duan Peng looked at Wilton quietly. Although this robot was no different from other robots, Duan Peng clearly knew that this was Wilton, his friend Wilton, because Wilton had been waiting for him closely.

"Xiao Wei?" Duan Peng tried to shout.

With Duan Peng's cry, the light in the eyes of the robot electronics began to flash slowly, as if responding to Duan Peng's shouting.

Seeing Wilton's reaction, Duan Peng's face immediately smiled, and he shouted again, "Xiao Wei!"

flashed again, much faster than the previous time, as if like Duan Peng, Wilton was also very excited.

"Xiao Wei! ......”

screaming over and over again, Duan Peng's voice became faster and faster, and the flashing frequency of Wilton's electronic eyes became higher and higher.

Finally, Duan Peng stopped and smiled, but his eyes were full of tears.

"Xiao Wei, it's great that you're still alive!" Duan Peng struggled to start from the ground, and his fingers slowly stroked the body of Wilton Steel.

And Wilton also responded to Duan Peng's action and slowly put his hand on Duan Peng's head.

Feeing Wilton's movements, Duan Peng was about to be crazy. Wilton used to be the pain in Duan Peng's heart, but at this moment Wilton was resurrected. He was really resurrected, because Duan Peng had already felt the strength of Wilton's hands.

But such warmth did not last long. Wilton's hand touching Duan Peng's head suddenly stopped, and the metal head suddenly twisted to one side.