
Chapter 88 He came

Wilton stared at the canopy wall of the tent, and Duan Peng looked at it and returned to Wilton.

Duan Peng knew that Wilton only looked in that direction, which had nothing to do with the canopy wall, and that direction was the only place that Wilton pointed out.

After waiting for a long time and couldn't wait for Wilton's answer, Duan Peng couldn't help asking again, "Xiao Wei? Is there something wrong over there?

Another question may have felt the anxiety in Duan Peng's words. Wilton's head finally slowly turned over. He stared at Duan Peng for a while, and then wrote a line of words on the ground, "He's coming"

It's just three words. As soon as Wilton finished writing, Duan Peng finished reading it. Seeing that something had happened to the imaginary mecha team, Duan Peng's heart suddenly let go.

But the relief was only for a moment. Soon Duan Peng's heart was picked up again. He asked nervously, "He's coming. Why is he coming? What exactly does it mean?

But this time, Wilton did not answer Duan Peng's question. He slowly stood up and walked towards the door. He walked to the door and looked back at Duan Peng quietly, just like that.

Duan Peng's face was inexplicable. He didn't know what the three words he came represented, let alone what Wilton's actions represented, but before Duan Peng figured it out, Wilton suddenly turned around and walked out of the tent.


Huang Chi was stunned by what happened in front of them. As soon as they were about to charge, the robot actually moved. The red dot representing the robot on the display was moving towards them and the camp at a high speed.

Have the robots been assembled? Huang Chi didn't understand what happened.

But the distance is only 300 meters. For the high-speed robot, which is about ten seconds, there is no time for Huang Chi to think about what happened. He must immediately make a decision on whether to meet or return.

"He Wei, Li Hong led the team back to help! The others are fighting with me!"

After all, Huang Chi was the captain of the village guard for many years, but Huang Chi came to his senses in an instant and completed the order in an instant.

"Captain!" The voices of He Wei and Li Hong sounded at the same time, with a little sadness in their voices, "Let's go together!"

Go back, with the assistance of the village guard, the safety factor of the mecha is much higher, and with the assistance of the village guard, you can kill a large number of enemies, but if you stay behind...

Although the existence of the robot can't be seen from the perspective of the mecha in the night, the dense red dots on the other side of the detection display have explained everything. Just thinking about it, He Wei and Li Hong couldn't help but feel numbing their scalp.

"There is no time to execute the order." Huang Chi had no time to pay attention to the thoughts in He Wei and Li Hong's hearts. As soon as their voices fell, Huang Chi couldn't help roaring and began to order, "Others lie in place with me and wait for the robot to approach."

"Yes!" He Wei and Li Hong's noses were sore at the same time, but He Wei and Li Hong immediately responded to Huang Chi's order.

Time is running out. The robots here have moved, and the robots in other directions may have moved, and all the mecha in the village have been brought out by them. The 800 people of the village guard can never stop the impact of so many robots, so they have to walk and have to walk fast.

Huang Chi has no time to pay attention to He Wei's movements, and all his spirit has been concentrated on the detection display in front of him.

Two hundred meters...

The front red dots have entered a range of 200 meters. Suddenly, all the red dots collectively paused.

Huang Chi was stunned when he saw the action of the red dot, but just blinked, Huang Chi already understood that it was He Wei and others. He Wei's departure was discovered by the robot. Because it was too sudden, the robot did not react, so the whole team paused for a short time.

Sure enough, just a little pause, the robot's footsteps became faster, as if to chase He Wei and others who were running.

Sweat kept slipping from Huang Chi's forehead, but Huang Chi didn't have time to wipe it. His heart had already reached his throat. He Wei and others left, and he still lay in the grass with several mecha, but can these grass block the sight of the robot? Huang Chi has no confidence in his heart.

100 meters......

Huang Chi's heart finally fell. Although the robot became faster, they really didn't seem to find Huang Chi's existence. Two hundred meters was already the shooting range of the energy gun, but the robot never took out the energy gun.

"Everyone get ready!" After taking a breath and wiping it on his head, Huang Chi gave the order softly.

are all dead men. Even if the robots do not move, these mechamen are also ready to rush forward desperately. When the accident occurs, they are quietly waiting for Huang Chi's order, so Huang Chi's voice just fell, and everyone's hands immediately appeared on the keyboard, firm and calm.

50 meters...

arrived and finally arrived. Although Huang Chi may not be able to go back in the face of so many robots, when the robot entered 50 meters, Huang Chi couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth slightly.

50 meters, even if the robot finds a hidden mecha, they can no longer use a long-range energy gun, because it will take time for the energy gun to collect energy, and the time for both sides to hedge is not enough to form energy bombs.


Huang Chi's voice finally sounded in the caller.

Just for a moment, six King Kong was like a cheetah hidden in the grass, quickly rushing up to the robot team.

Two seconds?

Maybe less than two seconds, just like a stream facing the flood, but the stream still hit it firmly.

Li Hong and He Wei could not go too far, and Huang Chi's order was also transmitted to their caller. Although they knew early that there would be such a time, when Huang Chi's order was issued, He Wei and Li Hong's hands couldn't help but pause. Even at that moment, they had the impulse to turn back, but In the end, Li Hong and He Wei still resisted, because they could not waste Huang Chi's painstaking efforts, and they could not cause the destruction of the village because of a momentary impulse.

"Speed up, everyone!"

Just paused for a moment, and He Wei and Li Hong's hands moved again, even more resolutely than just now.

Far away, Huang Chi, who had rushed into the robot formation, heard He Wei's order and suddenly smiled and smiled with relief.

As long as He Wei and Li Hong can rush back to the village, the mecha team he leads has completed their own tasks. As for whether the village can be held in the end, it is not what Huang Chi can care about.

smiled, and Huang Chi's movements in his hand also accelerated a little. Although it seemed to be a mortal situation, Huang Chi was unwilling to die like this, and even if he died, he had to find the advanced intelligence and even destroy it.

Huang Chi's hand danced on the keyboard, which was completely different from Duan Peng. When Huang Chi's fingers danced, it was like a slow-motion dance. The movements of each finger were clearly seen, but the sound of his head falling on the keyboard was a string of sounds without any intervals.

The dance of Huang Chi's fingers was immediately reflected in King Kong.

The speed of King Kong soared, and in the high-speed march, King Kong raised his knee. The robot in front of King Kong immediately flew up with King Kong's knee, but this is not the end. The robot just emerged from the top of King Kong's head, and the rising speed suddenly stopped.

It turns out that King Kong has caught the robot's foot.


With a sound of wind, the robot turned into a weapon in King Kong's hand and was swung out by King Kong.


The impact sound of metal is continuous.

King Kong's arm is more than three meters long and the robot is more than two meters tall. Just for a moment, a vacuum zone with a radius of six meters appeared near the King Kong driven by Huang Chi.

The important thing about this set of [harmonious] action is not how many robots Huang Chi hit, but Huang Chi destroys the robot's formation in the blink of an eye. The speed of the robot is pulled by Huang Chi's tos.

When they saw Huang Chi's movements, other mechamen also learned the same. They grabbed the robot around them and shired it. Although it was not necessarily the robot's leg, the effect was not much worse.

The torrent of steel composed of robots was set in place by six King Kong at this moment.


Duan Peng was dumbfounded. He watched Wilton walk out of the tent, but at the moment the curtain closed, Duan Peng woke up.

"Xiao Wei, what are you going to do?" Regardless of the wounds on his body and the soreness of his limbs, Duan Peng quickly got up from the ground.

Hearing Duan Peng's voice from the tent, Wilton's footsteps were also violent. His metal head even tended to shift backwards, but only for a moment, Wilton continued to take steps forward, even stronger than at the beginning.

Duan Peng is running. Although he has lost too much blood and his footsteps are a little empty, Duan Peng is still running, because Duan Peng has understood what Wilton means.

When he came, Wilton could only refer to the advanced intelligence, and only the advanced intelligence signal could attract Wilton's attention, and the fact that he came may also indicate that the advanced intelligence was coming for Wilton.

As for Wilton's desire to leave, he must have tried to attract the robot through the signal he sent, but how could Duan Peng tolerate such a thing to happen in front of him?

"Wilton, stop."

Wilton still moves forward firmly as if he hadn't heard it.

"Hung, your method is useless!" Duan Peng shouted again.

There is nothing he can do. Although he is running, Duan Peng can't catch up with Wilton's speed because of his weak legs. He can only shout in the back.

Maybe Duan Peng's words moved Wilton. Wilton's electronic eyes flashed brightly. Unfortunately, it only flashed brightly. Wilton's footsteps did not stop. After the glory ended, Wilton's footsteps became faster.