
Chapter 91 Bait

There is not much time, and Dong Ming can't object. Wilton has crossed the defense circle of the village and went outside.

Looking at Wilton's newly changed thin body, Dong Ming looked inexplicably. He didn't know what Wilton did for. After a moment, Dong Ming said to Duan Peng on the side, "Is this what you call to seduce the enemy?"

It's not to blame Dong Ming for being surprised, because such a temptation is too simple.

Wilton stands outside the defense circle, and there are so many robots. As long as the robots shoot at once, Wilton's bait will have to be annihilated.

In the face of Dong Ming's doubts, although Duan Peng was tired, he showed a confident smile on his pale face.

"Xiao Wei told me that every advanced intelligence is a valuable asset of robots. The reason why that intelligence wants to come in a hurry is definitely not to destroy. When he sees Xiao Wei standing outside, what he can think of will certainly not attack in the first place. He will communicate with Xiao Wei, and at this time Wait, Xiaowei can help us lock that intelligence, and then we can find a way to eliminate it!"

"Do you really believe Wilton's words so much? He is now on the periphery of the defense circle. Do you think it is possible for him to leave our team as soon as the robot comes?

Such a temptation is really too simple. Although Duan Peng has given a clear explanation, this explanation is only Wilton's side. Dong Ming believes that Duan Peng will not hide anything from him, but Duan Peng is really too young, but Dong Ming does not believe in Duan Peng's judgment. Although Wilton is just a A robot, but Wilton is also a robot with advanced intelligence. He has violated too many robot principles, and even if there is a deceptive situation now, it is not impossible.

Facing Dong Ming's doubts, Duan Peng smiled.

At this time, Wilton also turned his head, as if he had heard the conversation between Dong Ming and Duan Peng. He looked quietly, as if waiting for Duan Peng's answer.

Looking at the flashing light on Wilton's electronic eyes, Duan Peng's smile became brighter. After a pause for a long time, he slowly turned his head and looked at Dong Ming and said, "I believe him!"

Duan Peng said very solemnly, as if he was making some solemn oath.

At that moment, Dong Ming seemed to be moved by Duan Peng's solemnity, but it was only for a moment. After all, Dong Ming shouldered the responsibility of the whole village. He could not gamble, let alone gamble with the whole village.

However, a trace of hesitation just flashed on Dong Ming's face, but Duan Peng spoke again. He seemed to see Dong Ming's inner hesitation and continued: "Actually, at this time, even if Xiaowei stays in our village, it can't help us too much. If he wants to leave and such a decision is better for him, I will also think of me. Respect his choice!"

Sure enough, he heard it. Duan Peng's voice had just ended, and the flashing frequency in Wilton's eyes was obviously much faster. He stood still and watched quietly for a long time before his metal head slowly turned back.

Dong Ming also looked quietly. To be honest, Duan Peng's answer obviously can't satisfy Dong Ming, but Duan Peng is right. It has reached the current point. Wilton's existence does not have any effect on the village. If Wilton does not stand up, then everyone can only rely on these simple ones. As for the defense of the facility, the result can only pray that luck will be on their side, but now that Wilton has stood up, at least they have one more choice. Even the worst result is just to return to the original plan.

Just as Wilton turned his head, Dong Ming also sighed. After all, it is wartime, and this is also a battlefield. Robots will not give them too much time to think about the pros and cons.

"Well, you convinced me, but how should Wilton inform us when he finds the leader of the other party? I remember that Wilton's body is just an ordinary robot body. It seems that he can't talk to us directly!"

"The robot has arrived, and the first robot is still 1024 meters away from us. According to the propulsion speed, it is expected that they will arrive in 47 seconds, 46, 45..."

Obviously, although he turned around, Wilton still paid attention to the dialogue between Duan Peng and Dong Ming. This time, as soon as Dong Ming's voice fell, Duan Peng had not opened his mouth, and an electronic synthesis sound sounded in almost all the short-frequency telephones arranged at the forefront.

In an instant, Dong Ming understood that Wilton must have known the frequency of their caller and mastered the channel password.

Sure enough, in the face of Dong Ming's questioning look, Duan Peng's pale face quickly showed a bright smile.

"I told Xiao Wei about the frequency of the short frequency, and I also told him the password of the call channel, and Xiao Wei will convert his locked position into our language and then convey it to us through the caller."

Looking at Duan Peng's appearance, Dong Ming was speechless. Duan Peng also said that Wilton's existence would not affect anyone, but Duan Peng had told Wilton all the frequency and password of the call channel, which means that Wilton had already obtained the layout and decision on the battlefield through the call between them, and even Wilton can also directly interfere, thus making Dongjia Village's command difficult.

But listening to the countdown from the caller, Dong Ming can't make any other changes now, and he can only hope that Wilton is really so credible. Otherwise, the war has been doomed to failure before it begins.

"General! The robot has arrived!" Just 15 seconds left before the reading, the sound of a watchman sounded around him.

Dong Ming immediately brought the night vision device in his hand to his eyes.

Sure enough, a dense robot is approaching in the direction of the team, and their bodies are gradually becoming clear as they approach.

"Prepare to fight!"

The robot is getting closer and closer, in the dark. No one can see the specific appearance of the robot's body, but everyone can still clearly see a dark shadow approaching them.

Although the soldiers were ready to face the news from the moment they got the news, and the soldiers had one more day to adapt to the rhythm of the battle, when so many robots appeared in front of the soldiers, the soldiers still felt depressed, even if Dong Ming had given the order to prepare for the battle. Ling, there are still many people who can't lift the energy gun in their hands.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Dong Ming couldn't help sighing. Although he had been trained by Zhong Xi and the baptism of war, the time was still too hasty. The robot gave them too little time. With such a group of people to face the upcoming impact, Dong Ming's heart did not have much bottom. .

"Lit the gun!" Just took a deep breath, and Dong Ming issued the order again, but this order was much clearer than last time.

The clear command is indeed much better than the vague command. Although many people are still timid, the energy gun in their hands is still raised with Dong Ming's order.

However, this is not what Dong Ming wants. What he wants is not a group of soldiers who have lost their courage before fighting. The energy gun in the soldiers' hands has just been raised, and Dong Ming continued to say, "After a day and one night of fighting, the facts have also proved to us that robots are not as good as we think. I'm afraid that although there are more robots coming this time, I believe you can definitely keep it, because your relatives and friends are still standing behind you, and they are relying on our protection.

With that, Dong Ming took a deep breath and shouted, "Hear!"

With Dong Ming's words, the soldiers' eyes became firmer and firmer. When the two words roared out of Dong Ming's mouth, the soldiers involuntarily broke out with Dong Ming's voice, as if only in this way can they dispel the fear in their hearts. Only in this way can they strengthen their determination to keep it. They speak loudly Dong Ming's words roared.




Eight hundred voices gathered together, not only dispelling the fear in their hearts, but also inspiring the others around them. As the sound sounded, the energy guns in the soldiers' hands became tighter and firmer. They stared at the dark shadow in front of them, and then carefully distinguished them, trying to find them from them. To their respective goals.

100 meters......

Wilton stood quietly on the periphery. Such a distance can divide the shadow in front of him into individuals, but Wilton stands so quietly. This is the advantage of robots. At least from their appearance, they can't see their inner calculations, and of course, they can't see whether Wilton is afraid. .

The soldiers are also waiting quietly. They have also identified each individual in front of them. They have even locked their own targets, but the order to fire has not been issued. Although their palms are full of sweat, they can only wait quietly.

There was no strength on his legs, and Duan Peng stood very hard, but Duan Peng still persisted. He quietly looked at Wilton's back, with a pale face with a smile and a confident smile.

Dong Ming's eyebrows trembled. From time to time, he looked up at the robot in the distance, then turned his head to look at Wilton's back, and finally looked back at Duan Peng beside him.

has reached the best attack distance, but Dong Ming doesn't know whether to gamble with Duan Peng and others. If the opportunity is lost, it will not appear again. If they attack, in the face of so many people and such powerful firepower, the robot will obviously not stop communicating.

50 meters...

Time will not stop with Dong Ming's hesitation, that is, the moment Dong Ming thought, the distance of the robot approached again, and the distance between the two sides was only 50 meters. Now if he doesn't shoot, the long-range advantage of Dongjia Village will end.

gritted his teeth, and Dong Ming finally raised his hand. He could no longer take care of Duan Peng's plan, because there were only 50 meters left, and the robot still could not see the intention of stopping.


I'm not at home during this period, and there is no fixed time, so I can't keep it up to normal, but I will try my best to make sure that there is a continuous update every day...

Please forgive me! If you can't forgive, please don't slap your face. There is more meat on your buttocks...