
Chapter 92 Attack

Duan Peng's pale face has been smiling, but he was also anxious to see the robot approaching Duan Peng. Because the plan was too hasty, Duan Peng found that he seemed to have forgotten one thing, that is, the remote advantage of Dongjia Village.

After rescuing the people from the other three villages, the number of people in Dongjia Village has increased sharply, and the same number of village guards has increased. However, although the number of people has increased, the quality of the village guards has declined with the increase of the number of people. Most of the village guards are no more than level 4 soldiers. Their attacks are completely for robots with metal bodies. There is no threat, and the only advantage they rely on is the long-range energy gun, but Duan Peng's arrangement erases the advantage of the energy gun.

100 meters......

50 meters...

The distance is constantly getting closer and still maintains a smile on his face, but Duan Peng still couldn't help looking at Dong Ming.

Dong Ming raised his hand, and the smile on Duan Peng's face finally disappeared. He looked at Dong Ming quietly with a trace of hesitation on his face. Needless to guess, Duan Peng also knew that Dong Ming must have made the decision to attack, but Duan Peng couldn't make up his mind whether to stop it.

If you don't stop it, Duan Peng's plan failed, and because of Duan Peng's plan, the village wasted a lot of opportunities.

To stop, Duan Peng took another look at the robot team that was approaching rapidly, 40 meters, but the robot still had no intention of stopping. Is Wilton's judgment really accurate? Even Duan Peng himself has doubts, and more importantly, if you don't block the speed of the robot remotely, then Dongjia Village will undoubtedly lose. The whole Dongjia Village will be buried with Duan Peng's decision.

Thinking about it, Duan Peng took another look at Wilton's back.

This is an ordinary robot body. Although it is taller than the previous Wilton's body, this body uses some ordinary metals, carrying advanced intelligence like Wilton. Such a body looks thinner, but Wilton does not move at all. .

Of course, Wilton did not move because his mood did not change, but Wilton was a robot, and the robot's thinking was destined that Wilton would not collapse before pressure.

But in Duan Peng's opinion, this is Wilton's firmness, who is still firmly implementing the plan.

At this glance, Duan Peng also made a decision in his heart. Although he did not have the right to make such a decision, Duan Peng still made the decision, and this decision was more firm than ever.

At the moment of the decision, Duan Peng suddenly turned his head, and Dong Ming's hand waved at that moment. At the same time, Dong Ming's mouth also opened, and the order was about to jump out of Dong Ming's mouth.


Duan Peng's voice suddenly sounded, and Dong Ming's order was blocked by Duan Peng's sudden sound.

Dong Ming's face suddenly changed, and his eyebrows almost stood up.

Dong Ming does not know whether Duan Peng did it intentionally, but whether it is intentional or not, it is unforgivable to make such a mistake at this time. No matter whether Duan Peng is his future son-in-law or not, no matter how much credit Duan Peng has made to the village, such a mistake is by no means unforgivable.

But Dong Ming's anger could not be vented in the end. Almost when Duan Peng's voice fell and Dong Ming's face suddenly changed, the robot stopped.

It suddenly stopped in the high-speed movement, and the whole team was more than 20 meters away from the defense of Dongjia Village.

Needless to say, Dong Ming also knows that Duan Peng's plan has succeeded in the first step. Now that he has reached the current level, Dong Ming has no choice. He can only continue according to Duan Peng's script.

"Aim! Wait!"

Dong Ming's order came from the short-frequency telephone arranged throughout the defense circle.

The battlefield became very strange. The soldiers lay quietly behind the simple defense facilities. Sweat kept oozing from their foreheads and palms, and their hearts were beating wildly. But they didn't expect that Dong Ming was waiting for the order, but fortunately, these soldiers had been trained by Zhong Xi. And after the baptism of the war, they also had a certain battlefield experience, and there was no fire under Dong Ming's order.

What's more strange is the robots. They came aggressively. Unexpectedly, when they reached more than 20 meters in the defense circle, they suddenly stopped, like standing targets waiting for the shooting of Dongjia Village.

Huang Chi and Zhong Xi were also shocked by what happened in front of them. They knew the appearance of Duan Peng and Wilton, but as soon as Duan Peng appeared, Dong Ming sent them away. They did not know Duan Peng's plan, although Huang Chi and Zhong Xi also thought that all these strange phenomena may be due to Duan. Peng happened, but Huang Chi and Zhong Xi couldn't figure out how Duan Peng did everything in front of him.

"mecha team, gather in the south!"

did not let Huang Chi and Zhong Xi guess for too long, and Dong Ming's voice sounded in the caller, but this time it was not all the callers arranged in the defense circle, but the mecha caller, and the sound was so low that it was almost impossible for ordinary soldiers to hear it.

Now the mecha team has the confidence to defend the village. Even Dong Ming does not want to affect the soldiers' confidence in defense because of his own mobilization.

And Zhong Xi did not wait too long to get Dong Ming's order to gather, but Zhong Xi's order was aboveboard. After all, there was such a strange phenomenon. It is normal for Dong Ming to convene Zhong Xi, the actual person in charge of the village guard, to discuss.


The mecha team and Zhong Xi rushed to Dong Ming's side as soon as they received the order. Although Huang Chi and Zhong Xi's hearts were full of doubts, now is not the time to ask questions. Both Huang Chi and Zhong Xi know the importance of command. In this case, even if they have doubts in their hearts, they will never question Dong. Ming's decision.

Hearing the voices of Huang Chi and Zhong Xi, Dong Ming nodded gently, but Dong Ming did not say anything. He looked closely at Wilton's back, because he had bet everything on Wilton.

one minute...two minutes...

Huang Chi and Zhong Xi became more and more confused, and the expressions on their faces became more and more solemn. They all followed Dong Ming's orders, but after waiting for more than two minutes, Dong Ming still did not give the next order, but also not only the order. Since they came here, Dong Ming has not even told them a word, just because He nodded gently for their arrival.

Huang Chi and Zhong Xi are not nervous. After all, they don't know the plans of Duan Peng and Dong Ming at all. In addition, the village guards are still confronting the robots, and the two of them are responsible for two important directions.

Duan Peng and Dong Ming also have solemn expressions. Although they all know what they are waiting for, it has been two minutes. In such a war atmosphere, it is not enough to describe Dong Ming and Duan Peng's current mood.


Suddenly, there was a crisp electronic sound in the quiet night sky.

No, it's not a sound, but nearly 20 mecha came out at the same time, and all the sounds converged into one, so the sound seemed extremely clear in the quiet night.

All the mechamen subconsciously looked at the display instrument that made a sound in front of them.

However, as soon as their eyes fell on the display, an electronic synthesis sound sounded in their caller.


Attack? What to attack?

Almost all the mechas were stunned at this moment, but only for a moment, they woke up from their frenness, because they saw the mark on the display in front of them. A blue dot appeared in the red color representing the robot on the display, and the blue dot was clearly marked with red. Color X.

Although I don't know why such a mark appeared, all the mechas understood that even if they didn't understand, they also activated the mecha, because the mecha in front of them had moved.

Dong Ming just heard a drop, and then all the mecha moved. Although there was a momentary blank in his mind, Dong Ming quickly reacted. He must have marked the position of the other party's leader.

Because it is not in the mecha, Dong Ming does not know how Wilton marks the robot leader, but this does not prevent him from following orders.

Almost the moment the mecha started, Dong Ming's voice sounded in the caller.


In an instant, a white light lit up the whole night sky, and the robot team also rioted with the white light.

The leader of the robot was still communicating with Wilton. He wanted to find out why Wilton appeared in the human camp, but he didn't expect that the human team opposite suddenly launched an attack. Even with advanced intelligence, the robot couldn't help but hit the machine.

The only depressed thing should be Zhong Xi. He came and he waited, but in the end, everyone had a move, but he didn't know what to do.

Huang Chi's hand danced on the keyboard in front of him. As always, Huang Chi's movements looked so clear and slow, but when his fingers fell on the keyboard, the sound was different from others. The sound was connected into a series. People with keen hearing could hardly hear that it was actually caused by many clicks. Composition.

The distance of 20 meters is very close, but in less than a second, Huang Chi has rushed to the robot with the mecha team, and the robot is still in a riot, because they have just been hit by the soldiers. Huang Chi's mecha team rushed into the robot's formation with little resistance.

While operating, Huang Chi looked closely at the display in front of him, representing the blue of the robot leader and the green representing himself were rapidly approaching.


The whole process was only five or six seconds, and Huang Chi finally rushed to the blue, which represented the leader of the robot. However, when Huang Chi looked at the robot through the mecha perspective, Huang Chi's face suddenly became ugly, and even the movements in his hand paused briefly.