
Chapter 94 Combat Advanced Intelligence

As a seven-level mecha, I don't know how many battles have happened between Huang Chi and the robot, but the previous battles are very easy, and it can be easily defeated almost without Huang Chi using all his abilities.

But this time Huang Chi was miscalculated. He didn't think that a robot could see through his action intention. Originally, he thought that a steady blow turned into a trap he dug for himself, and the reaction speed of this advanced intelligence was quite fast. Huang Chi was just slightly stunned, and the robot's axe blade had waved out. Come on, King Kong's hands still keep smashing.

Sweat instantly came out of Huang Chi's forehead and fought with robots so many times. It was the first time that Huang Chi encountered such a thrilling situation. Even at that moment, Huang Chi forgot how to fight back.

But it's okay. After all, he is a seven-level mecha. I don't know how much experience Huang Chi has experienced between life and death, but Huang Chi didn't expect that a robot could produce so many changes, so there was a small accident.

The moment he came to his senses, Huang Chi's hands began to dance subconsciously, and King Kong also stopped smashing with Huang Chi's hands.

In a crisis, Huang Chi did not control King Kong's arm to recover at the first time, but stopped King Kong's action and immediately put it out.


Although the action was hasty, it was just right. King Kong's arm just met the metal rod of the giant axe, and a metal impact sounded. Because of the haste, King Kong's huge body was smashed a little, but the axe blade was still one or two centimeters short of not to fall on King Kong.

temporarily escaped a disaster, but Huang Chi had no time to wipe off the sweat on his head, and his heart jumped up again, because the picture from the perspective of the mecha in front of him changed again.


Seeing that the axe blade was about to fall on King Kong's body, I didn't expect that King Kong changed the trajectory of his arm in a hurry and just blocked the front of the metal rod.

Before the metal rod and King Kong's arm collided, Baxter had concluded that it was impossible for him to achieve the desired effect, but Bax did not stop his movements, and the huge axe still flew firmly to King Kong's body.


With a loud noise, the metal rod collided with King Kong's arm, but this was already the result of calculation. Seeing a twist of Bax's arm, the giant axe immediately flew back with the power of impact, faster than swinging out, and the giant axe had just been withdrawn to Bax's side. As soon as Baiter's wrist turned over, the giant axe With the last strength, he hung back to Bamet's waist.

But this is not over yet. The huge axe returned to the waist. In the blink of an eye, the small energy cannon behind Bax fell into his hand, and unlike other robots, Baxter did not aim, and the energy cannon was still moving.


Because I didn't expect it, I was in a hurry. Because I was in a hurry, I failed to stabilize King Kong's huge body after the impact, and because I failed to stabilize my body, it became very difficult to start.

Huang Chi was still trying to stabilize King Kong's body. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the weapon in the robot in front of him had been replaced by an energy cannon, and the muzzle of the energy cannon had glowed with a white light of energy gathering.

A small energy gun, if you don't hit the key point, King Kong will definitely be able to carry it down, but the energy gun in front of you...

Huang Chi smiled bitterly, and he was even a little desperate.

Frequently fighting with robots, Huang Chi never felt that a robot would never be the opponent of mecha. Even when he broke through the robot formation, Huang Chi's heart flashed a trace of excitement. He thought the battle would end like this.

But Huang Chi didn't expect that because of the accident, he could no longer save his disadvantage, and the match was only two rounds, and he would fall under the robot's energy cannon.

The robot's energy cannon is obviously modified, and the energy gathering time is even shorter than the ordinary energy gun, but when the muzzle points to Huang Chi, the energy seems to have reached a critical point.


Seeing that Huang Chi was about to fall under the muzzle of the robot, suddenly there was a loud noise, and then the King Kong driven by Huang Chi flew out.

Although he is talented and proud, Xu Fei is not an unadmirable person, such as Huang Chi. As a seven-level mecha, even a simple point of advice will take Xu Fei's technology a big step forward, or save Xu Fei a lot of thinking time, so all Huang Chi's behaviors are Huang Chi The standard of learning.

After the mecha team launched the charge, Xu Fei has been following Huang Chi. He wants to observe Huang Chi's movements nearby, but unfortunately, Huang Chi is a seven-level mecha, and he is only a four-level mecha, so even if Xu Fei has used all his abilities, in such a charge, Xu Fei is still pulled by Huang Chi. There was a big cut.

Like Huang Chi, when he saw that Huang Chi had rushed into the robot's formation, Xu Fei also thought that the battle would end like this, but Xu Fei did not expect that the robot's resistance was just the beginning. Huang Chi, who had always been regarded as a god, immediately fell into the wind, and soon had the worry of his life.

Xu Fei's eyes flashed with puzzlement. He didn't know why it had become like this, but time was too late for Xu Fei to think about it, so when Xu Fei rushed to Huang Chi's side, he controlled his mecha and hit it at the first time.


Huang Chi's King Kong flew away from the original position with Xu Fei's collision, but Xu Fei's own mecha remained, and at the same time, a dazzling white light lit up in the night sky.

"Xu Fei!" Huang Chi shouted miserably.

Although he was hit and dizzy, as a mecha man, he had to receive vibration training, so Huang Chi still saw everything clearly in the violent vibration. It was Xu Fei's mecha that hit him, while Xu Fei's own mecha remained in place, and the robot did not leave any reaction time for Xu Fei, almost At the moment Huang Chi was knocked away, the robot's energy cannon had already been fired.

The display in front of him was pale. Just looking at the display, Huang Chi's eyes couldn't help tingling, but Huang Chi did not avoid it. He still stared closely. He was eager to know if Xu Fei was okay, although it was just an extravagant hope.

Huang Chi regretted that he was regretting his careless intentions.

Xu Fei's talent is very good. Although he is not as outstanding as Duan Peng, Huang Chi still thinks that Xu Fei has the ability to attack the seven-level mecha, but Huang Chi did not expect that because he underestimated the enemy for a while, he made a talented teenager pay the price for himself.


After reading what Wilton wrote, Duan Peng and Zhong Xi were silent. They still didn't quite understand what Wilton's tactical intelligence and combat intelligence represented.

However, the answer soon appeared. Duan Peng and Zhong Xi were just slightly stunned, and a dazzling white light lit up in the place of the mecha battle.

Because of the light, Duan Peng and Zhong Xi couldn't see what was going on there at all, but when the white light disappeared, Duan Peng and Zhong Xi's faces became ugly, and they had understood what Wilton meant.

A black shadow of more than four meters slowly fell down after the white light flashed, and several black shadows of more than four meters behind the fallen shadow became incomplete.

Without thinking about the four-meter-more black shadow, Duan Peng and Zhong Xi also know that the King Kong mecha that represents their own people, because the height of the robot is generally only about 1.5 meters, and more importantly, because of energy, King Kong is not equipped with such a powerful weapon.

Tactical intelligence, like Wilton, Duan Peng and Zhong Xi have seen Wilton's attack. They never felt that Wilton's attack was so sharp, but the robot in front of them not only did not fall under the attack of the mecha, but several King Kong fell in front of him.


Knowing that it was impossible, Huang Chi still stared at the display device in front of him with a trace of luck, but when the white light dissipated and the picture on the display instrument recovered, Huang Chi was desperate.

The King Kong driven by Xu Fei is slowly falling down. What makes Huang Chi more desperate is that there is a hole the size of a person's head in the cockpit. Obviously, Xu Fei has absolutely no possibility of survival.

And with the recovery of the picture, more sad calls sounded in the mecha's caller.

"Wu Wei!"

"Zheng Xia!"

Tears flowed from Huang Chi's eyes.

No! It's not tears, because the tears from Huang Chi are red!

Unexpectedly, it was only a momentary careless. The mecha team suffered an unacceptable blow to Huang Chi. Not only did they lose talented teenagers, but also two King Kongs suffered huge losses under the fire of robots. Although they were not necessarily sacrificed, they did not hear them in the call of their teammates. Response.

Hate, but for a moment, all Huang Chi's chagrin turned into hatred. He wanted to kill the robot leader in front of him to avenge the people who sacrificed for the mecha team.

However, things did not develop as Huang Chi imagined. Huang Chi's hands had just been raised, and his revenge action had not been carried out. Another dark shadow appeared in the display of the mecha perspective, and the shadow was still approaching rapidly.

The leader of the robot is really different from what he usually meets. After sending out such a strong attack, he did not stop at all and chased him in the direction of Huang Chi, and the robot's small and medium-sized energy cannon has been replaced by a giant axe.

Huang Chi's hands danced fast on the keyboard, and he wanted to restore the balance of the mecha as soon as possible.

It's closer, closer!

The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching, but in the blink of an eye, the robot leader has come to Huang Chi's King Kong, and the huge axe in his hand did not stop at all, directly to Huang Chi's King Kong.