
Chapter 95 Level 8

The first wave of attacks can be said to have caught the robot off guard. The robot's team immediately had a riot, but it was only the first wave of attacks. The soldiers had just fired the second energy bomb, and the robots had already reacted. They immediately began to launch towards the defense circle of Dongjia Village. Charge.

A little more than 20 meters away, such a distance is almost non-existent for robots, but in an instant, the soldiers did not even have time to aim at the third energy bomb, and the robot that had not yet fallen has appeared on the periphery of the defense circle.


"Xiao Ming!"

A scream kept appearing on the defensive position.

Dong Ming's heart ached with the screams, but Dong Ming has no better way in the face of the current simple defense measures. He can only hope that Huang Chi and others can solve the robot leader in front of him as soon as possible.

"With the team as a unit, defend each other!"

After giving the order helplessly, Dong Ming looked in the direction of the mecha team. He wanted to know the progress of the mecha team, but just looked over, and the direction of the mecha attack lit up a dazzling white light. Even if Dong Ming was a martial arts master, his eyes could not see Ren in such a white light. What.

Like Zhong Xi and Duan Peng, Dong Ming immediately had a bad feeling in his heart. Even if Dong Ming didn't know much about mecha, he knew that King Kong was not equipped with such a powerful weapon.

Waiting for the white light to fade, Dong Ming's heart suddenly cooled down.

Although he had a bad feeling for a long time, when the result appeared in front of Dong Ming, Dong Ming was still a little difficult to accept. After a white light flashed, three mechas were seriously damaged, and some of them were completely out of control and slowly fell down.

What made Dong Ming more anxious was that the white light was too dazzling. Not only him, but almost everyone present saw the scene under the attraction of the white light. Originally, under his order, the soldier's defense had been a little better, but as the white light lit up, the tragic voices began to sound densely.

"Lao Huang, how's it going?" Although he knew that the timing was wrong, Dong Ming couldn't help grabbing the caller in his hand and connected to the mecha team.

Obviously, the mecha team fell into a hard battle, and even didn't have time to take time to answer Dong Ming's question. After waiting for a long time, there was still silence in the caller.

The mecha team, the defensive position, fell into a bitter battle everywhere. In front of absolute strength, Dong Ming also lost his ability and continued to wait for a while. Dong Ming finally couldn't help turning back.

"Duan Peng, now you will take over my command! Zhong Xi and I came forward to help the mecha team!"

Duan Peng was stunned by Dong Ming's order and commanded the defense. Although Duan Peng had provided a lot of advice to Dong Ming, he was completely unfamiliar with commanding Duan Peng. He didn't even know how to command or what to do.

However, Zhong Xi and Dong Ming did not give Duan Peng time to think. As soon as the order was issued, Dong Ming himself turned around and threw himself into the battlefield, and Zhong Xi did not say anything. He didn't even look at Duan Peng, and grabbed the iron bar beside him and followed Dong Ming.

There was nothing he could do. There was no choice, and Duan Peng had to bravely go to the position of command. However, when Duan Peng saw the current situation, he found that the command was just a joke.

The whole defense circle is completely chaotic. Although it has long been prepared and the robot's attack will be very fierce, the combat power of the village guard can't find a breakthrough in a short time. Even if the robot's attack has been expected, when this moment comes, the soldiers are still stunned by the robots. They They have begun to fight separately, and the whole defensive position has become devastated. No one will accept Duan Peng's command at all, or even if they are willing to accept Duan Peng's command, they can do nothing.


Huang Chi's heart was full of hatred, but only the next second, Huang Chi found that he could no longer hate anymore. The speed of the robot was very fast. Almost Huang Chi appeared beside him when he saw the shadow, and the huge axe in the robot's hand also came to the King Kong without stopping.

It seems that not only human beings understand the weaknesses of robots, but also robots also understand human weaknesses. Although Huang Chi's driving King Kong is a new mecha that Dongjiacun's own innovation, it is invariable. The robot's attack is always against the fatal position of the mecha, either the head of the mecha, or the cockpit of the mecha. .

The robot's axe was fast and fast, almost in the blink of an eye, and at the moment it approached King Kong's head, the axe blade was coated with a layer of white light - the unique light of the energy blade.

His hands danced quickly on the keyboard in front of him. Huang Chi could not die and did not dare to die. He wanted to live desperately, because his life no longer belonged to him. Xu Fei's survival was exchanged for his life, so Huang Chi must live, and he had to avenge Xu Fei.

All the mecha rushed to Huang Chi and the robot leader, but the battle between Huang Chi and the robot leader changed too fast. Even the two six-level mecha warriors Li Hong and He Wei could only chase the robot's body, and if it hadn't been for the King Kong who just arrived behind and hit Huang Chi, the current result It is already unimaginable.

Although Huang Chi's King Kong was not destroyed by the robot, Huang Chi was not out of danger. The white light of the energy bomb had just disappeared. Everyone had just regained their sight. They saw a thrilling scene. The robot's sight was not affected by the light. At the moment when the light disappeared, the robot leader had already Appeared beside Huang Chi's King Kong, and the huge axe in his hand had hit King Kong's head.

All the mechas are about to despair. Although they all rushed to Huang Chi's side, they are chasing Huang Chi and the robot in action, and the white light just blocked their sight. They now have a certain distance from Huang Chi and the leader of the robot, even if they want to learn from Xu Fei. Huang Chi can't do it.

What makes the mecha warriors more desperate is that Huang Chi is a seven-level mecha warrior, but a robot can force Huang Chi into a desperate situation again and again. So after the robot solves Huang Chi, who will be the opponent of these low-level mecha warriors of this robot?


Seeing that the robot's axe was about to split King Kong's head, and Huang Chi was about to die, but a miracle suddenly appeared. King Kong's hands appeared first in the middle of the giant axe and King Kong's head, blocking the trajectory of the giant axe.

I did it, I really did it!

Being a seven-level mecha is enough to show Huang Chi's own talent, but it is only a seven-level mecha. Huang Chi has been looking for a breakthrough for more than a decade, but the robot's violence [harmonious] has broken Huang Chi's dream. Huang Chi has become the only seven-level mecha in the village, and he can't find communication at all. Object, so Huang Chi's hand speed has also stayed at level 7 for more than ten years.

But Huang Chi didn't expect that today and at this moment, his hand speed actually broke through, and he actually manipulated the mecha to do it first.

However, Huang Chi didn't have time to surprise, and he didn't have any surprise ideas, because his breakthroughs were forced by the robot in front of him, and his crisis had not been resolved, because although the robot leader's axe was metal, the white light of the axe blade had shown that this was not only a cold soldier, but also It is also an energy weapon, but King Kong's hands are metal and can't resist the attack of energy weapons at all.

Huang Chi's hands shook again, and his whole hand seemed to disappear from the keyboard, but the continuous sound of tapping on the keyboard showed the existence of the hand.

With the beating of Huang Chi, a white light also lit up on King Kong's fingers, and only energy can resist the attack of energy.

Almost as soon as the white light lit up, the axe blade had already hit King Kong's hands.

When" a loud noise!

The white light on the edge of the axe and the white light on King Kong's finger just came into contact, and the two white lights melted.

However, the crisis has not been resolved, because in addition to the energy blade, the giant axe is also a threat. Although King Kong's hands blocked the robot's offensive, it only blocked it. The giant axe is still falling towards King Kong's head.

For good, Huang Chi has rich combat experience. He has long known how to face such a scene. In the past, Huang Chi was only a level 7 mecha. Maybe he could only think of some actions that he could not do, but now the breakthrough of hand speed is not a problem.

Since King Kong raised his arm, the sound on the keyboard in front of Huang Chi has never stopped, and when the white light shines on King Kong's fingers, King Kong's feet also moved at the same time.

Although the force of the giant axe hit King Kong couldn't stand the fierce trembling, the movement under King Kong's feet still came out.

King Kong kicked on the ground under pressure, which may be the two forces competing against each other. The reason why King Kong defeated him was that he moved a little faster than expected. Almost at the same time as the sound sounded, Huang Chi's driving King Kong greeted the body of the robot.

"When" is another metal crash.

The giant axe landed on King Kong's head, but fortunately, although King Kong was smashed and stopped again, the speed at that moment had made King Kong dodge the robot's axe blade and hit King Kong's head, which was only the metal rod of the giant axe.

The blow of the robot was very ferocious, and the metal rod left a deep groove on King Kong's head.

But fortunately, this groove did not affect King Kong's actions.

It was just a pause, and Huang Chi's hand danced on the keyboard again. Just like just now, he still couldn't see the existence of his hand, but the sound of tapping on the keyboard kept coming from the keyboard.

And King Kong also danced with Huang Chi's hands.

Unfortunately, everything is not as perfect as imagined. Although Huang Chi's hand speed broke through level 7, his blow still failed. The robot seemed to feel Huang Chi's attack in advance. At the same time as King Kong started, or one step ahead of King Kong, the robot's feet were a little fierce, and the metal body It quickly floated out to the back.