
Chapter 97 Interference

The body is in the air without any borrowing. King Kong's iron fist is constantly magnified in Bamet's eyes. Although it is a robot, Bamet can even feel the chill of the cold light on his finger blade.

But Baster did not panic. Of course, as a combat robot, Baster is unlikely to evolve panic. His body twists vigorously in the air, and he is also calculating crazily, because Baster not only needs to avoid Huang Chi's attack, but more importantly, he also has to find ways to avoid everyone. Siege.

Finally, although he was in the air and the time was very limited, Bamet still completed the adjustment. His key parts have avoided the trajectory of the iron fist, but this is not complete, but such an adjustment does not satisfy Bainten's combat intelligence.

Seeing that the iron fist is about to fall on Bai Te. Although he is not dead, Bai Te can't escape the serious injury.

But at the moment when the iron fist appeared, the huge axe in Baiter's hand actually appeared on the track of the iron fist, and unlike the previous times, a faint white light appeared on the whole axe surface.

When Baxter split the King Kong, Huang Chi destroyed the energy structure of the axe blade with the energy of the finger blade, resulting in the collapse of the energy blade, but he didn't expect that only the next second, Baxter also used the same method.

Although the energy on the axe surface has not been fully formed, it is completely enough to destroy the energy structure. The finger blade has just touched the axe surface and disappeared as if it had never appeared.

When' a loud noise.

The iron fist that lost its energy blade hit directly on the axe surface, and the fist and the axe surface changed shape almost at the moment of touching each other.


His mind is full of anger, but as an old mecha player, Huang Chi's movements are absolutely calm, because the mecha operation is very rigorous and absolutely do not allow any mistakes. Even a small mistake in the driving process of the mecha may cause the mecha to be deformed or There is no action at all, and such consequences are fatal to the mecha.

Huang Chi stared at the display device in front of him. Although it seemed that the leader of the robot was unavoidable, Huang Chi did not relax, because the performance of the robot was too strange, so Huang Chi was 100% sure that he would hit the blow. When he was preparing to appear in a change Adjust at any time.

was ready for the unexpected appearance, but when the accident really appeared, Huang Chi found that he was still not prepared enough.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, the huge axe in the hands of the robot leader blocked the iron fist of King Kong. The faint energy light on the surface of the axe broke the structure of the finger blade at the first time of contact, and the only finger blade that Huang Chi could rely on disappeared.

Hard hit will definitely cause damage to the mecha, but Huang Chi did not hesitate. If he can't defeat the robot in front of him, let alone the mecha, the whole village will no longer exist.

The keyboard in front of Huang Chi immediately made a tapping sound. Although there was no finger blade, King Kong's iron fist still hit firmly.


The axe surface immediately concave with King Kong's movements, but the body of the advanced robot is definitely stronger than King Kong's body, and King Kong's iron fist is also defangled.

Just in an instant, King Kong's arm was destroyed, and Huang Chi's instructions could no longer be conveyed to the right arm of the mecha. Normally, Huang Chi must have been distressed, but at this moment, Huang Chi's face was a little more ferocious.

I only heard another knocking sound. King Kong's feet suddenly hit the ground a little, and the speed of progress suddenly accelerated a little.

Since the arm can't be used, you have to use the acceleration of your body to make the abandoned arm play its final function.

Success, not only the axe surface, but also the robot leader's hand holding the axe surface also showed signs of deformation at that moment, and the axe surface directly leaned on the robot leader.

Huang Chi is sure that the shape of the robot and the place against the axe must have changed.

But Huang Chi's heart could not relax. On the contrary, Huang Chi became more nervous, because in the next second, the robot leader flew up with the power of the impact. The height, speed and final landing point were definitely outside the circle of everyone, and with the robot leader flying up, Huang Chi saw the robot leader There is indeed a place on the collar that has changed shape, but that part is irrelevant to the robot's body.


Zhong Xi saw the whole attack. Zhong Xi already had a vague understanding of Wilton's statement, but now, after watching the battle between Huang Chi and the robot, Zhong Xi found that he still did not understand enough.

Before that, Zhong Xi and Dong Ming had fought with Wilton. In their opinion, advanced robots, such as Wilton, are just rare materials on their bodies, but at this moment, Zhong Xi fully understood what Wilton said about combat intelligence and tactical intelligence.

It's too powerful. Originally, Zhong Xi thought that the robot leader would be destroyed, but the final result was completely unexpected.

Under Huang Chi's desperate attack, the robot leader not only did not suffer the imagined serious blow, but he escaped from everyone's encirclement with Huang Chi's attack.

Of course, even if the ability of combat intelligence was beyond imagination, Zhong Xi did not forget his responsibilities. Almost while the robot leader flew up, Zhong Xi also changed his direction and chased the landing point of the robot leader.


The situation in the defense circle is becoming more and more serious. At the beginning, those soldiers with little experience were still sacrificing, but with the passage of time, more and more defense points have been broken through, and more and more robots have been attacked. The soldiers of the former Dongjia Village also began to suffer casualties, and the casualties are not small.

If the casualties go down at the current speed, in just about ten minutes, there will be no standing soldiers in the whole defense circle.

And with the progress of the battle, Duan Peng's sight was also blocked. He could not see the situation on the side of the mecha at all. Duan Peng, who was so anxious, could only seek medical treatment. He turned his head to Wilton behind him and asked, "Xiao Wei, can you feel the situation over there?"

But Duan Peng didn't expect that he just asked casually, and Wilton nodded with his question.

"Can you feel the situation over there?" Duan Peng asked in surprise.

Wilton nodded again and squatted down.

However, before Wilton squatted down, Duan Peng stopped Wilton's action.

Wilton may be a kindness, afraid that he will talk to Duan Peng with the phone around him. In case of any bad news, it will be known by the people around him, which will have a great impact on morale.

But now, basically everyone is in a bitter battle, and it is impossible for anyone to notice the movement of others, and more importantly, with the casualties, the psychology of the soldiers may be defeated by the current tragic situation in the next second, and Duan Peng does not have much time to enter with Wilton. A game of line writing.

"Xiao Wei, just say it!"

"The situation is not very good." After listening to Duan Peng's words, Wilton did not hesitate any more and said directly. Of course, Wilton only enabled a caller beside Duan Peng, and the sound was not very loud.

Just seeing Wilton's attitude, Duan Peng knew that it would never be good news, but Duan Peng still couldn't figure it out. With all the mecha, Dong Ming and Zhong Xi, two martial arts masters, there would be a bad situation.

The electronic synthetic sound in the caller just fell, and Duan Peng immediately frowned, but now there is no more time for Duan Peng to think. He was just slightly stunned. Duan Peng continued to ask, "Do you think you can win? Or how long will it take for us to win?"

Duan Peng's question made Wilton's electronic eyes flash rapidly. After spending a long time with Wilton, Duan Peng naturally knew that Wilton was calculating, so even if he was in a hurry, Duan Peng did not urge him.

But fortunately, Wilton did not calculate for a long time, but for about ten seconds, the light in Wilton's eyes returned to calm, and the electronic synthesis sound also sounded in the caller.

"Can win!" The electronic synthesis sound was very calm and there were no ups and downs, but such news made Duan Peng's heart tremble.

But this is not over. Duan Peng didn't have time to speak, and the electronic synthesis continued to ring again, "But the victory will take half an hour later."

Duan Peng's face had just appeared ecstasy, but Wilton's next words immediately freeze the expression on Duan Peng's face, but it can't be blamed. The pause between his words was not long, but Duan Peng was so anticipating the victory that Duan Peng had no time to listen to Wilton's words and made a judgment.

It will take another half an hour, and half an hour the village is over, and after so many robots attack the village, even Dong Ming and the robot leader will not survive.

Taking a deep breath, Duan Peng finally suppressed the sequelae caused by the psychological gap, and then asked Wilton, "Is there any way to speed up the solution?"

The question was raised, but this was just Duan Peng's last struggle, and he did not expect Wilton to give an answer.

But I didn't expect that the next second, Wilton nodded again.

"What can I do?" Hope is right in front of him, Duan Peng asked tightly.

This time, Wilton did not immediately answer Duan Peng's question. He looked at Duan Peng quietly, and the light in his electronic eyes slowly flowed.

Five seconds...

Ten seconds......

Wilton finally said, "I can interfere with the other party's command, and I can also use signals to interfere with the other party's actions."

After spending a month or two with Wilton, Duan Peng had never seen such a state. He did not know what Wilton's state represented. Although he got the answer he wanted, Duan Peng's heart couldn't help but jump wildly, and a bad feeling suddenly rose in Duan Peng's heart. .

"Xiao Wei, will this cause any harm to you?" Although he knew that it was not the right time to hesitate, Duan Peng couldn't help asking.

Wilton did not answer. The light in his eyes slowly became variable, and in the end he almost stung Duan Peng's eyes.