
Chapter 98 Three Two One


There is no need to explain the situation in front of Wilton. Duan Peng also knew that doing so must be harmful to Wilton. Although he knew that everyone was in a bitter situation, Duan Peng couldn't help shouting when he saw the light in Wilton's eyes.

Wilton ignored Duan Peng's shouts, and the light continued to strengthen.

The time Duan Peng and Wilton spent together is also the time Wilton and Duan Peng spent together. The robot is already good at calculation. After adding all the conditions, Wilton naturally knows what kind of person Duan Peng is, and he also knows what choices to make to help Duan Peng, so Wilton's attitude is ten Resolutely.

However, human nature is fickle. Even if Wilton is good at calculation, he can't fully grasp everyone's words and deeds.

Duan Peng's voice sounded again, "Xiao Wei, stop, I order you to stop!"

Wilton felt that his choice could help Duan Peng, but Duan Peng thought too much.

First of all, Wilton is a friend of Duan Peng. Duan Peng has been guilty for a long time because of Wilton's self-sacrifice. Now he has finally resurrected Wilton. Duan Peng doesn't want to lose it so easily.

Second, although he does not understand how high robots fight, Duan Peng is sure that things will never be as easy as Wilton said, because the other party is also advanced intelligence, Wilton can interfere, and the other party can definitely fight back.

Third, even if Wilton sacrificed himself to solve the robot leader, what about the robots that have gathered? Will they disperse so easily? The answer is obvious. Then there will be a bitter battle. Can Dongjia Village, which has been hit hard, survive the aftermath of the robot attack?

It may be Duan Peng's tone or the remnants left by the first principle of the robot in the Wilton chip, and the light in Wilton's eyes finally dissipated.

Looking at the light in Wilton's eyes, Duan Peng was also relieved, but Duan Peng was pressed for time and did not delay. After the light in Wilton's eyes dissipated, Duan Peng quickly said, "Tell me, if you do what you say, what kind of harm will you suffer?"

did not delay much. Hearing Duan Peng's question, the light in Wilton's eyes only flashed, and Wilton's unique electronic synthesis sound soon sounded in the speaker.

"Because this body is too poor, and these robots are not under my control, I want to fight for their control, which may cause the chip to burn down."


The two words deeply stimulated Duan Peng, and Duan Peng was more moved by Wilton, because Duan Peng understood that Wilton made such a choice for him.

But it's not over yet, just a little pause, and the electronic synthesis continues to ring again.

"As for interfering with the other party's leader, I'm not very sure..."

Time does not allow it. It's enough for Duan Peng to know so much, and according to Wilton, Duan Peng also came up with a solution, so Wilton only said half of it, and Duan Peng waved to Wilton.

"If you don't need to control and let you interfere with the other party with all your strength, can you make the other party make a momentary mistake?"

Although it is a robot, such a conversation is too jumpy. At the last moment, it is still talking about the damage that the action may cause to Wilton, and the next second it becomes a question of attack ability. Even if Wilton is a robot, he is not used to it.

Fortunately, Wilton was a robot. Although Duan Peng's words were very jumpy and uncomfortable was only for a moment, Wilton quickly reacted.

Of course, Wilton still didn't understand the meaning of Duan Peng's question. He could only touch his metal head.

After the question jumped out of his mouth, Duan Peng had been staring at Wilton. When he saw Wilton's head start to move, Duan Peng was so excited that he almost didn't jump up.

Before he could explain to Wilton, Duan Peng grabbed the caller in his hand and connected the mecha team. Perhaps because of excitement, Duan Peng's hand holding the caller trembled slightly involuntarily, and Duan Peng took several deep breaths to stabilize. However, even so, Duan Peng's voice still had Trembling.

"mecha team! Mecha team! I'm Duan Peng! I'm Duan Peng!"

After calling the mecha team, Duan Peng waited quietly. Unfortunately, just like Dong Ming's inquiry, ten seconds later, Duan Peng still failed to wait for the answer of the mecha team.

However, Duan Peng was soon relieved again, because Wilton had just said that the battle situation on the side of the mecha team was very tense, and it was normal for no one to respond to his call.

He quietly glanced at the caller in his hand and confirmed that there was no error in the call just now. Duan Peng began to shout again: "Wilton has a way to interfere with the action of the robot leader, but the time to interfere is very short. Please prepare according to my signal!"

Wilton didn't know what Duan Peng was going to do. He had been listening quietly. When Duan Peng's voice fell, Wilton finally understood, and as a more calculating robot, Wilton saw the key in Duan Peng's plan.

Because there is no need to control other robots, Wilton's chip will naturally not burn down. With the cooperation of the mecha team and full interference, the probability of Duan Peng's plan success will be much higher than his hastily, and the safety factor will be much higher.


King Kong lost an arm. Even if Huang Chi has advanced to level 8, he can't use such a King Kong to play a powerful attack. Huang Chi's current attack power is even worse than his seventh level, but there is nothing he can do. Huang Chi can only drive the 'maimed' King Kong to chase him like this.

But it's okay. With the addition of Zhong Xi and Dong Ming, the form has finally stabilized.

After all, Zhong Xi and Dong Ming are both martial arts masters. Because of their personal strength, their movements are more flexible and cause more trouble to robots.

Of course, it can only be said that it has stabilized. It may take some time to really destroy the leader of the robot, so Huang Chi can only pray secretly, hoping that the defense soldiers can buy them more time.

It's not just Huang Chi, but almost everyone is praying that so many robots have such a powerful attack power, and all the mecha of the mecha team has been brought out, and no one will be optimistic about the defense of the village guard.

Especially Dong Ming and Zhong Xi, they used almost all their strength, because they had seen the tragedy of the village guard before they came.

Unfortunately, the robot was too slippery. Maybe he felt the threat of Dong Ming and Zhong Xi. Unexpectedly, he did not fight with Dong Ming and Zhong Xi, but kept wandering in the encirclement.

Of course, because of Zhong Xi and Dong Ming's action, the robot leader failed to pose a threat to the mecha again, and he has never had a chance to escape from the mecha.

But just as everyone was praying, a voice sounded in all the mecha's telephones.

"mecha team! Mecha team! I'm Duan Peng! I'm Duan Peng!"

Duan Peng's voice suddenly made everyone's hearts feel. They didn't know what would cause Duan Peng's call, but they didn't dare to answer, because they were afraid that the robot leader would run out of the encirclement if they were not careful.

Fortunately, Duan Peng obviously guessed their situation, but it didn't stop long. Duan Peng's voice sounded again in the caller, and this time Duan Peng brought them a big surprise.

Wilton can actually interfere with the action of the robot leader. Although I don't know which step it will interfere, at least everyone has a little more hope.

For the whole mecha team, only Huang Chi was slightly relaxed, because the casualties of the mecha team were too heavy. Although he heard Duan Peng's voice, Huang Chi was not in the mood to answer, but the next second Duan Peng brought them the news made Huang Chi have to respond. Only for a moment, Huang Chi's voice also sounded on the caller.

"Waiting for notification! Brighten your finger blade!"

A white light flashed, and all the mecha could not save energy. Even if the robot leader was not by their side, the King Kong they drove also showed a sharp finger blade. They waited for the opportunity like a group of hungry wolves.

It is impossible for Dong Ming and Zhong Xi to carry a call device. They don't know what happened, but when they see the reaction of the mecha team, they seem to feel something. At the moment when the mecha showed their finger blade, Zhong Xi and Dong Ming's attack also became more fierce, not only with all their strength, but they didn't even have the last physical strength. I plan to keep it!


Duan Peng has said what he means to the caller. As for whether the mecha team can seize this opportunity, it depends on the reaction of the mecha team.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the sound fell, Huang Chi's response appeared in the caller.

Duan Peng understood the meaning of the two sentences. The first sentence is to tell Duan Peng that they know, and the last sentence is to tell Duan Peng that the mecha team is ready to cooperate.

Before he finished listening, Duan Peng immediately turned his head and looked at Wilton.

In front of Duan Peng's expectant eyes, Wilton nodded gently, and then the light in his electronic eyes began to slowly flash,

The flashing speed is getting faster and faster, and in the end it almost becomes a long bright light.

Duan Peng looked at Wilton nervously. Duan Peng knew that Wilton had begun to calculate. Although he knew that his voice would not hinder Wilton, Duan Peng still couldn't help holding his breath, and because of nervousness, Duan Peng's nails also unconsciously fell into the palm of his hand. .

Suddenly, Wilton's unique electronic synthesis sound sounded in the caller in front of Duan Peng.


The result is about to appear, and Duan Peng's heart is about to jump out of his throat.


became more and more nervous. Duan Peng felt that the blood all over his body was flowing rapidly, and his blood vessels were almost unable to withstand the consequences of rapid flow.
