
Chapter 99 Friends

Because of materials, ordinary attacks will only make Bamet slightly deform, and all Bamet has to do is to avoid his own key points and take the initiative to choose the position to accept the attack. Therefore, although he is in the encirclement, Bamet has not suffered any serious injuries, especially without suffering injuries that will affect his actions. Harm.

But such a day didn't last long. I don't know what kind of stimulation it was. The mecha surrounding Baite suddenly lit up with energy blades, and Dong Ming and Zhong Xi, who chased behind them, also seemed to become more crazy.

Baxter's electronic eyes began to flash crazily. He was calculating what caused the current situation. Unfortunately, Baxter could not come to a conclusion for a while, because he knew too few conditions.


The wind came again behind him. There was no need to distinguish. Bax knew that it was the man's iron bar, and there was no need to calculate. There was already a movement under Baxter's feet.

After the last time Bamet dodged the attack of the iron bar, the iron bar did not hit the ground. Just looking at the traces on the ground, Bamet can also get the result. If such a stick hits himself, even if it is not a critical part, it will definitely affect his action.

Bamet's movements under his feet were very timely. Almost as soon as he left his original position, the iron bar wiped his body and fell down. Zhong Xi didn't have time to take back the iron bar, and he may not mean to take it back. The iron bar hit the ground fiercely, and only the ground trembled gently.


accompanied by a loud noise, there was a sharp sound of a sharp weapon cutting through the air.

Needless to say, Dong Ming's attack must have arrived. As always, Dong Ming's attack is the key point of the robot. Of course, this time, there is no exception. The tip of the sword goes straight to the back of Baxter's head, and it can definitely destroy the chip in Baxter's brain.

Forced helplessly, Bamet moved his pace again.

And closely behind Zhong Xi and Dong Ming, the mecha attacked.

In fact, such a situation has happened several times. For Dong Ming and Zhong Xi's attack, Bamet did not dare to accept it at all. As for the attack of the back mecha, it was equivalent to Bai Te's amulet. But for a moment, Baite had selected the part of the punch, and then slightly twisted his body and greeted the iron fist of the mecha. Only in this way can Baite avoid the pursuit of Dong Ming and Zhong Xi in a short time.


As Bai Te wished, after a huge metal impact, Bai Te's body flew up, and then everything was the same as Bai Te's calculation. A mecha appeared at his landing point and waved an iron fist at him.

Of course, it is not exactly the same, because the fist of this mecha is still shining with energy.

But this is no different in Bax's eyes. With a flash of light in the electronic eyes, Baxter has to put the huge axe in his hand on his chest.

What Bamet didn't know was that at the moment when the mecha waved its fist at him, the same sound sounded in almost all the mecha's callers.



The last word 'one' finally came out of the phone. Although he couldn't see it, Duan Peng couldn't help looking at the battlefield of the mecha.

And as an actor, Wilton's electronic eyes also shined dazzlingly at the moment when the word 'one' came out.

Time seems to condense at this moment!


As usual, Baxter was about to lift his arm when suddenly a signal came into his head, mixed with a large amount of information. Impacted by the information, Baxter's hand suddenly paused.

is an advanced intelligence. In a blink of an eye, Bamet reacted. It was the other party who took advantage of signal interference, but Bamet had no time to think.

At the first time, Bamet blocked the signal, and then took over his body again, and his hand began to lift again.

Unfortunately, it's too late. Step by step, King Kong's fist kept expanding in Bait's eyes. The huge axe was only half lifted, and the iron fist had passed through the huge axe and fell on him.

Energy is indeed the nemesis of metal. Although the metal materials on Baxter's body are very rare and are some precious and strong metals, they are still easily pierced under the energy blade of King Kong, and some energy circuits are also cut off under that blow.

Bathe's arm, which had been lifted to half, immediately stopped, and the faint white light that had already appeared on the surface of the axe also dissipated, and Bamet's body flew back with the power of this punch.


This is not the first time. Dong Ming and Zhong Xi's hearts are full of helplessness. If they can trap the action of the robot leader, things will definitely become very easy, but this robot is really too cunning. Relying on his body, the robot leader uses King Kong's iron fist to get out of their attack every time. Hit.

But they had no choice but to continue, but for a moment, Zhong Xi and Dong Ming readjusted their posture and were ready to continue to pursue the position of the robot leader.

But the next scene made Zhong Xi and Dong Ming stop the attack.

The robot leader failed to escape from the lark. King Kong's finger blade was directly inserted into the robot leader's body. Zhong Xi and Dong Ming couldn't even believe everything they saw, and they stayed in place at once.

Fortunately, because there was no time to make adjustments, Bamet's body was flying towards Dong Ming and Zhong Xi's position, and they did not miss this opportunity in a daze.

Just for a moment, the iron bar in Zhong Xi's hand was thrown up by him.


The iron bar broke through, and the straight iron bar was turned into a semicircle by Zhong Xi at this moment.

Dong Ming's movements were not slow. After all, they were all martial arts masters. Their nerves were much stronger than ordinary people. In the same moment, Dong Ming's iron sword also stabbed the head of the robot leader.


Accompanied by the sound, a white cold light lit up in the night sky.



The chip in Bamet's brain has another emotion, but this emotion really can't make Bamet happy.

has long regained control of the body, but now there is only half of the control, because just now, King Kong's blow hit his key point, almost half of the energy circuit has been cut off, and the energy supply is not available, of course, there is no control.

But these are not the most important. The important thing is that Bax has heard the 'woo' and 'woo' behind him.

No need to see it, Bamet also knew that this was the sound of the weapon in the hands of the two people, but he lost half of his control. In addition, the time left for him was too short, and Bamet could not complete the dodge in mid-air.

This may be the last moment in the world. At this last moment, Baxter tried to send the last signal to the advanced intelligence.

Up to now, Batte has only seen the intelligence from afar, and the intelligent body is like Batte's subordinates.

Bathe didn't know if this was the shape of the robot itself, but Bamet still asked why and why the robot chose to help humans and betray him.

The transmission and operation of information is very fast for robots.

Blink? No! Blinking is still too long for the computing speed of the machine.

Although there is only the last moment left in mid-air, as long as the other party is willing to answer, Bamet can also get an answer that he can't calculate.

But Bamet was disappointed. He even sensed the momentum from the iron bar and sword, but he still couldn't wait for the other party's response.


There are robots everywhere, just receiving signals transmitted by other robots, which is completely small for Wilton, a tactical intelligence, so even if Wilton is not in the mecha battlefield, what happens in the battlefield is still no different from his presence on the scene.

Since the interference signal was sent, Wilton has been paying close attention to the changes in the battlefield. Wilton also knows that this is not a rare opportunity for Duan Peng and others, because the village's defense circle has not been able to last long, and may not wait for the next opportunity to cooperate, and the defense circle will collapse.

Looking closely, Wilton's electronic eyes couldn't help flashing slowly.

It worked! The other party has lost control of the body, and Zhong Xi and Dong Ming's weapons have been waved out, pointing directly to the other party's key point - the head.

But at this time, the other party suddenly sent him a message. He wanted to know why Wilton made such a choice and why he betrayed his companion and chose the enemy.

At this moment, the light in Wilton's eyes stopped. He slowly turned his head and looked at Duan Peng beside him.

Duan Peng didn't notice Wilton's strangeness at all. He was nervously looking at the direction of the mecha battlefield. Although he couldn't see anything, he still looked nervously. His fist in his hand clenched tightly and his body trembled slightly.

Slowly, slowly, the light in Wilton's eyes began to flash again, and there seemed to be a smile on his metal face.


For a long time, Wilton finally sent such a signal to the intelligence.


All the mechamen involuntarily stopped their movements, and even Huang Chi was no exception. They paid close attention to the display in front of them.

In the display, the robot leader flew in the direction of Zhong Xi and Dong Ming at a high speed, and Dong Ming and Zhong Xi both waved their weapons against the robot leader.

The iron bar and iron sword pointed directly at the head of the robot leader, but unlike previous times, the robot leader did not move, as if he could not move, or accepted his fate.

'When''s squeak'

A loud noise and a harsh metal friction sounded almost at the same time, but everyone was not upset by the sound, but in an instant, they couldn't help shouting, but unlike in the past, most people shed tears in the shouting.

The leader of the robot was not blown away by Zhong Xi's fierce stick. He strangely fell down in place. The whole metal head had been smashed by Zhong Xi's stick, and Dong Ming's iron sword was still left in the robot's head.