
Chapter 17 Crisis

Since he heard that Dong Ruo's voice was inappropriate, Duan Peng has devoted some energy to pay attention to Dong Ruo. Sure enough, Dong Ruo's performance is getting worse and worse, and she can hardly match her status as a fourth-level mecha.

Dong Ruo's data, coupled with Duan Peng's observation and Duan Peng's understanding of these robots, has found an energy-saving method, that is, to attack the side and top of the robot's head, because these two places are the weakest places of the robot's metal shell, and attacking these two places consumes more energy than attacking other places. It's much smaller.

At the beginning, Dong Ruo was still moderate. Everything was going according to Duan Peng's plan, but the time did not pass long, and the situation appeared.

When the team advanced about ten meters, Dong Ruo's attack began to deviate, not only deviation, but also Dong Ruo's attack even failed.

He frowned and looked at it for a while. Duan Peng finally opened his mouth, but when it came to his mouth, Duan Peng couldn't say anything.

Because just as Duan Peng opened his mouth, darkness appeared in front of Duan Peng, and a small star appeared in his mind at the same time.

This is the fifth time such a situation has happened.

The first time this happened, Duan Peng thought it was just a visual illusion, but soon, Duan Peng's eyes darkened for the second time, but Duan Peng did not keep this moment in his heart. After all, all this did not affect his attack.

But Duan Peng soon found something wrong. After the second time, the third time appeared soon, and the interval between the first and the second time was much shorter, and the dark time in front of him was also one point longer than before.

Then, for the fourth time, the fifth time, it came faster and slower than the other. For the fifth time, when Duan Peng regained his vision, Duan Peng found that he had missed two attacks in his plan.

It can't continue any more. It's just a meal, and Duan Peng has made a decision.

Two people in the four-person team have already had problems. If it goes on, maybe the whole team will be involved by the two of them.

"Brother Xi, we are going to withdraw, and you are ready to answer..." Duan Peng shouted anxiously to the caller.


The robot leader stood quietly, and the light kept flashing in his eyes.

Although standing still, what happens on the battlefield will become signals into the robot leader's mind.

The attack on the city continues, almost no different from the previous attack.

The battle between

and the roman team is also continuing, but all this was unexpected by the robot leader. The team actually launched an attack on the robots surrounding them under absolute disadvantage, because it was not expected that the team had an absolute advantage in the attack, and even let the robot head Unexpectedly, this advantage was extended by the team for half an hour.

The red light behind his ear flashed a few times, and the robot leader got new news about the team.

There are 4,000 robots surrounding the team, which is already the greatest power that the robot leader can pull out without affecting the siege, but the robot leader did not expect that just now, the robot surrounding the team sent him a signal asking for help.


There are 800 robots in the east, but within half an hour, less than half of the 800 robots are left, but the remaining 400 robots are no longer enough to block the whole east, and the whole encirclement plan may fail due to the insufficient number of robots.

The light in the eyes of the robot leader Electronics flashed faster and faster, and in the end it almost became bright.

One second, two seconds...

Every second of slipping seems to become very clear.

Finally, the light in the robot leader's electronic eyes suddenly stopped and tightened, and the red light behind his ear flashed twice.


After shouting, Duan Peng did not wait for Zhong Xi's answer. He immediately turned the caller into a team channel and shouted, "Listen to my order and start retreating after three times!"

After saying that, Duan Peng did not leave time for everyone to react, just a meal, and began to report the number in his mouth.


"It's not good!" Duan Peng's voice was interrupted. It was Li Tong.

Just as Duan Peng opened his mouth and was about to jump out of Duan Peng's mouth, Li Tong's voice suddenly sounded in the team channel.

Hearing Li Tong's voice, Duan Peng's eyebrows immediately stood up, but as soon as Duan Peng's mouth opened, and he didn't have time to say anything, Duan Peng found that he misunderstood Li Tong's meaning.

is really bad, because when Duan Peng shouted three, the robots around them had put away the energy sword, and while collecting the energy sword, their other hand touched the energy gun on their waist.

Suicide attack!

This is not the first time to fight with a robot, and it is not the first time for Duan Peng to experience a robot's suicide attack, but Duan Peng did not expect that the robot would use such an attack in the face of absolute advantage.

Just for a moment, this idea came to Duan Peng's mind.

"Withdraw!" It's too late to count, let alone explain, Duan Peng shouted loudly.


The attack went smoothly, but at the most smooth time of the attack, Duan Peng suddenly issued an order to retreat. Li Tong and Wang Xing were a little confused. They didn't understand what Duan Peng's order was for.

However, Li Tong and Wang Xing did not say anything. After all, they were followers of Duan Peng. On the battlefield, Duan Peng's orders must be unconditionally obeyed, so in just a moment, Li Tong and Wang Xing were ready to return.

But just as Li Tong and Wang Xing were ready, Li Tong found that the robot was abnormal.

All the energy light disappeared at the moment Duan Peng's voice fell, and as the energy light disappeared, the energy sword in the robot's hand was taken back, while their other hand touched the energy gun on the other side.

Li Tong didn't know what these robots were going to do, but his instinctive reaction made Li Tong shout, "No!"

At the moment when Li Tong's voice sounded, Li Tong's worship of Duan Peng also became heavier.

First the battle!

Duan Peng has analyzed their strength and attack characteristics. When the battle formation was formed, their killings suddenly increased exponentially. Until now, Li Tong has not been able to figure out how Duan Peng can see their attack methods in such a short time.

Then now, Duan Peng made the decision to retreat before the robot changed.


Duan Peng did not know what Li Tong thought. If Duan Peng knew, Duan Peng would definitely tell Li Tong that this was just a coincidence. The fact is that Duan Peng could no longer support it.

In just about half a minute after Duan Peng gave the order, Duan Peng's sixth dizziness appeared in his mind, and this time the dizziness lasted for a full second, and the darkness in front of him lasted for two seconds. If it hadn't been for Li Tong's crooked robot, these two seconds might have been Peng has fallen under the robot's energy sword.

After the order was issued, Duan Peng did not operate the mecha to leave immediately. As a commander, even if the crisis had occurred, Duan Peng had to first confirm the safety of his men.

Fortunately, Li Tong and Wang Xing were very resolute in carrying out Duan Peng's order. Perhaps they were ready as soon as Duan Peng gave the order. When the withdrawal came out of the caller, their mecha immediately made corresponding changes.

Li Tong's left toe of King Kong's foot was a little fierce on the ground, and King Kong immediately turned in one direction. Of course, because of inertia, the mecha was still moving in the direction of the robot, but Li Tong was obviously ready for a long time. During the movement, King Kong's right leg quickly stretched back, and then his right foot fell to the ground and resisted it. King Kong's movement trend, and then King Kong's right leg bent slightly and then quickly straightened until the last tiptoe exerted force. The direction of movement of the mecha immediately changed with Li Tong's whole set of [harmonious] movements. The movements were clean and neat, and there was no place with mud and water.

Wang Xing has also been ready for a long time, but after all, Wang Xing is a fourth-level mecha, and he has just been promoted. His movements are not as pleasing as Li Tong, but Wang Xing's King Kong just withdrew two steps back, and then followed Li Tong's pace again.

In an instant, Li Tong's King Kong and Dong Ruo's King Kong were mistaken, and the battle array also fell with their mistake. Li Tong took the lead, but the direction of the battle array had become the direction of the team.

The transformation was completed, and Duan Peng's heart finally fell down.

"Go!" For the first time, Duan Peng's voice sounded in the caller. Use the fastest speed!"

The battle array started quickly. In fact, without Duan Peng's order, Li Tong has begun to move, because Li Tong has felt Duan Peng's anxiety from the previous orders, and the change of robot weapons made Li Tong feel the crisis.

The way back is the place where Duan Peng and others have ploughed. There are few obstacles encountered by the small battle arrays, so the team is progressing fast. Feeling the speed of the team, Duan Peng's heart almost fell back to its original position.

But Duan Peng's mood did not relax for too long, but ran two or three meters, and the voice of Zhong Xi suddenly sounded in Duan Peng's phone.


Hearing Duan Peng's anxious voice, although he didn't know what had happened, Zhong Xi still prepared the soldiers at the first time.

When the preparation was completed, Zhong Xi looked up again in the direction of Duan Peng and others. At this look, Zhong Xi suddenly understood, and his face became extremely pale.

The robots actually replaced all the weapons in their hands at the moment Duan Peng called for retreat.

Zhong Xi also encountered such a situation when fighting with robots. Of course, he understood the crisis encountered by Duan Peng and others, but Zhong Xi could not help anything. He could only watch quietly in his position and pray for Duan Peng and others at the same time.

Fortunately, Duan Peng and others performed very well. Looking up from Zhong Xi, Duan Peng and others have completed the formation change in just two or three seconds, and the battle array has begun to start.

Looking at Duan Peng's performance, a smile even appeared on the corners of Zhong Xi's mouth, but soon, the smile on Zhong Xi's face froze. He suddenly grabbed the telephone beside him and shouted anxiously, "Xiao Peng, Xiao Ruo didn't keep up!"