
Chapter 18 Love and Righteousness

"Xiao Peng, Xiao Ruo didn't keep up!"

Listening to the sound from the caller, the whole battle was fierce! Duan Peng also quickly looked back.

Sure enough, Dong Ruo, who should have followed the team, did not keep up with the pace of the team. She was blocked by the robot.

"You go back first, and I'll save Xiaoruo!"

There was no time to delay, but Duan Peng made a decision as soon as he saw the following situation.

There is a vow in his heart that he will take Duan Peng in the future. Originally, Duan Peng gave the order, and Li Tong and Wang Xing should obey, but Li Tong and Wang Xing did not move.

It was just a slight pause, and Li Tong's voice sounded in the caller, "Xiaopeng..."

After giving the order, Duan Peng has moved. Time is tight. Duan Peng has no time to delay, but Duan Peng's King Kong only ran two steps, and Li Tong's voice sounded in the caller.

No need to guess, Duan Peng also knows what Li Tong is thinking, but Duan Peng will never let such a situation happen. Duan Peng interrupted Li Tong's voice as soon as it sounded.

"This is the order! Go back!"

Speaking, Duan Peng's hand did not stop, but only heard a crackling sound in Duan Peng's cockpit, and the speed of the mecha was instantly mentioned to the highest, and the 'corpses' of the two robots also fell into King Kong's hands.

Go back?

Li Tong and Wang Xing hesitated. They understood what Duan Peng meant, because the energy muzzle of the robot has glowed with energy-gathering light, and now it will become very dangerous to return, and one of them is a five-level mecha warrior and the other is a four-level mecha warrior, both of which are the absolute combat power of the village and an unacceptable loss of the village.

But the hesitation was only for a moment, Wang Xing and Li Tong's hands fell on the keyboard almost at the same time.

'pa pa......'

In the blink of an eye, Li Tong and Wang Xing's mecha turned around at the same time. Like Duan Peng, the 'corpses' of the two robots also fell into the hands of their King Kong at the same time.


Dong Ruo is very irritable, especially Dong Ruo's sound made Dong Ruo more irritable.

However, Dong Ruo is still trying to persist. She keeps telling herself that this is a battlefield. There is nothing wrong with Xiaopeng's name, and he is a mecha warrior. The mecha warrior should maintain his mood, but as time goes by, Dong Ruo's heart is still confused, and even hit the empty space directly.

The first time the empty shot appeared, Dong Ruo found that his heart was upset. Because of the upset, there was an error in her connection instruction.

Deep breaths over and over again, warning over and over again, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Soon, King Kong had a second attack. If Dong Ruo hadn't faced unstable robots, I'm afraid Dong Ruo would have been injured under the sword of the robot.

The third, the fourth...

With the progress of time, Dong Ruo has almost fallen into a vicious circle. She clearly wants to control her emotions, but with her control, her mood has changed worse, and the shooting of the air has become more frequent.

Finally, just when Dong Ruo couldn't insist, Duan Peng's voice came from the phone.

"Listen to my orders and start retreating after three tones!"

Hearing Duan Peng's order, Dong Ruo had no intention of resisting, and even a trace of relaxation appeared in her heart. Unfortunately, Dong Ruo had just had a relaxed mood, and another voice sounded in the speaker.

"It's not good!"

That's Li Tong's voice! But why can't Li Tong say it well? Shouldn't he retreat? Dong Ruo's heart suddenly became more irritable than before, even more irritable. Dong Ruo had opened her mouth and was about to question Li Tong.

But no one gave Dong Ruo a chance to question. Li Tong's voice just fell, Dong Ruo's mouth just opened, and Duan Peng's voice sounded again, "Withdraw!"

Dong Ruo didn't have time to react, and she didn't react. Because Dong Ruo was stunned, she didn't know what had happened at all. When Dong Ruo came to her senses, Li Tong had passed her by.

Finally, Li Tong passed by and woke up Dong Ruo, and her hands began to move. As for the reason, Dong Ruo could only temporarily throw it aside.


A dense keyboard tapping sounded, but the tapping sound stopped in the middle, and Dong Ruo's face suddenly turned pale. Wrong again, Dong Ruo actually made another mistake at the critical moment, and the mecha she was driving did not react.

Of course, Dong Ruo knew what kind of result he would face if he made a mistake at this time. Dong Ruo's heart immediately raised a trace of panic, and his mouth opened in an instant.

"Ah!" A frightened cry came out of Dong Ruo's mouth.

The cry was just a trace, because the cry had just emerged and was suffoted back by Dong Ruosheng.

Dong Ruo has understood what Duan Peng's withdrawal means. Dong Ruo has seen the white light from the energy gun and the muzzle of the energy gun in the robot's hand.

Dong Ruo also knew what would happen if she screamed, so Dong Ruo put the scream back.

It may have come to the end, but Dong Ruo's mood, which has not been able to calm down, calmed down at this moment.

'pa pa......'

A dense keyboard tapping sounded in Dong Ruo's cockpit, and King Kong turned around smoothly with Dong Ruo's operation.

Unfortunately, it was too late. After a momentary mistake, Dong Ruo's side was full of robots. They blocked Dong Ruo's route back, and Li Tong and others also ran nearly ten meters away.

Quietly looked at King Kong ten meters away, where there was Duan Peng. Looking at King Kong's rapid departure, a smile slowly floated from the corners of Dong Ruo's mouth.

Unfortunately, Dong Ruo's desire to see Duan Peng's smooth return failed again, because at the moment when Dong Ruo smiled at the corners of his mouth, another voice sounded in the speaker, which was Zhong Xi.

"Xiao Peng, Xiao Ruo didn't keep up!"

Dong Ruo's smile froze in an instant, and Zhong Xi's voice made her mood very complicated. Dong Ruo quietly looked at Duan Peng's King Kong, and her eyes seemed to be a pool of quiet pool that had been broken, constantly shaking.

Duan Peng should not be known, with a trace of joy in Dong Ruo's chagrin.

Don't look back. Dong Ruo is worried with a trace of expectation.

In Dong Ruo's complicated mood, Duan Peng turned around without any hesitation. Almost at the same time when Zhong Xi's voice sounded, Duan Peng turned back, and Dong Ruo's mood became more complicated.

"Xiaopeng, don't..."

"Don't give up, I'll come to save you!" Duan Peng resolutely interrupted Dong Ruo's voice.

Tears blurred Dong Ruo's eyes in an instant, but only for a moment, Dong Ruo quickly wiped away the tears from his eyes and put his hands on the keyboard at the same time.

Even if it is a desperate situation, Dong Ruo will not give up, because Dong Ruo is not qualified to give up. Although it is only a short sentence, Dong Ruo knows that no matter how she persuades her, she can't change Duan Peng's determination. The only thing she can do is to struggle in a desperate situation and create some opportunities for Duan Peng's rescue.


A light lit up - it was an energy bomb.

Although it is daytime, the light of the energy bomb still cuts through the sky.

The light has not darkened, followed by one after another, and soon became one by one.

Robots have always been within the range of the warriors, and the warriors have not launched an attack, because their task is to defend, and they dare not fire rashly. They are afraid that their attack will change the target of the robot.

But at this time, the soldiers couldn't take care of it and didn't even get Zhong Xi's order. The energy gun in the soldiers' hands had rushed to launch the energy bomb.

Such an attack may lead to a robot attack, but this is exactly what the soldiers want. Even if they use their own flesh and blood to meet the robot's energy bomb, they don't care.


'pa pa......'

Duan Peng's hands tapped quickly on the keyboard, and there was a shadow above the keyboard, and the two fingers appeared more and more clearly in the shadow.

King Kong ran wildly with Duan Peng's hands, and the 'body' in his hand was danced by King Kong.


A subsequent metal impact sounded, and the robot fell around with the impact. The robot that occasionally escaped the body in King Kong's hand was too lucky. King Kong's body quickly hit over, and the prototype of the robot's newly appeared formation was stirred into a mess by Duan Peng.

Five meters......

In just a few seconds, Duan Peng has advanced ten meters, and there are still five meters left from Dong Ruo's position, but Duan Peng's eyebrows involuntarily frown, because there are more and more robots, so Duan Peng feels a trace of pressure, and most importantly, the energy gun in the robot's hand has gathered The critical point of the launch.

"Be careful!" Duan Peng shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the 'body' in King Kong's hand took off his hand, and the two 'body' flew to Dong Ruo's position.

From left to right, almost at the same time when the 'body' flew to Dong Ruo's side, the whole sky was illuminated, and the sun lost its light at this moment.

is an energy bomb, and the energy gun in the robot's hand fired the energy bomb almost at the same time.

Because Dong Ruo was surrounded, her position was relatively fixed, and most of the energy bombs flew in the direction of Dong Ruo. Of course, it was not absolute. Although it was relatively small, Duan Peng, Li Tong and Wang Xing were also attacked by energy.

Dong Ruo was very lucky, or Duan Peng's judgment was very accurate. The energy was ejected to Dong Ruo, and the bodies of the two robots also flew to Dong Ruo's side. Although it was not all, most of the energy attacks were still blocked by the two bodies, and it was still blocked. Fortunately, it is an energy bomb near the cockpit.

When the light of the energy bomb covered the sun, Dong Ruo's heart was numb. She didn't know how to describe her mood, maybe despair, maybe relief, maybe joy...

But soon Dong Ruo found that she was fine and survived under such a dense energy attack.

But soon Dong Ruo's face turned pale again, and the energy bomb hit Duan Peng, but Duan Peng did not have any defensive action. Duan Peng's King Kong still maintained a throwing posture.

(Note: Those who shine during the day, we all call him the sun, whether it is an immigrant planet or not, whether it is the solar system ^_^)