
Chapter 20

Suicide attack, since it is a suicide attack, of course, regardless of loss.

The robot's formation is rapidly adjusting, and a large number of robots are rushing towards Li Tong's route.

The energy sword has been replaced by an energy gun. Before the energy is collected, it is impossible for the robots to pose any threat to the mecha, but the robots are still swarming in the direction of the mecha, nothing else, just to drag the pace of the mecha.

In the defensive position, the energy guns in the hands of the warriors keep firing energy bombs. No, not firing, it should be pouring.

In less than three seconds, even the old warrior who has fought many times has consumed an energy clip.

The members of the experimental team clenched their fists and stared at the direction of the mecha without blinking. Many of them murmured in their mouths.

"Big Boss Duan Peng, don't be fine!"

"Big Li Tong, come on! Run faster!"


has reached level 5, and the battle has become very easy for Li Tong, but now Li Tong's hands have begun to cramp, but Li Tong is still persisting, and the remnants still appear above the keyboard, because Duan Peng has no reason to give up for Duan Peng and Li Tong.

Slowly, the mecha is approaching the direction of the team little by little.

Slowly, the muzzle of the energy gun in the robot's hand also became brighter and brighter.

"Dodge!" Zhong Xi suddenly grabbed the telephone and shouted loudly.

He often fights with robots. Of course, Zhong Xi understands how robots attack. He sees that the robot's energy has reached the critical point of launch.

And with Zhong Xi's cry, the robot's attack really broke out.

The sunlight was once again covered by the light of energy, and almost everyone's eyes became vast at this moment.

"That's great!"


When the sight was restored, the soldiers, the test team, and even Zhong Xi couldn't help shouting in surprise - the three mechas were intact.

Move orientation is a five-level action. Except for Li Tong, Dong Ruo and Wang Xing can't complete it, but Li Tong and others have their own methods.

At the moment when Zhong Xi shouted, Li Tong stopped, and the two robot 'corpses' in his hand were quickly taken back to his side and became his shield, blocking almost all the key points of King Kong. Dong Ruo and Wang Xing's King Kong also quickly stuck behind Li Tong King Kong. At the same time, Wang Xing's King Kong also made peace Li Tong's same action.

Wang Xing and Li Tong protected Dong Ruo in the middle, and the robot's 'body' protected their own vitals. This energy attack seemed to be powerful, but it did not cause any damage to the three of them.


The red light behind his ears kept flashing, and the signal kept coming from the distant battlefield. The robot leader controlled the battlefield as if he had seen it himself.

The three mechas are still 30 meters away from their team's position, and the robot energy gun that is chasing them is still gathering energy.

The electronic eye of the robot leader flashed a few times, and the red light behind his ear immediately lit up.

As the red light flashed behind the robot leader's ear, the robots chasing Li Tong immediately made a change. A group of robots stayed in place, and the energy guns in their hands still gathered energy. A group of robots directly gave up energy gathering and rushed to the route of the mecha.

25 meters......

With the robot's roadblocking plan, the movement speed of the three mechas really slowed down. In the past, they only pushed five meters when they could advance ten meters. Therefore, the roadblocking robots also became more brave, and their sprinting speed seemed to be one point faster than before.

20 meters...

The front mecha was only 20 meters away from the human defense circle. The red light behind the robot leader's ear suddenly stopped flashing, and his eyes lit up with dazzling light.

To the west of the robot leader, a light suddenly lit up, almost covering the light of the sun.

It turned out that the robot had gathered energy. At this moment, all the robots fired the energy bombs in their hands at the three mechas.

White, the robot's eyes are also white.

The light passed, and the red light behind the robot leader's ear flashed again, but the flash was only just beginning, and the light in the robot leader's eyes stopped.

The fatal blow failed!

None of the three mechas fell into this energy attack.


The mecha is getting closer and closer, and the robot is getting closer and closer behind the mecha.

Zhong Xi's heart has been hanging high. He not only needs to arrange the soldiers to suppress the firepower of the robot, or attract the firepower of the robot, but also needs to arrange manpower to prevent the robot from rushing behind the mecha.

However, when the energy attack ends, the robot retreats.

After the light emitted by the energy bomb dissipated, there was no sign, and the robot retreated.

Zhong Xi was a little at a loss, and the soldiers around him were also inexplicable, and even forgot to continue the attack in his hand.

"Captain, do we continue to attack?" The defensive position was quiet for a while before a sound sounded.

Hearing this, Zhong Xi took a look at the returning mecha, only five meters left, and the robot team had reached 30 meters away and shook his head. Zhong Xi said, "Forget it, don't attack!"

Duan Peng and King Kong were carried back by Dong Ruo, saying that it was naturally fake that they did not want to attack. Zhong Xi also wanted to revenge, and even destroy all the robots on this side, but reason told Zhong Xi that the attack could not continue.

Now the number of robots around Dongjia Village has been greatly reduced. Later, if the robots no longer invest, there will be almost no pressure in Dongjia Village.

And if they continue to attack, causing the robot's anger, the robot will increase its investment...

Although Duan Peng said that if the robot increases its investment, the city will also change, Zhong Xi will not gamble. At least the reason why Zhong Xi does not want robots to increase investment is because of himself.

"Why did the robot retreat?" Zhong Xi was thinking nonsense, and his smart voice suddenly sounded in the phone.

Gao Ming has officially handed over his power to Dongjiacun, so Dong Ming also handed over part of the command of the team to Gao Ming. Of course, it is not so easy for Dong Ming to believe in Gao Ming, but the number of commanders is really not enough, and Dong Ming has no choice but to do so.

Zhong Xi was stunned when he heard the voice in the caller. It turned out that there was no problem on his side, and the robots in other directions also retreated.

Sure enough, as Gao Ming's voice fell, Dong Ming's voice also sounded, "So you also retreated. What about Zhong Xi and Kong Rong?"

"Me too!" Hearing Dong Ming's question, Kong Rong's voice immediately appeared in the speaker.

"It's the same." Everyone answered, and Zhong Xi had to say it in the phone, but Zhong Xi's interest was not too high. After all, Duan Peng's life and death are still uncertain.

"hehe." Dong Ming did not find that Zhong Xi was not very interested. After getting the answer, Dong Ming's laughter suddenly appeared in the caller, "It's okay to retreat. Anyway, our goal has been achieved, and the next step depends on how the robot responds."

Almost everything is going according to the predetermined mode, and Dong Ming's mood has become very good.

After a pause, Dong Ming continued to say, "But talking about this battle makes me feel strange."

With that, Dong Ming deliberately paused and gave everyone a little time to think. Dong Ming continued to say, "When we just fought, everyone should have heard the conversation between me and Zhong Xi. Duan Peng's team actually completed the killing of 400 robots, which really made me curious. You know me Huang Chi is leading the team in person, but until now, Huang Chi and others have only completed 200 kills. I'm curious about how Duan Peng and others did it?

"Four hundred?" Gao Ming's voice sounded, "This is the first time I have commanded such a battle, so I didn't hear the dialogue between General and Captain Zhong. Xiaopeng and others really completed 400 kills? That's too much. It's less than 150 on my side..."

"It seems that Duan Peng's training effect is not small!" Although it was a caller, no matter who could hear it, Dong Ming was in a good mood. After a smile, Dong Ming continued, "Xiao Zhong, where is Xiaopeng? Have you come back yet? Let him come out and say a few words.

"Xiaopeng..." Zhong Xi's face was full of bitterness. Li Tong and others have come back. Duan Peng's King Kong was put on the ground by them. Li Tong was trying to open Duan Peng's cockpit.

"Xiaopeng is injured..." After staring at Duan Peng's King Kong for a while, Zhong Xi said again.

"What?" After just two words, silence returned to the caller.

Duan Peng's King Kong lay on the ground without any movement. Li Tong was busy outside King Kong, while Dong Ruo stood quietly and his eyes were dull.

At a glance, Zhong Xi exhaled a long breath and walked in the direction of Dong Ruo.

"Xiao Ruo..." In two steps, Zhong Xi came to Dong Ruo's side. He wanted to open his mouth to comfort Dong Ruo, but when Zhong Xi opened, he didn't know what to say, because Zhong Xi could not describe his feelings for Dong Ruo and hatred? Maybe. Pity? Maybe.

"Xiao Zhong, what's going on? Wasn't it good just now?" When Zhong Xi was in a dilemma, a voice quickly leaned in their direction from a distance. It was Dong Ming, who was running in their direction.

"General..." Dong Ming quickly ran to him. Zhong Xi glanced at Dong Ruo beside him, but he didn't know how to explain what had happened to Dong Ming.

Seeing that Zhong Xi wanted to speak and stopped, Dong Ming's head simply turned aside and said, "Xiao Ruo, where is Xiaopeng?"

Dong Ruo seemed to lose her mind. Even Dong Ming's question, she turned a deaf ear to it and had no reaction at all.

Dong Ruo's reaction stunned Dong Ming, but he was just stunned. Dong Ming reacted again. Duan Peng had been injured, and it was normal for Dong Ruo to be in a bad mood. After a glance, Dong Ming began to look at the crowd again. He wanted to find someone who could solve his doubts.

Finally, Li Tong and Wang Xing, who were busy in front of the mecha, fell into Dong Ming's sight.

"Li Tong, Wang Xing! What are you doing, Xiaopeng? Is it serious?"