
Chapter 19 Fall


The three voices sounded almost at the same time. Li Tong and Wang Xing also learned from Duan Peng to throw the 'body' in his hand in the direction of Duan Peng. They didn't even care about their own safety.

But Li Tong and Wang Xing's actions are obviously in vain.

Duan Peng bet on the amount in advance. Now that the energy bomb has been launched, how can Wang Xing and Li Tong's throwing 'body' catch up with the speed of the energy bomb?

In despair, the energy bomb finally fell on King Kong.

"Xiaopeng!" Another scream.

In the scream, Duan Peng's King Kong slowly fell down.

Dong Ruo's eyes were black, and she almost fainted in the cockpit. Dong Ruo's heart was full of regret. If she hadn't suddenly lost her state, she would never have fallen into such a passive situation in the end. If she hadn't fallen into such a passive situation, Duan Peng would not have to come back to save her. Without saving her, Duan Peng would naturally not have...< /P>

When Duan Peng was shot, Li Tong and Wang Xing were also shot at the same time. The instrument in the cockpit flashed, and the display in front of them was even more shocking. Everything outside lost contact with them at this moment. They only heard Dong Ruo's scream again.

Hearing Dong Ruo's voice, Li Tong and Wang Xing were both on fire. At that moment, Li Tong and Wang Xing couldn't wait to open the mecha cockpit and jump out directly.

It's okay, but it shook twice, and the picture on the display quickly returned to normal, and even the instrument in the cockpit returned to normal.

The warriors behind suddenly opened fire, restraining a lot of firepower for Li Tong and others, and most of the remaining robots chose Dong Ruo's King Kong as the target. Although Li Tong and Wang Xing's King Kong were also shot, it was actually not a big deal. After all, King Kong's skin is much thicker than ordinary mecha.

However, when Li Tong and Wang Xing regained their sight, their hearts were half cold - the King Kong driven by Duan Peng slowly fell down. Obviously, Duan Peng's King Kong had lost control.


Ning Xu quietly looked at the team outside the city. His eyes were a little deep and what he could do was done. Unfortunately, Ning Xu still couldn't change Qian Boyu's mind. All he could do now was look at the team outside the city and pray for them.

"Ah!" Looking at it, Ning Xu suddenly screamed, and he even forgot that there was Qian Boyu around him.

Hearing Ning Xu's cry, Qian Boyu frowned.

Ning Xu has been with Qian Boyu for more than ten years. He can almost say that he is Qian Boyu's closest person, even closer than Qian Boyu's relatives. However, today, Qian Boyu suddenly found that there are too many places that do not suit him.

However, he just frowned, and Qian Boyu put down that thought. After all, Ning Xu's ability is still very strong and easy to use.

"Xiao Ning, what's wrong?"

Ning Xu did not look back. He still stared at the direction of the team with a telescope. Of course, Ning Xu still answered Qian Boyu's question.

"General, the robot has changed its weapon!"

There was no connection. Ning Xu's words seemed very abrupt, and Qian Boyu's eyebrows frowned more sharply, but fortunately, just a slight pause, Ning Xu may have noticed his own language and quickly continued to speak.

"Robots want to use suicide attacks!"

Suicide attack! A trace of shock flashed on Qian Boyu's face.

Although I don't want to pay attention to it, such a human team is under the city, and Qian Boyu's eyes will more or less fall on them.

Ning Xu is right. The attack of this team is very sharp, but Qian Boyu does not think that the robot that the team can force can use suicide attacks.

He has been fighting with robots for more than ten years. Qian Boyu dares not say that he fully understands robots, but Qian Boyu's knowledge of robots is not bad. Every time he fights with robots, if the robots are forced into a desperate situation, the robots will carry out suicide attacks and exchange a lot of losses in exchange for the loss of the other party. This is almost the last resort of the robot, but Qian Boyu did not expect that this team could force the last resort of the robot.

"East of the team!" Ning Xu gave a hint.

After getting the prompt, Qian Boyu immediately put the telescope in front of him and looked in the direction of the team.

Sure enough, Ning Xu's judgment is correct. The weapons in the robot's hand have been replaced by energy guns, and the muzzle of the energy gun has glowed with white light.

The result was very obvious. After a glance, Qian Boyu diverted his attention and searched in the team of robots.

Differing from Ning Xu's observation, Qian Boyu is more concerned about the reason why robots use suicide attacks.

Soon, Qian Boyu's mouth opened involuntarily.

It's too obvious. That area is already in a mess. There are almost more robots falling to the ground than standing robots. No wonder the robots will use suicide attacks. Qian Boyu believes that if the robots do not use suicide attacks, they will not even be able to use suicide attacks in the end.

Four mechas, but only four mecha have achieved such results in about 800 robots, and it only took more than half an hour.

Envy and hatred, Qian Boyu couldn't help but think of such an idea. If his mecha warriors had such attack power, Qian Boyu would have been out of the city long ago.

The idea just flashed away, and soon, Qian Boyu's eyes became more firm.

There are too many forces in the city. Such a high-quality team entering the city may add strength to the city's combat power, but Qian Boyu's power will become weaker, and even the possibility of directly losing control. Therefore, Qian Boyu decided that even if this team mobilizes robots, he will never Get your troops out of the city.


Seeing that Duan Peng's mecha was out of control, Li Tong, Wang Xing, and Dong Ruo had completely lost their direction. They were dumbfounded and even forgot to continue their movements.

The muzzle of the energy gun in the robot's hand begins to glow white again. This is not good about the energy gun. Every time it is fired, the more powerful the energy bullet is, the longer it takes to gather energy.

However, the energy gathering of robots is obviously a good thing for Li Tong and others. If there is no time for energy gathering, Li Tong's three temporarily out-of-control mechas may have been beaten into a honeycomb by robots.

"What are you doing? Bring Xiaopeng back!"

Finally, a voice sounded in the speaker of Li Tong and the three of them woke up from shock. It was Zhong Xi.

Since Dong Ruo fell behind, Zhong Xi's heart has been raised in his throat, but Zhong Xi still holds a glimmer of hope in his heart, because Duan Peng's strength is good, and even Huang Chi, an eighth-level mecha warrior, said that Duan Peng's strength is good.

However, an accident still happened. Dong Ruo was rescued by Duan Peng, but Duan Peng's King Kong was hit by an energy bomb, and after being hit by an energy bomb, he lost control and slowly fell down.

At that moment, Zhong Xi even felt that the sky had fallen.

But it was only for a moment. After all, Zhong Xi has fought with robots many times, and Zhong Xi is still the commander of the battlefield and a powerful martial arts master. Just for a moment, Zhong Xi regained his composure. He shouted at the caller, "What are you doing! Bring Xiaopeng back!"

Zhong Xi's reminder is that it is very timely that the robots are still gathering energy to prepare for the second energy attack. Now it is a gap. If the second energy gathering is completed, let alone Duan Peng, even Li Tong will be in danger.

'pa pa......'

When he woke up, Dong Ruo's hands immediately tapped on the keyboard.

Two robots instantly fell into Dong Ruo's hand, and then were danced by Dong Ruo like a meteor hammer.


A subsequent sound of metal impact sounded, and the robot flew around with the crash sound. At this moment, Dong Ruo directly changed his attack mode for Duan Peng.

Li Tong and Wang Xing's movements were not slow, and their King Kong also ran in the direction of Duan Peng under their control.

Melee weapons have been replaced with long-range weapons. Although the threat is much greater, the robots are still gathering energy, and the threat of long-range weapons cannot be reflected at all. In just two seconds, Dong Ruo and others ran smoothly to Duan Peng's side.

Without nonsense, Dong Ruo immediately threw away the two robots in his hand to resist Duan Peng's King Kong, and Li Tong and Wang Xing's King Kong quickly sandwiched Dong Ruo's King Kong in the middle one after another.

Dong Ruo and others launched an action, and Zhong Xi's village guard also opened the biggest firepower.

"One for three people, pay attention to the head of the robot!" He was anxious, but Zhong Xi's voice was very calm.

The more nervous you are, the more calm you have to be! This is what Zhong Xi warned Duan Peng.

Zhong Xi calmly commanded, and he kept warning himself to forget Duan Peng's safety for the time being, because only temporary forgetting is the most correct choice at present and the most favorable choice for Duan Peng.

The members of the experimental team also looked nervously in the front direction, and their hands clenched their fists tightly.

The change was too fast. The bosses still had an absolute advantage at the previous moment, but in a second, the crisis appeared, and their boss lay down directly.

"Let's go and help!" I don't know who was the first to make such a sound.

"Don't move!" The first sound came out, and before everyone could make a move, another sound sounded.

As soon as the second voice sounded, the eyes of all the members of the experimental team fell on the head of the speaker, and their eyes almost devoured him alive, and he collapsed a little.

In panic, he swallowed his saliva, and the vocal person still opened his mouth.

"We have not been trained in this field. If we go up rashly, we may disrupt the deployment of the guard."

Originally, someone had rushed out, but the voice of the vocalists sounded and their footsteps stopped again. Indeed, they rushed forward and may only affect the deployment of the guards. If it was for the good of the bosses, all they had to do was to stand here and pray for the bosses.