
Chapter 27 Calculation

one hour.

A whole night.

lasted until the next day, and the battle between the robot and Dongjia Village continued. The robot continued to increase investment, but it seemed that the battle situation had not changed much.

"How is the battle in all aspects?" Dong Ming was tired and really tired. Even if Dong Ming cheered up, there was still a strong fatigue in his voice.

"There are not much casualties, but the soldiers are exhausted!" As Dong Ming asked, Zhong Xi's voice sounded. Although his voice still seemed calm, there was a faint worry in his words.

Following Zhong Xi, Gao Ming and Kong Rong's voices also sounded in the caller.

Like that, there were not a lot of casualties, but after a night of fighting, the soldiers looked very tired.

Listening to everyone's report, Dong Ming sighed.

This is the sadness of the small village. The combat power is not enough. When the war breaks out, there is no extra combat power to rotate at all. Even if it has reached the limit, the soldiers can only work hard with their last strength.

Thinking about it, Dong Ming turned his head and looked at Liu Le behind him, and Liu Le also seemed to feel Dong Ming's eyes and turned his head to meet Dong Ming with an apologetic smile on his face.

Yesterday, when the battle was tense, with Dong Ming's consent, Liu Le took people to Liu Bing to get 200 energy guns and 400 energy clips. These people who received weapons were also thrown into the battlefield by Liu Le. However, these people did not play any role on the battlefield and finally had to come from the battlefield. Back up.

After that, Dong Ming once proposed to take back the weapons in their hands, but Liu Le left weapons for training and rejected Dong Ming's proposal.

Although he knew that it must be such a result, when Dong Ming's eyes fell on Liu Le, Dong Ming couldn't help igniting a trace of anger.

To be honest, Dong Ming can't figure out why he has reached this juncture of life and death. How can there be such a person who only wants to seize power?

After watching for a while, Dong Ming suppressed his anger and slowly turned to the battlefield.


Qian Boyu frowned tightly. The battle outside lasted all night, and Qian Boyu also stood on the wall and observed for one night.

The battle situation was completely beyond Qian Boyu's expectation. In Qian Boyu's view, if the robot increased investment, the battle outside should end soon, but Qian Boyu did not expect that the battle would last all night, and when the day came, the team outside did not collapse at all. Elephant.

Ning Xu was also watching quietly. When the battle broke out yesterday, there was a trace of despair in Ning Xu's eyes, because Ning Xu thought that the team would soon disappear in his eyes. However, the battle lasted all night, and the team below showed no sign of collapse. Looking at it, the corners of Ning Xu's mouth finally couldn't help revealing. There was a smile.

General Qian! When are we going to put it off? The soldiers' mentality is a little irritable!"

While watching, suddenly a voice sounded in the speaker. After a night's waiting, someone finally questioned Qian Boyu's battle plan.

"Big Hu, don't worry, now the center of gravity of the robot has shifted to the outside of the city, and there will be a result soon." Qian Boyu frowned, but Qian Boyu still put the caller to his mouth and explained patiently.

There is nothing we can do. The power of those exiles in the city is enough to fight against Qian Boyu's power. Even if Qian Boyu is the actual owner of the city, Qian Boyu has to be patient enough with these people.

Qian Boyu is patient, but Boss Hu and these people will not be patient. As soon as Qian Boyu's words were finished, Boss Hu's voice came up again.

"General Qian, we also want to believe your plan, but the city defense has weakened. The soldiers are really worried. Although you said you can rest, how many of the soldiers present can really have a good rest? Moreover, this is not the first time I have asked you. I asked you the same question in the middle of the night, but the answer you gave me in the middle of last night is no different from what it is now. How do you tell me to explain to your subordinates?

Listening to Boss Hu's words, Qian Boyu curled his lips, his face was full of disdain, and muttered, "These people are like this. They want to get it, but they don't even have any patience!"

was very dissatisfied, but after venting, Qian Boyu still had to put the caller to his mouth and said, "Lao Hu, just wait patiently. Please believe me and give me a little more time."

Qian Boyu's voice fell, and the caller finally calmed down. Needless to guess, Qian Boyu can also imagine that several people must have gathered together at the other end of the caller, and they must be discussing the final result of this call.

Ning Xu still looked at the team outside the city, but Ning Xu's ears stood high.

After quarreling with Qian Boyu yesterday, Qian Boyu no longer paid attention to Ning Xu, and Ning Xu did not want to pay attention to Qian Boyu anymore, but Ning Xu still pretended to have nothing happened in front of outsiders. After all, Ning Xu is Qian Boyu's adjutant. He has had feelings for Qian Boyu for more than ten years. If Ning Xu betrays Qian Boyu and treats Qian Boyu The prestige is undoubtedly a huge blow.

As Qian Boyu's adjutant and friend, Ning Xu doesn't want to see that happen, so Ning Xu still follows Qian Boyu.

Of course, Ning Xu's performance is also what Qian Boyu is happy to see.

However, what happened happened. Although Qian Boyu and Ning Xu both behaved naturally, the crack between them already existed, so Ning Xu could no longer directly ask Qian Boyu. He could only prick his ears and quietly collect the information he wanted.

One minute...

A trace of anxiety slowly rose on Qian Boyu's face. This feeling of being determined by others made Qian Boyu very unhappy.

Ning Xu's ears are still erect, and maintaining a posture for a long time makes Ning Xu look very strange, but Ning Xu himself does not notice that he is still waiting, because this decision is not only related to whether Qian Boyu's plan can proceed smoothly, but also to the life and death of the 10,000 people below.

Two minutes...

Seeing that Qian Boyu had lost his patience, the caller was put to his mouth by Qian Boyu again. Suddenly, a voice sounded in the caller, and the sudden sound made Qian Boyu couldn't help shaking.

"General Qian, we have discussed it. We can wait, but we hope General Qian will also give us a deadline."

The deadline! This suffering is finally coming to an end!

Ning Xu had a smile on the corners of his mouth, but the smile was quickly restrained by Ning Xu. After all, although there was a dispute with Qian Boyu, Ning Xu did not want to embarrass Qian Boyu.

Ning Xu secretly looked at Qian Boyu with the afterglow of the corners of his eyes. Qian Boyu frowned, and his fingers holding the caller became a little pale.

Finally, the call button on the phone was pressed by Qian Boyu.

"Noon, until 12 noon, no matter what the result is outside, I will no longer restrict your way of fighting."

The caller was quiet again.

Wait, another waiting day like a year!

Finally, two minutes passed and the result came out.

"We agree with General Qian's proposal, but we also have a request. Since General Qian is so sure about this plan, I hope General Qian can let our soldiers withdraw temporarily and give them a real rest time."

Break time?

Qian Boyu turned his head and looked outside the city. After repeated investment, the robots outside the city were much less than yesterday's day. The formation seemed to have become sparse, and the battle there was still continuing, and the battle between the two sides was still very fierce.

After thinking about it, Qian Boyu nodded solemnly and said, "Yes!"

With the answer, Ning Xu's attention returned to the outside team again, and unconsciously Ning Xu's hands gently closed.

Qian Boyu's battle plan is only half a day. I hope these people can survive this last half day. Ning Xu prayed silently.


The battle between

and the team outside has continued, but Jennade's head is always facing the direction of the city.

It has been a whole night. Under the personal intervention of Genard, the battle with the team outside was very fierce. The robot has lifted the blocking 'body' from the battlefield several times, but the robot's attack was also effective. Throughout the night, the robot attacked the team at least four times. It has caused an effective blow, and these four times are only a little short of breaking through the team's defense circle.

But there is no pleasure in Jennade's chip.

staring quietly in the direction of the city, Jenad's electronic eyes are constantly flashing.

Jennerd also has a certain understanding of the technology that human beings now have. According to Jennerd's calculation, the war situation outside should not be able to avoid the monitoring in the city, but Jennerd has caused several crises outside, but the troops in the city have not responded.

vaguely, Jennade felt that he seemed to have missed something.

Once again, the red light behind Jenard's ear flashed twice.

The attacking robot stopped, and too many robot 'corpses' were accumulated on the front line, which hindered the pace of the attack, and Gennad had to order to clean up the bodies again.

For execution, robots are more perfect than humans. Soon, the 'corpse' was transferred to the rear under Gennade's order.


The robot's corpse removal is also a rare opportunity for Dongjia Village.

Under Dong Ming's order, the people of Dongjia Village did not continue to attack, and the soldiers were taking time to rest.

Dong Ming frowned, and his eyes wandered between the robot in front of him and the city in the distance.

Everything is very strange. As Dong Ming himself said, the weakening of the city's combat power is too sudden and too regular. What's more strange is that as the city's combat power weakens, robots also reduce investment, as if a tacit understanding has been formed between the two sides.

Thinking about it, Dong Ming's face suddenly had a trace of irritation. Dong Ming put the caller to his mouth again and again, but put it down again and again without saying anything.


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