
Chapter 28 Stealing Chickens to Eclipse Rice

Qian Boyu looked quietly with a trace of anxiety on his face.

It has been two hours since Boss Hu's attack, but the battle outside is still continuing. The team outside is like a small boat in the storm, which may be subverted at any time, but it is not subverted.

In two hours, several times, the team's defense was in crisis, but the crisis was always a crisis, and the team's defense was not broken by robots in the end.

Looking at it, Qian Boyu's eyes slowly moved to the city, and the situation under the city made Qian Boyu's face involuntarily smile.

Although the team was not broken by the robot, it did not bring all bad news.

A short distance from the city wall, there is an additional hillside composed of robot 'corpses', which are the result of the collision between the team and the robot during the battle all night.

Looking at the hill, Qian Boyu also had a little more comfort in his heart. At least, the team consumed a lot of robot power, and the pressure that the city will face will also be much less.

There should be a thousand in this pile!

Laughing and looking, Qian Boyu's smile suddenly froze.

There are a thousand bodies of this pile of robots, and there is more than one such hill. Can that team cause so much damage to the robot? More importantly, the 'corpses' of these robots are too close to the city wall. Even in order to facilitate the attack and clean-up of the 'corpses', the robots have not put these bodies under the wall at all.

A bad feeling suddenly rose in Qian Boyu's heart, and he immediately raised his hand and put the caller to his mouth.

The caller just came to his mouth, and as soon as his mouth opened, Qian Boyu's face suddenly became ugly.

The hill composed of a pile of 'corpses' of robots below suddenly moved, and they turned into lively robots again and stood up and rushed to the wall as fast as possible.

This planet is a newly discovered livable planet, and the pace of migration has only just begun. In order to prevent any powerful lethal animals on the planet, the defense of the whole city has become a top priority, so the city walls are very strong, and even energy bombs cannot cause any damage to the walls.

At this moment, in just a second, the foot of the strong wall is full of robots, and there is a continuous stream of robots coming behind.

The robot's palms were attached to the wall, then his arms were bent, and the soles of his back were also attached to the wall. They climbed quickly on the wall like geckos.

This situation is not the first time that such a situation has occurred. When the city eliminated robots, and later robots that appeared outside the city have always been used. Qian Boyu and others have long been used to the way robots siege the city, but at this moment, looking at the skillful climbing of robots, Qian Boyu's heart rose a chill. .

Just two hours ago, Qian Boyu agreed with Boss Hu and others to withdraw the extra soldiers from the wall, because Qian Boyu also considered that since the battle was going well, it was good to give the soldiers more time to rest, but Qian Boyu did not expect that this At that moment, this decision to rest turned into a fatal decision.

"All warriors, go to the wall immediately! All soldiers, go to the wall immediately!" Qian Boyu shouted crazily at the caller.

While shouting, Qian Boyu thought crazily.

As soon as the situation appeared, Qian Boyu was already thinking about where there was a mistake. Originally, everything was planned, but suddenly the target of the robot became himself.

Ning Xu also had a white face. Ning Xu had been paying attention to the situation of the team outside. He didn't notice the changes in the city at all. Just as Ning Xu was immersed in, suddenly, Qian Boyu's crazy cry sounded beside him.

With Qian Boyu's cry looking down the city, Ning Xu's face instantly turned pale, and then there was a trace of bitter smile on his pale face.

Ning Xu heard the dialogue between Qian Boyu and Boss Hu. Of course, Ning Xu knew the possible consequences of the robot counterattack.

But looking at the situation in front of him, in addition to fear, Ning Xu just wanted to laugh and smile bitterly. Qian Boyu's plan finally had a bad result, and this bad result was so ironic - stealing chickens could not eat rice.


Jenard quietly looked at the wall. The only place where he could see that Jenad was still running was Jennad's electronic eye, which was flashing crazily.

has caused too much damage to the team under the city, and even has to break through the team's defense several times, but the city is still indifferent.

Jenard calculated again, and he felt that the number of robots might have put pressure on the city, so Jenard gave another order to pretend to be dead and let the robots lie down whether they were fatal or not after being attacked by energy bombs.

However, after two hours, the ' casualties' of the robot increased by 4,000, but the city still did not respond.

So Jenner hesitated, and this situation has negated the previous calculation that the city wanted to go out of the city to rescue.

Jernad's head finally turned to the team outside.

Jennade still doesn't know what happened, but there is not much room for Jennade to choose.

Or destroy the team outside, and this siege will fail, and then wait for the rear to replenish its insufficient combat strength.

Or, regardless of the battle outside or the conspiracy that may occur in the city, try your best to fight last time.

Looking at it, Jennade's head finally shifted to the direction of the city.

Jenner is unwilling to defeat the team outside and leave. It is hard to say that such an opportunity will not happen in the future. Maybe if you miss this opportunity, you have to wait for other war zones to clean up the human beings in their respective war zones and then gather together.

So the unwilling Gennade finally launched the order of a general attack.

are all unEVOLVed intelligence, and it doesn't matter how much the loss is. Jenner decided to bet on it.


"General! There seems to be something wrong with these two hours of war!" After dawn, after fighting for another two hours, Zhong Xi finally couldn't help raising doubts about Dong Ming.

In fact, there is no need for Zhong Xi to say that Dong Ming also felt something was wrong, but there was no news from other directions, and Dong Ming did not dare to confirm whether what he saw was right, so Dong Ming could only observe by himself.

Hearing Zhong Xi's voice, Dong Ming immediately put the caller to his mouth and said, "Xiao Zhong, what do you think is wrong?"

Dong Ming's voice fell, and there was a silence in the call, but it was not silent for long, and Zhong Xi's voice sounded again.

"It seems that... it seems that the casualties of robots have increased in these two hours!"

Zhong Xi's voice was a little hesitant. Obviously, Zhong Xi himself was not sure, but as Zhong Xi's voice sounded, Dong Ming immediately looked in the direction of the robot.

Just a moment, Dong Ming's eyes lit up. After Zhong Xi's prompting, Dong Ming finally saw where the wrong was.

"It's not that the casualties have increased, and the robot has deliberately increased the casualties." Dong Ming paused and then continued to say, "Take a closer look to see if there is a robot that has only been attacked by energy and then fell down."

Silence, silence again.

This time, it took two minutes for Zhong Xi's voice to appear in the caller, "Yes, General! The robot is pretending to be dead!"

"The west is also!"

"There are also in the north!"

Following Zhong Xi's voice, Gao Ming and Kong Rong's voice also sounded.

Dong Ming frowned tightly, and he carefully looked at the situation in the battlefield.

There is only one situation where the robot pretends to be dead, that is, the robot wants to leave more power on the battlefield, and then unexpectedly impact the defense line while everyone is relaxed.

After watching for a while, Dong Ming found that he was wrong.

The robot did not leave these 'corpses' behind. Instead, the existence of these 'corpses' reduced the robot's combat effectiveness, because the robot actually spent a lot of energy to carry these 'corpses', and these 'corpses' pretending to be dead were transported to the rear of the front.

"Have these robots evolved in batches and learned to pretend to be dead?" Dong Ming, who only knew a little about robots, suddenly had a ridiculous idea in his mind.

Suddenly, just as Dong Ming had a funny idea, Zhong Xi's voice sounded again in the phone.

"General! The robot retreated!"

"What?" Too tired, thinking about the reason why the robot pretended to be dead, Dong Ming was distracted. Hearing Zhong Xi's words, Dong Ming was stunned, and then looked in the direction of the battlefield.

Sure enough, the robots retreated, and their retreat speed was much faster than their attack, but at the moment when Dong Ming was stunned, the front line had retreated more than ten meters.

"The mecha team withdraws!" After recovering, Dong Ming issued an order to retreat in an instant.

The robot has already made a retreat. Dong Ming doesn't want to give up this rare opportunity to rest. The defending soldiers are really too tired. Dong Ming doesn't want the pursuit of the mecha team to destroy the short rest time.

As soon as the order was given, the mecha team had just reacted. Suddenly, the observers around Dong Ming shouted, "General!"

"What?" Dong Ming frowned and looked at the observer, and then looked out along the observer's arm.

Just looking at it, Dong Ming couldn't help wide-eyed.

In the direction of the city, the city wall has been full of robots. Those robots are climbing quickly, and the soldiers on the wall are also blocking it desperately.

But the battle situation is not too optimistic. In Dong Ming's view, the city's defense is too weak. Sure enough, the city's resistance only lasted more than a minute, and finally a robot rushed to the city wall. In an instant, there was chaos on the wall, and with the riot of the city wall, there were more opportunities. The man rushed up to the wall.


The second update!! Let's communicate!! Can you give me some advice and then leave me an opinion that is convenient for communication?