
Chapter 75 Massive Breakthrough

Caught by Duan Peng, Chen Lin was already prepared. Don't think too much about it. Chen Lin also knew that their attack failed again, but Duan Peng's next behavior was unexpected.

Duan Peng collected all the energy guns and ordered the prisoners to stay in place. Then Duan Peng grabbed Chen Lin and ran deep into the dense forest.

Chen Lin thought that Duan Peng captured him to coerce the two mecha, but Chen Lin did not expect that Duan Peng did not lean over. When Duan Peng twisted him to the edge of the battlefield, Duan Peng took him to the big tree on the edge of the battlefield.

Being gagged, Chen Lin's heart was full of doubts.

Just glanced at it, Chen Lin found that the situation of those soldiers was a little bad. They were being chased by two mechas, but Chen Lin couldn't figure out that Duan Peng's troops were at a disadvantage, but Duan Peng hid with him like a man.


Warriors can't cause damage to robots if they don't reach level 4. Similarly, warriors can't cause damage to mecha without reaching level 5, but the damage is only damage. If they want to cause fatal or disabled damage to mecha, but level 5 warriors are not enough. Even if Duan Peng has reached level 6 and wants to pose a threat to two mecha. It's also a little reluctant.

But watching the soldiers being chased around, Duan Peng did not take action, nor did he want to take action.

The attack of the two mechas was very powerful, but the two mechas did not take out any weapons. Although their iron fists were also very powerful, the soldiers could barely resist as long as they did not touch some deadly places.

Of course, the reason why Duan Peng did not take action is not because everyone can withstand it, but that the attack of the mecha is an opportunity, a large-scale breakthrough in Duan Peng's view.


Li Tong is very anxious.

Did not give Li Tong a chance to object. Duan Peng went to deal with the more than 50 soldiers alone. According to Duan Peng, those soldiers still had energy guns in their hands, and Li Tong did not know what the result was on Duan Peng's side.

Every time Li Tong thinks of this, he will be very worried, but while worrying about Duan Peng, Li Tong also has to worry about the soldiers around him.

Duan Peng handed over these soldiers to Li Tong before leaving, and Li Tong must be responsible for these soldiers.

But looking at the soldiers who were being chased everywhere, Li Tong was a little desperate.

After more than ten seconds of 'time break', the two mechas finally reacted. They saw that the soldiers' bodies were at the end of the strong crossbow. When they saw the key to the soldiers dispersed, the two mecha immediately moved.

Li Tong was ready. This time, he was still ready to delay the time by wandering, but soon, Li Tong found that his fighting ideas had been recognized by the other party.

The two mechas seemed to be crazy. They each stared at one person, and then kept running after the man. No matter how they covered the front and how harassed the back, the two mechas insisted that the green hills would not relax and kept chasing the two soldiers with their arms.


The mecha punched, and a loud noise made Li Tong's heart tremble. He quickly restrained his mind and looked in the direction of the mecha attack. Fortunately, Zheng Bin was still running. Just now, the mecha attack was dodged by Zheng Bin again, and the iron fist of the mecha just fell to the ground beside Zheng Bin.

Zheng Bin gasped for breath, and every time his breath drove the air flow, Zheng Bin's lungs came with a feeling of fire.

I don't know what went crazy. Everyone covered alternately as usual, and Li Tong's three five-level soldiers with attack ability kept harassing behind, but all these things lost their usual functions. The mecha seemed to identify him and had been following his buttocks.

He couldn't hold on any longer. Several times Zheng Bin wanted to give up directly. Even if he knew that he might die under the iron fist of the mecha, Zheng Bin didn't want to continue running.

However, Zheng Bin did not give up. He saw the eyes of his brothers and their sweat.

Although the mecha has been staring at Zheng Bin, the brothers have not become relaxed because of this. The brothers have worked harder. They only hope that their performance can attract the attention of the mecha and help Zheng Bin buy some time.

Not only Zheng Bin, but also another female team member besides Dong Ruo was also targeted by the mecha.

Sun Xiaoling is trying to avoid it, a little embarrassed, but Sun Xiaoling's situation seems to be much better than Zheng Bin.

may be due to gender. She is also a four-level warrior. Sun Xiaoling is much worse than Zheng Bin in terms of strength, but Sun Xiaoling takes the same path as Dong Ruo. Her pace is flexible and her endurance is long. Although she is also gasping under the pursuit of the mecha, Sun Xiaoling still has energy control while breathing. Control your own breathing.


Once again, the iron fist hit Zheng Bin with the sound of wind.

Like before, the comrades around him tried their best to cover for Zheng Bin, hoping to attract the attention of the mecha.

Li Tong appeared behind the mecha, and the sword hit the back of the mecha without hesitation.

But just like before, although I saw the interference of these people, the iron fist of the mecha still flew firmly to Zheng Bin.

Zheng Bin felt it. Because he kept running, Zheng Bin's mind was full of buzzing. He could not hear the wind brought by the iron fist behind him, but Zheng Bin still felt it, and he twisted his body desperately.

Seeing that Zheng Bin was about to avoid the iron fist of the mecha. Suddenly, Zheng Bin's feet softened, and his movements suddenly slowed down.

"Zheng Bin!"

Li Tong's heart suddenly paused, and the sword in his hand danced a little faster.


With a loud noise, the mecha staggered forward, but the iron fist of the mecha did not take back, and still firmly hit Zheng Bin.


Duan Peng squatted on the tree and looked at it. Everything below did not escape Duan Peng's eyes. Suddenly, there was a dangerous situation. The muscles on Duan Peng's leg twitched violently, but after a twitch, Duan Peng grabbed the branch and endured it.

Chen Lin was dumbfounded, and everything below did not escape Chen Lin's eyes. He thought Duan Peng would jump out, but he didn't expect that Duan Peng, who had already reacted, stopped again at the last moment.


There is a muffled sound.

His feet were soft and his body stopped. A trace of despair flashed in Zheng Bin's eyes. He tried his best to twist his body. Unfortunately, it was too late. He took a slow step. In the blink of an eye, the iron fist fell on Zheng Bin's chest.

The fourth-level warrior already has a lot of ways to resolve the attack power, but no matter how Zheng Bin resolves it, the moment the iron fist falls on Zheng Bin, Zheng Bin's body still flew up.

Zheng Bin was blown away, his body hit a big tree, and then fell to the ground, and blood kept spewing out of Zheng Bin's mouth.

He is not dead yet, but Zheng Bin's appearance is very ugly. He lies on the ground and has no other actions except for constantly spraying blood in his mouth.

Li Tong's face turned pale. Looking at Zheng Bin, who did not know his life and death, Li Tong felt very uncomfortable, but soon Li Tong had to hide the anger and sadness in his heart. After hitting Zheng Bin, the mecha had re-selected the target. If he couldn't think of a way, the second and third Zheng Bin would soon appear.

While chasing, Li Tong's brain rotated quickly. Finally, after the mecha came out twice, Li Tong thought of a possibility.

"Focus and use your spirit to feel the distribution of your own power." Li Tong waved his sword and shouted loudly.

Although he shouted, Li Tong had no confidence in his heart, but at this time, Li Tong could also be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After Li Tong's breakthrough, Duan Peng once took a little time to explain to Li Tong the ability of the fifth-level warrior. The fifth-level warrior can spread his spirit all over his body, and then use his spiritual power to mobilize every strength of the body, and even let every strength of the body play a corresponding role.

Their subordinates are all four-level warriors. Obviously, they can't do what only five-level warriors can do, but this is the best way Li Tong can come up with.


Duan Peng stared closely at the soldiers below. Duan Peng couldn't help but want to jump out several times. Especially at the moment when Zheng Bin was blown away, Duan Peng couldn't help shaking his muscles, but Duan Peng still endured it, because Duan Peng saw that these robots were not murderous. Zheng Bin looked miserable, but Duan Peng But it was clear that the mecha punched Zheng Bin at the moment of hitting him, and the mecha did not exert all its strength.

Since there is no murderous intention, the mecha has naturally become the best training method in Duan Peng's eyes.


Li Tong's words made everyone a little inexplicable, but Li Tong has already said something, and everyone has begun to implement it. After all, the previous commands have demonstrated Li Tong's ability, and everyone has gained a certain trust in Li Tong's orders.

Although she was avoiding, Sun Xiaoling still part of her attention.

Sun Xiaoling quietly sensed the strength of her body. To be honest, Sun Xiaoling could not feel the division of strength at all, but after concentrating, Sun Xiaoling slowly felt the change of muscles every time she used force.

is already very tired. Although Sun Xiaoling's endurance is good, she is chased by the mecha, and Sun Xiaoling still feels tired. She keeps persisting. When Sun Xiaoling feels the change in her muscles, Sun Xiaoling immediately began to try to adjust.

Once, once again!

It worked! It seems that the power invested is smaller, but the body moves farther.

Sun Xiaoling was stunned, and then she was ecstatic.

When Duan Peng explained the five-level warrior ability to Li Tong that day, he did not avoid everyone. Sun Xiaoling also heard that the effect after adjustment was just like what Duan Peng explained that day.

It's not just Sun Xiaoling, everyone is trying and working hard, especially those who have not been chased, and almost all his mental strength has been put into it.

comrades-in-arms are being chased by robots. Watching their comrades-in-arms being chased, coupled with Zheng Bin, who was lying on the ground without knowing life or death, has never worked so hard. In an instant, they have never succeeded in the distribution of spiritual power as if the water has been distributed to the whole body.

Running, mental attention, and trying to adjust at the same time.

Swing, the spirit is also paying attention to and adjusting. They want to save more power, and they need to exert more power.

Dong Ruo broke through!

Yu Zhide broke through!


Seeing that everyone's steps suddenly became bigger and the attack became more fierce, Duan Peng knew that his hard patience was finally not in vain. He finally succeeded. Duan Peng's face was full of smiles, and at the same time, tears appeared in the corners of Duan Peng's eyes.


Update, hey hey, come on!