
Chapter 76 The sequelae of the breakthrough

Chen Lin's eyes widened.

Caught by Duan Peng, Chen Lin was in a low mood, but with Duan Peng's strange movements, Chen Lin's curiosity was slowly mobilized. He didn't know what Duan Peng wanted to do, but the more he didn't understand, the more Chen Lin wanted to figure it out.

Seeing a soldier being blown away by the mecha, although Chen Lin did not know what had happened, Chen Lin still clearly felt Duan Peng's nervousness. At that time, Chen Lin thought that Duan Peng would jump out immediately, but Duan Peng finally resisted it again.

Chen Lin was very curious about what Duan Peng wanted to do, so Chen Lin's eyes were tighter, and even a little detail Chen Lin didn't want to miss.

Looking at it, Chen Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and the girl chased by the mecha suddenly became bigger. Chen Lin began to think that it was the girl who had increased her physical investment, but it was just a phenomenon of returning to the light, but after a while, Chen Lin found that he was wrong.

The girl's movements have become bigger, but the girl's movements have become bigger not because of physical exertion, because the girl's movements look very smooth and give people a pleasant feeling.

Chen Lin's own strength does not reach that level, but he still has the ability to appreciate, but Chen Lin's surprise is still in the future.

Not only the girls chased by the mecha, but many of the warriors below have the same phenomenon as girls.

This group of soldiers were run over by mecha, but only for a moment, those panicked feelings disappeared. Although these soldiers were still running, they had brought a completely different feeling, as if they were dancing a group dance.


Someone was injured, and Duan Peng was very sad, but the pain finally paid off.

Finally, it broke through, and it was a large-scale breakthrough.

Continue to observe for about a minute, Duan Peng jumped down from the tree with Chen Lin.

" Stop it!"

With a loud shout, with strong penetration, even the mecha could not block Duan Peng's voice.

Not only Li Tong and other soldiers, but even Shen Hao and Zou Wen couldn't help stopping their movements.

Everyone looked in the direction of Duan Peng. Looking at it, Shen Hao and Zou Wen, who were ready to continue, had to stop.

Cheng Xudong has died, and Chen Lin has become the top leader of this team, but Chen Lin has now fallen into the hands of Duan Peng. Even if Shen Hao and Zou Wenxin are dissatisfied, they have to worry about Chen Lin's identity.

"Brother Tong, go and see Zheng Bin!" After the battle stopped, Duan Peng twisted Chen Lin into the battlefield and ordered Li Tong. Duan Peng turned his head and shouted at the two mechas, "Come out!" Do you still want me to invite you to come out?"

"Zou Wen, what should we do?" Hearing this, Shen Hao's hand touched the hatch control key of the mecha, but his hand only stretched out half and took it back.

Zou Wen looked at the display in front of him in a daze. Originally, everything was going very smoothly. Although it was a little difficult, Zou Wen believed that as long as he persisted, they would put all these people down sooner or later. However, Zou Wen did not expect the accident to appear again. He should have followed them and wait for them to win. Chen Lin, who came out, actually fell into the hands of the other party.

Shen Hao waited for a long time without seeing Zou Wen's mecha move, nor did he hear Zou Wen's voice ringing. Shen Hao couldn't help opening his mouth again, "Zou Wen?"

Shen Hao made a sound again. Zou Wen knew that he had to make a decision, but only stopped for a moment. Zou Wen sighed, "Go out!"

"Go out?"

"What else can you do if you don't go out?"

Zou Wen's voice was lonely. After answering Shen Hao's question, before Shen Hao could react, Zou Wen's hand had been pressed on the hatch control key.

The 'squeak' hatch opened without any expression, and Zou Wen jumped out of the mecha.

Then Shen Hao. Although Shen Hao was more lively, Zou Wen, who spoke little, was obviously the main brain. Seeing that Zou Wen had given up, Shen Hao had to jump out behind Zou Wen.


The battle was over, but with the landing of Zou Wen and Shen Hao, a tense atmosphere spread again on the battlefield.

In the battle just now, everyone was very embarrassed by these two mechas. Zheng Bin was seriously injured by one of them. Up to now, his life and death is still unknown. The eyes of the soldiers looking at these two mecha soldiers were full of anger. If it hadn't been for Duan Peng's presence and Duan Peng had not issued instructions, it is estimated that many people It will jump directly.

Duan Peng looked quietly, and he also felt the anger of the soldiers, but unlike everyone, Duan Peng felt a little guilty. After all, all this was directed by Duan Peng.

Duan Peng had already caught Chen Lin. If Duan Peng hadn't taken advantage of this opportunity, Zheng Bin would not have been injured at all.

glanced around, Duan Peng first ignored everyone's anger, and his eyes turned to Li Tong, "Brother Tong, how is Zheng Bin's situation?"

Li Tong's face was pale. The battle just consumed not only Li Tong's physical strength, but also his mental strength. Not only did he accurately control the output of power, but Li Tong also commanded the whole battle at the same time, so Li Tong's consumption was greater than others, but when he heard Duan Peng's question, Li Tong's voice was still It rang immediately.

"The situation is not very good. Five ribs have been broken, and it is estimated that the inner part has also been shaken."

Duan Peng's question attracted the eyes of all the soldiers, but when they heard Li Tong's answer, all the soldiers' heads suddenly turned back. They stared at Zou Wen and Shen Hao, believing that as long as Duan Peng gave an order, they would immediately rush forward and beat the two culprits into the same state.

Shen Hao's face was pale, Zou Wen was fine, and the expression on his face remained unchanged, but the corners of Zou Wen's mouth couldn't help ** twice.

Looking at the scene with a strong smell of gunpowder, Duan Peng had a headache.

These two mecha men are only the characters in Duan Peng's story, and the main responsibility should be borne by the director Duan Peng, but now everyone is angry. Is it possible to let everyone vent their anger on these two guys first?

"Cough!" Duan Peng coughed twice and reluctantly closed everyone's eyes, "Brother Tong, since Zheng Bin's injury is serious, let's go back to the city now!"

Li Tong nodded and was about to answer when suddenly a voice sounded.

" boss, these guys have attacked us one after another. Now that Brother Zheng is injured, we should go back immediately, but we must also let these guys learn a lesson."

"Yes! Boss Duan, these guys must teach them a lesson!"

Duan Peng had a headache and wanted to miss this time to explain this problem, but he didn't expect that this problem was still raised.

Of course, it's not impossible to throw these two guys out and let their brothers vent their anger, but Chen Lin paid attention to the whole battle process, and Duan Peng was afraid that there would be a gap between the brothers.

And what gives Duan Peng a headache is Chen Lin. This guy is a prisoner in Duan Peng's hands, but he is also a hot yam. He can't kill him. Killing Chen Lin completely violates Duan Peng's conscience and can't let him go. After letting him go, Duan Peng is afraid that Chen Lin will come again.

stared at everyone quietly. After a long time, Duan Peng finally opened his mouth. Duan Peng decided to tell everything. Maybe the brothers couldn't understand it for a while, but Duan Peng believed that everyone could understand Duan Peng's painstaking efforts in the end.

"Brothers, I said I did it all. Do you believe it?"

There was an uproar below, and everyone's faces showed unbelievable eyes.

Everything was expected, just a little pause, and Duan Peng's voice continued to sound, "Of course, their attack was not my arrangement. I just took advantage of their opportunity to attack."

The soldiers are still puzzled. They don't understand what Duan Peng wants to say.

With a bitter face, Duan Peng smiled and smiled helplessly. To be honest, because there were outsiders, Duan Peng did not want to expose all this, but for this reason, he could not ask his brothers to vent his anger on the two mecha men.

"Check your own strength!"

The soldiers were at a loss. They didn't know what Duan Peng wanted to do, but soon they understood.

"I broke through!"

Dong Ruo's voice, others don't believe in Duan Peng, but Dong Ruo has no reservations about Duan Peng. Although he doesn't understand what Duan Peng wants to do, Duan Peng's voice has just fallen, and Dong Ruo has begun to check.

Dong Ruo was not very clear about what Level 5 looked like, but it was just a check, and Dong Ruo immediately found his difference. When she checked, Dong Ruo found that she could clearly feel the remaining physical strength, which was an unprecedented feeling.

"I also broke through!" Sun Xiaoling.

"Me too!" Yu Zhide.

One after another, Li Tong was stunned. Wang Xing was stunned. Gao Fei was dumbfounded. They were already five-level soldiers, but the sudden news still stunned all three people on the spot.

There were nine soldiers who had not broken through before this battle, but after a battle, the remaining nine people broke through six people. Only Zheng Bin and the other two who were injured did not go to level 5 in this battle.

Looking at everyone, Duan Peng's mood is still heavy. Although Zheng Bin's injury still made Duan Peng a little unhappy. After everyone finished the inspection, Duan Peng continued: "I'm very happy to see most of you successfully break through, because I have achieved my goal, but I still want to go to the big My family apologized, because my decision hurt the Zheng Bin brothers, and I felt very sad..."

The soldiers looked at each other in con's face. To be honest, Duan Peng let them break through. They were very excited, but it was also true that Duan Peng's decision hurt Zheng Bin. For a moment, no one knew what to say.

"Cough..." A weak voice sounded. It turned out that Zheng Bin had woken up from a coma, "Duan... boss, we... are all...voluntary..."

Zheng Bin's face was covered with an abnormal flush. He just woke up. Zheng Bin's physical strength was not enough to support him, but everyone understood what Zheng Bin meant.

Before leaving the city, Duan Peng had explained to them the purpose and danger of this operation. Whether they were willing or not, as long as they went out of the city, they had already accepted the danger mentioned by Duan Peng. Although Zheng Bin was seriously injured because of this operation, everyone also saw what Duan Peng brought them Achievements.

Duan Peng didn't expect Zheng Bin's voice to suddenly sound, but Zheng Bin's voice reminded Duan Peng that whether his brothers could understand or not, Zheng Bin's injury must not be delayed. If he returned to the city earlier, Zheng Bin would be safer.

"Let's put this first! Let's go back to the city first!"


Update! Hey hey! Keep going!