
Chapter 98 Dangerous

Dong Ruo's hand danced quickly on the keyboard, and the top of the keyboard was full of shadows.

Connect the mecha with yourself with mental strength. Controlling the mecha is as free as controlling your own body. However, your body will also be tired. For example, now, Dong Ruo's hand is in pain, and blood oozing from Dong Ruo's fingers.

Dong Ruo bit her lips, and her teeth had fallen deeply into her lips. Dong Ruo wanted to wake up her attention with pain, but Dong Ruo still couldn't hold on. Due to a lot of mental energy, Dong Ruo's eyelids were fighting, and her hands could not afford such a high-intensity operation.

Gradually, Dong Ruo's eyes closed little by little, and his fingers also showed their original appearance on the keyboard.

"Xiao Ruo, can you still hold on?"

Seeing that Dong Ruo's operation was about to stop, Duan Peng's voice suddenly sounded in the caller. Dong Ruo seemed to have been injected with a strong heart needle. His eyes suddenly widened and his head was shaken hard twice.

"Xiaopeng, it's okay, I can still hold on!"

A wry smile appeared on Duan Peng's face. Dong Ruo said it was okay, but the effect of the caller was very good. Duan Peng could hear Dong Ruo's fatigue from the sound from the caller.

At Duan Peng's suggestion, Dong Ruo used mental strength throughout the night driving, and the investment of mental energy greatly increased the speed of Duan Peng and Dong Ruo's travel.

However, Duan Peng did not expect that they would meet two teams of robots in the morning, and the march routes of the two teams also crossed. No matter how they circled, they could not escape the encirclement of the two teams.

After that, Duan Peng's decision caused the two to have no rest time.

There are not too many robots in the two teams, and the two teams are only about 100 together, but if Duan Peng and Dong want to buy time, Duan Peng will rush over, and this rush suddenly looks like a hornet's nest.

There is a chase behind, and a block in front. What Duan Peng can do is to continue to impact. With the continuous impact of Dong Ruo and Duan Peng, the chasing team behind is getting bigger and bigger. Up to now, there are more than 400 robots behind, and Dong Ruo and Duan Peng have no possibility of stopping.

"Xiao Ruo..."

"Xiaopeng, stop talking, I can really stick to it!"

Duan Peng opened his mouth again, but his mouth had just opened, and Dong Ruo immediately stubbornly interrupted Duan Peng.

"Alas..." Duan Peng gave up with a long sigh.

Dong Ruo can't be blamed for this matter. Duan Peng has to take almost all the responsibility. Mental driving is proposed by Duan Peng, and the impact later choice is also Duan Peng's meaning, so such a bitter result can only be borne by Duan Peng.

Fortunately, Duan Peng's voice stimulated Dong Ruo. After Duan Peng's voice, Dong Ruo seemed to have returned to her state, and her King Kong speed was raised again.

Feeling the speed of Dong Ruo behind him, Duan Peng's heart was half relieved, but it was only ordinary. Although it seemed that Dong Ruo had no big problem for the time being, Duan Peng also knew that this stimulation could not last long.

One minute...

If Dong Ruo insists and doesn't even bite his lips, Dong Ruo can also follow Duan Peng's pace.

Five minutes...

Dong Ruo bit his lips, and the marks left on his teeth were getting deeper and deeper, but Dong Ruo's upper eyelids were still sinking.

shook his head violently, and Dong Ruo opened his eyes again.

Ten minutes...

When I was tired, my hand slowed down, and my upper eyelids and lower eyelids almost synthesized a seam.

Duan Peng took the lead, but Duan Peng did not give up his attention to Dong Ruo. Dong Ruo's speed was just slow, and Duan Peng immediately felt it.

"Xiao Ruo!"

The voice woke up Dong Ruo, and Dong Ruo's eyes immediately opened, but only for a moment, a bitter smile appeared on Dong Ruo's face.

"Xiaopeng, I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to drag you down. You go first!"

His face was full of bitterness, and Duan Peng was also regretting, but as soon as Dong Ruo's voice sounded, a trace of panic immediately appeared on Duan Peng's face.

"What are you talking about, Xiao Ruo!" Duan Peng scolded loudly, "It will be fine. Now you rest in place, and I will block it for 15 minutes."

"No, you can't consume it. If you also consume a lot of energy, neither of us will be able to run out." Originally, he had no spirit, but after listening to Duan Peng's advice, Dong Ruo's only spirit seemed to have been stimulated. Remember, what you have to do now is for your parents!"

Hesitating, hesitating, hesitating, and soon Duan Peng's firm voice sounded again.

It's right to save parents, but parents' lives are not in danger, and Xiaoruo, although it's just a way to quench their thirst, Duan Peng can't keep Dong Ruo.

"This is an order!"

Dong Ruo smiled and quietly looked at King Kong in front of him. There was a smile on Dong Ruo's tired face.

Enough, Duan Peng's intention is enough, "Xiaopeng, I like you."

Duan Peng's sudden voice was inexplicable. He didn't know why Dong Ruo suddenly said this at this time, but only the next second, Duan Peng's face changed greatly, and he understood.

The sound fell, and Dong Ruo's King Kong immediately turned around. Unexpectedly, she drove King Kong directly to the back.


"Did you hear the explosion in the morning?"

"Well, I heard it. It came from the station of Dongjia Village."

"So you also know. I also heard that this bomb was buried in the training ground of Dongjia Village. This morning, the soldiers of Dongjia Village were training. Suddenly, the bomb exploded and Dongjia Village suffered heavy losses."

"Then who did you say this bomb..." The voice of discussion suddenly lowered, as if avoiding something.

However, not everyone will avoid it. The person who asked the question lowered his voice, but a voice next to him said loudly, "What's there to guess? It's a favorable principle. Dongjia Village has suffered heavy losses, and it can be understood at a glance who is most beneficial to."

"You mean General Qian?" The voice is low, but people nearby can hear it clearly.

It's the loud voice again. Although he shouted a few words loudly about the last question, the person did not dare to continue. "I didn't say anything. That's all your guess."


The morning was the quietest moment of the day, and the sound of the explosion was so loud that it was impossible for Dongjiacun to hide it, but fortunately, Duan Peng had set the next strategy before leaving, so the explosion turned into a bomb.

Of course, Dong Ming only explained the bomb. He did not explain how many people the bomb had injured, let alone doubted who installed the bomb.

However, does this use Dong Ming to point out?

Arranged everything, and Dong Ming immediately dragged his injured body to the medical department of Dongjia Village.

This department is still a newly established department after Dongjia Village entered the city. The phenomenon of cold and fever may not work in Dongjia Village, but trauma is still no problem for Dongjia Village, a village that has been at war for a long time.

"Is Xiao Zhong awake?" Before entering the door of the medical department, Dong Ming couldn't help pulling a doctor as soon as he arrived at the door of the medical department.

The doctor didn't expect Dong Ming to suddenly appear, and he didn't expect Dong Ming to hold him. Suddenly, he was pulled by Dong Ming. A trace of panic flashed on the doctor's face. Fortunately, the psychology of the war doctor was also quite excellent. It was just a breath, and the doctor stabilized his mind again.

"Good general! Report to the general that Captain Zhong has woken up, but Captain Zhong's situation doesn't seem to be very good.

"Not so good?" Hearing the doctor's conclusion, Dong Ming forgot that there was still a doctor and didn't even have time to say hello, so he quickly walked inside.

It's really not very good. As a martial arts master and the youngest martial arts master, Zhong Xi's combat strength should be the strongest in the whole Dongjia Village, but now, Zhong Xi's whole body is wrapped up. It can be imagined that if Zhong Xi is a martial arts master, or someone else, he may have just died directly.

"How do you feel, Xiao Zhong?"

Zhong Xi's face was pale, and I don't know if it was because of the injury. He was quietly staring at the ceiling. Hearing Dong Ming's voice, Zhong Xi's eyes slowly turned to Dong Ming.

"General, how are those soldiers? I asked them, but they wouldn't tell me.

Although it can't move, Zhong Xi's spiritual power has left the body, and everything that happened before the explosion is vivid.

The soldiers had fear on their faces, and Zhong Xi was out of control. He could feel it, but there was no way to stop him.

When it comes to the soldiers, Dong Ming's face is also dark, but in a blink of an eye, Dong Ming's face changed back. "Xiao Zhong, the soldiers are all right. You'd better talk about your situation. Your situation doesn't seem to be very good."

Dong Ming thought he had concealed it well, but all his face changed into Zhong Xi's eyes. The more Dong Ming did not answer, the more anxious Zhong Xi became.

Although the injury was very serious, Zhong Xi still twisted his body. He wanted to sit up. "General, just tell me that I made all this. If I don't know their situation, I can't concentrate on recovering!"

Dong Ming held down Zhong Xi, and his face was full of embarrassment, but the persistence in Zhong Xi's eyes made Dong Ming unable to refuse. For a long time, Dong Ming sighed for a long time.

"The situation of the soldiers is actually not bad. The aftermath of this battle did not hurt the soldiers. Even if there is, it is only a minor injury. After a period of rest, they will recover, but..."

"But what?" Zhong Xi asked anxiously.

"Alas!" Dong Ming sighed again, "But many of the soldiers are in a coma, which is similar to Xiaopeng's last situation. The doctor can't check the cause of the coma, and other soldiers who are not in a coma are also in good spirits. It seems that they have suffered some major blow and are very depressed."

Zhong Xi was depressed, his eyes slowly closed, and his face seemed to be a little paler than just now.

"General, it's all my fault. I shouldn't be like this. I should try it one by one, and not...and not..."

Dong Ming waved his hand, "Xiao Zhong, you can't be blamed for this. Didn't you explain it to us? Breakthrough must be sudden. If you do it one by one, what's the suddenness?


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