
Chapter 99 Accident

Dong Ruo is already very tired, her movements are not smooth, and Duan Peng is very different. Although Duan Peng also feels tired, Duan Peng still has some strength.

Dong Ruo's King Kong just turned around, and Duan Peng's hands immediately danced quickly on the keyboard.

The shadow, four fingers clearly appeared in the shadow.

In the last battle, Duan Peng's hand speed was infinitely close to level 6, but at this moment, Duan Peng was in a hurry and broke through the sixth level.

Duan Peng himself did not notice all this, and his eyes stared at the indicator in front of him.

If Dong starts first, Duan Peng must stop Dong Ruo as soon as possible and intercept him one second earlier, and their distance will be one minute farther from the robot behind him.

"Xiao Ruo! Stop it!"

King Kong has started, and Dong Ruo has reached the limit. She just struggled to support it.

Dong Ruo clearly felt her physical strength, and she could not support it for too long. Now the only thing Dong Ruo can do is to turn back. Although with Dong Ruo's physical ability, she can't help Duan Peng slow down the robot, as long as she helps Duan Peng reduce the burden, Dong Ruo believes that with Duan Peng's ability, Duan Peng can definitely achieve the final The goal.

However, at the moment when Dong Ruo turned around, Dong Ruo's face suddenly turned pale.

Duan Peng moved, and Duan Peng's King Kong started almost at the same time as Dong Ruo's King Kong.

Dong Ruo is desperate. She has good intentions, but now her kindness has done bad things.

A large number of robots were chasing them, and the two of them turned around at the same time, which was tantamount to buying time for the robots behind.

"Xiaopeng! Go!"

Duan Peng's hands danced rapidly on the keyboard, just like skating. Duan Peng suddenly adjusted his head, but the speed of King Kong did not decrease by half.

King Kong still maintained a high speed, but his toes were a little on the ground. Duan Peng actually borrowed the original speed of King Kong.

'pa pa......'

There was no pause in his hands, and the sound on the keyboard in front of Duan Peng was connected.

Only two seconds, Duan Peng's King Kong has actually stopped in front of Dong Ruo's King Kong.

"Xiaopeng, just let me go, don't waste time!"

"Don't waste your time. I've come up with a solution."

"I..." Dong Ruo still wanted to argue, but a word just came out. Dong Ruo was suddenly dumbfounded on the spot, "Xiaopeng, did you just say that you have come up with a solution?"

"Hmm!" Although Dong Ruo couldn't see it, Duan Peng still nodded heavily, "I've come up with a way. Come out quickly and I'll take you with me!"


Sure enough, it is the way. Dong Ruo has no physical strength, but Duan Peng's physical strength is still surplus, and more than that, the two can also have greater benefits of driving a mecha together.

Duan Peng is not tired now, but after all, Duan Peng is a human being. As long as he is a human, there will be a limit. When Duan Peng drives, Dong Ruo can rest, but after Duan Peng is tired, Dong Ruo can take over Duan Peng's driving task.

Of course, as a five-level mecha, Dong Ruo's moving speed will definitely not be as fast as Duan Peng, but as a spiritual five-level mecha, Dong Ruo is absolutely not a problem.

"But..." In an instant, Dong Ruo figured out the benefits of Duan Peng's proposal, but Dong Ruo still had some other concerns.

There are only 18 mechas in the village now, but the mecha warriors in the village have been explosively climbing. Eighteen mechas have long been enough for the village. Now Dong Ruo has left another one...

Duan Peng naturally knew what Dong Ruo was thinking about. Dong Ruo's voice just sounded, and Duan Peng interrupted Dong Ruo's words, "Don't think so much. Is the mecha and mecha more important? Research and development has begun in the village, and the robot has no effect on this metal pimple. Maybe we can still find it when we come back.

Nostalgic and reluctant. Although he knew that what Duan Peng said was right, these emotions still spread in Dong Ruo's heart.

"Don't delay, there will be no time!"

Talking to Dong Ruo, Duan Peng's spiritual power has been paying attention to everything around him.

Suddenly, Duan Peng's face changed, and the robots caught up again. They had entered the range of Duan Peng's spiritual power.

"Quick!" Once again, Duan Peng almost roared at the speaker.


Two King Kong opened the hatch at the same time. Dong Ruo was about to jump out of the King Kong, but Dong Ruo just made a jumping posture, and a shadow enveloped Dong Ruo's body.

Duan Peng can't wait. If Dong Ruo still doesn't come out, Duan Peng has planned to take coercive measures, and Dong Ruo's hatch opened just right. King Kong's big hand changed his gesture and grabbed Dong Ruo and stuffed it into the cockpit. Before Dong Ruo had any reaction, King Kong had been activated by Duan Peng.

While running, King Kong's hatch is still closed.


"I'm sorry, General, if I hadn't acted rashly, there would have been no result now." Zhong Xi looked gloomy.

Serred seriously, Zhong Xi was very uncomfortable, but what made Zhong Xi more uncomfortable was the nearly 200 fourth-level soldiers.

Level 5 is a gap that is difficult for soldiers to break through. Many soldiers have finally fallen into this gap, but because of this, Level 4 soldiers are the backbone of the village guard.

However, Zhong Xi buried nearly 200 soldiers in the village here because of a discussion with Duan Peng. Although the starting point was good, such a result was still difficult for Zhong Xi to accept.

Dong Ming's heart is also uncomfortable, but looking at Zhong Xi's appearance, Dong Ming's heart is even more uncomfortable. "Xiao Zhong, don't think so much. This matter is not a decision made by you alone. You can't do it without my permission..."

The face was full of shame. Although Dong Ming's words were to relieve Zhong Xi, Zhong Xi could not listen to it, "But..."

Dong Ming stretched out his hand and interrupted Zhong Xi's words, "Nothing, but it just happened. No one can be sure that what we get will be a bad result!"

Zhong Xi looked gloomy and wanted to say something, but Zhong Xi didn't know how to continue except for apologies.

After a pause, Dong Ming continued, "Xiao Zhong, do you remember Xiaopeng's coma?"

"When he first entered the city, Xiaopeng suddenly fell into a coma for some reason. All doctors could not detect the cause of Xiaopeng's coma. Later, Xiaopeng woke up and woke up and Xiaopeng gave us a huge surprise. His Gu Wu unexpectedly advanced to level 6. This time, these soldiers partially fell into a coma. There are still some mental depression, but none of us can be sure that when they recover or wake up from a coma, they can't advance.

"Can you?" Dementia, obviously, Zhong Xi does not believe in Dong Ming's way of life.

Dong Ming looked at Zhong Xi with loneliness in his eyes, but when Zhong Xi's question sounded, Dong Ming nodded heavily.

"I will!"

Not only to comfort Zhong Xi, but also Dong Ming himself needs to be comforted.

There are nearly 200 soldiers, and these 200 soldiers are the backbone of Dongjia Village.

Maybe only such an explanation can make Dong Ming feel a little better.

Zhong Xi just woke up from his injury and was not suitable for chatting. In addition, Zhong Xi was not very interested. After chatting for a few words, Dong Ming withdrew from Zhong Xi's room.

Of course, it's not that Dong Ming didn't care about Zhong Xi's injury. On the contrary, Dong Ming was very concerned about Zhong Xi's injury, but as soon as he walked out of the room, Dong Ming called the doctor over.

"Doctor, how is Xiao Zhong's injury?"

The doctor had been ready for a long time. Looking at Dong Ming's appearance, they knew that Dong Ming would ask these questions. Dong Ming's question had just been exported, and the doctor who served Zhong Xi had already answered.

"General, Captain Zhong's injury is very serious, and his whole body is almost covered with scars."

Dong Ming waved his hand and said, "These should not be a problem. Xiao Zhong is an eighth-level martial arts master. These injuries may look very serious to ordinary people, but for Xiao Zhong, they can only be regarded as minor injuries. He can recover quickly."

The doctor was a little embarrassed. Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Dong Ming, but he did not have the courage to blame Dong Ming. He had to wait aside. When Dong Ming finished his words, the doctor opened his mouth again.

"General, you are right. Captain Zhong's ability is also in our calculation, but Captain Zhong's situation is still not optimistic. His most serious injury is not his external injury, but internal injury."

"Internal injury?" Dong Ming finally frowned, and the internal injury was serious. "You mean that Xiao Zhong's inner part was shaken in this explosion?"

Dong Ming still has a glimmer of hope, and there are many kinds of internal injuries, and the shock Dong Ming said is obviously the lightest kind of internal injuries.

The doctor shook his head, "There are, but the most serious injury on Captain Zhong is the blood vessels on Captain Zhong's body."

Dong Ming's face turned green in an instant.

VASCULAR! It turned out to be a blood vessel!

The flow of blood will intensify when people move, so a trained person's blood vessels will become thicker. Of course, there is also a saying in ancient martial arts that human blood vessels also contain a kind of power, which is also a power that the body cannot have, so blood vessels are also the most mysterious source of power in ancient martial arts.

"Doctor, will you make a mistake!"

"No!" The doctor shook his head again, "We couldn't find these things. This is the unexpected instrument you exchanged from Qian Boyu last time to help us find out, and we have repeatedly checked it several times. Captain Zhong's most serious injury is his blood vessels."

"When we checked, we found that Captain Zhong's blood vessels were full of small cracks, as if they had been stretched out by something."

Listening, Dong Ming's face suddenly showed surprise, "This is not a good thing! If the blood vessels are stretched out, it means that Xiao Zhong's blood vessels have become thicker, and Xiao Zhong will also have greater power tolerance!"