
Chapter 116 Armed in War

Listening quietly to Duan Peng's story, but Liu Bing's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Quietness and fanaticism are two completely opposite states, but these two states are perfectly softened by Liu Bing.

This is the most basic quality of a researcher. He should maintain the highest enthusiasm for his research project, and at the same time maintain absolute rationality in his heart, because only rationality can judge better, faster and more accurately.

"Typ, what kind of idea is it?"

"Hmm." Duan Peng nodded gently, "Actually, my idea is very simple, which is to make a single soldier shield and a single soldier energy sword. As for the mecha, I plan to reopen the humanoid mecha."

The fanaticism disappeared. Listening to Duan Peng's words, Liu Bing's enthusiasm slowly cooled down, not only cooling, but even disappointment in Liu Bing's eyes.

"Xiaopeng, I didn't hit you. In fact, this idea was brought up a long time ago, but later it was integrated many times, and finally there was no way to achieve it. Do you know why?"

Looking at Duan Peng talking, Liu Bing's eyes slowly showed a strange light.

Everything went smoothly with Duan Peng. Liu Bing felt that Duan Peng seemed to have lost himself. Looking at Duan Peng, Liu Bing wanted to remind Duan Peng. At the end of his words, Liu Bing used a question to emphasize his tone.

But Liu Bing didn't expect that his voice had just fallen, and Duan Peng actually answered his question

"I know that it is energy, because it is a single weapon and non-armor, so there is no way to carry too much energy, and the energy mask and energy sword are high-consumption equipment, so energy is the fundamental reason restricting these two weapons and armed soldiers."

Liu Bing's eyes were full of surprise and quietly stared at Duan Peng. After a long time, Liu Bing asked doubtfully, "Since you already know this, why do you still bring it up? Have you come up with any solution?

Duan Peng smiled brightly. He came up with a solution, but the solution he came up with was completely different from what Liu Bing imagined.

Sure enough, Duan Peng only paused slightly, and Liu Bing frowned and began to mutter to himself.

"Impossible. If you carry a large amount of energy, it will affect the soldier's mobility, and the energy will not be able to make ends meet, and it will not last long. If you want to solve this problem, you must start with the improvement of weapons. After raising this question, everyone is working towards the direction, but until Now, these two weapons are still a big energy consumption, so what kind of method will it be..."

listened to Liu Bing's self-sence with a smile. Finally, Duan Peng grabbed Liu Bing's intermittent emptiness and said to Liu Bing, "Master, you look at me too highly. Naturally, I can do what you can't do. Although I have done a lot of things and put forward many ideas before, those are all done by trickery. Law, and of course, you are better at the basics.

Not big or small, gently patted Liu Bing's flattery, and Duan Peng continued: "My idea is to start with the operator. I don't know if you heard of the experimental team I trained. I got the answer from them."

At this point, Duan Peng's face showed a faint sadness, but soon the sadness disappeared.

"When I came back this time, I heard that there are a large number of five-level warriors in the village. Five-level warriors can use their spiritual power, and the use of spiritual power can maximize their weapons, so I'm thinking, can these warriors save energy for weapons by pinching points in battle..."

"Wait." While listening, Liu Bing suddenly interrupted Duan Peng's story, "What is the way to use it?"

Er, suddenly interrupted, Duan Peng's thoughts were a little unable to turn around, but it was okay. After a moment of pause, Duan Peng regained his feelings.

"Pinch attack is the name I think. In fact, everyone is already using it. For example, we usually don't turn on the energy mask, and when the robot's attack can't be avoided, and it's the moment when the sword comes, we turn on the energy mask again. As for opening, it's just the end of defense. The energy mask is closed..."

Maybe he didn't think that Liu Bing would ask him this question. Duan Peng was not well prepared, and his words were even more upside down.

But Liu Bing still understood what Duan Peng meant, but half of it, Liu Bing nodded gently.

"You can really stick to it for a little longer." Liu Bing frowned and nodded his head, but soon, Liu Bing's hands gently put together again.

Looking quietly, Duan Peng was already very familiar with Liu Bing's habits. Seeing Liu Bing's peaceful hands, Duan Peng knew that Liu Bing had new questions.

Sure enough, as soon as the idea flashed, Liu Bing's voice sounded.

"But can you guarantee that these soldiers can control these weapons well? You should know that this operation method is much more difficult than squatting behind the fortifications and firing guns. If you can't guarantee that these soldiers can achieve your goal, I guess you won't pass Lao Dong's level.

"I confirm!" Very resolute.

In the face of Liu Bing's question, Duan Peng's answer was very resolute.

Of course, this is not Duan Peng's own imagination. This confident sentence is Duan Peng's answer to Duan Peng's group of mecha soldiers with five-level warrior ability.

"That's good. Since you think there is no problem, there is nothing wrong with the shield and energy sword on my side." Nodding his head, suddenly Liu Bing changed his words and said, "I remember you just mentioned mecha. You seem to say that you want to add humanoid mecha. Didn't you eliminate this humanoid mecha? Why did you suddenly think of this at this time?"

"Hey." When it comes to the elimination of humanoid mecha, a smile immediately appeared on Duan Peng's face. "Isn't there a problem? In fact, after the last battle out of the city, I found that humanoid mecha and animal mecha have their own advantages. Both are indispensable, such as animal mecha. When we make them, we mainly focus on beasts. The powerful attack ability of the mecha, but I ignore that the strength of the beast mecha is mainly reflected in the proximity, and the humanoid mecha can completely work hard in the remote area..."

The mecha is the theme of the war, so Duan Peng also invested more in the mecha. After saying that, Liu Bing fell into silence directly, and even a voice of opposition did not sound.

However, Duan Peng was not relaxed, because as soon as Duan Peng fooled Liu Bing into silence, a messenger quickly walked to Duan Peng's side.

"General Xiao Duan, Ning Xu is here. He wants to see you."


Everything has been said, and the rest will be made up by Master Liu Bing. Even if Ning Xu does not appear, Duan Peng intends to leave, and Ning Xu's appearance is just right.

Out of the mecha factory, Duan Peng walked towards the center of the station.

Dong Ming's residence is in the center of the residence. Although Dong Ming retreated, Dong Ming's residence is still the highest decision-making center in Dongjia Village.

Walking quickly, Duan Peng saw Ning Xu's figure.

Ning Xu stood under Dong Ming's house, and his eyes looked everywhere.

This is not the first time to come to Dongjia Village, but in the past, he was in a hurry and basically didn't have time to measure it. Now, Ning Xu has no troops, and he can't help the city guards, so Ning Xu also has enough time.

Looking quietly, at the beginning, Ning Xu felt that there was nothing surprising. Although Dongjia Village's combat strength was higher than that of the city defenders, Dongjia Village was only ordinary. Later, with the passage of time, Ning Xu's eyebrows gradually frowned.

It's not that I found something different, but that I felt a different taste in ordinary.

He looked quietly and searched carefully, but for a moment, Ning Xu's search for the root cause stopped, and a voice sounded beside Ning Xu.

"Deputy Ning!"

It's Duan Peng, and Duan Peng has arrived.

Seeing Duan Peng appear, Ning Xu was a little astringent, excited and regretful at the same time.

"General Xiao Duan!"

is also neither humble nor arrogant. Just a breath, Ning Xu adjusted his mentality, and at the same time, the name also followed the name that had been used before.

Duan Peng didn't mind, and he never cared what others called him. He nodded. Duan Peng asked, "Didn't Adjutant Ning have just left? I don't know what's wrong with me now? First of all, I still have a lot of things to deal with now, and I don't have time to solve your problems.

It was simply a slap in the face. Hearing Duan Peng's words, Ning Xu couldn't wait to turn around and leave, but just on the wall, the words behind Duan Peng still echoed in Ning Xu's mind, and Ning Xu endured it.

"General Xiaoduan joked. Although I don't have any troops, I am also a soldier after all. I came to General Xiaoduan here to accept the dispatch..."

Duan Peng was stunned. He couldn't believe his ears and kept looking up and down at Ning Xu. For a long time, Duan Peng said doubtfully, "Am I right? Do you want to accept my dispatch?"

"Exact!" Ning Xu nodded heavily, "I, Ning Xu, came to accept the dispatch of Dongjia Village!"

It's simply inexplicable. Duan Peng can't understand what the person in front of him is thinking.

Ning Xu was also quietly waiting for Duan Peng. After waiting for a long time, seeing that Duan Peng had not spoken yet, Ning Xu said again, "Didn't General Duan say that he wanted me to do something just on the wall? Why don't you talk now? Has that task been given to the cousin?

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Duan Peng's face. Ning Xu's appearance was normal, but Ning Xu's request was too strange, which made Duan Peng a little unable to turn around for a moment.

smiled apologetically. Duan Peng said, "I was going to solve that matter in other ways, but Adjutant Ning came just in time. Now this task can save us a lot of time."