
Chapter 117 Ning Xu's Mission

Although Zhou Lei and Cao Bin have decided not to accept the order of the general's mansion, they and Ning Xu were born of the same force after all. Ning Xu wanted to enter the barracks, and the soldiers guarding the camp did not have much to stop them. Without much talk, Ning Xu entered the barracks.

Ning Xu is not alone, but also an old man in Dongjia Village with him.

This old man Ning Xu saw it on the wall. When there was a crisis in Zhou Lei's defense area, it was the crisis solved by the old man and Dong Ming, the former village head of Dongjia Village.

When Duan Peng arranged Gao Ming into the negotiation team, Ning Xu understood Duan Peng's plan, but Duan Peng's words had been echoing in Ning Xu's mind. Ning Xu did not say much about Duan Peng's arrangement of Gao Ming.

Walking slowly in the barracks, his eyes were also constantly looking around. When the expressions of soldiers fell into Ning Xu's eyes, Ning Xu couldn't help but feel heartache.

In the past, when Ning Xu walked into the barracks, no matter what time, the eyes of these soldiers were always full of hope and their faces were full of energy, but now, dead ashes appeared on the faces of these soldiers.

Ning Xu knew why such a situation happened. Qian Boyu was just under house arrest by him, and Zhou Lei and Cao Bin immediately announced their independence. Before these soldiers recovered, there was news of the robot siege, and this time the robot siege was extremely fierce, but on the first day of the siege, the robot had already landed. When the city wall encounters such a situation, not to mention an ordinary soldier, even Ning Xu will have the same headache. Otherwise, Ning Xu will not appear in this place, let alone allow Duan Peng to add Gao Ming to the negotiating team.

His footsteps were getting heavier and slower. Looking at everything in front of him, Ning Xu was distracted. Suddenly, a large group of people appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

"Ajutant Ning, you are really in a good mood. Do you still have time to hang out in our small place at this time?"

It's Zhou Lei and Cao Bin.

Obviously, it was not easy to stop Ning Xu from the little soldiers guarding the barracks, but when Ning Xu left, he quickly informed Zhou Lei and Cao Bin of Ning Xu's arrival.

"Captain Zhou laughed. Everyone knows the situation in the city. At this time, we will definitely not be in a good mood. The reason why I came here is entirely because I accepted the task given to me by others."

Facing Zhou Lei's sarcasm, Ning Xu barely squeezed out a smile, but the smile looked very ugly.

The robot was attacking the city, and there was an uptown incident in his defensive area. Zhou Lei was in a very bad mood, so Zhou Lei had no good face when facing Ning Xu, but after listening to Ning Xu's words, Zhou Lei could no longer care about his mood.

"Mission? Do you accept other people's tasks?"

It was not only Zhou Lei who was surprised, but Cao Bin was also surprised. Obviously, Ning Xu's words made it difficult for them to accept for a while.

The eyes kept looking behind Ning Xu. Soon, Zhou Lei and Cao Bin's pupils contracted at the same time, and their eyes stopped in the same place.

Gao Ming, Zhou Lei and Cao Bin are very impressive for Gao Ming.

Today, in the siege of the robot, they found a different robot. It was under the leadership of this robot that Zhou Lei's defense was broken through and the robot attacked the wall, so Zhou Lei immediately asked for support from his familiar Cao Bin, but the situation was completely beyond their imagination. Cao Bin's mecha went to the wall, and the mecha, which had been unfavorable in the past, did not work this time, but for a moment, three mecha were destroyed under the robot.

Later, the situation also became worse and worse, and the mecha continued to be damaged. If it hadn't been for the timely appearance of Dong Ming and the old man in front of him, it was estimated that Cao Bin's mecha team would have disappeared on the wall.

"Is it Dongjia Village that gives you the task?"

Ning Xu's appearance was nothing, but the old man in front of him put great pressure on Zhou Lei, and Zhou Lei's face suddenly looked a little ugly.

"Yes..." Ning Xu nodded gently.

Looking at Ning Xu's nod, Zhou Lei immediately opened his mouth again. He was no longer in the mood to listen to Ning Xu continue.

"Why did the people in Dongjia Village ask you to come here?"

Zhou Lei said a question, but as a wise leader, Zhou Lei has already guessed Ning Xu's intention.

Zhou Lei just wanted to buy some time. Ning Xu came too suddenly, and he came out in a hurry. Although he was surrounded by his own people, his people were not prepared at all, and Gao Ming was too close to his position.

As he spoke, Zhou Lei turned his head and looked around, but Zhou Lei's neck just turned and stopped immediately.


I didn't understand what this word meant before, but at this moment, Zhou Lei understood that he was locked by a murderous intention.

The neck became stiff in an instant, his face turned white in an instant, and sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

Zhou Lei knew that his intentions had been recognized.

Gao Ming released his murderous intention, but he controlled it very well. Ning Xu did not notice it at all. Although Ning Xu was also surprised by Zhou Lei's sudden change of face in front of him, he was just stunned, and Ning Xu opened his mouth.

"You have also seen the siege of robots today. To be honest, under the current situation, I have little confidence in guarding the city. The power of the city must be integrated. Only by integrating can we see the hope of survival, so I automatically asked General Xiao Duan to take this task. I really hope that we can all It's enough to unite and contribute to the survival of the city.

Sweat was still coming out, and Zhou Lei could hardly speak under the pressure of Gao Ming.

On the other side, Cao Bin frowned.

Cao Bin also felt pressure in today's siege, and the loss of the mecha team was not small, but Cao Bin was unwilling to let Cao Bin hand over the strength by this point.

"I don't agree. My idea is different from yours. Although the situation is critical this time, it is entirely because we are not prepared. Now that we are ready, I believe that the next robot siege will never be so easy."

Ning Xu frowned. Although Cao Bin did not agree with his proposal, Cao Bin's words were not wrong. After Cao Bin's words fell, Ning Xu turned to Zhou Lei.

"How about you, Captain Zhou?"

Zhou Lei has no time to speak at all. Under the pressure of smart, it takes a lot of energy for Zhou Lei to stand normally.

Looking at Zhou Lei's expression, Ning Xu was very strange, but Cao Bin was anxious when he listened to Zhou Lei's expression.

The distribution of power in the city is very clear.

The reason why Qian Boyu came down is completely caused by Dongjia Village and the exile forces. Needless to say, the exile forces must stand on the side of Dongjia Village, so now Cao Bin and Zhou Lei have become natural allies. If Zhou Lei does not speak against it, Cao Bin will be alone. At that time, if Cao Bin If he doesn't cooperate, his men will rebel against him.

"Zhou Lei, Zhou Lei!" Cao Bin shouted anxiously. As he shouted, Cao Bin also stretched out his hand to push Zhou Lei.

Seeing that Cao Bin's hand was about to fall on Zhou Lei's body, Zhou Lei's body suddenly trembled.

The expression on Zhou Lei's face loosened, and he couldn't help exhaling.

has always been shrouded in smart murderous intent. Just now, the moment Cao Bin's hand touched him, the murderous intent disappeared.

However, even if he disappeared, Zhou Lei did not dare to be careless, and his eyes were full of fear.

Although it was only for a moment, Zhou Lei felt as if he had wandered around the ghost gate for a moment.

"I agree..."

There was fatigue and helplessness in his voice, but these words finally came out of Zhou Lei's mouth.

Ning Xu smiled with a helpless smile.

Ning Xu found something wrong. Zhou Lei's expression was really strange. Ning Xu finally thought that he might have done something, but it was naturally impossible for Ning Xu to say it.

And on one side, Cao Bin's eyes widened.

When it comes to power, Zhou Lei is more enthusiastic than him, but at this moment, his old Cao is still insisting. Zhou Lei actually said something to give up. Cao Bin couldn't believe his ears.

"Zhou Lei?" Cao Bin asked in disbelief.

Unfortunately, Ning Xu will no longer give Zhou Lei a chance to speak. Duan Peng's people have created an opportunity for him, but whether he can seize the opportunity is his business. As soon as Cao Bin's voice sounded, Ning Xu opened his mouth again.

"Captain Cao, now that Captain Zhou has agreed to our proposal, do you want to think about it again?"

Cao Bin stared at Zhou Lei and waited for a second, ten seconds... Zhou Lei never meant to look back.

For a long time, Cao Bin's head finally lowered.

"I agree, too."

It's a little invincible, and at the same time, it's a little emotional.

Although everyone did not say the rumors clearly, everyone knows that this is caused by Dongjia Village and the exile forces. As Qian Boyu, everyone will have a certain resistance to Dongjia Village, especially Ning Xu. Although the house arrest of Qian Boyu is Ning Xu's decision, it does not represent Ning Xu's recognition of Dong Jiacun. Now, Ning Xu has personally sent Qian Boyu's power into the hands of Dongjiacun.

After completing his task, Ning Xu was not very excited, and even his words were more lonely.

"Then thank you for your support."

After saying that, Ning Xu planned to leave, but something happened again at this time.

Ning Xu just raised his foot and hadn't turned around. Gao Ming came out from Ning Xu's back.

"Captain Zhou and Captain Cao, our General Xiao Duan explained that if the two captains agree to unite, he also hopes that the two captains can go back with us. Our General Xiao Duan already has a comprehensive plan, but this plan also needs to seek the opinions of the two captains."

Zhou Lei's face suddenly changed.

He was so close to Gao Ming that he had to agree to Ning Xu's proposal. Originally, he wanted to wait for Gao Ming, the killer, to leave before making plans, but Zhou Lei did not expect that his idea to be seen through again.

Zhou Lei looked at Gao Ming quietly, and Gao Ming also looked at Zhou Lei quietly.

The two looked at each other quietly, and the surrounding soldiers finally saw the inappropriateness between Zhou Lei and Gao Ming.


There was a noise, and many soldiers were ready to fight.