
Chapter 119 Management Architecture

Things went very smoothly. Not long after leaving, Dong Ming returned to Dongjia Village.

Everything was as perfect as expected, and Boss Hu and others really agreed to Duan Peng's proposal.

It is also true that the exile forces have never had mecha. Even if they are given mecha, they also do not have mecha warriors. If they want to have mecha, the most advanced weapon for individual soldiers, they can only accept Dong Jiacun's proposal.

And on Ning Xu's side, Zhou Lei and Cao Bin also came to Dongjia Village reluctantly.

Although it was coerced, some etiquette still had to be fulfilled. Dong Ming and Duan Peng stood at the door of Dongjia Village.

" Adjutant Ning, thank you for your hard work!"

A team of people slowly walked towards the Dongjia Village station. Seeing that they were approaching, Duan Peng's face was immediately full of smiles. Even before Ning Xu came to him, Duan Peng had already greeted him.

Ning Xu's face is not very good. Although Dongjiacun can achieve his goal without him, now, Ning Xu has acted as the key in Duan Peng's hand. If it hadn't entered the garrison under his leadership, Duan Peng would not have used force to achieve his goal, and the effect would not have been so good, let alone so fast. .

"General Xiao Duan is easy to calculate."

"Haha." Duan Peng smiled carelessly. Maybe he was a little embarrassed, but Duan Peng covered it up well. "Ajutant Ning doesn't have to be angry. Isn't I doing this for everyone's sake?"

The corners of Ning Xu's mouth squirmed, but only squirmed, and finally nothing came out of Duan Peng's mouth.

In fact, Ning Xu had long recognized Duan Peng's statement and practice, otherwise Ning Xu would not be willing to continue to lead the team after seeing Gao Ming. Of course, when he saw his former colleagues being 'invited' back by Duan Peng like this, even if he had recognized Duan Peng's practice, Ning Xu was still unhappy.

However, Duan Peng has frankly admitted that he is wrong. Even if his heart is still full of complaints, Ning Xu can only swallow these complaints back.

After receiving Ning Xu, Duan Peng came behind Ning Xu again. There were still two gods who needed Duan Peng to entertain him.

Zhou Lei and Cao Bin looked even worse, and they were almost angry with Duan Peng, who was full of smiles.

When they were in the barracks, the two sides formed a confrontation, and at that time, Gao Ming was likely to really work hard, and their lives were threatened, so they had to compromise to Dongjia Village, but now that they have given up resistance, and Dongjia Village is naturally impossible to take them again. Their lives are threatened, but their mentality is much more relaxed than that just now.

"General Xiao Duan's means are really good. I know that since we have come here, we don't have to think about going back, but I'm curious. Without us, what kind of means General Xiao Duan intends to use to control our team?"

"Haha..." Duan Peng hit haha again.

Of course, this laugh is different from when facing Ning Xu. After all, Ning Xu is helping Duan Peng, but Duan Peng is cheating Ning Xu. Naturally, it is impossible for Zhou Lei and Cao Bin to enjoy the treatment that Ning Xu can enjoy.

Just a slight pause, Duan Peng said to Zhou Lei and Cao Bin, "It seems that you two are already prepared, and it is true that military policy research is a very important project, which will definitely not be completed in a short time, so I think you two will stay in our Dongjia Village for a longer period of time. As for the army, I think you should go first. Let it go. Now that I have invited you two, I naturally have a way to deal with the team.


After a greeting, Zhou Lei and Cao Bin's provocation Duan Peng did not answer, so the ceremony was carried out quickly. It didn't take long for this seemingly grand ceremony to be over.

Entering Dongjia Village again, Ning Xu began to take a good time in Dongjia Village.

Once, I just glanced through it in a hurry. Ning Xu has found that Dongjia Village is different in the ordinary, and now Ning Xu finally has another opportunity to look at it.

Duan Peng and Dong Ming were both in the team. Along the way, people kept greeting Dong Ming and Duan Peng. Their faces were either excited or calm.

Looking quietly, feeling, coupled with the fact that he had just been to the city garrison camp, Ning Xu, who was looking at all this, suddenly had a kind of enlightenment.

Ning Xu understood.

Everything in Dongjia Village is normal, but it is because it is normal that it seems abnormal.

If it is normal, nothing will naturally show up, but now it is during the war.

Just in the city to defend the military camp, Ning Xu has already felt the decadence and frustration of the soldiers, but now, the people in Dongjia Village are very calm. As usual, what should everyone should do or what they are doing? The whole station has not seen any panic, and even the atmosphere of war has not been felt. Everything seems ten Calm.

He looked quietly, but after looking at it for a while, Ning Xu's eyes couldn't help falling on Dong Ming and Duan Peng in front of the team.


The team moved slowly in the village. Dong Ming and Duan Peng walked at the front of the team and walked quietly. Duan Peng looked relaxed, but Dong Ming frowned.

After walking for a while, Dong Ming finally couldn't help opening his mouth.

"Xiaopeng, is it really good for us to detain them now? What if it causes a rebound?" After a pause, he turned his head and looked back. Dong Ming's voice suddenly lowered a little, "I don't think our team can beat them, but now the city is still surrounded by robots, and the robot team has also been strengthened, in case..."

Duan Peng was very relaxed and quietly stared at Dong Ming's words. Duan Peng's face did not change, and his footsteps were not abnormal. Dong Ming's voice just fell, and Duan Peng immediately opened his mouth.

"Don't worry, Uncle Dong. I have a way. Don't worry. I will report to you and uncles carefully when I get to the conference room later."

I was still worried, but that's all I have said, but Dong Ming can't continue to talk. He just sighed slightly, and Dong Ming let Duan Peng go and continued to move forward.

However, after this dialogue, Dong Ming's pace was a little faster.

Soon, all the high-level officials appeared in the conference room. In addition to the people in Dongjia Village, there was an extra person this time - Ning Xu.

In the army, Ning Xu has always been half a high-level, but Ning Xu, a high-level man, does not have any decision-making power. Because the previous city defenders were all Qian Boyu alone, Ning Xu has been looking at him curiously in the conference room.

The conference room is very quiet. Duan Peng sits in the middle of the conference room, and Dong Ming sits next to Duan Peng.

Duan Peng has become the village head, but the right to the meeting is still in the hands of Dong Ming. However, today, Dong Ming did not say anything. He just waited quietly.

Obviously, Dong Ming is already decentralized, and he wants to give more efforts to Duan Peng.

Duan Peng also felt strange, but only after a while, Duan Peng restrained his strange thoughts. Since Dong Ming obviously had no intention of hosting the meeting, Duan Peng had no choice but to shoulder this responsibility.

With a slight cough, Duan Peng said, "The robots outside the city are still besiezing the city. Let me make a long story short. Today's topic is two, one is the city defenders. Everyone knows that we have brought back the two captains of the city defenders, and they will live in our Dongjia Village for a period of time. Therefore, the power of the city garrison must be taken over.

The first time he spoke at the meeting, Duan Peng performed well, but in one sentence, everyone's attention was attracted by Duan Peng.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Duan Peng did not neglect, but just paused slightly. Duan Peng continued to say, "Regarding the candidate, I have thought that if our people take over, it will definitely not work, because those soldiers will definitely not agree, and we need this part of the combat power very much, so I decided!"

decided to say two words, and everyone sat up straight, including Ning Xu.

Quietly, as if all the voices had disappeared. After a moment, Duan Peng said again, "I decided to let Ning Xu be the commander-in-chief of these two troops!"


The conference room suddenly made a noise, and everyone showed incredible eyes. Not only the people of Dongjia Village, but also Ning Xu himself could not believe his ears.

Duan Peng raised his hand. Obviously, the attitude of these people has long been in Duan Peng's reaction.

The conference room slowly became quiet, and Duan Peng said, "The reason why I nominated Ning Xu is after careful consideration. First, Ning Xu is the adjutant of General Qian Boyu. He is very familiar with the combat mode and style of this unit. Second, because of Ning Xu's identity, Ning Xu has always been half the commander of this unit. Therefore, it is easier for the soldiers of this unit to identify with the identity of Adjutant Ning Xu..."

Listen, although Duan Peng's words are very reasonable, there are still doubts on everyone's faces, such as Huang Chi and Huang Chi directly opened their mouths.

"No! Xiaopeng, I admit that what you said makes sense, but this boy is not from our village. I don't believe him..."

Others did not speak, but other people's expressions also showed their attitude. Even Xie De, who was always on the wall, showed unseeable determination.

Dong Ming is a fierce general, and most of Dong Ming's men are also some fierce generals.

For example, Huang Chi, even if Dong Ming speaks on the stage, Huang Chi dares to open his mouth and fire. Now, before Duan Peng's words are finished, Huang Chi interrupts Duan Peng's words and expressed his opinions.

Looking at all this, Duan Peng was both angry and funny, "Uncle Huang, don't worry. Would you please listen to me first?"

"What do you say? What else is there to say? Anyway, I don't agree that this boy takes over the city garrison. He has now taken over the general's mansion and then the city garrison. Isn't everything we tried to make wedding clothes for this boy?"

It's really a headache. Huang Chi actually put everything he did some time ago on the surface.

But it's okay. The overall situation has been decided, and it doesn't matter much even if you say it now.

Attending the meeting in Dongjia Village, Ning Xu just had the intention of watching the play, but Ning Xu didn't expect that Duan Peng's words would pull him in.

Staring at Duan Peng quietly, Ning Xu's eyes became more and more surprised. He could hardly see what kind of person Duan Peng was.

The civilian life in this village is very happy, and everyone also trusts Duan Peng and Dong Ming very much.

Now Duan Peng directly proposes to let him accept the largest team in the city. Ning Xu is a little unbelievable.

Looking quietly and listening to everyone's quarrel, Ning Xu finally stood up.

"General Duan, thank you for your kindness, but... but I may not be qualified for this position."