
Chapter 120 Under Management Architecture

Originally, he was still talking to everyone, but when he heard Ning Xu's refusal, Duan Peng suddenly became angry, and his voice suddenly rose.

Why not? Don't you want to, or do you think you are not competent enough?

Ning Xu was stunned. He didn't expect that Duan Peng would lose his temper with him.

Although Ning Xu took the initiative to come to Dongjia Village to accept the task given to him by Duan Peng, Ning Xu was just a guest.

Yes, Duan Peng proposed that Ning Xu take over the power of the city garrison at the meeting, but how could Duan Peng be angry with such a guest like Ning Xu?

Huang Chi and others were also stunned.

Originally, Ning Xu's refusal was strange enough, but Duan Peng's temper was even more inexplicable. Huang Chi's mouth was only half open and he was stunned there.

Wait quietly, but for a moment, he didn't hear Ning Xu's answer. Duan Peng shouted again, "Speak!"

stared into Duan Peng's eyes and saw that Duan Peng was very angry, but Ning Xu suddenly found that there was nothing but anger in Duan Peng's eyes.

Trust, disappointment and other emotions are all hidden in Duan Peng's anger.

Quietly, feeling Duan Peng's eyes, finally, Ning Xu couldn't help opening his mouth again.

"I do!"

Wake up! Originally, he was still in shock, but Ning Xu's voice woke everyone up from the shock.


A word popped out of Huang Chi's mouth, but Duan Peng immediately interrupted Huang Chi's words, and he didn't let Huang Chi continue talking.

"Uncle Huang, this matter will be decided. If you are still worried, I think you can transfer Li Hong, the deputy captain of the mecha team, to Adjutant Ning, and Li Hong will assist Adjutant Ning in the management, and there will be a six-level mecha warrior, which is easier to convince those who resist. What do you think of Adjutant Ning?"

"Uh..." Such a result can only be said to be forced, but Duan Peng has made concessions, and Huang Chi can only swallow the words in his heart again.

And Ning Xu, after seeing everyone's opposition, Ning Xu nodded with satisfaction, "I have no problem."

Huang Chi, who likes to make suggestions, has retreated, and Dong Ming has completely let go. Although Dong Ming also has a trace of doubt in his eyes, Dong Ming has never said anything. These two people no longer say anything, and it is difficult for others to express even if they have opinions.

Duan Peng was secretly relieved. In the past, when he saw Dong Ming hosting the meeting, everything was very easy, but he didn't expect that Duan Peng himself was almost out of proportion.

After being quiet for a while, Duan Peng's mood slowly calmed down again.

"The first topic has been decided, and we will continue with the second topic." With that, Duan Peng's eyes fell on Ning Xu again, "Ajutant Ning, is the mecha factory in the city now under your control?"

It seems that he has answered Ning Xu's pulse and another rude question, but this time Ning Xu did not feel abrupt. On the contrary, Ning Xu felt kindness and trust from Duan Peng, but a slight pause, Ning Xu took over Duan Peng's topic.

"Yes, but now the mecha factory has been shut down."

"It doesn't matter. As long as the organic and materials can start at any time." Thinking nodded, Duan Peng then asked, "Does Adjutant Ning know the ability of the mecha master of the mecha factory?"

Still did not hesitate. Almost as soon as Duan Peng's voice fell, Ning Xu's voice sounded.

"Now there are two five-level mecha division, five fourth-level mecha division, and 102 third-level mechamen in the city... As for the others, there are more."

Ning Xu slowly told the story. Although there was some doubt on his face, Ning Xu's voice did not hesitate.

From the moment he entered the village, Ning Xu was paying attention to the uniqueness of Dongjia Village. Later, Ning Xu finally found a different place, but after finding a different place, Ning Xu had more questions.

Ning Xu once wondered if it was because of the fighting power of Dongjia Village, the villagers of Dongjia Village were full of confidence in defending the city, or the people of Dongjia Village did not know the danger of this robot siege.

And now, Ning Xu suddenly has a trace of enlightenment.

When Duan Peng explained, he once said that because of his identity as an adjutant Qian Boyu, he is the best candidate to serve as the commander of the city garrison, but in the same way, Huang Chi is also right, because because of his status as an adjutant Qian Boyu, if he takes over the power of the city garrison, he can also become another Qian Boyu.

However, Duan Peng did not hesitate. Even after he gave up, Duan Peng still insisted, which shows Duan Peng's frankness. The reason why Ning Xu and Qian Boyu had differences were also because of this, so Ning Xu suddenly had a feeling of finding Mingjun, and Ning Xu thought that Dongjia Village is so peaceful now. , and it is entirely because Duan Peng and Dong Ming are frank and dedicated to the public.

Huang Chi and others are also wondering. They don't know how Duan Peng talked about the second topic and suddenly pulled it to the city's mecha factory, but everyone was waiting. Although everyone was hesitating, no one spoke.

Without stopping, he quietly listened to Ning Xu talk about the situation of the mecha factory. As soon as Ning Xu finished speaking, Duan Peng frowned and answered: "That's it. Adjutant Ning, my master is a seven-level mecha master. I want my master to pick up the mobile phone factory. Do you think it's okay?

Huang Chi frowned again.

Dong Ming's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

Ning Xu did not hesitate at all. When Duan Peng said that his master was a seven-level mecha master, Ning Xu felt that it was natural for people from Dongjia Village to pick up the mobile phone armor factory.

"No problem!"


During the battle, the meeting was very short, but two topics were hurriedly held. Everyone dispersed, and Dong Ming and Duan Peng stayed in the conference room.

Dong Ming had already flashed a hint of surprise during the meeting, and now, after he left, Dong Ming directly piled his joy on his face.

"Xiaopeng, that's good. Even I was almost surrounded by you!"

Duan Peng frowned and didn't know what he was thinking about. After hearing Dong Ming's words, Duan Peng came back to his senses, but there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Age Dong, I don't quite understand?"

"I'm still pretending to be garlic, and I've already seen it!"

The smile on Dong Ming's face became stronger, but Duan Peng's doubts turned into a wry smile.

"What can you see? I really don't understand..."

Seeing that Duan Peng didn't seem to be really pretending, Dong Ming's expression became more serious. "We definitely can't control the city garrison in a short time. Just as you said, Ning Xu is the best candidate for this commander. You offered to let Ning Xu serve as this commander. Isn't it to block Ning Xu's mouth, so that we can take down the mecha factory and make us become the supply party of materials?

"Uh." Duan Peng smiled bitterly, "Bunbo Dong, I really haven't thought about these things."

"Have you ever thought about it?" Dong Ming was stunned. Hearing Duan Peng's answer, Dong Ming suddenly became depressed.

I have seen Duan Peng's power to collect Liu Cun and others, and I have seen Duan Peng's method of paying Bo Yu. Just now, Duan Peng also secretly took action against Boss Hu. Now he thinks that he has guessed Duan Peng's intention, but he didn't expect that Duan Peng has no intention.


I'm sorry, it's 2,000 today. It's stuck. If possible, I'll make it up tomorrow.