
Chapter 121 To take over

Looking at the young man in front of him, Dong Ming suddenly had an indescribable feeling.

A year ago, he was just an ignorant teenager. Even a few days ago, this teenager had to be certified by Dong Ming, but now, this ignorant teenager suddenly has his own decision. Even if someone refutes, he can resolutely implement the resolution.

After watching quietly for a while, Dong Ming put aside his emotions, slowly stood up and walked to the window, staring at the sky outside.

"What do you think?"

The sound suddenly sounded in the conference room, and the empty conference room coated Dong Ming's voice with an empty meaning.

Waiting all the time, Duan Peng stood up and slowly walked behind Dong Ming when he heard Dong Ming's voice.

"I have been in the city for a long time. I have heard of Ning Xu for a long time. First of all, Ning Xu has a good reputation in the city, and it is easier to accept him to gain the recognition of ordinary citizens in the city. Second, I have also been observing Ning Xu these days. I found that Ning Xu is still a capable person. I want to include him in our As for the third team, that's what you just said. If we come forward, it is impossible for us to get recognition in a short time, and we need this combat strength very much. Ning Xu is just the best candidate to help us achieve our wishes..."

With Duan Peng's words, Dong Ming's head kept gently moving, and the surprise on his face became heavier and heavier.

"Yes, you think very well. I tried my best to take over the power in the city, but I didn't expect to forget the civilians in the city. Not long after our Dongjia Village came to this city, people in the city did not have a high awareness of us. If Ning Xu is willing to join us, then we can really get twice the result with half the effort."

Dong Ming was willing to listen to him, and Duan Peng's heart was half relieved, and when he heard Dong Ming's recognition of himself, Duan Peng's other half was also relieved.

"Uncle Huang's side?"

"There will be no problem with Huang Chi." Dong Ming turned around and waved his hand, "You just need to implement it according to your plan, but this war must be fought well, otherwise even if Ning Xu comes out to support us, those citizens will not agree."

"Yes!" Duan Peng Lizheng made a military salute.

This is Duan Peng's first military salute. The military salute was a little non-nonsent, and Dong Ming couldn't help smiling.

"You boy, but when it comes to war, do you think Ning Xu must be able to control the power of the city defenders? If something goes wrong there, it will be difficult for us to do it."

"No problem." Having put down all his thoughts, the conversation with Dong Ming has become much easier. As soon as Dong Ming's words fell, Duan Peng took it carelessly. "Now during the war, those soldiers are too busy to fight. They will definitely have the time to pay attention to the changes of the management personnel..."

When it comes to fighting, Dong Ming is not as optimistic as Duan Peng. Although Duan Peng is already smiling, Dong Ming still frowned.

"Xiaopeng, this can't be taken lightly. It's right when fighting, but they always have a break, and this rest will be confused."

"Hey." Duan Peng smiled again, which was still a little strange. It was just a little pause. Duan Peng said again, "There will be no rest time next. I have prepared a big meal for them."

"Big meal?" Dong Ming was puzzled.

Seeing Dong Ming's doubts, Duan Peng's smile became more complacent, "We encountered a siege of robots during the migration. Uncle Dong, do you remember what caused the siege?"

Doubt, still doubt, but only after a while, Dong Ming's eyes widened.

Staring closely at Dong Ming and seeing that Dong Ming had understood, Duan Peng said again, "Next will be a fierce battle, and there will be an unending fierce battle. As long as we exert our strength in this battle, these soldiers will be slowly convinced, and the city citizens will see our bravery, plus Ning After the surrender of Xuhe and the defenders of the city, there were no obstacles for us to go out of the city.

his eyes were still staring. From the moment Duan Peng said the answer, Dong Ming understood, but when he heard Duan Peng speak little by little, Dong Ming couldn't help but be shocked.


Sitting on the scooter, Ning Xu's expression looked calm, but Ning Xu's gently shaking hands betrayed Ning Xu's mood.

During the meeting, Ning Xu did not notice what Duan Peng said, but after leaving the camp, Ning Xu came to his senses.

The seven-level mecha division, this is simply a mythical existence in the mecha division, and not only these, but also sits next to Ning Xu, a six-level mecha warrior.

Of course, there are also six-level mecha warriors in the city defenders. For example, Cao Bin is a six-level mecha warrior, but Ning Xu did not expect that there would be a few mecha in Dongjia Village, and there would be six-level mecha warriors hidden in it.

has been depressed. Finally, Ning Xu couldn't help turning his head slowly to one side.

"Captain Li, I heard from General Xiao Duan that you are a level 6 mecha warrior?"

Li Hong has been sitting quietly. He is not a talkative person. Originally, as Ning Xu's deputy, Li Hong should have communicated with Ning Xu, but he did not like to talk, and Li Hong was not familiar with Ning Xu, so he could not find any topics to communicate with, so he could only sit quietly.

Fortunately, Ning Xu took the initiative to speak. Although this topic was a little silly, Li Hong quickly picked it up, "Yes!"

"Are there any other six-level mecha warriors in Dongjia Village?" Ning Xu asked again.

Hearing Ning Xu's question, Li Hong was stunned.

Ning Xu was very anxious, so Ning Xu had been paying attention to Li Hong. Seeing that Li Hong was stunned, Ning Xu was also slightly stunned. Immediately, Ning Xu opened his mouth again.

"Is this question inconvenient to answer? If it is inconvenient to answer, Captain Li can pretend that I haven't asked..."

He was still stunned, but when he heard Ning Xu's apology, Li Hong suddenly came to his senses.

Li Hong's simple face showed apologetic smile, "Ajutant Ning misunderstood. There is nothing inconvenient, but Adjutant Ning's question reminded me of a friend."

Ning Xu's question reminded Li Hong of He Wei. When Dongjia Village was still in Dongjia Village, there were two six-level mecha men in the village, He Wei and Li Hong. Ning Xu's question naturally made Li Hong think of this friend. However, Li Hong did not mean to go on and apologized slightly, and Li Hong immediately changed the topic.

"In addition to me, there are four six-level mecha warriors in our village, one eight-level mecha warrior!"

Ning Xu naturally saw the sadness on Li Hong's face. Originally, Ning Xu wanted to comfort Li Hong, but Li Hong's words attracted Ning Xu's attention.

Four six levels and one eight levels, this kind of cosmetic surgery is really shocking.

Ning Xu is Qian Boyu's adjutant. All the situation in the city can't escape Ning Xu's control. Ning Xu naturally knows what kind of situation the city garrison mecha team is.

There are 122 organic armored men in the city garrison. The sixth-level mecha is the highest level of the city garrison mecha team, and there are not many sixth-level mecha men, including Cao Bin. The city garrison mecha team has a total of three six-level mecha men, so Ning Xu was stunned by Li Hong's words.

Sitting quietly, after a long time, Ning Xu came back and asked, "What about the mecha master?"

There is nothing to keep secret. Li Hong also answered questions. Hearing Ning Xu's question, Li Hong immediately replied, "There is nothing in terms of mecha masters. There is only one level 7 mecha division, a level 5 mecha division, and the rest is a group of level 3 mecha divisions."

has been staring at Li Hong quietly for fear that something amazing will come out of Li Hong's answer. Hearing Li Hong's answer, Ning Xu is finally relieved. Although the seventh-level mecha division is powerful, Ning Xu has already heard Duan Peng mention it once. This time, he heard from Li Hong, and there is no such shock.

However, Ning Xu also lost his interest in talking. He was afraid that this stuffy Li Hong would say something amazing to make him faint in the car.

With nothing to say, maybe a little embarrassed, the two finally came to the city garrison barracks.

With a 'ga', the scooter stopped, and a sentry appeared in the front of the scooter.

Ning Xu frowned and said to the sentry, "What's the matter? Is the barracks under martial law?"

Ning Xu's displeasure scared the sentry, but the sentry still did not mean to get out of the way.

Not long ago, Ning Xu took Zhou Lei and Cao Bin away with Gao Ming. The city guard officers and soldiers who had seen something wrong naturally scolded the sentry who let Ning Xu into the camp. The sentry was also full of grievances. Now that he saw Ning Xu appear again, the sentry naturally did not dare to let Ning Xu go in again.

"Ajutant Ning, wait a minute. I have informed the deputy captain that they will come soon."

I want to say more, but looking at the sentry's crying expression, Ning Xu could only sigh for a long time.

In fact, when accepting Duan Peng's assignment, Ning Xu had already expected the current scene, but in the face of Duan Peng's trust and his appointment, Duan Peng also suffered many obstacles, so even if there were difficulties, Ning Xu could only take over.

Wait quietly. Fortunately, Li Hong was just waiting quietly and did not express any opinions on the blocked problem. Otherwise, Ning Xu really couldn't get off the stage.

Time passed, and there was silence in the scooter. Soon, the two teams appeared in everyone's sight.

Ning Xu, the leader of both teams, knows him. One is Li Size, the deputy captain of the mecha team, and the other is Liu Yi, the deputy captain of the warrior team.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Ning Xu did not neglect and immediately walked out of the scooter to greet them.

"Captain Li, Captain Liu!"

Ning Xu had a smile on his face, but the two captains didn't seem to see Ning Xu's smile. They had a straight face and opened their mouth as soon as they approached, "Ajutant Ning, what about our captain? Didn't they leave with you just now? Why haven't they returned yet? Come on?"

At least he is also the superior, and a smile is enough to give face. Seeing that both of them ignored his smile, Ning Xu immediately squeaked his face, "Captain Zhou and Captain Cao are going to study the situation in Dongjia Village, so they entrusted me to command the next battle!"

"Ajutant Ning is joking!"

Hearing the words, Li Size and Liu Yi's faces changed, and the soldiers behind them even showed their weapons.