
Chapter 123 The Secret Weapon of the City

The wall was in a panic. Although they were always preparing for the robot's siege, the soldiers were inevitably a little panicked when they saw the robot suddenly attack.


Suddenly, a white light lit up on the wall, and a soldier couldn't help holding the energy gun in his hand.

Looking at the white light, the captain of the city wall immediately frowned.

The range of the energy gun is only 200 meters. Now the robot is far more than 200 meters away from the city wall, and the warrior has already fired energy bombs, which is simply a waste. Although this warrior is just a newcomer, this mistake is absolutely unforgivable.

The captain immediately stepped forward and walked to the soldier.

The little soldier was looking flustered, and when he saw the appearance of the captain, the panic on his face became heavier.

It's not that the little soldier doesn't know the range of the energy gun, but there is no command of a senior officer on the wall, and his mentality is not as calm as usual. Even if he tried his best to suppress it, his hand still couldn't help shaking, and it was because of the shaking of his fingers that he accidentally pulled the trigger.

"Yes, I'm sorry, team, captain."

The little soldier is very young, with a flustered face and looks only 17 or 18 years old.

Looking at the expression of the little soldier, the little captain who was going to scold him couldn't help but raise a trace of pity, but even pity can't be regarded as nothing happened.

Just a little stunned, the captain opened his mouth, "Xiao Chen..."


Before the captain's words came out, a white light lit up in front of his eyes.

Not far from them, another newly enlisted soldier fired an energy bomb, and not only the little soldier, but also the white light of the second energy bomb lit up, and white light flashed one after another.

The captain could no longer care about the newcomer in front of him, and he immediately turned his head and looked out of the city.

At a sight, the captain's face changed greatly.

Seeing the energy bombs constantly firing, the captain thought that the robot was approaching, so the soldiers began to shoot, but at a look, the captain found that the robots were still out of range.

The captain's face turned pale, not only him, but also the captains of several teams turned pale, and many of them have shouted loudly.

"What's the panic?"

"Haven't you seen that the robot hasn't reached range yet?"

"Stop! Stop it!"

It's a pity that the soldiers have turned a deaf ear to the captain's cry, and the energy bombs in their hands are still pouring, and not only new warriors, but also some old soldiers can't help opening fire outside.


Since the sound of the alarm, Ning Xu has begun to act, but Ning Xu is still late. There are still five or six hundred meters away from the city wall. The defense area of the defenders of the city has lit up the unique white light of energy bombs, and Ning Xu constantly urged him to see the white light.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The driver of the scooter looked serious and did not respond to Ning Xu's urging. He just stared closely at the road ahead, and his hands did not tremble.

Without Ning Xu's urging, the driver has understood the current situation. The speed of the scooter has long been mentioned to the highest by him. His full spirit has been put into driving. Such a speed, if he is not careful, it may be the car will be destroyed and killed.

Ning Xu also just sat in the back and urged. He did not reach out to interfere with the driver's operation, and the distance of five or six hundred meters was not too far. Almost Ning Xu's words fell, and there was a sharp friction sound.

With the sound, Ning Xu suddenly rushed forward and almost flew out of the scooter.

Fortunately, Ning Xu has already tied his seat belt, and the cushioning technology of this era is also quite smart. Although the safety belt makes Ning Xu suffocate, Ning Xu's body finally stabilized.

As soon as his body stabilized, and even before his body recovered, Ning Xu jumped off the scooter and ran to the top of the wall without any buffering.

When he came to the wall, Ning Xu found that his chest was a little painful, but Ning Xu did not care about his body, because everything on the wall had hurt Ning Xu's eyes.

On the wall, the light of the energy bomb hardly stopped, but when the light on the wall was shining, the robot was still 200 meters away from the wall.

I have seen the battle of his team more than once, and there has been such a panic before, but at this moment, Ning Xu feels ashamed and even angry.

consciously, Ning Xu looked at the defensive section of Dongjia Village. Sure enough, the defensive section of Dongjia Village was still quiet.

Of course, it is not only the performance of the city defenders, but also the defense section of the exile forces is also a masterpiece, but these are not the reasons for the city defenders to panic.

It was just a little stunned, and Ning Xu grabbed the caller from the messenger who was in a frenixion.

"Stop shooting!"

A loud voice sounded like thunder on the wall.

Originally, the soldiers were already in a panic. Everyone just wanted to pour the energy out of the city as quickly as possible. At this moment, they could not even hear the voice of the captain around them, but Ning Xu's thunderous voice still woke them up.

The action suddenly stopped, and the white light disappeared in an instant. Many soldiers had an embarrassed look on their faces, especially those who had joined the army for more than a year after two or three battles, whose faces were full of shame.

But fortunately, no one blamed them. The panic on the wall was just calm, and Ning Xu's voice sounded in the phone again.

"Hear the gun and aim!"

Ning Xu's voice in the loudspeaker was much smaller than last time, but this time the voice stabilized the soldiers' panicked hearts without panicking. Everyone slowly raised the energy gun in their hands and aimed at their respective targets.

Ning Xu breathed a sigh of relief. As he rubbed his faintly painful chest, he paid attention to the situation outside the city.

The robot's green eyes are rapidly approaching.

Two hundred meters!

The caller came to Ning Xu's mouth again!

180 meters!

Ning Xu shouted, "Launch!"


The city wall turned white, and all the shadows were clearly illuminated, and Ning Xu immediately looked out of the city with the launch of the energy bomb.

was very disappointed. Ning Xu was very disappointed. Although he had known that it would be such a result, Ning Xu couldn't help but be disappointed when the result really appeared.

Ning Xu has seen the scene of Dongjiacun's battle. Basically, every time he shoots, the robots that rush to the front of the team will fall, but now, the robots have been hit by the city defenders, but few of them have fallen.

Soon, a situation appeared that made Ning Xu more disappointed.

Originally, Ning Xu's command had helped everyone adjust the rhythm of shooting, but after shooting once or twice, the rhythm of these soldiers began to be messy again, and everyone became fighting separately.


The battle in Dongjia Village was very smooth. Although it was a night battle, the night battle could not affect the battle performance of Dongjia Village at all.

In the dark, no one can see the robot's body clearly, but no one needs to see the robot's body. The robot's green eyes are already the best targets. All soldiers can effectively kill only by aiming between the robot's eyes, and the lethality is even better than during the day.

A batch of green light disappeared in the dark. It should be said that such a result should be satisfactory, but Duan Peng, Dong Ming, and Gao Ming frowned tightly.

quietly stared into the distance of the city wall.

In five minutes, even if the ability of the soldiers of Dongjia Village has reached its limit, the robot below still pushed under the wall.

As for the defense section of the city defenders, the defenders are even more unbearable. Robots have begun to climb above the wall, and many robots have climbed several meters.

Duan Peng's eyebrows frowned even tighter.

Not only worries about the upcoming advanced intelligence, but also the strength of the robot siege has also caused a crisis for the defensive forces.

"Did they defend like this before?"

Dong Ming, like Duan Peng, also paid attention nervously. Hearing Duan Peng's voice, Dong Ming couldn't help but take over Duan Peng's topic.

"Yes! If it was just this kind of defense, the city should have been captured a long time ago. Is there anything else we haven't grasped?


Sweat came out of everyone's hands, and robots on the side of the city defenders and the exile forces were about to climb the city wall.

Everyone's defense is about to be broken through.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang! A light illuminates the whole earth!

The city trembled violently with the loud noise, and the soldiers were also interrupted by the sudden loud noise and light.

The sound fell, and before the ears recovered, Duan Peng and others immediately looked out of the city.

Under the wall, the robot that had climbed up the wall fell under the city because of the huge earthquake just now, and the dense green light 100 meters away from the city disappeared.

Duan Peng was stunned, and Gao Ming was also stunned.

"That's awesome!"

There are such a lethal weapon in the city that the robots outside are not enough.

Looking at everything outside, Dong Ming's face was very solemn. Hearing Duan Peng's words, Dong Ming immediately said, "This should be an energy bomb. The energy bomb is fired through a bomber, but it is estimated that the whole city can launch so many energy bombs once."

"Only once?" Originally, he was still in a daze, but when he heard Dong Ming's words, Duan Peng immediately came to his senses.

"Yes, it is estimated that it will take nearly a year to launch again."

It's not just Dong Ming. Almost all the people around Dong Ming who heard Dong Ming's words became solemn.

Duan Peng looked out of the city again, but the robots within 100 meters were no longer afraid of Dongjia Village. The soldiers could easily destroy these robots, but Duan Peng suddenly found a very serious problem. The robots came out again. In the distance, on the edge of the woodland, the robots began to emerge again. Broken gushing out.