
Chapter 126 Solution

The second wave of attacks is over. Due to the participation of mecha, except for an advanced intelligence in the defense section of Dongjia Village, all other aspects are going very smoothly.

The city is going well, but as an advanced intelligence, Ward is very aggrieved.

Only on the first day of the battle, Ward evolved a mood that he had never had before - grievance. Unfortunately, Ward did not feel the fun of evolution or even feel his own difference. The programs in his brain were occupied by this new emotion.

After calculating everything, and even with the help of Jenard, Ward finally climbed the wall, but after climbing the wall, Ward found that all the calculations were so pale and weak under absolute strength.

Ward's body was full of advanced weapons, but under the attack of Dong Ming and Gao Ming, these weapons became completely ornaments and could not be taken out.

And not only a weapon, but also because of Dong Ming and Gao Ming's restrictions, Ward has wanted to leave the attack range of Gao Ming and Dong Ming more than once to find a new breakthrough point. However, when Ward decided to change direction, Ward found that he was completely trapped by Dong Ming and Gao Ming, and the small place on the wall became The only area where he can move.

Fighting, Ward became more and more aggrieved. Finally, after another attack, Ward found an opportunity to leave the wall.

When Ward left, the robot's attack weakened, and as the robot's attack weakened, the whole city cheered excitedly.

Duan Peng has been standing aside. The whole battle between Dong Ming and Gao Ming did not escape from Duan Peng's observation. When Ward left, the attack strength of the robot weakened, and the soldiers cheered, but Duan's eyebrows frowned tightly.

looked relaxed, but the whole battle process was actually extremely dangerous. When the battle was over, Dong Ming and Gao Ming's breathing became a little disordered. After the battle, they immediately walked in the direction of Duan Peng. As soon as they walked to Duan Peng's side, Duan Peng's voice of concern sounded.

"How about Uncle Dong and Uncle Gao? Are you all right?"

Dong Ming and Gao Ming shook their heads tiredly, "It's okay, but this is not the way. Although we can force him to do it, we also can't pose a fatal threat to him. If it goes on like this, it will be unfavorable to us, because our physical strength can't be compared with him."

Duan Peng didn't know what Dong Ming said, otherwise Duan Peng would not have frowned after seeing Ward leave.

Dong Ming's words fell, and Duan Peng nodded gently and quickly asked, "So what do you think can change the current situation?"

Dong Ming and Gao Ming frowned. After a long time, Dong Ming slowly opened his mouth and said, "It's just that the two martial arts masters certainly can't do it. The speed of that robot is too fast. The two martial arts masters can only use his speed, unless there are three, if it's Xiao Zhong..."

With that, the word Xiaozhong just came out of Dong Ming's mouth. Dong Ming suddenly stopped and immediately looked at Duan Peng.

Duan Peng's face really changed, and his eyebrows were tightened at first, but when Duan Peng heard the word Xiao Zhong, the blood brush on Duan Peng's face suddenly faded, and his whole face turned pale in an instant.

The battle continues, the voices are boiling, and the light of energy bombs flashes from time to time, but Duan Peng's position is quiet, as if their place has become another different world.

Quietly, one minute, two minutes...

Dong Ming was remorseful, and Gao Ming's mouth kept squirming. He wanted to persuade Duan Peng, but every time he spoke to his mouth, he was finally swallowed back by Gao Ming.

Duan Peng's eyes became dull and stared blankly at the front. Although there were people in front of him, Duan Peng did not exist in his eyes.

It has been several days since I came back. I don't know whether it is deliberately avoiding or really busy. Except for seeing Zhong Xi on the day when I just learned about Zhong Xi's news, Duan Peng hasn't thought about Zhong Xi for several days. Now, the two words Dong Ming seem to remind Duan Peng of everything.

After five minutes of quietly looking at it, Duan Peng finally came to his senses when Dong Ming gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Dong..."

At the moment of speaking, the sadness on Duan Peng's face has been covered up, but there are all people who are familiar with Duan Peng. No matter how well Duan Peng hides it, everyone can clearly feel Duan Peng's sadness, but even if they feel it, no one will continue this topic.

After a slight pause, Dong Ming opened his mouth, "It's okay..."

It's just two words. Dong Ming doesn't know how to continue, and Gao Ming is also worried.

It seems that he knows Dong Ming and Gao Ming's thoughts. Dong Ming's voice just paused, and Duan Peng took the initiative to change the topic.

"Bunbo Dong and Uncle Gao, do you have any other ideas? Besides that, is there any other way to solve the current predicament?

May not expect that Duan Peng would take the initiative to change the topic. As soon as Duan Peng's words fell, Dong Ming was immediately stunned, but after being stunned, a trace of appreciation flashed in Dong Ming's eyes.

Duan Peng is very young, but Duan Peng's performance is becoming more and more like a qualified leader. Although Duan Peng was stunned for five minutes because of Zhong Xi's incident, it is enough to adjust his mentality so quickly to be appreciated. After all, Duan Peng is still a human, and as long as he is a human, he will have such emotions.

He frowned and thought quietly. After about two or three minutes, Dong Ming opened his mouth again, but this time Dong Ming became a little hesitant.

"Maybe it's a way to improve the weapons in our hands."


Dong Ming nodded gently, "This robot is very cunning. During the battle just now, as long as our weapon attacks a fatal position, the robot will dodge, and when our attack is not strong enough, or in a less important position, the robot will adopt a hard resistance posture, precisely because of the machine The weapon can resist, so we almost escaped by him several times.

participated in the siege of the robot, but he never spoke after coming back, but when Dong Ming said this, Gao Ming moved his head. Obviously, Dong Ming's words entered Gao Ming's heart.

frowned and listened quietly. As soon as Dong Ming's opinion was finished, Duan Peng's eyebrows suddenly relaxed.

"Is the energy sword OK?"

Unlike in the past, Duan Peng's voice was a little rapid, and there was a trace of expectation on his face.

Although I don't know why Duan Peng became like this, Dong Ming and Gao Ming nodded with Duan Peng's question.

At the moment of questioning, Duan Peng stared at Dong Ming and Gao Ming's expressions. Seeing Dong Ming and Gao Ming nodded, Duan Peng was immediately relieved.

"Mr. Dong and Uncle Gao, I'll go back now, and the command here will be handed over to you first."

Duan Peng's question has made Dong Ming and Gao Ming a little inexplicable. When he got the answer, he immediately said that he wanted to go back. Dong Ming finally couldn't help but be a little curious, "What's wrong?"

opened the topic and found a way to make up for it. Duan Peng came out of Zhong Xi's matter. Hearing Dong Ming's question, Duan Peng even had a smile on his face.

"I think I have found a way."

Duan Peng's words were still unclear, but the smile on Duan Peng's face said everything. Seeing the smile on Duan Peng's face, Dong Ming and Gao Ming were relieved.

"Go quickly!"

The battle is going on, and Duan Peng dares not neglect it. Just about ten minutes, Duan Peng has appeared in the mecha factory in Dongjia Village.

Wilton has been taken away by Duan Peng, but Liu Bing and others have not given up the manufacture of precision instruments. Under the leadership of Liu Bing, a group of mecha divisions are working hard in the open space of the factory.

Seeing the people who were tackling the key, Duan Peng suddenly patted his forehead.

"Master, you don't have to do this anymore."

"Hmm?" He was awakened by Duan Peng's thinking. Liu Bing looked unhappy, but when he heard Duan Peng's words, Liu Bing could no longer care about his unhappiness, and his face immediately showed doubt, "Don't do it?"

"I'm sorry, Master." Duan Peng apologized and said, "I forgot to tell you that Ning Xu attended our meeting just at the meeting. He has agreed to hand over the mecha factory in the city to us for management, so we don't have to develop these precision instruments ourselves."

Listening to Duan Peng's explanation, Liu Bing was stunned and his face kept changing.

Because of the high-precision instrument, Liu Bing fought with his mecha division for more than a week. Now he suddenly heard that there was no need to continue. Liu Bing did not know whether he should be happy or lose his temper with Duan Peng who forgot to inform them.

After saying that, Duan Peng looked at Liu Bing nervously. Seeing that Liu Bing's face was constantly changing, Duan Peng immediately said, " By the way, Master, how is the individual energy sword and energy mask I mentioned to you?"

The news of the mecha factory has not been digested, and Liu Bing is still in shock. He is still a little dull. Hearing Duan Peng's question, Liu Bing said in a daze: "I have prepared some, but because there are not too many problems in time..."

Dumbly, Liu Bing's movements were a little mechanized. While saying, Liu Bing took Duan Peng to the other direction of the factory.

Some small equipment was piled up in this direction of the factory, and two or three people were busy there, but as soon as he walked over, Duan Peng immediately saw what he wanted.

Sword handle-like objects and things like some small boxes are scattered in that corner.

is different from the energy sword used by robots. Although it is only a hilt, the tail of the hilt carries a square the size of a fist.

Duan Peng's footsteps became faster. Originally, Duan Peng followed Liu Bing, but when those things were reflected in Duan Peng's eyes, Duan Peng immediately surpassed Liu Bing. As soon as he copied the hand, a sword hilt fell into Duan Peng's hand.


After all, it was a mecha master. As soon as something fell into Duan Peng's hands, Duan Peng immediately knew how to use it, and a cold blade appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the blade, Duan Peng was very excited, but only for a moment, Duan Peng woke up from excitement.

After grabbing a few energy swords on the ground, Duan Peng immediately said to Liu Bing, "Master, the battle on the wall is very tense. I'm going back."

He moved his head blankly. In fact, without Liu Bing's consent, Duan Peng had already walked out.

Seeing Duan Peng leave, Liu Bing mechanically walked to the open space of the factory. It was not until Liu Bing came to the unfinished instrument in the middle that Liu Bing's eyes returned to Qingming. As soon as he resumed Qingming, Liu Bing immediately turned his head and looked in the direction Duan Peng left.

It was dark outside, and Duan Peng had long known where he had gone.

staring quietly at the darkness, a smile suddenly appeared on Liu Bing's face, "Bad boy!"