
Chapter 127 Is it possible?

"Has the advanced intelligence come?"

I climbed the wall with something and opened my mouth as soon as I saw Dong Ming and Gao Ming Duan Peng.

He was highly focused and had been nervously paying attention to the battle under the city. Suddenly, he was awakened by Duan Peng's voice. Dong Ming and Gao Ming immediately looked in the direction of Duan Peng, with a trace of curiosity and hope in his eyes.

"No, I haven't seen him appear since I left. I don't know what the robot plans to do, but why did you come back so quickly? Do you have any weapons?"

He hurried and finally arrived. Hearing Dong Ming's question, Duan Peng was relieved.

I'm not worried about the defense of the city wall, but I know that robots are unlikely to cause any damage to the city wall. Besides, Dong Ming and Gao Ming are here, and the advanced intelligence can't take advantage of it.

Duan Peng is worried that after a few more times, the robot will lose the power to continue to attack, or change the direction of attack. The weapons brought by Peng are useless.

In Dong Ming and Gao Ming's expectant eyes, he calmed his breath slightly, and Duan Peng walked to the front of them.

There was no hiding. As soon as he came to Dong Ming and Gao Ming, two energy swords appeared in Duan Peng's hands.

"I mentioned to my master about making individual weapons and armor, but I'm not sure. I didn't expect that my master really made this thing."

With that, Duan Peng handed two energy swords to Dong Ming and Gao Ming.

Looking at the hilt of the sword handed over by Duan Peng, Dong Ming and Gao Ming were stunned, but they quickly came to their senses and showed a faint disappointment in their eyes.

Dong Ming and Gao Ming have certainly seen the individual energy sword, and it is precisely because they have seen it that Dong Ming and Gao Ming know that this thing is a chicken rib.

Because of the great power of the energy sword, the individual energy sword used to be a weapon favored by everyone, and for this weapon, the senior management of the alliance has invested a lot of manpower and material resources, but unfortunately, this research did not last for too long.

The energy consumption of the energy sword is too large. If you want to solve the problem of the continuous combat power of the energy sword, you must first solve the energy consumption problem of the energy sword. Obviously, the energy consumption problem of the energy sword cannot be solved now, so the energy sword has become a special weapon for mecha and robots.

"Is that what you're talking about?"

Dong Ming opened his mouth, and the taste of disappointment in his voice was very heavy. On the other hand, although Gao Ming didn't say anything, Gao Ming's expression said everything.

It seemed that he had known that it would be like this. Facing the disappointment of Dong Ming and Gao Ming, Duan Peng smiled. When Dong Ming and Gao Ming just showed a doubtful expression, Duan Peng said, " Uncle Dong, don't be disappointed first. Please listen to my explanation."

"Do you still remember the theory I put forward? If a mecha has the mental strength of a five-level warrior, then his operation level will change qualitatively. This theory has been confirmed, and later I thought that the operation ability of a mecha can be improved by spiritual strength, can ordinary warriors also improve their mastery of weapons? Therefore, I thought of the possibility of distributing this weapon to level 5 fighters..."

"You mean intermittent use?"

Duan Peng was only halfway through. Dong Ming and Gao Ming's eyes had already lit up. Even before Duan Peng finished his words, Dong Ming interrupted Duan Peng's words and grabbed the hilt of the sword in Duan Peng's hand.

Holding the hilt of the sword, Dong Ming's hand began to dance. Because there was no blade, Dong Ming's movements looked very funny, but Dong Ming still danced attentively, as if he really held a sword in his hand.


Once again, Dong Ming's hand passed in front of him, and a chilly light flashed in the night sky in front of Dong Ming.


The first cold light appeared, and one cold light after another kept flashing with Dong Ming's splitting, picking and thorns. Duan Peng's proposal widened his eyes.

Duan Peng put forward the attack, but Duan Peng did not expect that this theory could exert such great power when it was used by Dong Ming, a martial arts master.

On the other side, Gao Ming also began to test. Sure enough, he was a martial arts master. The mental control ability of Duan Peng's six-level ability was difficult to resist, but after several waves, Gao Ming's energy sword in his hand soon became the same as that in Dong Ming's hand.

Looking, Duan Peng's mouth slowly opened, not only saving energy, but also because of Dong Ming and Gao Ming's dancing, Duan Peng saw another function of the energy sword.

The energy sword is just a hilt when it is not activated, which has no power, but it does not have the function of the blade because Dong Ming and Gao Ming's operations add a little weirdness and concealment.

The test did not last long, but waved more than ten times, and the two stopped, but Dong Ming and Gao Ming, who stopped, were full of smiles.

"How on earth do you grow in your brain? Why didn't we think of such a good thing?"

With a smile, Duan Peng stretched out his hand and touched the back of his head twice.

"This is just a coincidence. If it hadn't been for the sudden addition of a group of five-level soldiers in the village, and I wanted these soldiers to play the abilities of five-level soldiers, I wouldn't have thought of these."

When it comes to level 5 warriors, it is inevitable to think of Zhong Xi. Dong Ming and Gao Ming's faces have become a little darker, but only for a moment, Dong Ming and Gao Ming's faces returned to normal.

Dong Ming and Gao Ming's face changed naturally. Duan Peng could also think of what Dong Ming and others thought of, but this time, Duan Peng did not fall into silence like last time. His heart was just a little **, and Duan Peng immediately changed the topic.

"Dongbo, if there is no problem, let's lead him here again!"


Duan Peng didn't want to mention it, and Dong Ming naturally wouldn't mention it. As soon as Duan Peng's voice fell, Dong Ming and Gao Ming nodded.


The energy was replaced, and the red light behind Wilton's ear lit up again. Soon, with Wilton's provocation, the attack of the robot below began to become fierce again.

It is dark outside the city, but the city now shrouded in darkness seems to have become a starry starry sky. The outside is densely covered with green spots, and the green dots are frantically surging towards the city wall.

The spirit of the soldiers also concentrated again with the attack strength of the robot, and the light of the energy bombs on the wall continued.

Dong Ming and Gao Ming stared closely under the wall.

Although Wilton's provocative signal has been sent, Dong Ming and others are not very sure.

For the first time, Gao Ming and Dong Ming repulsed him when the advanced intelligence came to the city from the direction of the city defenders. The second time, the advanced intelligence went to the city from the direction of Dongjia Village under the temptation of Wilton, and Dong Ming and Gao Ming repelled him. Now, Wilton's signal is sent again, and it is obvious that the direction of Dongjia Village has become a Trap, Dong Ming and others don't know whether the robot will choose this place to continue to attack.

Wait quietly.

Suddenly, Dong Ming and Gao Ming stared at each other.

A pair of green lights dodged the attack of the energy bomb and rushed in their direction.

Dong Ming and Gao Ming clenched the weapons in their hands.

On the wall, the soldiers did not wait for Duan Peng's reminder again. Naturally, they put the target of the attack on the robot behind them.

The green spot is getting faster and closer.

At the foot of the wall again, the green dot quickly rose, and everything was like the last replica. Of course, there were differences. This time, without Duan Peng's command, everyone had already entered everyone's battle position.

climbed up the wall again. As last time, Ward poked his head out of the wall and almost just poked his head out. Ward's metal head shrank back to the wall.

Ward was stunned in the middle of the action of shrinking his head.

Wilton did not attack, but it was because Wilton did not attack that Ward was stunned.

Just now, Ward thought that everything would develop the same as last time, but Ward was wrong. Wilton did not attack, and Dong Ming and Gao Ming did not attack. His shrinking his head completely became a joke.

For good, the computing speed of advanced intelligence is quite fast. Ward's action has an obvious pause in everyone's eyes, but the pause only lasted for a few seconds, and Ward quickly rushed to the wall.

Ward's operation speed is very fast, and Wilton, as a tactical intelligence, is faster.

When Ward calculated the result and rushed up the wall, Wilton, who had no attack mission, saw the opportunity.

Ward's body was about two meters and five meters away, and his body was falling towards the wall. Suddenly, Wilton's eyes turned into a searchlight, and the red light behind his ear also lit at the same time.

With Wilton's attack, Ward seemed to have been spotted.

The body took off. According to the robot's program, Ward should make some cushioning movements in the air, but at this moment, Ward froze in the air and fell straight towards the wall.

Dong Ming and Gao Ming have been waiting. Because of the energy sword, Dong Ming did not make a special plan this time. They were waiting for Ward to go to the wall. Suddenly, Dong Ming and Gao Ming saw the opportunity. Almost while Ward was frozen, they all held the hilt of the sword and wavedward in the air.

Duan Peng's heart had reached his throat. He forgot to breathe, and the blood on his body stopped flowing at the moment Dong Ming and Gao Ming waved his hand.

This time, Duan Peng did not plan, but Duan Peng did not expect that the effect of not planning was better than planning.

Looking quietly, everything seems to have become slow motion in Duan Peng's eyes, and the hilt in Dong Ming and Gao Ming's hands is constantly moving in the direction of advanced intelligence.

Suddenly, Ward in the air moved.

I don't know when Wilton was attacked again, the light in his eyes disappeared, and the red light behind his ear stopped flashing at the same time.

Looking quietly, Ward's electronic eyes kept flashing.

Because of the night vision, Ward saw it clearly. The opposite human held the energy sword in his hand, and the blade of the energy sword did not appear, but a emotion suddenly evolved in Ward's mind - fear.

In the air, Ward twisted his body desperately.