
Chapter 128 Accident

The emotion of fear is really annoying. I don't know what's going on, but the light in Ward's eyes suddenly became chaotic.

Because it is night, Ward uses a night vision device like other robots, but when Ward breaks free from the impact of information, the light in his electronic eyes changes. It will be a green night vision device, orange thermal energy sensing, and crimson infrared scanning, several lights representing different functions. It is constantly changing in Ward's electronic eyes.

In addition to his eyes, Ward twisted his body desperately in the air. He just wanted to get away from those two people.

Two invisible energy swords are still approaching.

Duan Peng held his breath, and even martial arts masters such as Dong Ming and Gao Ming held their breath.

has arrived!

The right direction of the hilt has finally reached the position of advanced intelligence.

Two cold rays passed by Ward's body at the same time, and the cold light flashed away, but the hearts of Dong Ming, Gao Ming, and Duan Peng were about to explode.

They saw it clearly that the cold light definitely crossed the body of advanced intelligence.

In the air, the robot's body is still intact.

Dong Ming and Gao Ming were a little stunned. Duan Peng was stunned. They didn't know why they had become like this. All three quietly watched the robot fall from the air.

In mid-air, Ward's body stopped twisting, and the light in his eyes stopped flashing.

As an advanced intelligence, Ward magically hit the machine.

The capture ability of the electronic eye is very powerful. Although the function is constantly changing, Ward can still clearly see the energy blade sweeping through his body.

Ward is a little strange. His body is intact, and Ward doesn't know when his body has the function of resisting the energy sword.

Quietly, as if everything in the world has been static, only Ward's body fell little by little.


Finally, Ward's foot fell to the ground and the sound was not loud, but Dong Ming's heart trembled violently with the small sound.

Dong Ming and Gao Ming finally woke up, and they were about to continue their attack on Ward.

Suddenly, Ward's steel body turned into three pieces in their eyes - er, if the broken arm is counted, it should not be called three pieces.

was still stunned. Ward couldn't believe his eyes and lay on the ground. Ward looked at his collapsed body, and then looked at several people and Wilton in front of him. At this moment, Duan Peng and others could not believe it from Ward's electronic eyes.

Not only Ward couldn't believe it, but Dong Ming and others also couldn't believe their own eyes.

The energy sword hit Ward so easily. Dong Ming and others couldn't believe it. After hitting it, it had no effect. Dong Ming and others were at a loss. Now, as soon as Ward landed, his body was immediately composed of several pieces. This effect also made Dong Ming and others a little unbelievable.

The mood is straight up and down. Even if Dong Ming and Gao Ming are martial arts masters, they can't turn around for a while.

"The robot has retreated!"

In a daze, suddenly a voice sounded on one side. It was an observer, closely followed by the observer's voice, with the cheers of soldiers.

Dong Ming and others were awakened by the sound and looked out of the city wall.

Sure enough, it retreated, like the rise and fall of the tide. How fast it comes, how fast it retreats now.

After looking at the situation outside, Dong Ming and others couldn't help looking at the remnants of the robot in front of them, "Is this true..."

"It seems..."


In Duan Peng's calculation, once Wilton unfolds the electronic signal, the robot's attack will become continuous, but now there is an accident. This sudden combat advanced intelligence was destroyed by Dong Ming and others, and with the destruction of combat intelligence, the robot also retreated.

In the conference room, Dong Ming, Gao Ming and Duan Peng sat quietly without imagined joy. On the contrary, the expressions of the three of them were a little solemn.

After a long silence, Dong Ming finally opened his mouth.

"Xiaopeng, will this robot suddenly retreat, will it be difficult for Ning Xu's control?"

Duan Peng smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect it to be like this. At that time, I just wanted to pose a little threat to that advanced intelligence, but I didn't expect..."

With that, Duan Peng stopped. After a long time, Duan Peng sighed again.

"Forget it, Ning Xu is coming soon. Let's wait until Ning Xu comes!"

Originally worried, after hearing Duan Peng's words, Dong Ming and Gao Ming's faces became more gloomy. With Duan Peng's voice falling, they also sighed at the same time and then fell silent.

In the plan, the robot's attacks are continuous, and the soldiers of the city garrison do not have the strength to think about the commander's problem. After a long time, when everyone is used to Ning Xu's command, when the battle is over, Ning Xu will have a great opportunity to take over the power of the city garrison. But now, because of Ward's loss, robots Unexpectedly, Duan Peng and others' plan naturally can't continue.

Quiet, as if all the air is pouring into the conference room, and the atmosphere in the conference room is becoming more and more solemn.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open and several people walked into the conference room.

Not only Ning Xu, but also Boss Hu followed Ning Xu.

As Ning Xu and others entered the door, Dong Ming and others immediately raised their heads. Even before Duan Peng could speak, Dong Ming had already grabbed Duan Peng's mouth.

"Ajutant Ning is here. How's it going over there?"

After attending the meeting in Dongjia Village, Ning Xu naturally understood what Dong Ming was concerned about. Hearing Dong Ming's question and seeing the faces of the other two people, Ning Xu opened his mouth.

"The time was too short. The battle was fine, but as soon as the battle was over, those people immediately asked me about Cao Bin and Zhou Lei. If you hadn't notified the meeting as soon as the battle was over, maybe I was still struggling there now."

Sure enough, such a result was expected for a long time, but after listening to Ning Xu's result, Dong Ming and others still looked a little worse.

Quietly, the atmosphere in the conference room was slightly relieved because Ning Xu and others entered the door, but now, after Ning Xu's words, the dull atmosphere began to condense again.

It's okay. The atmosphere just showed signs of condensation. Duan Peng opened his mouth, "Is there no progress at all?"

This time, Ning Xu did not answer immediately. His eyebrows slowly frowned, as if he were recalling and sorting out.

Dong Ming and others looked at Ning Xu quietly. Originally, they had lost hope, but when they saw Ning Xu's expression, Dong Ming and others slowly relaxed their eyebrows.

As long as there is no immediate answer, it means that there is still hope.

Looking at it, Dong Ming couldn't help but turn his head and look at Duan Peng, with a trace of appreciation in his eyes. At the same time, there seemed to be a little loss hidden in the appreciation.

Quietly, time passed little by little. Ning Xu didn't say anything, and everyone didn't urge. Everyone was waiting quietly.

Finally, Ning Xu's voice sounded.

"It can't be said that there is no hope at all..." Ning Xu's voice was a little hesitant, but Ning Xu continued, "If I don't make a mistake in judgment, the attitude of the mecha team is relatively loose. Although the attitude of the warrior team is more resolute, I believe that if the battle continues, it is not without opportunity. Will..."

It should be a celebration to destroy advanced intelligence, but because it may destroy the overall intention, everyone's mood is relatively heavy. But now, when Ning Xu hesitates to say his judgment, Dong Ming and others are immediately relieved.

He squirmed his mouth, and Dong Ming immediately wanted to ask something more, but Dong Ming's mouth just opened, and then closed again without asking. Dong Ming turned his head and looked at Duan Peng.

Duan Peng also opened his mouth. While opening his mouth, Duan Peng also saw Dong Ming's movements, so Duan Peng naturally closed his mouth. He waited for Dong Ming's question, but Duan Peng did not expect that Dong Ming also closed his mouth and looked in his direction.

Understanding Dong Ming's meaning, Duan Peng smiled.

"You just said that the mecha team's attitude is better, so what's the reason?"

The right to ask was returned to Duan Peng. Dong Ming felt a little disappointed, but with Duan Peng's question, Dong Ming's eyes were surprised again.

I have to admit that after the adaptation period, Duan Peng is more suitable to control the overall situation of Dongjia Village.

"Thank you to Captain Li Hong. If it hadn't been for his superb mecha driving skills, these mechamen would not have changed their attitude so quickly..."

The Q&A is still going on, but Boss Hu is no longer in the mood to listen.

Boss Hu and Ning Xu came in together. Before entering the door, Boss Hu was still wondering why Ning Xu came to Dongjia Village, but when he heard the question and answer between Dong Ming and Ning Xu, Boss Hu understood, and at the same time, Boss Hu's eyebrows couldn't help ** twice.

The battle did not last long, but the intensity of the robot siege was unprecedented. Boss Hu even had the idea of the destruction of the city, but in the end, the city still held on.

Of course, Boss Hu is not happy to hold on, because the reason why the defense section of the exile forces can hold on is not because of the exile soldiers, but because they can hold on is entirely because of Dongjia Village.

Dongjiacun only sent more than a dozen mechas, which helped them defend the whole defense section.

It's not just the mecha. Boss Hu thought of another thing at the same time. Dongjia Village sent the mecha, that is to say, Dongjia Village has no mecha, but from the beginning to the end, Boss Hu did not hear the news that the defense section of Dongjia Village was broken, that is to say, in addition to the mecha, Dongjia Village The warriors are equally strong.

Because of the betrayal, Boss Hu's heart is very heavy, but it is not without a chance to recover. But now, Boss Hu can't help it. I don't know when Ning Xu has become a part of Dongjia Village.

Quietly, the hand hanging beside Boss Hu kept clenching and releasing, and his eyebrows couldn't help shaking. For a long time, Boss Hu finally opened his mouth.

"General Dong, General Duan, thank you for your assistance this time, but it is also because of your assistance that made me understand one thing that our management and training are very different from real soldiers, so I would like to ask Dongjia Village to send someone to take over the management and training of our soldiers."