
Chapter 130 Attack

From the first day of the emergence of combat advanced intelligence, Duan Peng has made a judgment, and now, this judgment is no longer a judgment, but has become a reality.

Five days have passed, and the robot's siege time has exceeded the last time, but under the city, the robot still has no intention of retreating, and the last siege has not passed too long, which only shows that this is the joint effort of the two teams.

Dong Ming and others climbed the wall again, with fatigue on their faces, but with joy in fatigue.

"Ha ha, it's finally successful. It's not easy!"

Duan Peng's face also has joy.

Last night, after a robot attacked the city and retreated, good news came from Ning Xu. The city defenders showed submission. They were willing to accept Ning Xu's command and the leadership of Dongjia Village, and the city garrison mecha team had already expressed submission a few days ago.

The whole plan was formulated by Duan Peng. Now that he has received such good news, how can Duan Peng be unhappy?

"Yes, it's not easy."

Duan Peng's voice fell, and the wall became quiet. Everyone smiled, as if they were enjoying the joy of success.

After five or six minutes, Dong Ming recovered from the enjoyment. Of course, Dong Ming still had a smile on his face, because as long as the robot left, the city would become the city of Dongjia Village.

"The first goal has been completed. What's the next step? Or wait for the robot to continue to attack the city?

The achievement of this goal is not only beneficial to Dongjiacun, but also an increase in confidence for Duan Peng. Duan Peng's face was full of confidence. Hearing Dong Ming's question, Duan Peng immediately shook his head gently.

"Of course not. Now that the robots have completed their mission, this battle should be over."

"So what are you going to do next?"

"The next step is naturally to save." With a light smile, Duan Peng continued, "Now the consumption of robots is almost the same. I intend to inform the whole city that the people in Dongjia Village will go out of the city to eliminate the robot leader and exchange for a stable time for the human beings in the whole city."

Sure enough, although I don't know what Duan Peng will do, Dong Ming has long been used to maximizing Duan Peng's interests.

The plan has been formulated for a long time. It is inevitable for Dongjia Village to eliminate the robot leader out of the city. However, after Duan Peng's actions, Dongjia Village's tactical arrangement seems to be for the whole city, and the citizens of the city will also be grateful or even submit to Dongjia Village.

Happy is happy, but Dong Ming was not blindly optimistic. He nodded. Dong Ming continued to say, "I have a question that I have wanted to ask you for a long time. There is no problem with your plan, but what should I do if this advanced intelligence runs?"

"Don't we have Wilton." With another smile, Duan Peng is still relaxed.

Dong Ming is a fierce general, but how could Dong Ming not consider such a simple question? Hearing Duan Peng's explanation, Dong Ming frowned instead.

"I know there is Wilton, but only you can command Wilton..." Dong Ming's face changed. "No, don't think about it. I'd rather let the robot than let you go. There are too many robots outside.

Things are always good and bad. Although Duan Peng's role in the village was important in the past, Dong Ming basically did not restrict Duan Peng's freedom. Every time Duan Peng went out to the city to practice, Dong Ming would agree. Now, after Duan Peng's wisdom was revealed, Dong Ming began to serve Duan Peng's safety. Think about it.

Duan Peng was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect Dong Ming to guess his plan so quickly. After a while, Duan Peng came to Dong Ming with a smile.

"Buncle Dong, just let me go, and I will keep myself safe..."

"Guarantee? What guarantee do you have? You should know that you are not alone now. The hope of the whole village is on you. What do you want me to explain to the people in the village?

Originally, he was still laughing, but when he heard Dong Ming's scolding, Duan Peng's face calmed down.

"I have to go."

Duan Peng's voice was very stable and firm. Hearing Duan Peng's voice, Dong Ming immediately raised his anger, but only for a moment, Dong Ming calmed his anger again.

Duan Peng is already the village head of Dongjia Village, and he has done better than Dong Ming in the position of village head of Dongjia Village. Of course, it is more because in front of people, Dong Ming must leave the face of the village head of Duan Peng.

"Then tell me your reason."

Looking at Dong Ming quietly and seeing that Dong Ming had calmed down his anger, Duan Peng became a little embarrassed, but only for a moment, Duan Peng opened his mouth again.

"Bunbo Dong, I know what you mean, but I also have a reason why I have to go. First of all, in terms of robots, the time left by robots is getting shorter and shorter. This time it's two advanced intelligences. What about next time? How much advanced intelligence will there be next time? How many other forces will continue to merge? The second is me. I prefer to go out and break out. I won't let me go this time. What about next time? Will there be no danger next time? ......”

Listening to Duan Peng's words, Dong Ming's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly. Finally, Dong Ming couldn't help interrupting Duan Peng's words.

"You just think of yourself. Why don't you think about the village? If this battle is over, the whole city needs your leader. If something happens, what should the people in the city do? What should we do?"

If it were someone else, Duan Peng would definitely be righteous, but in the face of Dong Ming, Duan Peng could only smile bitterly and even interrupt Dong Ming's words. Duan Peng could only wait quietly. When Dong Ming's words fell, Duan Peng said with a wry smile, "Dong Uncle, it is precisely because we took over the city that I must go out. Go."

Dong Ming opened his mouth, but this time Dong Ming's voice could not come out of Dong Ming's mouth, because Duan Peng's voice was full of bitterness, and Dong Ming was also very uncomfortable listening to it.

After a pause, he looked at Dong Ming quietly. After a while, Duan Peng took another breath.

"The city is now very stable, and everything has its own rules. Even without me, he can operate normally, but I am very worried about the city's combat effectiveness, so our soldiers must improve their current training methods through actual combat, or hone their skills from actual combat, compared with the future. For the battle, it should be safe this time, what do you think?

There was still bitterness in his voice. Listening to Duan Peng's voice, Dong Ming finally sighed.

Dong Ming has to admit that what Duan Peng said is very reasonable. The combat effectiveness of the city is indeed worrying, especially the city defenders. Although the number of city defenders is large, they are used to hiding behind the fortifications.

"All right!"

Dong Ming's voice with a long tail was very helpless, but anyway, Dong Ming finally agreed to Duan Peng's proposal.

Dong Ming's voice fell, and Duan Peng was immediately relieved.

"Thank you, Uncle Dong. Please rest assured that I will definitely protect myself and I will act with the mecha team."

was a little helpless, but Dong Ming still nodded. Anyway, it was safer inside the mecha than outside.


The battle continues.

In the city, people did not hide as usual. One by one, everyone came out of the war shelter and slowly gathered to the defense section of Dongjia Village.

On the wall, although everyone is still pouring energy bombs outside the wall, when the soldiers change the clips, their heads will involuntarily turn to the direction of Dongjia Village.

Everyone's faces are full of surprise, gratitude and worry.

After 16 days of fighting, the number of robots outside the city has decreased a lot, but from a distance, the city is still full of dense steel bodies.

But just now, Dongjia Village issued a notice to the whole city, and they decided to send a team to destroy the leader of the robot, thus ushering in a time to breathe for the city.

I can't climb the wall, and I can't see the situation on the wall, but everyone still quietly looks at the direction of the wall and prays silently for these warriors who are about to go on an expedition.

On the wall, Huang Chi, Li Hong, Li Tong, Duan Peng, Dong Ruo and other ten mechas are ready to set out.

Among the ten people, not only a few mechamen in Dongjia Village, but also two six-level mechamen who have just joined the city garrison mecha team in Dongjia Village have joined the team. The whole mecha team is completely composed of mechamen who are six-level or six-level mechamen.

Dong Ming and Gao Ming stood behind the mecha team, while Wilton stood between the two of them.

Of course, such a ranking does not mean that the mecha team is more powerful, but the mecha team is more suitable for group warfare. The mecha team is used to help Dong Ming and Gao Ming open the way.

Quietly, time passed by little by, debugging everyone's equipment, and Duan Peng's voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

"Xiao Wei."

The red light behind Wilton's ears turned on, and then Wilton's electronic synthesis sounded in everyone's ears.

"Let's go!"


It is worthy of a team of six-level mecha. Ten mechas maintain the same frequency, and the mecha also makes the same sound when it starts.

Ten mechas jumped off the wall.

All the mecha's hands danced on the keyboard in front of them.

Soon, an unmanned area appeared below the wall, and as soon as the space appeared, Dong Ming and Gao Ming also jumped from the wall with Wilton.

The wall was very high. They almost fell in a straight line and fell faster and faster. Seeing that they were about to hit the ground, Dong Ming and Gao Ming stretched out their hands almost at the same time.

One hand held Wilton's arm and pulled out his weapon with the other hand.

The weapon turns into a virtual shadow. If someone can see the movements of Dong Ming and Gao Ming clearly, they can find that the movements of Dong Ming and Gao Ming are highly consistent.

With the movements of Dong Ming and Gao Ming, the speed of the three figures fell suddenly, and when they reached the root of the wall, they almost stopped completely.


Dong Ming and Gao Ming did not stop, and they immediately started to catch up with the mecha.

In the process of marching, Wilton's voice sounded at the same time.

"32 degrees east."