
Chapter 131 retreat

Wilton is a tactical advanced intelligence. If Wilton hadn't only accepted Duan Peng's command, I'm afraid that the position of combat command would have fallen on Wilton long ago. Now, Wilton is the only one who can sense the other party's advanced intelligent position, so the position of command is naturally Wilton.

After more than half a month of fighting, the number of robots has been greatly reduced, but outside the city, robots are still dense. Of course, these robots do not hinder mecha propulsion.

A whole team of mechamen at level 6 or above, their hands danced rapidly on the keyboard, and the keyboard was full of shadows after their fingers danced, and in the shadows, there were several fingers moving slowly.

Suddenly, Wilton's voice sounded.

"32 degrees east."

It was not deliberately stated, but with Wilton's voice, almost all the mechas made the same action with Wilton's voice, and with their movements, all the mecha turned in the same direction at the same time.

On the city wall, the soldiers of Dongjia Village, as well as the observation teams sent by the exile forces and the city guards, their eyes widened, even the soldiers of Dongjia Village were no exception.

After coming to the city, everyone was training desperately. Even Dongjia Village's own soldiers did not expect that their village's mecha team had reached the current level.

Outside the city, robots are dense. Although the soldiers have long been used to the battle for more than half a month, and even the soldiers of the mecha team have been used to it, the battle of a team of ten six-level mechamen still makes the soldiers feel amazing.

It's too fast, it's too fast!

The whole mecha team is like an indestructible knife, and the team of those robots is being quickly cut open by this indestructible knife.

The city wall is about five kilometers away from the edge of the woodland, and the robots are desperately blocking it, but they can't stop the mecha from moving forward.

In just about ten minutes, this team of mecha is less than one kilometer away from the edge of the woodland.

"With all my strength!"

Wilton's voice sounded again in everyone's caller, just two words.

As the two words popped out, the speed in everyone's hands suddenly increased a little faster.

With everyone's movements, the formation of the mecha team quickly adjusted. From a distance, the whole mecha team suddenly turned into the shape of an arrow.

Huang Chi, the eighth-level mecha is at the front of the arrow, while Duan Peng, a mecha with seven-level combat power, closely follows Huang Chi.

With two sharp knives, and the two sharp knives exerted all their strength, the whole mecha team suddenly moved a little faster.

eight hundred meters......

As always.

500 meters......

It is getting closer and closer to the edge of the woodland, and at the same time, it is getting closer and closer to the position of advanced intelligence.

The mechas looked calm. They quietly stared at the display in front of them, and the movements in their hands became more and more stable.

Suddenly, Wilton's voice sounded. Unlike before, although it was still the electronic synthesis, Wilton's electronic synthesis showed a trace of anxiety.

"To the left, he is leaving!"

The sound fell, and the robots changed. A large number of robots surged in the direction of the mecha team. Even those robots that had been thrown behind by them and were attacking the city gave up the siege and rushed in their direction.

The pressure suddenly increased, the faces of the mecha warriors also changed, and the faces of many mecha warriors turned pale.

Wilton is a tactical advanced intelligence, but advanced intelligence is not 100% flawless, especially for commanding a group of human beings, and Wilton's shortcomings are even more obvious.

There was a crisis in the whole team, and Wilton did not speak again after a warning. He completely ignored the pressure in everyone's heart.

For good, there is also a good commanding person in the team.

The accident appeared, and his face changed. Duan Peng quickly came to his senses. He turned on the caller and shouted hurriedly, "Don't pay attention to it. Go straight ahead. The purpose of these robots is just to stop our footsteps. We can't let that robot run away!"

Not everyone in the mecha team has experienced such a battle. When the robot appeared, it was inevitable that everyone would panic, especially the two defenders had made several mistakes, and in order to cooperate with them, the speed of the whole mecha team was slowed down by them.

Huang Chi was very anxious and instinctively wanted to open his mouth and curse. Fortunately, Duan Peng's voice shouted out first, otherwise the two mechamen who had just joined Dongjia Village would definitely be unhappy.

After Duan Peng's voice, Huang Chi immediately reacted. Now these newly returned mechamen are still very fragile, far from cursing. As Duan Peng's voice fell, Huang Chi immediately shouted.

"Don't care about the robots around you. These robots can't cause harm to you. Follow me and don't think about anything!"

After mentioning these mecha warriors, Huang Chi started his old job again.

I only heard a 'pop~' keyboard sound, Huang Chi's King Kong's hand went down, and the two robots fell into Huang Chi's hand. In an instant, Huang Chi's King Kong had two more sledgehammers.

If it is killing, Huang Chi will definitely not be able to do this, but when it comes to opening the way, the effect of two sledgehammers is obviously better.

'When, when, when...'

A series of loud noises, and there was already a crowded robot team in front of them, but under Huang Chi's attack, the robot team was hit by Huang Chi's 'sledgehammer'.

Following this, Duan Peng's King Kong also copied with both hands, and two 'sledgehammers' appeared in the hands of King Kong.

'When, when, when...'

'When, when, when...'

It's more lively, just like walking into the mecha factory, one after another, one after another, the sound of metal impacts sounded, and the front and even next to it, there were robots everywhere.

Because several mechamen's combat experience was insufficient, the mecha team slowed down a little after the robot surrounded them, but now, when the sound keeps ringing, the robot is crooked, and the morale of the mechamen is also raised by the bravery of Duan Peng and Huang Chi.

One after another mecha grabbed the robot, and almost all the mecha held a sledgehammer in their hands. Of course, they don't have to fight like Huang Chi and Duan Peng. The role of the sledgehammer in their hands is only to prevent those robots with energy swords in their hands and threats to them from approaching.

The speed of the mecha team rose again in an instant.

One minute...100 meters...

Finally approaching the edge of the woodland, everyone seemed to be a little excited, but one person slowly frowned.

With the advance of the mecha team, Duan Peng's heart has risen to his throat.

After more than half a month of fighting, Duan Peng felt that the remaining number of robots should not be too much. Of course, this is only Duan Peng's inference. When the robots of the two forces converge together, Duan Peng does not know how much is left, so Duan Peng can only pray that the robots in the original war zone have not been replenished, otherwise Lin If it is full of robots, Peng's beheading plan can only be a dream.

While pushing forward, Duan Peng stared at the display in front of him and looked carefully.

However, although it is close to the woodland, the light in the woodland is not good, and the woodland is full of trees. Duan Peng can't see the situation in the woodland clearly. He can only see that the edge of the woodland is full of robots.

50 meters...

Duan Peng almost got his eyes into the display, but unfortunately, he still couldn't see clearly.

20 meters...

Duan Peng finally breathed a sigh of relief after staring at the distance from 100 meters to 20 meters.

The outer layer of the woodland is full of robots, but fortunately, there are not too many robots in the woodland, and they only extend about 20 meters inside the woodland.

"There are still 40 meters left, work harder!"

As soon as he saw the situation in the woodland, Duan Peng shouted loudly, and with Duan Peng's voice, the mecha soldiers were refreshed, and the movement speed of the whole mecha team seemed to be a little faster.

Although they have got out of the predicament, these mechas are still under great pressure in the face of so many robots, and these mechamen are suddenly refreshed when they call Duan Peng.


On the wall, Ning Xu urged the soldiers to attack while looking back.

In half a month, the soldiers of the city garrison have almost been reincarnated to Dongjia Village several times. After reincarnation, these soldiers have become different from before. Although they still can't reach the tacit understanding of Dongjia Village or the efficient lethality of Dongjia Village, the soldiers have learned to cooperate, at least they have learned to I tried.

Looking at all this, Ning Xu's heart was full of emotion, and his guilt for Qian Boyu was finally completely released by Ning Xu.

Looking quietly and waiting, suddenly, a surprised voice sounded in Ning Xu's ear.

"The robot has retreated! The robot retreated!"

was the observer, and with the surprised cry of the observers, the cheers of the soldiers also sounded on the wall.

Dongjiacun has issued a notice that they will fight back against the robot in the afternoon. Now, not long after Dongjia Village's mecha team has left the city, the robot has begun to retreat. At the same time, everyone is inevitably a little excited.

It was not only the soldiers of the city garrison, but soon the whole city sounded cheers.

It seems that the robot really retreated. In the cheers of the crowd, Ning Xu opened his mouth silently.

"So fast!?"


Boss Hu, Song Tianxing and others were also full of shock.

is really too fast. Although I have been prepared for a long time, the result is really too fast.

Looking at each other quietly, everyone found bitterness in each other's eyes.

For a long time, Song Tianxing, who had been dissatisfied with Boss Hu, opened his mouth. He said bitterly from Boss Hu, "Your decision is right!"


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