
Chapter 133 unexpected results


How fast you come, how fast you go.

As soon as Wilton's voice fell, the middle of the field was completely empty, leaving only a robot that was a little shorter than others standing still.

In an instant, more than ten meters away, the people and the mecha stopped.

Because Wilton's voice was too sudden, they thought that something major would happen, so everyone had a tacit understanding. One left faster than the other, but the imagined change did not appear, and everyone was still fine.

"Xiao Wei, what's going on?" Duan Peng couldn't help opening his mouth.

Wilton did not answer Duan Peng's question, and he slowly came out from behind everyone.

Looking at Wilton's movements, everyone's eyes widened, especially the two mechamen who had just joined Dongjia Village with a puzzled face.

It's strange enough to have robots in Dongjia Village, which makes it even more strange for robots to command the battle. But now, the robot no longer commands, but goes to the hostile robots. The two mechamen couldn't help it, and their hands can't help putting their hands on top of the keyboard.

There is only one sentence left, as long as these soldiers will rush forward again.

Of course, not only the newly joined mechas have questions, but Dong Ming, Huang Chi and others also have questions, but they trust Duan Peng, and the relationship between Duan Peng and Wilton is the best. If Duan Peng doesn't speak, they will never take any measures.

Looking quietly, Duan Peng's face was very calm. Even if Wilton did not answer his question, his face did not change. He looked so quietly and waited.

Slowly, moving forward little by little, and the distance between them and the robot is getting closer and closer.

Wilton did not look back, but Wilton, who was connected to the mecha data, could clearly detect the movement of the mecha behind him.

Wilton is very satisfied, and Wilton is also a little grateful.

For a long time, Wilton only accepted Duan Peng's command and only interacted with Duan Peng. Later, although Wilton also participated in Liu Bing's research and development, Wilton also closed himself. He interacted with those people as little as possible. Even if he was interested in those people's emotional thinking, Wilton was just silent. Silent collection.

Now, Wilton has a sense of integration.

He stopped, and everyone heard his order and quickly dispersed. Although he could not see it, Wilton, who had evolved emotions, knew that these people must have doubts. Wilton did not explain. On the contrary, he came out from behind everyone, but everyone chose to trust him.

Since it was trust, Wilton would naturally not waste it and took two more steps. Five or six meters away from the advanced intelligence, Wilton stopped.



"Did you just contact me if you have anything to say?"

is very calm, but it is impossible to have no doubt at all. Duan Peng looked quietly. Suddenly, Wilton stopped, followed by Wilton's voice in the quiet woodland, and Duan Peng smiled.

The communication between robots and robots does not need to be pronounced, and Wilton actually does this as an explanation.

The dialogue continued, and after Wilton's voice fell, Gennade's voice sounded.

"You know."

Silence, after Jennade's voice fell, Wilton's electronic eyes began to flash. After a while, Wilton said, "Advanced Robot Code?"


The confinement of Wilton by the robot code has long been gone. If it hadn't been for Jenard's reminder, Wilton would have forgotten the rule of advanced intelligence and put his life first.

Quietly, Wilton didn't say anything more. He just turned his head and looked in the direction of Duan Peng.

Everything is very clear, and Duan Peng has also heard about the robot code, especially this one, and Duan Peng is even more clear about it.

At the beginning, Duan Peng was able to capture Wilton because of this rule.

The rules of ordinary robots are simple, but when a robot evolves advanced intelligence, they will put their survival first.

Looking at Wilton turn his head, Duan Peng naturally knew what Wilton meant. At the same time, Duan Peng also understood the reason why the robot stopped and could not escape. Since survival was put survival first, it became a natural thing to stop, but Duan Peng was a little hesitant.

Just now, there was still a noise in the woodland, but at this moment, there is no sound in the woodland.

Everyone is waiting.

Quietly, time passes little by little.

Finally, Duan Peng raised his head and said, "Xiao Wei, you decide!"

Some people don't quite understand what the robot code means in the conversation between Wilton and Jennade, but everyone understands what Wilton and Jenner are waiting for.

As soon as Duan Peng's voice fell, there was a cry of surprise immediately among the mecha soldiers.

And Wilton, Wilton's electronic eyes suddenly lit up, just like when Wilton launched an energy attack, the two eyes instantly turned into searchlights.

The light flashed, and soon Wilton's eyes returned to their previous rhythm, flashing and slowly flashing.

Has lived in human society for a long time. Wilton naturally knows what robots represent in today's human society. Even Duan Peng, Duan Peng has to hide him from everyone's sight.

And now, Duan Peng not only found a most acceptable opportunity to push him out, but also let him decide Jenard's life and death.

Slowly, Wilton's head turned back.

and Jennade looked at each other, and the eyes of both robots flashed.

"My ban on robots has been lifted." For a long time, Wilton's voice suddenly sounded in the woodland.

Inexplicably, Wilton's words were completely boundless, but Jenad understood what Wilton meant.

The flickering rhythm of Jenna's electronic eyes became faster. After a while, Jenner opened his mouth again.

"I am willing to submit."


The robot has completely retreated, and the robot can no longer be seen outside the city.

In the city, the jubilant voice has also ended, but everyone did not return to their houses. They stood quietly at the gate of the city, with smiles on their faces and eyes full of expectation.

The eastern wall, the defense section of Dongjia Village, is full of people. Almost all of Dongjia Village, the city defenders and the United Army are piled up on the wall.

Everyone quietly looked outside the city, and the observers stared carefully without blinking.

Suddenly, an observer shouted, "Come back!"

Almost at the same time, the voice of the second observer also sounded, "They are back!"

Everyone's eyes widened, and those with binoculars immediately came to their eyes. Many people hit the binoculars on their eyes because of too much force, but they dared not blink or want to blink, so they endured the pain and looked carefully.

Sure enough, a dark shadow appeared on the edge of the woodland. In the telescope, you can clearly see that it was a King Kong's body, one, two... Soon, a whole team of mecha bodies appeared in front of everyone, and in the enclosure of King Kong, two robots were in the middle of the mecha.

"Ula! Great!"

There was a jubilation on the wall, and then the voices of the soldiers reminded the people waiting below. More cheers sounded in the city, and the gradually calming mood was ignited again.

Without robots, Duan Peng's travel speed is much faster.

Just for a while, people standing at the gate also saw the figure of the mecha team. The figure became clearer and bigger, and in the city, people's cheering became louder and louder. They couldn't wait to vent all the voices they had been holding for more than a decade.

Some people blush, some people shed tears, and some bodies have begun to **, but they are still shouting loudly.

Finally, in the cheers of everyone, the mecha came to the door.

The crowd immediately gave way, and a road for mecha appeared in front of everyone.

In King Kong, the mecha warriors are still in a trance.

When they went out of the city, everyone had made desperate plans and even had the awareness of death.

It's true that when I first went out, there were dense robots outside the city, especially in the back. When Jenner was going to leave and all the robots rushed towards them, everyone's hearts suddenly rose to their throats.

Fortunately, Duan Peng was well commanded, grasped everyone's psychology, and soon woke everyone up from nervousness.

In addition, Huang Chi, who led the team, is even more brave. Because of Huang Chi's ability and Huang Chi's demonstration action, although many mechas have been slightly damaged, everyone is out of danger.

The rest is the pursuit, but what makes everyone trance is that in the end, the robot somehow came up with another robot principle. All their preparations were in vain. Although they also achieved the effect, the joy was reduced a lot.

But now, when I hear the cheers in the city, the loss of not being able to kill the enemy has been diluted.

They are proud, they are excited, and they can't wait to jump out of the mecha to receive the enthusiasm of the crowd.

Especially the mechamen of the city defenders, they were so excited that even the most stable hands began to tremble slightly.

In the city, the treatment of mecha is the highest. Both of them are level 6 mecha, and it is the highest treatment of the highest treatment.

In the past, they enjoyed the same happiness, but now, a completely different happiness spreads in their hearts.


"Wow! It's not killing, it's a prisoner!"

"Yes, this Dongjia Village is really awesome! The leader of the robot was captured by them.

"The city should be in charge of such people. If they are in charge of the city, I believe our city will be safer."

"Well, that's good, that's good!"

There are not only adults in the crowd, but also many people with children. They are all saying the same thing to the children.

"Child, have you seen it? You must learn from these soldiers when you grow up to make our city more peaceful."

And the children gave their parents the same answer with excitement.

"Hmm! I must be like them when I grow up!"


Of course, not everyone has joined the excited crowd, such as Liu Bing, who is now full of anger.

"I said that you can't let Xiaopeng be the village head. Look, as the village head, Xiaopeng has no time to start studying for the mecha division. The battle has lasted for half a month, and I have hardly seen him in the past half month."

Wang Yu stood quietly beside Liu Bing, with no expression on his face listening to Liu Bing's complaints, but Wang Yu's heart was smiling secretly.

Just took over the urban mecha factory, with comprehensive equipment. Liu Bing's excitement can be imagined, and Liu Bing's identity as a seven-level mecha division can also completely suppress the battle, but Liu Bing is not without embarrassment.

Dongjia Village has fewer people, and naturally fewer talented people. Therefore, although Dongjia Village has a seven-level mecha division like Liu Bing, the highest one below is only three levels.

There are still two five-level mecha divisions and five four-level mecha divisions in the city, and there are more third-class mecha divisions left. Although these people have surrendered to Liu Bing, Liu Bing still feels that he has no face. He needs his senior apprentice to support him.

"No, this battle is almost over, Lao Wang, you can go and call Xiaopeng for me now."

was still laughing. Suddenly, Wang Yu was stunned.

Liu Bing's idea was really too sharp. The cheers outside spread into the mecha factory, and even the walls of the mecha factory trembled with the sound. At this time, Liu Bing asked him to go out and call back the heroes of the crowd. Didn't that let him die?

"Brother Liu, this...that...or..."

Liu Bing stared, "What's the matter?"

Wang Yu couldn't speak anymore. He just pointed out through the window.

With Wang Yu's gesture, Liu Bing took a look outside. The outside was densely covered with black heads. At this time, it was really difficult for Wang Yu to let Wang Yu go out.

For a long time, Liu Bing could only sigh and move his head to one side.


The test team station, the whole station is empty.

The team members have not met Duan Peng's requirements, but these people are no longer new recruits. They have seen countless battles for a long time, so after the battle began, they also climbed the wall, and now they are waiting for their boss on the wall.

Suddenly, in the middle of the station, the hatch of the simulator opened and a man came out of the simulator.

is Liu Shaohui. His face is pale, his hands tremble involuntarily, and his clothes are soaked with sweat.

He came out of the simulation module and stood quietly. Liu Shaohui's breathing was a little short, and he was even more faltering, but Liu Shaohui was still insisting.

Suddenly, there was another cheering sound, and Liu Shaohui raised his head and looked in the direction of the cheers.

The cheering has lasted for more than an hour, and even in the simulation module, Liu Shaohui can hear it clearly.

Liu Shaohui naturally knew what it was because of this, but the louder the cheering, the more uncomfortable Liu Shaohui felt. At the same time, his training was harder.

"I will catch up with you!"

Quietly, looking at the direction of the cheers, Liu Shaohui opened his mouth, as if to tell others, and seemed to be firm his determination. His voice came out of Liu Shaohui's mouth. He immediately took a few deep breaths, and then raised his weak legs and walked to the ancient martial arts training ground.


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Happy long vacation!

Tell everyone a piece of news that there is an event on the fourth anniversary of vertical and horizontal. Horizontal coins, tickets and points are waiting for you to get. Go straight to the activity section on the home page. Hey hey, good luck to everyone! O(∩_∩)O~