
Chapter 1 New beginning

It has been more than a month since the last war, and the whole city has taken on a new look. Although the city is still that city, it gives people a completely different feeling.

First of all, people, and everyone in the city has a confident smile on their faces.

Then there is the building. More than a month later, there is a huge tower in the city.

In the middle of the city, the original building here was demolished and replaced by a huge tower. The tower covers an area of 1,100 square meters and is not very large, but it is very high, with a height of 563 meters.

Today is the day when the tower is completed. Duan Peng is rushing to the location of the tower.

The tower is already the tallest building in the city. From afar, you can see the appearance of the tower, but when everyone approaches, you can feel the shock brought by the tower.

Fortunately, the war with robots has only started for more than ten years. The people present have still seen such a building. Just for a moment, everyone came to their senses.

"Xiao Peng, do you think this will be useful?" Of course, Dong Ming knew what this was for, but with joy, Dong Ming's face was a little worried.

To be honest, Duan Peng was not very sure. Hearing Dong Ming's question, Duan Peng shook his head gently.

"I hope it works!"

Duan Peng has seen two robot fortresses, each of which has such a tall building.

At a young age, Duan Peng didn't know what the huge building was for. Later, at the end of the war, Duan Peng finally knew the use of the building from Wilton, Dong Ming and others.

It turns out that the huge building is a signal transmission tower.

Although the whole planet is divided into dozens or hundreds of war zones, each war zone is very large, and the signal coverage of command robots in the war zone is not wide enough, so this huge signal transmission tower appeared.

Whenever there is a large battle, the robot leader will use the transmission tower to transmit the command to each robot in the war zone, and the robot will begin to gather after receiving the order.

Duan Peng is still young and naturally has never seen such a thing. However, when Duan Peng understood the purpose of the transmission tower, Duan Peng suddenly had an idea.

Since robots can use the transmission tower to transmit signals, can they also use the signal transmission towers to collect the surviving humans on the planet?

Duan Peng told Dong Ming and other decision makers in the city about the idea.

To be honest, everyone doesn't agree with Duan Peng's idea.

Over the past ten years, we have never received a human signal for more than ten years, and now no one will receive the signal.

Of course, some people agree with Duan Peng's idea. For example, Ning Xu and Ning Xu think that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he should do it with all his strength.

Because of Duan Peng's proposal, Ning Xu's recognition of Duan Peng has also become higher.

The reason why Ning Xu fell out with Qian Boyu is that Qian Boyu's recognition of rights exceeds his recognition of human beings. Therefore, when Ning Xu heard that Duan Peng was willing to call and receive human beings with great fanfare, Ning Xu was very grateful.

does not agree or object, so the building eventually appeared in the city.

More than a month, the tower was finally built. Although most people don't agree with Duan Peng's idea, when everyone looks at the tower, they are also a little excited.

"Let's go up and have a look first!"

After looking at it for a while, Duan Peng issued an invitation, and soon everyone walked into the tower.

is completely a practical building. The inside of the tower is very rough and there is almost no decoration. Although it has just been completed, staff have been arranged in the building.

It was very lively. Seeing Duan Peng and others coming in, the staff immediately stopped their work. Everyone looked at the group of people with awe and grateful smiles.

There are not many people in Dongjia Village, but its combat effectiveness is very strong. The last war with robots was almost completely dominated by Dongjia Village, and it was completely different from the Qian Boyu era. Even the siege time of robots was dominated by Dongjia Village.

People in the city see hope, so the status of Dongjia Village in the city has become very high, especially Duan Peng. As long as Duan Peng appears in the city, almost everyone will greet Duan Peng with awe and gratitude.

At the beginning, Duan Peng was very uncomfortable. After all, he was still a young man. Suddenly, he accepted the grateful eyes of so many people. Duan Peng was a little uncomfortable.

However, it is only temporary. After more than a month, Duan Peng has been used to all this.

Facing the eyes of those staff, Duan Peng nodded with a smile and slowly walked to them.

How's it going? Can the signal be transmitted smoothly?"

Today is the day when the launch tower is completed. It is inevitable for Duan Peng and other decision makers to come to watch the ceremony. The staff have long known that it would be like this. When they saw Duan Peng, the staff were very excited, and Duan Peng walked to them and talked to them, and they were even more excited.

"No, I have tried to launch it."

With that, the staff walked to the workbench, grabbed the caller in front of the stage and began to shout.

"This is the Acropolis, coordinates XX, YY, and the city facilities are in good condition, which can provide you with living security. Welcome to live in the Acropolis..."

The voice of the staff was smooth and clear, which made people feel comfortable, but listening to the voice of the staff, Duan Peng frowned.

He grabbed the speaker, and his voice was stable, but the staff was very excited. As he spoke, he stared at Duan Peng closely. Seeing that Duan Peng frowned, the staff immediately stopped.

"Yes, is there something I haven't done well?" Very nervous, Duan Peng is much younger than him, but when questioning, the staff swallowed.

Duan Peng was thinking with a frown. Seeing the cautious attitude of the staff, Duan Peng immediately stopped thinking and smiled.

"No, it's none of your business. I just feel that there seems to be something missing in the shouting."

At the beginning, when they heard that it was none of their business, the staff's face relaxed a little, but after hearing it, the staff became nervous again.

"I'm sorry, we didn't think about it carefully. If there is anything wrong, you said, we will change it right away."

The superior is like this. It's just that an inadvertent sentence will cause the shock below. Looking at the nervous appearance of the staff, Duan Peng smiled bitterly, but it was not easy for Duan Peng to take back what he said. Besides, Duan Peng really felt inappropriate before he opened his mouth.

It was just a meal, and Duan Peng waved his hand again.

"It's not so serious, you don't have to worry." Just one sentence, Duan Peng did not continue to be entangled in this issue. Since he is the superior, he must consider the problem from the perspective of the superior. "I make a little opinion. You see, you have shown the coordinates and put forward our superiority in your shouting, but you forgot to consider one thing. Outside, many people Avoiding the pursuit of robots, it is already very difficult for them to survive. Even if they hear the news, they are just powerless. Do you think you can add assistance to the content of the shouting, such as those closer to us, they can respond to us, and we will send a team to meet them.

Sure enough, when it comes to substantive content, the staff look much better.

Not only the staff, but also the decision makers behind Duan Peng also began to think. Just a moment, Song Tianxing opened his mouth.

General Duan, will this be a little bold? Let our soldiers go out of the city to greet them, which is too..."

I didn't finish speaking, but Song Tianxing stopped halfway, but everyone understood what Song Tianxing meant.

Indeed, the whole world is full of robots, and there is only such a quiet paradise as the city. If you let the soldiers of the city take risks for outsiders, the price is too high.

Of course, if there is opposition, there is approval. As soon as Song Tianxing's voice fell, Ning Xu's voice also sounded.

"I don't think there is any problem with such an arrangement. Think about it, the world is already full of robots. If we don't greet them, how can those survivors cross several war zones to come to us even if they get our news?"

What Song Tianxing said is reasonable, and what Ning Xu said is also reasonable. For a while, the launch tower became quiet, and everyone's eyes looked at Duan Peng.

Although this idea was put forward by Duan Peng, as a ruler, Duan Peng can't just follow his own preferences.

Duan Peng frowned and thought for a long time before Du Peng said, "I think this should be added. Of course, what Captain Song said is also very reasonable, but everyone forgot one. Even if no one asks for help, our soldiers will also go outside the city to practice, and someone will send a distress signal. It's just to put the scope of the soldiers' experience a little further.

Duan Peng's voice fell, and the signal tower became quieter and quieter. Everyone was thinking.

Half a sound, someone finally opened his mouth.

is Huang Chi. Sometimes Huang Chi's big mouth is embarrassing, but Duan Peng has to admit that sometimes this big mouth is also easy to open the deadlock.

"I agree with Xiaopeng." He glanced around on everyone's faces, as if he was fighting against others. Huang Chi's eyes stared wide. "After more than a month of training, the soldiers have reached a bottleneck. If they still want to make progress, the only way is to fight, so I support Xiaopeng's opinion."

"I agree, too." The people of Dongjia Village maintained a high degree of consistency. Although this is not the time for Duan Peng to support, after Huang Chi's voice fell, Gao Ming's voice also sounded, "Our team of soldiers has also reached the bottleneck, and now it needs to be tested by actual combat."

Song Tianxing looked quietly and glanced at everyone's faces. After a long time, Song Tianxing opened his mouth again, and the expression on his face was a little helpless.

"Okay! Since that's the case, I have no problem with it."


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