
Chapter 9 Next

The camp became quiet, and Li Tong and others frowned again.

Quietly, several people sat quietly. Although they were sitting on the empty plain, at this moment, the air where Duan Peng and others were located seemed to condense, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

"Xiaopeng, why don't you..." Thinking about it, suddenly Li Tong raised his head and his eyes glowed dazzlingly in the dark. "Why don't we let Wilton seduce you?"

Li Tong's voice fell, and suddenly, several people sitting on the side raised it. They looked at Duan Peng at the same time, as if they had found a new continent, and almost everyone's eyes lit up like Li Tong.

Only Duan Peng, Duan Peng still frowned. When his eyes swept around everyone's faces, Duan Peng sighed again.

"It doesn't work..."

Duan Peng just sighed, and everyone already knew what Duan Peng wanted to say. Listening to Duan Peng really say it, Wang Xing, Zhong Li and Dong Ruo's heads had been lowered. They were not as good as Duan Peng in terms of strategy. Naturally, Duan Peng did what they said.

Of course, some people are full of doubts. Duan Peng only said three words, and Li Tong interrupted Duan Peng's words anxiously.

"Why, didn't you do this before?"

Helpless, looking at Li Tong's anxious appearance, Duan Peng showed a helpless smile on his face, and after a while, Duan Peng explained with a wry smile, "Brother Tong, it's different."


Li Tong opened his mouth again. Of course, Li Tong was not against Duan Peng, he was just anxious.

Of course, Duan Peng knew the reason why Li Tong opened his mouth and did not let Li Tong speak. Duan Peng continued to explain: "In the past, we were relatively strong and had a large number of people. Even if we brought out all the robots, although we were at a disadvantage, we would not be too difficult, and now..."

With Duan Peng's words, Li Tong's head finally lowered slowly, and Wang Xing and others beside Duan Peng, who had lowered their heads, also had a lot of enlightenment on their faces.

He is also a follower of Duan Peng. Wang Xing will not oppose Duan Peng's plan most of the time, nor will he question Duan Peng's plan, but this does not mean that Wang Xing has no doubt. He just hides the doubts in his heart, and Duan Peng's explanation can be regarded as completely solving the questions in their hearts.

I have to admit that what Duan Peng said was right.

Wilton has sent two signals, and the two signals have shown one thing - once Wilton sends a signal, it heralds the arrival of the decisive battle.

It's different from the city. Here, Duan Peng and others only have 20 mecha and 100 elite warriors. Although the mecha and elite warriors have shown strong combat ability in today's battle with robots, Wilton sends signals and the decisive battle with robots is coming. Even if such a little power, No matter how elite and powerful it is, how long can it support in the decisive battle with robots?

Humans and robots are completely different. As long as robots are supported by energy, they will never be tired, but what about human beings? Even mecha warriors can't last too long under high-intensity battles. As for soldiers, the time they can support may be shorter.

Everyone's eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter, especially Duan Peng. The wrinkles between Duan Peng's eyebrows can almost kill flies.

Everyone will only think according to Duan Peng's words, but Duan Peng's words are not completely finished, and he still hides a deeper idea in his heart.

Almost every small war zone has an advanced intelligence, and each advanced intelligence will have a strong combat power. Now, Duan Peng and others are standing in front of the robot branch. It is certain that the robot branch has advanced intelligence, but the robot branch will also have only one advanced intelligence like the small war zone. Can it be?

Duan Peng is not sure about this.


The soldiers were speechless all night, and the soldiers had woken up, and Duan Peng and others were still full of sadness.

You can't blame Duan Peng and others. In the face of shrinking tactics such as robots, Duan Peng and others really can't think of any good way.

Of course, there is no way. As Li Tong said, Duan Peng and others can't afford to let Wilton send a signal.

" boss, shall we continue today as we did yesterday?"

Finally, someone couldn't help coming to Duan Peng.

I can't help it. The battle process of Duan Peng's more than 20 soldiers is really desirable. If Li Tong hadn't said that anyone who didn't have a good rest could not participate in today's battle, I guess they would have talked excitedly for one night.

Facing the flattering smiles of the soldiers, Duan Peng's face showed helplessness. At the same time, Li Tong's eyes also turned to one side.

I'm really a little embarrassed. The soldiers are rubbing their hands excitedly, but their leaders can't meet the soldiers' wishes to fight.

For a long time, facing the excited soldiers, Duan Peng could only say helplessly, "Well, let's get ready. We'll leave in a while."

The soldiers did not see what was wrong with the leaders. Hearing Duan Peng's words, they immediately left with a smile.

And in the camp, Li Tong watched the soldiers leave with a more sad face.

Last night, Li Tong personally promised these soldiers that they would have a happy battle today. Li Tong can't imagine what kind of expression these soldiers would look if they knew that today would be an empty joy.

Embarrassed and depressed. After a while, Li Tong raised his feet and walked outside the camp. As he walked, Li Tong was still cursing.

"These robots are really annoying. How can they learn such rogue tactics? Either they don't come out or all come out. This, this, this is too bullying."

Listening to Li Tong's helpless complaints, Duan Peng smiled helplessly. Li Tong was right. Robots are also too bullying, but unfortunately, in the face of the alternative bullying of robots, Duan Peng and they have no choice.

was smiling, and suddenly, the smile on Duan Peng's face froze.


Seeing that Li Tong was about to walk out of the camp, Duan Peng's voice made Li Tong stop immediately.

Li Tong's face was full of doubt, but soon, Li Tong's face showed ecstasy again.

"Have you come up with a solution?"

Duan Peng did not answer. He just looked at Li Tong in a stunned way, as if Li Tong's face was blooming.

After a while, Li Tong was almost stared at with goose bumps in Duan Peng's eyes. Duan Peng asked again, "What did you just say?"

Obviously, he thought of something. Duan Peng's voice and eyes were a little dull, but when he heard Duan Peng's question, Li Tong's face was full of surprise. He immediately replied with Duan Peng's question: "The robot is too bullying!"

was still dull. As soon as Li Tong's voice fell, Duan Peng's voice immediately sounded again, a little urgent.

"The previous sentence."

This time, Li Tong couldn't answer immediately. There was a thoughtful look on his face. After a few seconds, Li Tong said again, "Will it not come out or all come out?"

There was a trace of hesitation in Li Tong's voice. Although his words had only passed a few seconds, he was not sure whether this was the penultimate sentence.

But fortunately, after Li Tong's voice fell, Duan Peng's face immediately showed ecstasy.

In the tent, several other people looked stupid.

The dialogue between Duan Peng and Li Tong was really strange, but they didn't move, and even their breathing was much slower than usual. Just looking at Duan Peng's expression, they knew that Duan Peng must have thought of something.

Sure enough, after just a few words, Duan Peng's face showed ecstasy, and with Duan Peng's ecstasy, they also breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Why didn't I think of it?" Duan Peng patted his forehead fiercely, and then Duan Peng immediately looked up at the people around him, "I've figured out a way!"

Looking at Duan Peng patting on the forehead, Dong Ruo, who had already thought about it, was angry and funny.

"Look at your appearance, you will know that you have come up with a solution. Do you want to pat your head? Does it hurt?"

At first, it was still blamed, but later, Dong Ruo's voice was full of concern.

In the face of Dong Ruo's concern, Duan Peng was a little embarrassed, and the smile on his face turned into a smile, "Hey, I'm so excited, it doesn't hurt."

Duan Peng's smile was just fleeting. When he finished talking to Dong Ruo, the smile on his face immediately converged, and his face turned to the people waiting around him.

"Brother Tong's words just reminded me that the robots either don't come out or all come out. You said that after all the robots come out, what will be left in the fortress?"

What else will be left?

It was ecstatic, and everyone had a surprised smile on their faces.

All the robots are chased out, and the rest of the fortress are naturally prisoners, and they are still prisoners without robot care.

But the smile did not last long, especially Li Tong. After a while, Li Tong frowned.

"But the part that leads to the robot..."

As Li Tong spoke, everyone frowned.

Li Tong's words are not finished, but everyone has understood what Li Tong means.

Duan Peng's plan is obvious that everyone will be divided into two parts, one part to attract robots, and the other part will rescue people, while Li Tong is worried about the part of the robot.

Also, there are 100,000 robots in a war zone. Although nearly 10,000 robots have been destroyed yesterday, no one can say how many robots will be in the fortress now. After all, this is a branch of robots, not an ordinary small war zone.

However, Duan Peng did not embarras everyone. Li Tong's voice just fell, and Duan Peng's voice immediately sounded.

"I will do the part of attracting robots myself."

"No!" Duan Peng's voice fell, and all the others in the camp shouted. Everyone's voice was very resolute and left no room for Duan Peng to object at all.

What are you kidding? Although this incident is for Duan Peng, the current Duan Peng does not belong to him. He is also the leader of a city. No one dares to let Duan Peng take such a risk.