
Chapter 10 Changes

Calculations, this is the third day near the robot branch.

In the three days, people have no time to study this fortress at all. Their minds are all focused on how to draw out the robot, and now, Li Tong and others finally have free time.

Quietly, Li Tong stood in front of the fortress with ten King Kong, five humanoid mecha, and all the elite soldiers. The team was only 200 meters away from the fortress, just outside the range of the energy bomb.

Unlike human cities, although the robot fortress is also a giant city, the robot city is made of all metal. In the sun, the surface of this huge fortress is covered with a layer of metal streamer.

It was really too big. As soon as they walked to the front of the fortress, Li Tong and others felt the pressure brought by the fortress, but soon, the pressure of Li Tong and others disappeared.

An hour ago, Duan Peng finally came up with a solution. Almost everyone opposed Duan Peng's proposal. No one could watch Duan Peng take risks, but Duan Peng just said nothing to say.

"Who else can command Xiaowei besides me?"

Everyone looked at each other. Yes, using Wilton is the best way to break the situation, but they have forgotten one most important thing. Wilton only listens to Duan Peng's command, that is to say, as long as this method is used, the person who leads the robot is Duan Peng.

Of course, Duan Peng's words made everyone very helpless, but it was not that no one objected, especially Li Tong. Almost when Duan Peng had already decided, Li Tong proposed to give up the plan, but what plan should be used to replace it?

With no choice, Li Tong and others had to retreat. They asked to lure the enemy together with Duan Peng.

But it's a pity that in addition to lure the enemy, Duan Peng also needs a capable commander. After all, even if Duan Peng is a god, he can't command both sides at the same time.

And Li Tong is obviously the best candidate for the conductor on the other side.

frowned and was reluctant, but Li Tong could only take people to the front of the fortress.

Of course, Li Tong still has illusions. He hopes that his arrival can lead the robot out, so that Duan Peng does not have to take risks, but unfortunately, Li Tong's fantasy is shattered again.

With people, they have stood under the fortress for more than an hour, but there is still no sign of the robot coming out.

"Brother Tong, how's it going? Give up, right?"

Standing quietly, finally, Duan Peng's voice sounded in the speaker in front of Li Tong, with a harsh smell in his voice.

Duan Peng and Li Tong have a good relationship. Basically, they have never talked to Li Tong in such a tone, but this time, Duan Peng really couldn't help it.

This is the fifth time Duan Peng asked Li Tong, but every time Duan Peng asked, Li Tong said wait.

According to Duan Peng's temper, Duan Peng couldn't wait to start directly, but Duan Peng couldn't do it, because Li Tong stood at the gate of the fortress. If Duan Peng leads, once the robot leaves the city, Li Tong and the others will face the first wave of attacks of robots, which is not the result that Duan Peng wants.

With Duan Peng's urging, Li Tong looked at the fortress in front of him again, and the helplessness in his eyes became heavier and heavier, but Li Tong's eyes were not only helpless, but also a glimmer of hope.

Although Duan Peng's voice has become less impatient, Li Tong still hopes to have a miracle.

About two kilometers away from the fortress, five mecha and a robot stood quietly. They were followed by ten-generation scooters, which were full of energy.

Li Tong could not come, because Li Tong wanted to command the battle of another team, but several other people did not have such concerns. They all followed Duan Peng. Although the next battle would be very difficult, Dong Ruo, Wang Xing and others could not see any tension on their faces.

Wait quietly, one minute, two minutes...

It was not easy to put on a harsh expression, but with the passage of time, the serious expression on Duan Peng's face disappeared, and only a bitter smile reappeared on Duan Peng's face.

"Brother Tong, just give up. There is no need to drag it any longer. It doesn't make sense to drag it down."

Duan Peng's voice fell, and the mecha became quiet again. The bitter smile on Duan Peng's face became heavier and heavier, but Duan Peng had no choice but to wait for Li Tong's transformation. After all, Li Tong was also for his good.

It's more than a minute.

Duan Peng couldn't help opening his mouth again. Suddenly, Li Tong's voice sounded in the speaker, with a strong helplessness.

"All right!"

Duan Peng has opened his mouth, but Duan Peng's words were blocked by Li Tong.

Li Tong's procrastination was a little helpless in Duan Peng's eyes, but Duan Peng was more moved, especially Li Tong's helpless voice in the end, which moved Duan Peng.

Opening his mouth, Duan Peng did not order to act at the first time. He sat stunned and stared at the switch of the telephone. After a sound, Duan Peng said again, "Thank you! I will definitely come back alive."

The dialogue between Duan Peng and Li Tong did not block others. Everyone could hear the dialogue between them, but they did not interrupt. Everyone just waited quietly.

When the dialogue between Li Tong and Duan Peng ended, the whole space seemed to become silent again, and no sound could be heard.

Standing beside Duan Peng, Wang Xing and others burst into tears in their eyes.

I was moved, but more fortunately, because they don't have to command the battle, because they can fight with Duan Peng.

In the silence, time slipped away again. No one made a sound or broke the silence, and Li Tong, the person involved in the incident, did not make any more sound.

Finally, more than ten minutes later, Li Tong's voice sounded.

"All right."

The voice is very short and tired, and he didn't even say things like take care to Duan Peng. It doesn't look like Li Tong's style at all, but this just shows Li Tong's current mood.

Duan Peng could understand that when Li Tong's short words came out of the caller, Duan Peng didn't say much. He just nodded gently, and Duan Peng's eyes turned to the direction of the monitor.

"Are you ready?"

Duan Peng's voice was a little low. With Duan Peng's voice, Zhong Li's voice sounded.

"I'm fine!" Zhong Li.

Dong Ruo followed closely, "I'm fine, too."

Next is Wang Xing, "Okay."

And the last one, also the fastest progress after entering Duan Peng's experimental team - Gao Fei, no one expected that Gao Fei would stand up without hesitation in the face of such a dangerous battle.

"It's early!"

As always, Gao Fei's words were still frivolous, but Gao Fei's trembling voice betrayed Gao Fei's current mood.

Of course, no one will laugh at Gao Fei at this time. Gao Fei's voice just fell, and Duan Peng opened his mouth again.

"Xiao Wei, please."

Wilton has been standing quietly aside, and his electronic eyes did not flash at a glance, just like a piece of iron. Now, with Duan Peng's voice, Wilton's eyes immediately lit up, followed by a red light behind Wilton's ears.

Wilton didn't say anything, but when they saw the light in Wilton's eyes, everyone knew that Wilton had launched.

In an instant, everyone held their breath and their eyes fell on the display in front of them.

Look closely.

Five seconds...

The fortress is still the same fortress, and there is almost no response.

Because it is program control, the robot's reaction is much faster than that of humans, but now the robot's reaction is too strange. Even as usual, Duan Peng left three seconds to the robot's response time, and the robot's fortress should have responded, but now, the gate of the fortress is still motionless.


With doubt, the perspective of the mecha display turned to Wilton on one side.

Originally, it was just a habit, as if watching people talk, but with the movement of the mecha perspective, Wilton showed his figure in the display, and Duan Peng almost jumped up from the seat.

Different from usual, Wilton's eyes always flashed white light. Even if Wilton usually uses signals to attack, the light in his eyes has become brighter. Now, the light in Wilton's eyes is chaotic.

Red infrared, green night vision, yellow thermal energy... Several kinds of light are constantly changing in Wilton's eyes.

However, the strangest thing is not the light in Wilton's eyes, but the movement in Wilton's hand.

There are not many people coming out this time. Maybe no one can protect Wilton during the war, coupled with Duan Peng's trust in Wilton. Before coming out this time, Duan Peng was not only a warrior and mecha, but also equipped Wilton with weapons.

Now, Wilton's weapon has been held in his hand, his hand keeps lifting and falling, and the weapon in his hand has glowed with energy-gathering white light.

"Xiao Wei, what's wrong with you?"

Duan Peng shouted anxiously. Although Wilton is a robot, Wilton has helped Duan Peng many times. Duan Peng has regarded Wilton as a life and a real friend.

Looking at Wilton, although Duan Peng did not know what had happened, Duan Peng seemed to feel Wilton's pain.

And with Duan Peng's voice, Wilton finally responded.


Wilton's voice was difficult and intermittent, but Duan Peng understood what Wilton meant.

They wanted to use Wilton's signal to notify the robot inside, and then use the robot's guidelines to bring out the robot in the fortress, but now there is an accident. The robot has not come out at all, and they don't need it at all, because now they are using the signal to control Wilton.

Of course, Wilton is still struggling, but after hearing Wilton say that it will be destroyed, Duan Peng and others know how serious the current situation is.

Several other people also heard the dialogue between Duan Peng and Wilton. As Wilton's voice ended, Zhong Li's mecha lifted the gun and the charged white light lit up.

The light of energy is getting brighter and brighter.

Duan Peng didn't notice it. He stared closely at Wilton in the display, and his heart had been in a mess for a long time.