
Chapter 25 Highlighting the Encirclement

Just use the energy gun, and the energy gun needs to control the rhythm, so the keyboard tapping sound in the cockpit is not dense, but with Duan Peng's command, the tapping sound in the cockpit immediately changed.

'pa pa......'

The dense tapping sound was almost connected, and a phantom appeared in the hands of Wang Xing and others, and with the tapping, the mecha immediately began a new action.

Five mechas moved, like five joyously dancing butterflies, with no fixed direction and no rules to look for.

With more than four meters and nearly five meters, the robot is very tall, but at this moment, five huge metal bodies give people a sense of dexterity, and their dance also gives people a natural beauty.

Of course, although it was moving, the movements in Duan Peng's hand did not stop at all. The night sky was still as bright as day, and the robot was still falling with Duan Peng's attack.

In the sea of robots, Li Tong and Wutai King Kong are about to come out of the ocean, but they didn't expect that thorns suddenly appeared on the shore of the coast - the robot showed an energy sword.

As the energy sword came out, the five King Kong's hands paused at the same time, and the mecha slowed down for a moment with their movements.

This is an energy sword, an energy sword that can cause damage to King Kong's body.

These five mechamen are all advanced after entering the city. They have not been baptized by war, and they are still a little strange to such a situation.

Fortunately, and Li Tong. Although the strangeness of the mecha warriors was very short, Li Tong still found it, and almost at the same time, Li Tong opened his mouth.

"Use a weapon and hold the robot as a weapon!"

Li Tong is not a rookie. He has fought many times and has experienced almost all kinds of situations. Just a moment, Li Tong has found a way to deal with it.

Li Tong not only ordered, but also made demonstration actions for his mecha warriors.

Almost as the order fell, Li Tong moved, and his fingers danced quickly on the keyboard, and the dense keyboard tapping sounded inside the cockpit.

With the sound, Li Tong's mecha also moved. Li Tong's mecha legs bent and his body leaned forward, and the two robots had fallen into Li Tong's mecha's hands.


As soon as the robot fell into the hands of the mecha, the arm of the mecha began to dance.

It's like two sledgehammers, smashing fiercely at the surrounding robots with shadows and the sound of wind.


A dense metal impact sounded, and with the sound of metal impact, the robot's already stable formation began to twist, and what is more encouraging is that the energy sword in the robot's hand has completely lost its function.

The blade of the energy sword is two meters long, but the robot's body is two meters long. Coupled with the arm length of the mecha, the two-meter-long sword body can't go straight to the mecha's body.

King Kong's driver was a little immature. They didn't know how to face the current situation, but Li Tong's movements woke them up, and with Li Tong's movements, they were even more like them.

King Kong is more suitable for close combat than Li Tong's mecha. They don't even have to bend their legs or lean forward. King Kong's arms just dig down, and the two robots appear in their hands.

They also began to dance, and they were more powerful because King Kong's arms were longer.


A dance music composed of metal impact sounded in the ocean of robots.

Five layers, and five layers can break through the encirclement of robots.

Four floors.

Three layers...

Finally, the encirclement of the robot was broken through, and there was no obstruction by the robot. Duan Peng and Li Tong could already see each other's figure. As the robot's encirclement was broken through, the hand speed of the mecha soldiers also increased sharply, as if they had broken through their own limits at this moment.

King Kong charged Duan Peng and others, and Duan Peng's movements in their hands became closer.

The movements in his hand became closer, but the expression on Duan Peng's face became more serious.

Li Tong and the others have come out and have reached the last moment. Duan Peng doesn't want to fail.

Sure enough, almost at the same time as Li Tong and the others launched the charge, the formation of the robot changed again.

Within range, all robots have changed weapons, and the energy sword in their hands has become an energy gun, and while changing the gun, the muzzle has already glowed with energy.

In the distance, those robots that were not within range did not give up. They all rushed in the direction of Duan Peng.

Watching closely, Duan Peng was waiting for this moment. Almost at the same time as the robot made changes, Duan Peng issued a new order to the caller.

"Brother Tong, change to a breakthrough!" Not only for Li Tong, but also for his own side, Duan Peng also has requirements, "Brother Li, priority goals in their respective areas!"

Time is running out, and the nervous fingers in my hands are a little trembling.

No one answered Duan Peng's order, but with Duan Peng's order, the tapping sound of the keyboard changed the rhythm.

With the change of rhythm, Li Tong took King Kong for a while, left and right, or even left and right, right and left. There is no rule to follow their way forward.

Duan Peng, Duan Peng's rhythm slowed down. While moving, Duan Peng and others stared at the display device in front of them.

The display is densely covered with the figure of robots, and there is a white light that gathers energy in front of all robots.

Watching closely, the energy bombs of the mecha were pouring out one by one, and with the shooting of the energy bombs, one robot after another lay down silently.

Although robots have replaced weapons and all robots have the light of energy bombs in front of them, if you pay attention to it, you will find that not all robots have the same light in front of them.

Some of them are brighter and some are darker, because the time of changing weapons is different, and the degree of energy accumulation is also a little different, and Duan Peng and others are now looking for the difference.

One robot after another fell down. If you look carefully, you will find that the fallen robots are the brightest energy among them.

But can this block the robot's attack?

Of course not. What Duan Peng did was just to delay the pace of the robot.

Finally, there are still robots full of energy.


The light of the energy bomb lit up, and there was more than one. In front of the light of the energy bomb, Duan Peng and the light of the energy bomb blinded their eyes.

Fortunately, Duan Peng and others did not look directly. They only distinguished through the display instrument, but in an instant, Duan Peng's eyes returned to vision, and their mecha began to block again.

Left and right, left and right, left and right, right and left...

The mecha moved rapidly. At this moment, all their potential exploded. The toes of the mecha just landed, and then quickly bounced up. The six mecha almost never stayed in one place for more than half a second.

But even so, Li Tong's forehead was covered with sweat, and his clothes were all soaked with sweat.

It's really horrible. Although they have never been locked by robots, the streamer still scares Li Tong - there are so many that even sitting in the cockpit, Li Tong seems to be able to hear the sound of energy bullets.

Once again, Li Tong's hand scratched on the keyboard, and the mecha moved to the left with Li Tong's tapping.

was still in the air, and before the foot of the mecha fell to the ground, Li Tong's mecha suddenly trembled, and the display inside the mecha also flashed.

I was shot, Li Tong was shot!

Li Tong's hand shook violently, but soon, Li Tong's hand continued to move again.

'Papa...' dense keyboard tapping sound.

The more he was shot, the more he couldn't stop. Stopting in the middle of the battlefield would only be a dead end. Li Tong tried to restore the balance of the mecha.

Fortunately, half a second later, the toes of the mecha landed and bounced up as usual, and as the mecha bounced, Li Tong was also relieved.

"Ah, captain!"

Li Tong is lucky, but will everyone be so lucky? Almost at the same time as Li Tong was relieved, a frightened voice sounded in the telephone.

Another person was shot, but he was just a rookie on the battlefield. The shock at the moment of being shot scared him. His mind had become blank, and his fingers became extremely stiff.

As his action stopped, the mecha also stopped, and as the mecha stopped, countless energy bombs concentrated on his mecha.

He shouted in horror, but as soon as his voice sounded, the whole King Kong had become full of holes, and he could not even see what King Kong was like.

With the cry of the new mobile phone, the other four armored men who were not shot also trembled violently. Although they were not shot, they felt fear in their hearts.

Fortunately, almost at the same time when they were scared, Duan Peng's voice sounded in the phone.

"Don't stop! Charge!"

Duan Peng shouted loudly, and at the same time, Duan Peng's eyes were bleeding.

With Duan Peng's cry, the mechamen summoned up their courage again, and their hands moved again. Of course, not everyone could have such a good mental quality, and another robot fell under the robot's energy gun.

Li Tong and Santai King Kong finally approached Duan Peng.


Approaching, there was no scolding, and there was no time to scold, Duan Peng had already given a new order.

All the mecha came together, and they quickly withdrew to the outside. At the same time of the evacuation, Duan Peng called the caller.

"Xiao Wei! Xiaowei! Where are you?

The charge of the advanced robot can catch up with the mecha, but Wilton is only a chip that is an advanced robot, and his body is still the same as that of ordinary robots. Therefore, when Duan Peng and others launched the charge, Wilton and the scooter were left behind by them.

One second, two seconds...

Quiet and silent, Duan Peng's heart was a little cold and his face was a little pale.

"Xiao Wei! Xiaowei! Where are you? After only two seconds, Duan Peng shouted at the caller again.