
Chapter 26 Captive Return to the City

Quietly, the whole world suddenly calmed down.

Duan Peng's face became ugly. Although the movements in his hand still continued, Duan Peng's heart was no longer in the mecha.

Once again, after a few seconds, Duan Peng picked up the caller again.

"Xiao Wei, answer me! I know you can hear my voice, and my problem has been solved!"

is different from the previous two. This time, Duan Peng's voice calmed down and there was almost no emotion in his voice.

After the call, Duan Peng waited with the last trace of hope, while others and others also waited quietly, especially Li Tong, who had turned pale.

One second...two seconds...

Time passes little by, and every second is as difficult as a century.

Two seconds later, everyone's hearts sank little by little. Suddenly, Wilton's response came from the caller.

"The robot is chasing me, but I'm fine. I'm heading north."

is still a plain electronic synthetic sound, but with the sound, everyone's hearts beat violently.

Great, Wilton is still alive.

Almost as Wilton's voice sounded, everyone's hand speed returned to normal, even faster than normal.

"Okay, we all go north and meet in the north."

Continuing north, ten minutes, Duan Peng finally saw Wilton in the display.

It turned out that when Duan Peng rescued Li Tong, the robot divided a team to go out to capture Wilton. Without the protection of the mecha, Wilton naturally did not dare to fight with the robot.

Almost at the same time as the robot division, Wilton made a decision. He began to turn north, and the remaining five scooters also headed north under Wilton's command.

For good, Wilton's response was timely, and the combat-type advanced intelligence was eliminated by Duan Peng and others, so all Wilton escaped.

The two teams converged, and everyone's speed improved again. Soon, the robot was left far behind Duan Peng and others.


Acropolis, city wall.

As usual, several soldiers were staring at the dense forest in the distance.

Although the battle has passed, and the advanced intelligence has been eliminated, the Acropolis should now be regarded as a safe city, but the soldiers still did not relax their vigilance. Throughout the night, they observed the forest in the distance and did not dare to blink.

was watching. Suddenly, the observing soldier's eyes widened. After two seconds, he rubbed his eyes fiercely twice, and then looked in the direction just now.

Yes, on the edge of the woodland, several shadows came out of the woodland. They first looked at the edge of the woodland and then walked towards the city.

There are more than a few shadows. As those shadows came out, more shadows gushed out of the woodland.

The sentry finally confirmed that the sight was not very good in the night, and he could not distinguish what those shadows were, but he did not intend to distinguish. When he confirmed that something came out of the forest, he immediately opened his mouth.

"Alarm! Hurry up and pull the alarm!"


The sentry shouted anxiously. With the shout of the sentry, there was a sharp alarm over the city, and with the alarm, more soldiers began to rush up the city wall, one after another, just a little more than a minute, the wall was full of soldiers, although their clothes were not very neat. Qi, but the soldiers have held the energy gun in their hands.

The moving shadows seemed to be frightened. With the sound of the alarm, the whole shadow paused, and even many shadows broke away from the brigade and returned to the forest.

However, those timid performances were only for a moment. After a moment, more dark shadows gushed out of the forest, and they moved faster than before.

The shadow approached the wall quickly, and everyone watched nervously. The fingers holding the energy gun began to turn pale, and even the guns in the hands of many soldiers had been raised.

"What's going on?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind the soldiers, and the sudden sound almost scared the soldiers to pull the trigger directly in their hands.

It turned out that Dong Ming and others arrived, and Dong Ming followed Ning Xu and others. Seeing the situation in front of them, Dong Ming and others immediately frowned.

"General!" Seeing Dong Ming appear, the commander on the city wall immediately walked to Dong Ming's side, "Just found that there was a movement outside the city!"

"Have you found what it is?" Dong Ming had already found the movement outside the city. He was observing. Hearing the commander's report, Dong Ming immediately asked again.

With Dong Ming's question, the commander looked at the sentry on one side.

The sentry was still observing, and he didn't notice the commander's eyes at all.

Quietly, time passed little by little, and the shadow approached the direction of the city little by little. Everyone's heart had reached their throats, but no one dared to urge the sentry.

Finally, just as the shadow was two kilometers close to the city, the sentry put down the telescope in his hand.

"It's not a robot, it's a human!" The sentry shouted in surprise, and soon the sentry's voice stopped as if it had been cut off.

The sentry's face was a little more embarrassed. He had been paying attention to the movement outside. It was not until this time that the sentry found that all the big shots had climbed the wall.


Dong Ming didn't care about the sentry's attitude. Seeing that the sentry was a little embarrassed, Dong Ming immediately waved his hand, "Do you think it's human outside?"

Dong Ming's attitude relaxed the sentry's nervous heart a little, and his voice became smooth.

"Yes! General! It's human, but it's also mixed with mecha!"

nodded, and Dong Ming looked at the dark shadow outside again.

Although he is a human, Dong Ming still frowns tightly.

There are too many shadows outside, which are close to the two kilometers of the city, but the shadow is still not separated from the woodland.

It's not just Dong Ming. Behind Dong Ming, Ning Xu and others also frowned and watched.

As time goes by, the shadows are getting closer and closer to the city, as if they see hope. The closer they get to the city, the faster those shadows move.

And with the movement of the shadow, Dong Ming and others frowned more and more tightly.

Suddenly, when everyone was in trouble, the observing sentry shouted again.

"General! It's our mecha! That's our mecha!"

"Our mecha?"

There were too many people coming. Dong Ming was very worried that the city had finally settled down. Dong Ming was worried that the appearance of these people would disrupt the pattern of the city again, and the shouts of the sentries dispelled Dong Ming's doubts.

It's not only Dong Ming, but also other people's faces showed a relaxed look.

"Open the city gate!"


"Okay, rest for half an hour and change the energy!"

Three hours have passed since the war, and even Duan Peng's fingers began to ache faintly. Although it was not a good time to rest, Duan Peng still gave the order to rest.

Following the order, the advancing team stopped.

A mecha opened the door of the cockpit, and before even replacing the energy, these soldiers couldn't wait to lie down on the ground.

Of course, not everyone came out of the mecha, and the door of a mecha has not been opened.

Li Tong sat quietly in the mecha. His face had turned white and his fingers were shaking involuntarily, but Li Tong was still sitting in the mecha. He did not dare to go out or even dare to open the cabin door.

Duan Peng waited quietly and came out of the cockpit, and Duan Peng had been waiting.

one minute, two minutes...

Li Tong still didn't come out, and Duan Peng finally couldn't help walking to the humanoid mecha.

"Come out."

The voice is so cold that people can't help shivering.

On the one hand, Dong Ruo, Wang Xing and others looked quietly. With the sound, the corners of their mouths squirmed, but soon their heads moved to one side.

Everyone came out of the experimental team, and the relationship between them was closer than ordinary people. They wanted to persuade Duan Peng, but what had just happened made them not know how to speak.

Duan Peng knows the structure of the mecha very well. The place where he stands happens to be the observation point from the perspective of the mecha. Although sitting in the mecha, Li Tong can just see Duan Peng's expression through the display in front of him.

staring at the display in front of him, Li Tong even wanted to avoid it.

Looking at it, after a while, Li Tong's hand still reached out to the button in front of him, but when Li Tong's hand touched the button, Li Tong stopped again.

Li Tong did not dare to know how to face the current Duan Peng. Of course, it was not only Duan Peng. In the battle just now, Li Tong's men also lost two mecha, and Li Tong did not know how to face them.

Waiting, Li Tong still didn't open the hatch. Duan Peng was angry. He raised his finger to the cockpit of the mecha and roared loudly, "Come out!"

seemed to have found a vent. This time, Duan Peng's voice did not stop. After roaring that sentence, Duan Peng only paused for a moment. Duan Peng continued to roar, "I trust you, so I gave you the most important task, but how did you repay me? What if my parents are in that group? What if they don't return to the city safely? How do you want to explain it to me?

"And this group of brothers who trust you, they also trust you and even give their lives to you, and how do you repay them? Today, because of your order, two brothers sacrificed at the hands of robots, and they were meaningless sacrifices. How should you face them?

Li Tong sat in the mecha. With Duan Peng's voice, Li Tong's face became whiter and whiter, and the sweat on his forehead kept coming out. Finally, in Duan Peng's pause, Li Tong's hand pressed on the button.

And as the button was pressed, the cabin door of the mecha creaked open.