
Chapter 28 Return to the City

In the forest, several mechas are moving forward rapidly, and five scooters follow closely next to the mecha, while Wilton is already sitting on the scooter because it is too slow.

This is the fourth day that Duan Peng and others entered the forest.

That day, it was supposed to ease the atmosphere, but I didn't expect that it really made people think of a way.

Some people suggested that Wilton's speed was too slow, and Wilton didn't have to walk by himself at all. He could completely get on the scooter.

Sure enough, the proposal was feasible. Wilton got on the car, and everyone's speed suddenly increased. Duan Peng and others finally came out of the tracking range of the robot with speed.

However, after getting out of the tracking range of the robot, Duan Peng had another idea.

At the beginning of the battle, Wilton was attacked, but Wilton was blessed by misfortune. Similarly, Duan Peng was also inspired by Wilton's words, and Li Tong also did a lot of things in the robot fortress under Duan Peng's order.

These robots can't keep up with Duan Peng's pace. Naturally, these robots will return to the fortress, but Duan Peng is afraid that because of the return of these robots, everything he arranges will be in vain, so Duan Peng decided to continue to take the robots.

Of course, this time, Duan Peng and others will no longer be so embarrassed, and this time Duan Peng and others are no longer aimless.

After calculation, if everything goes well, the prisoners in the robot fortress should return to the city, so Duan Peng decided to lead these robots back to the direction of the city.

Driving, after a while, Duan Peng looked at the instrument next to him with the afterglow of the corners of his eyes.

At a glance, a trace of excitement suddenly appeared on Duan Peng's tight face. Then, Duan Peng shouted to the caller in front of him, "Come on, we are not far from the city."

Originally, the caller was silent and there was no sound at all, but as Duan Peng's voice sounded, the caller seemed to become quieter.

Quietly, more than a minute later, suddenly there was a shocking cheer from the telephone.

Everyone shouted excitedly. This time, they have been out of the city for too long, and the whole process was chased by robots. Although Duan Peng and others changed their strategy and the robots could not pose a threat to them at all, everyone's nerves still did not dare to relax at all.

Of course, what excited them was not only to get close to the city, but also this time under the pressure of robots, most people have made a breakthrough, and now they have to return to a safe place, and they have begun to enjoy the joy of breaking through.

At the beginning, there was no response, and Duan Peng was still a little surprised. Obviously, it was good news, and even he couldn't help cheering, but there was no movement from the caller.

Later, when he heard everyone's cheers, Duan Peng suddenly woke up.

It turned out that it was because of the sudden jump of the good news, and no one reacted.

Listening, the corners of Duan Peng's mouth were slightly raised, and at the same time, Duan Peng's face also had a trace of enjoyment, as if these people were cheering because of him.


Dong Ming's face looks ugly these days. If there is nothing important, almost no one dares to approach Dong Ming's side, because Dong Ming will burst into inexplicable anger from time to time.

Quietly, alone in the room, Dong Ming slowly fell into meditation. In the past few days, this action has become the symbol of Dong Ming.

However, Dong Ming can't be blamed. His daughter and future son-in-law are still in danger. Anyone who encounters such a situation will be relieved.

Thinking, Dong Ming's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly, and he maintained this action. After more than half an hour, Dong Ming finally couldn't help sighing.

Dong Ming has been thinking about whether he can find a way to help Duan Peng, but unfortunately, after thinking about it for a few days, Dong Ming still hasn't found any way.

There is no information and I don't know the coordinates. I'm afraid that even if it's a fairy, I can't find a solution.

sighed, and Dong Ming slowly sat up straight. After a while, Dong Ming slowly calmed down again. Seeing that Dong Ming's eyes began to become dull again, as if he was about to fall into meditation again. Suddenly, the door of Dong Ming's room was pushed open.

The door opened, and the light suddenly brightened. Dong Ming was suddenly awakened by the strong light.

He narrowed his eyes. Dong Ming's first reaction was to get angry, but Dong Ming didn't expect someone to grab him.

The messenger beside Dong Ming has been with Dong Ming for a long time. He has almost met Dong Ming's requirements, but now, the messenger's face is more flustered, and his mouth is still gasping.

"General..." Maybe he ran too fast and his breath was uneven. Obviously, he had opened his mouth, but the words were blocked in the mouth of the messenger. He kept swallowing saliva and let the saliva moisten his throat. After a long time, the messenger finally expressed his meaning completely.

"Back... General Xiao Duan and they came back... back!"

Dong Ming is a person who pays great attention to appearance. As his messenger, he should at least be calm. Looking at the appearance of the messenger, Dong Ming's eyebrows have frowned tightly.

It can be seen that as long as the voice of the command falls, it must be an anger to welcome the messenger.

However, when the messenger's words fell, Dong Ming's face turned into another look.

Dong Ming's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He stood quietly. After a few seconds, Dong Ming pushed away the messenger in front of him again, and then hurriedly ran out of the room.

The poor messenger, in the face of the push of a martial arts master like Dong Ming, was almost pushed up, but after panic, the messenger's face showed a smile.

This time, Dong Ming's speed was so fast that he didn't even get on the scooter and ran all the way to the wall.

Running to the wall, Dong Ming's breathing was still a little disordered, but Dong Ming did not care to adjust his breathing. As soon as he climbed the wall, Dong Ming immediately grabbed the telescope from the observation sentry on one side.

After grabbing the telescope, the telescope came to Dong Ming's eyes as soon as possible.

Look at the front, look at the left, and then look in the direction to the right. Soon, the telescope in Dong Ming's hand was put down again.

Didn't you say that Duan Peng and others are back? What about people?"

Dong Ming roared at the observer on one side, and his face looked even more like he wanted to eat people.

And the observer had long been scared by Dong Ming's appearance. Hearing Dong Ming's roar, he couldn't even help trembling. After more than ten seconds, the observer took Dong Ming's words under the reminder of others.

"General, General, General Xiao Duan, he, they haven't come back yet. I, we just received the signal they sent back, and General Xiao Duan, they didn't return to the city from this direction..."

Er, Dong Ming is embarrassing.

Hearing the news of the messenger, Dong Ming hurried out. Unexpectedly, he was not as good as his messenger and didn't even understand the current situation at all.

Of course, after living for so many years, Dong Ming's face will not be too thin, and Dong Ming has no time to pester here. However, Dong Ming has adjusted his mentality and asked the direction to the observer who has not been adjusted, and Dong Ming immediately rushed to the other side of the city.

On the other side, when Dong Ming arrived, almost all the principals in the city had already stood on the wall. Seeing Dong Ming appear, they immediately gave up their seats for Dong Ming. When Dong Ming stood well, Ning Xu stood up and explained to Dong Ming.

"General! I received a message from General Duan 12 minutes ago. He said that he would appear on the edge of the city in 15 minutes, and they were still followed by a team of robots.

Listening to Ning Xu's explanation, Dong Ming nodded gently.

The second time, Dong Ming was no longer so panicked. On the way, Dong Ming had already understood some of the situation. Now, as soon as he listened to Ning Xu's explanation, Dong Ming fully understood, and Dong Ming also knew the reason why the wall was full of soldiers.

As time went by, everyone began to wait quietly.

Finally, the fifteen minutes mentioned by Duan Peng arrived, almost fifteen minutes, and everyone raised the telescope in their hands at the same time.

The edge of the woodland is very quiet, and no movement can be seen.

Everyone frowned and looked at it, and even many people showed doubt, but just as they were about to put down the telescope, the edge of the woodland moved.

First, a trace of reflected sunlight flashed, followed by a little metal streamer, and then a mecha ran out of the forest, followed by one mecha after another, nine mecha, and five scooters.

On the wall, everyone stared at the edge of the woodland.

Without a telescope, not everyone can see the edge of the woodland, but the expressions of the bigwigs around them told them the movement of the edge of the woodland.

When the bosses showed relaxed expressions on their faces, the soldiers couldn't help cheering.


The city has seen the city for a long time, but when everyone came out of the woodland, there was still a joy in the telephone.

Duan Peng waited quietly with a smile. After everyone's cheering became smaller, Duan Peng called the caller again.

"Xiao Wei, can you still scan the robot behind it now? Will they lose it?

Later, when Duan Peng and others corrected, Wilton became an uncle. Even when he rested, Wilton's toes did not touch the ground again. Fortunately, Wilton did not develop the uncle's temper. As soon as Duan Peng's voice fell, the red light behind Wilton's ears began to light up.

In fact, Wilton's scanning method is very simple, that is, to contact the robot behind. As long as the signal of the robot is still connected, the robot is still within the tracking range, and if it cannot be contacted, it is out of the range.

The red light flashed slowly, but in less than two seconds, Wilton already had a result.

"It's still there. According to the current distance, even if we return to the city, they can feel my position!"