
Chapter 27 The solemn atmosphere

The mecha door slowly opened, and as the door gap expanded, Li Tong became more uneasy.

The hatch was opened, and Duan Peng did not say anything more. He stared at the hatch quietly. Not only Duan Peng, but also other people's eyes moved in the direction of the mecha.

Little by little, although it was very slow, the hatch was finally fully opened.

Li Tong sat in the mecha. He looked into Duan Peng's eyes. Duan Peng was also looking at him, and the two looked at each other quietly.

Half a sound, Li Tong finally opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry! I didn't expect this..."

Li Tong's eyes were filled with crystal tears, and his voice was full of regret. From the moment Duan Peng returned, Li Tong had already regretted it.

Li Tong was originally kind-hearted, but he didn't expect such a result.

Looking at Li Tong's appearance and listening to Li Tong's voice, Duan Peng's heart was as uncomfortable as a knife.

Li Tong can be said to be Duan Peng's first friend after he went to Dongjia Village. At that coming-age ceremony, Li Tong and Duan Peng supported each other, and the things that happened in the forest also made them a deep friendship. Later, the relationship between Duan Peng and Li Tong were even closer. Almost everything Duan Peng did could not be separated from Li Tong. Support.

But now...

Looking at it, after more than a minute, Duan Peng took a deep breath again.

"Crop down and change the energy!"

Without blame and anger, Duan Peng's sudden change made Li Tong a little uncomfortable.

But obviously, it won't be so simple. It's just a meal. Duan Peng continued: "From now on, you will no longer hold the position of captain. As for the handling of this incident, let's wait until you go back to the city!"


nodded silently, and Li Tong finally came out of the mecha.

This is the normal way to deal with it. If Duan Peng really doesn't deal with him and suppress the matter, Li Tong will feel uncomfortable. Now, this treatment also makes Li Tong feel much better.


In the robot fortress, these people were uneasy, and their hearts did not fall to the ground when they left the robot fortress.

They don't know where to go, but out of the fortress, they can only follow the mecha, but they didn't expect that these mecha would take them to a human city.

Looking at the curious faces in the city, these prisoners finally couldn't help crying.

Tens of thousands of people suddenly entered the city, and the movement was too big. Although it was night, the whole city was still awakened.

In the city, everyone came out of their homes. They stood along the street and looked curiously at these human beings who entered the city one after another.

It has only been more than a month since Dongjia Village took over the city, and the whole city has become completely different. Now, Dongjia Village has rescued so many human beings from the outside of the city. Looking at these happy faces or can't help crying, the people in the city are also full of hope.

In the crowd, Zhong Xi also stood quietly. Although Dong Ming arranged the person to take care of him, and the man did not disobey Dong Ming's order and had been holding Zhong Xi tightly, Zhong Xi still felt tired and his legs could not help feeling a little sore, but Zhong Xi was still insisting and his eyes were in the crowd that had been entering the city. Medium measurement.

Time passed, and almost everyone who walked through the gate did not escape Zhong Xi's sight, but after watching for more than half an hour, the more disappointed Zhong Xi's face became.

No, still not. Finally, Zhong Xi couldn't help turning his head and looking outside the city.

Outside, after more than half an hour of dredging, there were not many people left outside the city, and looking at the few figures left, Zhong Xi finally lowered his head.

Next, the soldier who supported Zhong Xi has been paying close attention to Zhong Xi's face. You know that his task is not only to take care of Zhong Xi, but also responsible for the task of welcoming Duan Peng's parents on behalf of Dong Ming. However, looking at Zhong Xi's face, the soldier's heart slowly sank.

"Captain Zhong, how's it going? No?"

There are many people who were arrested in the village where Zhong Xi used to be, but it is obviously impossible for them to have people they are familiar with. Zhong Xi just took a look and gave up searching. Hearing the soldier's question, Zhong Xi could only shake his head feebly and said in a low voice, "I Let's go back!"

In the other corner of the city, Dong Ming frowned, and the expression on his face was also very solemn.

Originally, Dong Ming should have accompanied Zhong Xi to welcome the prisoners at the gate. After all, there may be Duan Peng's parents among those parents, but Dong Ming still failed to stand there in the end, because there were more important things waiting for Dong Ming to do.

Although the captive came back, Duan Peng did not come back with the army.

He stared quietly at the soldiers in front of him, and in front of Dong Ming, the heads of those soldiers were almost buried between their legs.

Time passed, and under Dong Ming's gaze, even many of the powerful warriors began to shake their legs.

One minute, two minutes... The atmosphere became more and more solemn, and everyone's breathing even became a little difficult. Finally, Dong Ming took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"Well, I know you can't stop General Duan's decision, but no matter what, if you put General Duan in danger, you will be punished..."

Such a decision was actually unfair to these soldiers, because they completed the task assigned by Duan Peng well, but listening to Dong Ming's words, these soldiers were greatly relieved, and the leading soldiers hurriedly responded to Dong Ming's words.

"Yes, General! We accept the punishment!"

Before the words were finished, the other party had accepted the punishment. Dong Ming was quite unhappy, but now Dong Ming was not in the mood to care about these anymore. After the soldier finished speaking, Dong Ming just took a look in surprise and then waved his hand happily.

"Forget it, you guys go down!"

The soldiers have been staring at Dong Ming nervously, especially the warrior leader, whose nervous face has become a little pale.

Hearing Dong Ming's punishment, he couldn't wait to respond. It was not until he finished speaking that he found that he had interrupted Dong Ming's words, which was almost unimaginable in Dongjia Village. Fortunately, Dong Ming did not blame him for this. Watching Dong Ming wave his hand, he immediately fled and took people outside. Go.

hurriedly, they had already left the room and left the door more than ten meters. The soldier's face had just regained a little blood color. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something to the people next to him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the warrior leader's footsteps suddenly stopped again. At the same time, his face, which had just recovered a little blood color, turned snow white again.

Stop, and in the surprised eyes of the soldiers, the leader looked back in the direction of the room.

Looking quietly, his face was full of hesitation. For a long time, the leader of the soldier finally started his footsteps.

Dong Ming's face was ugly, but from his imagination, Dong Ming knew how dangerous Duan Peng's action was, but the only thing that comforted Dong Ming was that Duan Peng only brought five long-range mecha on his trip, which obviously did not mean to fight with the robot.

Quietly, Dong Ming began to think to see if there was any way to help Duan Peng. Just as Dong Ming was thinking, suddenly the door was pushed open again.

It was the warrior leader. Looking at the pale face of the warrior leader, Dong Ming was stunned for a while before asking, "Why did you come back?" Are you dissatisfied with my decision?"

The leader of the warrior was terrible, not only his face pale, but also his hands and feet became a little cold. He waved his hand desperately, shook his head desperately at the same time, and said repeatedly, "No, no,! Yes, yes, General Duan, I have something for me to bring you!"

After finishing his words, the warrior leader did not dare to stop at all. As soon as the words fell, the warrior leader immediately took out something from his arms.

is a disk, which is used to record things, which is something that can only be reorganized after arriving in the city.

He took over the disk, and Dong Ming did not delay. He immediately found the tool and began to check it.

The above is some data. After careful review, Dong Ming found that it turned out to be the data of various weapons, including the new mecha in battle.

This was originally the task given by Dong Ming to Duan Peng. Looking at these data, Dong Ming did not feel joy in his heart. On the contrary, Dong Ming's eyes couldn't help bursting with tears.


The energy has been replaced. Everyone sits quietly in place. No one speaks. That just happened. Even if they say it, they don't know what to say.

Dong Ruo looked quietly, and her eyes swept over Duan Peng's face for a while and then moved in the direction of Li Tong.

Everyone sat together, and Li Tong was the only one sitting outside the circle. Although not everyone blamed him, Li Tong still dared not face everyone's eyes.

And not only Li Tong, but also Wang Xing and others are constantly wandering.

Looking quietly, I don't know how many times he swept Duan Peng, and Dong Ruo finally couldn't help opening his mouth.

"Xiao Peng, what should we do next?"

Although he said that with Li Tong, Duan Peng is still thinking about Li Tong's treatment. It is too light to convince the public, and too heavy, and Duan Peng will feel uncomfortable.

While thinking, suddenly Dong Ruo's voice sounded. Hearing Dong Ruo's question, Duan Peng raised his head, and the moment Duan Peng looked up, Dong Ruo immediately gave Duan Peng a winking.

Duan Peng was a little confused, but he still looked around with Dong Ruo's eyes.

Just at a glance, Duan Peng saw Dong Ruo's intention.

Everyone is tired, and the most tired thing is everyone's spirit, and the reason why they want to rest is to let everyone relax their tense nerves. But in the current atmosphere, let alone relax, everyone's nerves will only become tighter and tighter.

He quietly showed a grateful look to Dong Ruo, and Duan Peng quickly took on Dong Ruo's topic.

"Yes, isn't it a way to run like this? Does everyone have any good ideas?"