
Chapter 81 in action

It's all advanced intelligence, and there are many. What kind of concept is this?

Although he doesn't know how many advanced intelligence there are on the whole planet, Duan Peng has a Wilton around him. In addition, Duan Peng has experienced so many battles, and he also has a vague concept of the number of advanced intelligence.

The whole planet is divided into ten large war zones, and each large war zone has seven to ten medium-sized war zones. As for the allocation of medium-sized war zones, it is very standard, all of which are ten small war zones.

Wilton once said that advanced intelligence is a rather scarce resource in robots. Even because of the scarcity and importance of advanced intelligence, the first principle of advanced intelligence has become the existence of protecting itself.

Now, after many battles, Duan Peng's answer is also quite close to what Wilton said.

Each small war zone has about three advanced intelligences. Even if Duan Peng attacked the robot branch last time, he only encountered more than a dozen advanced intelligences.

Based on the above conditions, that is to say, the advanced intelligence of the whole planet will not exceed 5,000 units together.

But what's going on now?

Dong Ming said that the signal station has sufficient defense measures, that is to say, at least a team of troops will be stationed there.

plus the equipment that Duan Peng and others have just added, such as signal jammers.

But it was such a power that the team did not last ten minutes under the other side.

What kind of concept is this? Duan Peng's bad feeling is getting more and more serious. He feels as if there is a huge danger approaching the direction of the city.

Similarly, Duan Peng can come to such a conclusion, and others here can also get such a conclusion.

Just for a moment, everyone frowned, and the whole council hall was surrounded by a depressing atmosphere.

"Is it possible that all the advanced intelligence has come to our place?"

In the depressed atmosphere, someone finally opened his mouth.

And with the sound of the man's voice, everyone seemed to have found a way to vent.

"This is impossible. The advanced intelligence of the robot is equivalent to the commander of the robot team. It should be impossible for all the advanced intelligence to be concentrated in our territory!"

"But haven't you heard the information? A lot! And the strength of a team did not support it for ten minutes under the opponent's attack!"

"That's impossible. Although our strength has been developed, how many sites have we just won? Our strength is not enough for robots to use the power of the whole planet to attack us!"

Is that the case?

Naturally, people will not know that their program has caused panic, and they don't know that it is actually a human standing behind the robot.

At this moment, the whole council hall seems to have become a vegetable market. Everyone is arguing, everyone feels that their ideas are right, and everyone is trying to convince each other.

As for our city owner, Duan Peng was silent at this moment.

With a tight frown, Duan Peng was thinking, but unlike everyone else, Duan Peng, our city owner, did not guess the way and number of robots like everyone else.

Because everything has happened, even if you know the number and way of robots, there is only one way for Duan Peng - that is, to defend the city.

After straightening out what had to be done, Duan Peng stretched out his hand and pressed it down. He wanted the council hall to be quiet again.

But it's a pity that the group was excited at this time, and no one saw Duan Peng's gesture.

But at this time, time cannot be wasted, so he didn't wait too long, and Duan Peng roared.


The sound was very loud, and the unique spiritual power of the seven-level martial arts was used. The huge sound made everyone tremble violently, but I have to admit that this effect is very good. Almost at the same time when Duan Peng's voice fell, everyone calmed down, and the whole conference hall could even hear a needle.

And Duan Peng, without any pause, but the council hall became quiet again, and Duan Peng's voice immediately sounded in the hall.

"Abo Dong!"

is still Uncle Dong, but this voice of Uncle Dong has an irresistible power.

And Dong Ming, although he is a martial arts master, Duan Peng's rage did not hurt him, but with Duan Peng's cry, Dong Ming involuntarily took a step forward.

is no longer a deliberate behavior, but has become a subconscious action.

It was also a step, and Dong Ming found that Duan Peng had grown up in the twilight, and he really had the momentum of a superior.

It was a little bitter, but also a little gratified. Finding all this, Dong Ming readily made a standard military salute.


For a long time, Duan Peng has been a little tired of the atmosphere deliberately created by Dong Ming and others, but at this moment, everything was very natural. Even Dong Ming gave a standard military salute, and Duan Peng did not have any discomfort. Almost as Dong Ming's response fell, Duan Peng conveniently issued an order.

"Command! The city immediately entered the combat alert, and all the combat teams immediately entered a state of rest, ready for the upcoming battle!"


"Ning Xu!"


"Command! All combat supplies will go to the city immediately, and all preparations must be completed before sunset today! Remember that it's everything!"


"Order, all signal transit stations immediately give up the task and retreat to the city!"

Military orders, government orders, one after another.

To be honest, although the rules are slowly taking shape during this period, many of them still have a game mind. After all, all this came too fast, and many of these people are bosses, and it is also a little difficult for them to change for a while, but at this moment, everyone has no intention to play the game.

The precise order involves not only the material mobilization of the whole city and the appeasement of civilians in the city, but even every specialty in the seat is taken into account by Duan Peng, that is to say, Duan Peng himself has the ability to control the city.

Of course, people's hearts can't be consistent, and there are still rebuttals in the crowd.

"City owner, don't we check the where and quantity of these advanced intelligences come from and how many?"

is a question. The voice is a little low, and it seems to be a little lack of confidence, but anyway, the voice of questioning still came out.

At this time, Duan Peng was stunned when he heard such a question. He took a look at the person who spoke was Song Tianxing, who had been secretly fighting against Boss Hu.

Seeing the speaker clearly, Duan Peng frowned slightly. He didn't want to answer, but Duan Peng, who was about to continue, found that with Song Tianxing's problem, several people showed a thoughtful look, so Duan Peng still had to open his mouth.

"There is no need to investigate. Even if we investigate at this time, the final result will be a battle, and if we send someone to investigate, there may be some unnecessary losses, so what we need to do now is to be ourselves!"

To fight, Duan Peng must suppress all doubts. Only in this way can everyone's strength move forward when the battle breaks out.

But can Duan Peng's idea be achieved?

With Duan Peng's explanation, the doubts on everyone's faces disappeared, but Song Tianxing seemed to deliberately oppose Duan Peng. After Duan Peng's voice fell, he thought for a moment, and then shook his head and opened his mouth again.

It is worthy of being used to small movements. Looking at Song Tianxing opening his mouth again, Duan Peng felt a burst of boredom. He stared at Song Tianxing's eyes fiercely and interrupted Song Tianxing's intention to speak.

"Okay! Any other questions? But even if there is doubt, let's wait until the battle is over and we survive!"

was ready to speak, but he didn't expect his mouth to open, but Duan Peng didn't let him say anything. Song Tianxing held a word in his mouth and was almost rolled his eyes by Duan Peng.

And it was not only Duan Peng who brought his aggrievedness. Duan Peng's voice fell, and almost everyone present showed a contemptuous look at him.

'Let's talk about it after you survive!'

This is a sentence deliberately said by Duan Peng. In a word, the crisis of the city has been put out. At this time, people who cause trouble will become everyone's enemies. Obviously, everyone's reaction shows that Duan Peng's strategy is correct.


In the forest, the luster of metal is reflected everywhere.

are robots. Teams of robots are rushing towards the Acropolis. They are very fast and are not the speed that ordinary robots should have at all.

I have to admit that the speed of the robot is fast.

Before evolution, these robots were just ordinary robots, but in the past few days, these advanced intelligences evolved from ordinary robots have been replaced.

The shorter tactical intelligence, the relatively tall combat intelligence equipped with various weapons, these rare advanced intelligences have now become ordinary goods, while the most common ordinary robots have become rare varieties among these teams.

One minute...

One team, two teams, three teams.

In just one minute, three teams of robots have passed by.

The big team is 70 or 80, but the small team is only a few.

No, several teams are not the smallest, and another team has appeared. This team has only one advanced intelligence, a tactical intelligence.

It can be seen that the team composed of advanced intelligence has had sequelae.

But can Duan Peng use this small sequelae to complete the defense of the Acropolis?

You should know that these robots are just a robot team closer to Duan Peng.

In the distance, where it is impossible to travel on foot, one spacecraft after another flew out of the robot's mechanical factory, and those advanced intelligences that had been transformed almost lined up towards the belly of the spacecraft as soon as the ship's cabin door opened.