
Chapter 82 Final Preparation

"one, two... Damn, even the spaceship has been used!"

"What does it matter? We have air defense facilities, and their spacecraft dare not approach at all!"

Yes, I dare not approach. Almost all spacecraft have put down the robots in their abdomen far away, but what does it matter? Just look at the distant sky, the dense spacecraft can imagine how many robots are brought by these spacecraft.

Of course, not only the number of robots, but also the quality of robots is also chilling.

Three days have passed since the troops found the robots. A dense robot team has appeared outside the city, and the unique shape of those robots tells everyone something unbelievable.

are all advanced intelligence, as if the advanced intelligence of the whole universe is concentrated on this planet.

"What the hell is going on?"

is quite resourceful, but at this moment, Duan Peng's face also appeared panic.

I have to panic. The power of robots outside the city is out of proportion.

As for others, others have lost the ability to speak. Looking at the spectacular scene outside, their eyes became dull, and their mouths were open enough to put down their fists.


Of course, it is not only Duan Peng and others who are nervous. Although they have done all this, those programmers still dare not relax. Two satellites in space have appeared directly above the city, and almost all programmers are nervously paying attention to the pictures of these two satellites.

There's nothing we can do. Duan Peng's side is under the city, and they have to fight, but this side also can't afford to lose, because only Duan Peng has enabled programmers in the whole universe, and if Duan Peng's success is copied, this side will really be over.

So, like Duan Peng, everyone has no way out.

For good, back to the picture shows that everything is going well. Almost all the advanced intelligence has been transported to the periphery of the city, and now, they only need to wait for the final attack.

nervous attention, until this moment, everyone's faces showed a little relaxation, and the younger programmer couldn't help laughing excitedly.

"Haha, let's see how you resist this time!" As he spoke, the young programmer clenched his fist, and in the middle of what he said, he turned his head and looked at his eldest brother, "Brother, you don't have to keep these people!"

is still the bloodthirsty personality. Originally, everyone showed a relaxed expression, but with the words of the young programmer, everyone's expression was stunned.

Don't stay?

This is a city. Although this planet is an undeveloped planet and every city is not very large, no matter how small it is, the city has hundreds of thousands of people.

Are these hundreds of thousands of people going to be destroyed here?

After all, they are just programmers. Even if they have become the public enemy of mankind, they have hurt many human beings because of this turmoil, but they still can't bear to destroy a city so clearly.

Of course, even if they can't bear it, they don't have the right to make decisions, so when they come to their senses, they can only look at the elderly programmer.

The older programmer also heard his brother's words.

As his brother spoke, the older programmer frowned and was thinking. Obviously, this was a very difficult choice. Because of this problem, his face even began to**.

However, this problem still needs to be solved, so more than ten minutes later, he still opened his mouth in the expectation of everyone.

"Let's not stay!"

It was very difficult, but finally made a decision. With his decision, many people opened their mouths.

Maybe there is doubt or something unbearable, but even so, everyone just opened their mouths. In the end, everyone still didn't make any sound.

It can be seen that his position in this group is more stable than that of Duan Peng's uncles in the city, at least no one dares to question his decision.

Of course, even if no one doubts it, he will explain, because it is related to the stability of the whole team.

A team only needs one voice, but this voice cannot always be obtained by oppression, and occasionally he has to convince everyone.

"I don't want to do this, but we have to!"

"Think about it, if they are left, their final purpose will still be to reach the new settlement of human beings, but because the city has begun to start programmers, and the effect of programmers after startup is to let those who did not know, what will we suffer?"

"To mention, even if we don't fail, we will kill more people for the kindness of this moment!"

I'm convinced. With the big brother's explanation, there is no longer sympathy in everyone's eyes.

Yes, they can't bear to, but it's better to bury the whole city at this moment than to kill more people in the future.

As for the young programmer, he was even happier. He didn't even hear the reason for the elder programmer, and his face was already excited.

"Kill it well, it should be killed! It's been ten years, why are you resisting? Give up early, and everyone will be comfortable early!"

I was speechless. Hearing my brother's words, there was a wry smile on the eldest brother's face.

He didn't want to pay attention to his brother's words anymore, but saw that everyone was not objecting, and his eyes returned to the display in front of him.

On the display, the lonely city has been completely surrounded by green dots, just like a green aura on an island.

The eldest brother was very satisfied, and his head couldn't help but move, but at the moment he went down, his smile suddenly froze and his head suddenly came to the front of the display.

Two green dots!

Blink your eyes! Yes, there are two green spots in the city, and there is advanced intelligence in the city.


For a while, his mouth was dry. Even if he swallowed several mouthfuls of water, Duan Peng did not feel any comfortable.

But whether it is comfortable or not, Duan Peng must hold on, because they have stood on the edge of the cliff and they have no way out.

"Friends! Brothers! It's time to test us!"

"There are many and powerful robots outside, but this is not completely bad news for us!"

"Ten years, the city has supported it for ten years! In the past decade, we have repelled the attacks of robots again and again, but we have never encountered such a situation. Almost the advanced intelligence of the whole planet has been concentrated in us!"

"Why is this so? Why did this happen!?

"This is the opportunity I said, because we have touched the weakness of robots. They have been forced to a desperate situation by us. They must kill us when we don't develop!"

"But because of this, as long as we survive this difficulty, we can walk out of our sky!"

Have you touched the weakness of the robot? It should be!

When Duan Peng thought of all this, he was a little disbelieving, but as the topic continued, Duan Peng's voice became firmer and firmer, and he convinced himself.

must have encountered the weakness of the robot, otherwise there will never be such a battle.

Of course, Duan Peng doesn't know where the weakness of the robot is, but Duan Peng has believed that as long as they can survive this time, it will definitely be a good tomorrow to welcome them.

The sound fluttered over the city through the caller, and almost everyone heard Duan Peng's voice.

I have to admit that the voice that can infect myself is the best voice. As Duan Peng spoke, one firm look after another lit up.

Ning Xu, Boss Hu... Their eyes are all focused on Duan Peng.

Although they don't know whether they can escape this disaster, their eyes are more determined.

Duan Peng was very satisfied. He was very satisfied with his current state and greeted everyone's eyes. Duan Peng smiled brightly. This was Duan Peng's first smile after he saw the emergence of advanced intelligence.

In the smile, the caller came to Duan Peng's mouth again.

He shouted loudly!


"Must win!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Bight to win! Must win! You will win!"

Very good, very powerful!

The eager response was not only the soldiers on the wall, but also the civilians in the city who were excluded. They shouted together with the soldiers on the wall, and the whole city completely melted into a voice at this moment.

Satisfied, more satisfied!

Watch, listen, and enjoy! After five minutes, Duan Peng recovered from that feeling of enjoyment.

Handing over the caller to Ning Xu on one side, and Duan Peng immediately walked down the city.

"City owner?"

Ning Xu is also enjoying it, and at the same time, Ning Xu also admires Duan Peng.

is really too powerful. They are already in a desperate situation. Everyone's heart is like ashes, but Duan Peng has not given up, and he has also mobilized everyone's emotions.

And when Ning Xu lost his mind, suddenly, there was one more thing in Ning Xu's hand.

It was also at this time that Ning Xu found that Duan Peng had gone to the edge of the city.

is not a block, but a little doubt, and this question is quite hidden, but Duan Peng still has to respond, because this is the problem that Duan Peng wants.

smiled, and Duan Peng immediately opened his mouth.

"Those robots have just arrived, and they still have to gather. It is impossible for us to start attacking so early, so we still have at least two days, and we can do a lot of things in these two days. For example, Uncle Dong can continue to encourage the soldiers, and you, you can choose a group of temporary from the people. Replacement warrior, as for me, I'm going to the mecha factory now. Although it is impossible to produce any large tools at this time, we should still be able to grab a batch of energy bombs!"