
Chapter 83 Start

has finally arrived.

On the display, all the green spots have been concentrated next to the city, that is to say, the robot is in place and the general attack can be carried out at any time.

All the programmers once again focused behind the eldest brother, and their eyes were fixed on the eldest brother's hands.

The command has already been entered, and now, as long as the eldest brother's hand falls down, the command will be sent, and at the same time, the attack of the streamer will also begin.

But the eldest brother didn't move. He actually stayed there, staring at the city.

"What's wrong? Big brother."

For a minute or ten minutes, the eldest brother who watched his hands were hanging in the air for ten minutes, and the younger brother finally couldn't help opening his mouth.

Hearing the sound, the eldest brother seemed to have recovered from his hypersis. His body suddenly stopped, and then his eyes slowly turned to one side.

"I always feel..."

It's really embarrassing. The words just started, and the eldest brother stopped again.

And behind him, the younger brother, who is equally smart in procedures, seems to have guessed something when he sees the dilemma of the eldest brother.

"Is it the advanced intelligence in the city?"

The eldest brother nodded, but he didn't say anything.

The younger brother was also a little worried, because he had never seen the eldest brother like this, but with the eldest brother's nod, the younger brother became relaxed.

"Brother, that's what you think too much!"

I have to admit that these two brothers are very strong in terms of procedures, because they have made great achievements in this world, and if everything goes well, they may become the masters of the whole universe in a few years or at most ten years.

But programming is always just programming. What the battle requires is not only the program, but also a strong tactical awareness and high-level strategic vision.

And there is a clear difference between the two brothers.

Big brother has done a good job, at least everything is going very smoothly now.

But what about my little brother? He is much worse than this.

So, even if the little brother said he didn't worry, everyone was still a little worried because of the eldest brother's mood.

The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the heart is worried, and they are all their own people. There is no need to hide anything. Naturally, emotions are revealed on the face through the eyes.

has already said that there is no need to worry, but almost everyone around him had a worried look in his eyes. The little brother was very unhappy, so when he saw all this, he immediately stood up fiercely.

"It's said that the eldest brother thinks too much!"

"Think about it, what surrounds them now is advanced intelligence. Although robots have their own emotions and even ideas after transforming into advanced intelligence, they will still accept our orders. Otherwise, we will not see such a scene, and in the city, the two green dots are also advanced intelligence. How can you be sure that they will not obey our orders? In my opinion, these two advanced intelligences are a good thing in the city. Maybe they will also make a little trouble for the city after our orders are spread out!"

"And! Even if there is an accident, these two advanced intelligences do not obey orders, and they in turn help the city, which doesn't matter. You know that the outside of the city are the same advanced intelligence as them, and there are only two in the city. They can't make any waves at all!"

Is that right?

It makes sense. Everyone's eyes glanced at the picture in front of them again. They frowned and their hearts seemed to be a little loose, but after looking at it for a while, everyone's eyes returned to the eldest brother.

Everything depends on what the eldest brother means.

And the eldest brother had to admit that his words touched him. When everyone looked at the screen of the display, his eyes looked at his younger brother.

Looking quietly, his eyes are full of relief.

At this moment, he suddenly found that his younger brother seemed to be mature, and he was no longer a programmer who only knew programs.

nodded with satisfaction, and the eldest brother's hand finally fell on the keyboard in front of him.


'Pa!' With a crisp sound, with the order of the attack, the finger fell on the keyboard in front of him, and with the tapping of the keyboard, all the instruments in the room flashed.

A command was instantly transformed into a signal wave, only about ten seconds, and the signal wave was transmitted to the satellite above Duan Peng's head.


"What the hell is it?"

Standing on the wall, Duan Peng frowned at the robots outside the city.

It's really too powerful. Duan Peng has never seen an ordinary robot in sight.

It is reasonable that robots are powerful enough, but after such a long time, robots have no intention of attacking.

Duan Peng was a little confused, and at the same time, Duan Peng couldn't help muttering.

The murmur woke up Dong Ming on one side.

It has been two days, and there has been no fight around here. Dong Ming is already smoking, and his lips have begun to crack, so after hearing Duan Peng's voice, Dong Ming immediately responded.

What is it? Xiaopeng, have you thought of any way to deal with robots?

was just muttering to himself, but he didn't expect it to arouse Dong Ming's interest. Hearing Dong Ming's question, Duan Peng's face immediately appeared with a wry smile.

He didn't know how to answer, but fortunately, Dong Ming did not ask Duan Peng to answer.

It was just a meal, and Dong Ming's topic immediately shifted to one side.

"Xiaopeng, what on earth do you think these robots are going to do? It's not an ordinary robot. Such a robot team can already pose a threat to our city, but they don't attack. What on earth are they going to do? And how did so many advanced intelligence come about? It should be impossible for this planet to have so many advanced intelligence. If there were so many advanced intelligence, our planet would have been flattened by robots. I always feel that there is something behind it.

Behind, conspiracy!

I don't know how to answer Dong Ming's question. Duan Peng was very embarrassed, so he couldn't wait for Dong Ming to forget his question and hoped that his voice would not stop, but he didn't expect that Dong Ming's words woke up Duan Peng.

Hearing Dong Ming's last words, Duan Peng suddenly widened his eyes, and Duan Peng immediately jumped up excitedly.

"I understand, I figured it out!"

Unexpectedly, he jumped up excitedly. Dong Ming was shocked. He grabbed the jumping Duan Peng and pressed Duan Peng's body tightly.

"What are you doing? Don't kill me! Don't you know it's a war now?"

With a smile, Duan Peng's face was a little more embarrassed. He was a little complacent, but even if he was a little embarrassed, the shame only lasted for a few seconds. Soon, Duan Peng's face was full of excited smiles.

"I'm sorry, but Uncle Dong, I finally figured out why this happened."

Yes, I figured it out. Dong Ming has also heard what Duan Peng said for a long time, but no matter what he thinks, he should not be complacent at this time. You know, this is the forefront of the battle.

Although most robots are energy weapons, and the lethality of energy weapons is only 200 meters, no one can rule out that robots will not use gunpowder weapons.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

He slapped Duan Peng on the head with lingering palpit, and Dong Ming roared again.

"Good! You said, if you can't say why, be careful that I won't give you face to the city owner.

smiled again, and this time, Duan Peng's mouth opened faster, and the smile on his face had hardly disappeared at all, and Duan Peng's voice had sounded.

"I have always had a few questions in my mind. First, why do we attract so many advanced intelligent attacks? Second, why is there so much advanced intelligence? Third, why are the robots in place, but they don't attack?

The curiosity in his heart has long been hooked up by Duan Peng, and the anger on Dong Ming's face has long turned into a disguise. But now, with the development of Duan Peng's topic, Dong Ming can no longer care about maintaining the disguise on his face, and his eyebrows frowned tightly.

"Have you figured all this out?"

Duan Peng nodded.

"Yes, all this has probably figured out! All the signs show that there are also humans standing behind the robot, and only when there is someone behind the robot can we explain all this clearly!"

"Is there a man standing behind the robot? Is a robot just a tool?

Dong Ming was stunned. He seemed to be a little unable to accept Duan Peng's answer.

And Duan Peng, Duan Peng nodded seriously after hearing Dong Ming's words.

"First of all, robots do not kill people. Their purpose is only to gather all human beings. Unless there is resistance and resistance to the situation of having to kill, is it necessary for robots to leave humans? Second, we have encountered a program to change the robot program, so how did this program come about? Will the robot itself write a program to change itself? As for the third and third, the current situation, advanced intelligence suddenly surged, and it already had a great advantage, but they did not attack, which also showed that there was a unified command behind the robot, and they were just waiting for the man's order..."

Dong Ming was stunned. The clearer Duan Peng's analysis was, the colder he was.

He would rather believe that this disturbance was caused by the robot itself than that it was all manipulated by humans.

Ten years ago, the city under Dong Ming's control was still under construction. Although it was under construction, the population was not small, but in addition to those who were captured, there were many people who died in this disturbance. Therefore, Dong Ming was really unacceptable to such a result.

Fortunately, Duan Peng's analysis is not just a result, because Duan Peng also thought of a possibility.

After a pause, Duan Peng continued to open his mouth to Dong Ming, who had become dull. Of course, this may also be to sort out his own thoughts.

"If someone commands behind his back, he needs to convey his orders through signals, and if he conveys orders through signals, we can stop him..."

As expected, in order to sort out his thoughts, this time, Duan Peng did not finish speaking, but in the middle of the conversation, the caller in Duan Peng's hand suddenly raised to his mouth. He shouted at the caller, "Signal shield, turn on the signal shield immediately!"

I don't understand, but what is needed is not understanding. All you have to do is to execute Duan Peng's order.

With Duan Peng's order, everyone's hands danced in the signal tower.

Seeing that everyone's order was about to be completed, suddenly, there were two bright stars in the sky.

The stars are very bright. Even in broad daylight, their light is still shining.

"Xingyao, there is a good omen. We will definitely succeed this time!"

Someone couldn't help shouting, but as they shouted, they suddenly found a terrible phenomenon.

The robot moved, and the robots that had been motionless rushed in the direction of the city.