Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 2 Combination Tactics

Dark Moon World.

"Lord of the Cabinet," Sbaide is facing the ages, "eight unknown sources are going to the soul area through a boundary membrane that has never been seen before. If my reasoning is correct--

Jin Minzhong wiped his sword, Xiao Nanhuo closed his eyes and sat aside, and the others did not move.

Sbaid saw that everyone didn't react much, so he had to continue to say, "These eight people should be under the hands of the dry people who disappeared nearly one person in the human world. The reason why the source of the spirit is unknown is probably caused by the dry man's spell invisible clothes. I'm afraid that Yuanhan among these eight people is also among them.

"Oh?" Wangu finally raised a little interest, "The other seven people can leave it alone. Although I don't know what Qingtian is thinking, according to the intelligence, at least Lu Yuanhan put all his hatred in the moon world... We can--"

"What can I do? It's just eight ants. We have good people in the soul area. When they arrive, we can just wipe them out!"

"Nonsense." Xiao Nan's fire remained silent and interrupted Jin Minzhong.

"What did you say?" Jin Minzhong glared at Xiao Nanhuo with a ferocious face.

"I have a lot of skills, but I didn't expect your mind to be so simple," Xiao Nanhuo didn't look at Jin Minzhong. He looked coldly and raised his eyes and said, "I finally understand the meaning of Mr. Wan. Let those eight people attack the moon world. Although it won't have much effect, at least it can cause some chaos in the moon world, and those chaos are enough. I think the undercover agent we ambushed there has covered up.

"Those who know me are also Nanhuo," Wangu smiled, with a cold light in his eyes. "I'm afraid our stronghold has been completely exposed to the intelligence network of the Mingyue world. Before the decisive battle, the fewer our actions, the better. It's Lu Yuanhan... We can continue to cultivate him. The stronger his strength is, the more beneficial it will be to us.

Sbaidd instantly understood the meaning of the eternal meaning. He walked to the trap area of the dark moon world and released a trap. The trap was shaped like a tiger. As soon as he saw Sbaid coming, he immediately knelt to the ground and said in tears, "Lord Sbaide! Please save us! We really can't stand it anymore!"

Sbaid couldn't bear to see that his kind was so embarrassed, but he still didn't change his face. As usual, he was indifferent. There was nothing he could do.

"In the world, I can't help myself. Take care of yourself. This time, I will let you out of the experimental area, not let you go, but let you get close to the cold road. I won't say much else, brother, take care."

Sbaid came to the door of the stronghold with the trap and left without looking back. The trap came from his heart and knew that this was a dead end. It looked at the back of Speder's departure and lamented in his heart: Lord Sped, why do you have to be subdue to the moon as the strongest magic trap.


po qu.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed behind Lu Yuanhan. She suddenly realized that this was the first time she had been alone with Lu Yuanhan.

I have been secretly in love with him for almost two years. Jiang Xiaoxiao lowered her head and blushed - Italian-style buildings and streets made her feel that this was in a dream, and the scene that she only dared to think about casually would really stage.

"That, Jiang Xiaoxiao." Lu Yuanhan suddenly stopped, turned around and stared into Jiang Xiaoxiao's eyes.

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaoxiao didn't expect that Lu Yuanhan would suddenly turn around and her heart beat like a deer. She was a little at a loss, so she had to lower her head and knead the corners of her clothes, "What, what's wrong?"

"Let's move forward with courage. It's too late. If you're tired, tell me.

Lu Yuanhan has always been so polite to Jiang Xiaoxiao. He blamed all Jiang Xiaoxiao's experience as his fault, but he didn't know that the more polite he was, the more uncomfortable Jiang Xiaoxiao felt.

"Well, okay, it's cold." Jiang Xiaoxiao responded softly. As Lu Yuanhan moved at a high speed with courage, she found that even if Lu Yuanhan was in a hurry, he still did not have full speed courage and did not want her to lose her.

What a careful and gentle person, Jiang Xiaoxiao thought.

Along the way, they have experienced countless styles of buildings and streets, and the rapidly changing scene is as beautiful as a movie picture. Jiang Xiaoxiao suddenly hopes to continue like this, with his favorite people, shuttle in the air and see countless beautiful scenery.

Suddenly, Lu Yuanhan stopped. They were passing through a desert. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, pulled out his knife and said, "Xiao Xiao. You step back."

"It's really worthy of the teenager that the head of the cabinet is looking after. You can also feel my tracking in the soul. A trap appeared in front of the two people.

"Oh... It's the first time I really saw a trap, a talking animal, and I was still shocked when I really met it." Lu Yuanhan was a little excited, and his eyes emitted a strange light - I don't know when he gradually became very interested in fighting.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was a little scared and hid behind Lu Yuanhan and grasped Lu Yuanhan's arm with both hands.

Lu Yuanhan realized that Jiang Xiaoxiao's mood was wrong. Then he remembered that she was injured by the evil trap a month and a half ago. Lu Yuanhan apologetically let Jiang Xiaoxiao let go and said softly in her ear, "Don't worry. It will end soon."

Lu Yuanhan pointed his sword to the trap, clenched the hilt of his sword, and whispered, "You are born without a sword."

The sword body emits the light of purple fireworks, and the shape of the sword has not changed much, but it has become purple in different shades from the sword body to the hilt. When Tong Ting saw this birth, he was first surprised. Isn't the summoning language of the birth a transforming weapon of the sword? Why is this teenager's summoning language no different from the second life? Also, why is the weapon in his hand still a sword?

"It's on." Lu Yuanhan didn't give time to think through the trap and took the lead.

Tong Ting suddenly found that Lu Yuanhan had come to his left side. How could Tong Ting pay attention to this role and quickly hid more than ten meters away with his soul, but he found that Lu Yuanhan actually split the sword in the same place.

Is he a fool? How can you cut me so far away? It is difficult to understand Lu Yuanhan's behavior.

What the trap did not expect was that with Lu Yuanhan's sword, a purple sword wind quickly flew to himself. The trap was shocked. It was too late to escape again. The sword wind split straight into the middle of its body and splashed blood on the sand.

Although my magic is not very good, the withered man taught me more than that, just like the rotten fog of his withered sword, he will have skills derived from the sword itself. I really want to thank my swordless for teaching me everything. Lu Yuanhan looked at the swordless in his hand and smiled.

"Ky. Don't be too rampant."

The trap stood up again. Lu Yuanhan found that his full blow just now only hurt its fur. He remembered the strength comparison between Xia Yi and himself before - the strength of a trap was almost equivalent to the moon guard of the third echelon, that is, the worst fifteenth.

Lu Yuanhan was psychologically prepared, and he remembered more than that - both Xia Yi and Kuren have told themselves that the battlefield may not be determined by the level of strength. Except for the decisive gap in the soul source, he can win in all other ways.

You can't lose. I can't die in the hands of a trap yet. Lu Yuanhan secretly thought that he was going to take the trap arrow, just like the trap skills used by Sbaide at that time.

What Lu Yuanhan didn't expect was that the trick used by the trap was actually--


A blizzard hit Lu Yuanhan, and Lu Yuanhan dared not slow down and quickly avoid it. Isn't this kind of trick water feathering!? How can you be a trap!?

Lu Yuanhan was puzzled. He dodged the attack and suddenly realized that he could not defeat this trap, even if this trap was just an ordinary trap, which was too different from its strength.

"Are you curious?" Tong trap released a small area of blizzard attack on Lu Yuanhan again and again. It seemed that it could only dodge this feather trick. Lu Yuanhan had to dodge again and again in confusion, and the trap smiled rudely, "Why can I feather?"

When Lu Yuanhan dodged the attack, he remembered that theku man talked about the experiment in the lunar world. Could it be...

He tried his best to think. Intentionally, his arm was hit by feathering, and Lu Yuanhan fell into the sand.

He struggled to get up and remembered the Italian man Ji Xiaoji: If Ji Xiaoji is only a preliminary experiment to integrate the human body into other racial forces, in fact, it is just to obtain experimental data. The real purpose of the moon world may be to make the three worlds of the moon, feather and trap common.

Only then did Lu Yuanhan realize why the dead people hide so much from them. He doesn't understand how the power of the race will merge, and what is the real purpose for the dead people to bring them to the moon world.

When Lu Yuan was stunned, hundreds of black arrows appeared in the air. Lu Yuanhan was shocked and quickly wanted to defend. Suddenly, he found something wrong - the source of these black arrows was not the trap, but the direction of the trap was... the trap!

The well let out a scream, and dozens of trap arrows were hit on his body. Lu Yuanhan turned his head in disbelief. He saw Jiang Xiaoxiao holding a bow and arrow in his hands, aimed at the trap, and his body was still trembling with fear.

"This is what his Italian friends taught me," Jiang Xiaoxiao's face was pale and obviously the first time to participate in actual combat. It was difficult to get used to and endure such a bloody picture, but she still insisted on smiling, "I know I'm weak, but I can't hold you back..."

When Jiang Xiaoxiao talked with Lu Yuanhan, a storm flew to Jiang Xiaoxiao. Jiang Xiaoxiao was so scared that she turned pale and closed her eyes and didn't know what to do.

She didn't feel any pain. She opened her eyes and found that Lu Yuanhan was in front of her - it turned out that Lu Yuanhan cut the blizzard with his sword.

"Sorry. I was so self-righteous that I thought I could shoulder all the responsibilities alone. Thank you for saving me. Next, let's fight together as companions."

The voice is so gentle and reassuring. Jiang Xiaoxiao's eyes became firm and raised the trap bow to defeat the trap with Lu Yuanhan in a combination battle.

This is also why the dead people are so persistent in teaching people to combine battles. The personal strength of these teenagers may not be as strong as the enemy. However, the use of combination tactics often achieves an unexpected effect.

As soon as Lu Yuanhan's voice fell, he disappeared beside Jiang Xiaoxiao and put away his sword and began a hand-to-hand battle with the well.

The trap is shocked and wants to avoid hand-to-hand combat - in this way, the trap has no chance to release feathers and trap arrows.

Lu Yuanhan knew that doing so would also hurt his body quickly, but he could win the opportunity for Jiang Xiaoxiao to attack at a distance.

Tongjing was shocked. He didn't expect that Lu Yuanhan would choose this seemingly suicidal combat method. What surprised him more was that Lu Yuanhan's boxing strength was completely beyond his expectations - even if Lu Yuanhan's soul source was not as good as Tong Well, it could cooperate with such a strong boxing attack, which could completely cover up his shortcomings in the source of soul.

Lu Yuanhan's body has been scratched several times by the trap, but he was not afraid, and he smiled excitedly, and Xia Yi's face slowly appeared in his mind-

Thank you, Xia Yi, for teaching me too many basic combat methods and letting me understand that tactical cooperation can change the unfavorable battle situation.

The trap hit again, and he saw that he was about to bite Lu Yuan's neck.